Trump More Like NAZI Fuhrer As He Orders Free Press Halted

The ovens are built AFTER one gets elected. Not before.

Now we're getting somewhere.

So you have it on good authority that Trump will start building gas chambers and ovens as soon as he's elected? Just like Hitler.

Pray tell us more.
Ok. Look. I am somewhat of an amatuer enthusiast about nazis and Jews. I can say with limited authority that Trump is not a Nazi and certainly not a bigot.

I like Trump. He's a nic man.

The confusion arises because he is independently wealthy. He is not beholden to capito-nazis.

Everyone is a fascist, deep down.
Bullshit. People, like you apparently, who do and think bad things assume that everyone does or thinks them. Liars assume everyone lies. People who cheat on their spouses assume everyone does it. People who steal assume everyone does on some level. People who have violent thoughts and actions assume everyone does. People who think like fascists assume everyone does. It is not true. Your statement is an indication of your perception of reality. It is not a fact; only your perception.[/QUiOTE]
I love difference in people. Im upset about your strike attack o
Omg you idiots. Trump is the polar opposite of Hitler. Not that I'm prejudice against Hilter. Hilter (lol)
Where are the gas chambers and ovens being built?

Just like Hitler, right?

The ovens are built AFTER one gets elected. Not before.
No one has suggested Trump was going full NAZI. The poster is attempting to deflect away from the word "restrict" and the OP's insinuation that Trump is adapting "NAZI LIKE" behavior. That argument can not be won by Trump supporters because he, and they are becoming undeniably NAZI like in their behaviour. Hence, they will have to shape the debate to falsely declare that they are being called outright NAZI's.
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
And Hillary keeps her press behind ropes.
I could give you a list of links from scholars that insist that fascism is derived from conservatism and a list of equal size that insist fascism is derived from liberalism. I know what fascism is and you don't.

Still waiting for your scholarly works.

Any interpretation that the individual is subjugated to the state as being conservative is pure lunacy. Can't wait to read the scholars twist and contort this fantasy into shape.
Godwin's Law on steroids.

Restricted free speech? Guess I didn't get the memo. I woke up this morning and still have that right. All news channels are still up and running.

Missed where are the gas chambers and ovens are being built. Could you supply us a link to that please?
Do you have a problem with the definition of the word "restrict"? The definition fits perfectly for Trump's actions. Google the word restrict and learn something.
And Hillary keeps her press behind ropes.
No, she doesn't. You are using the present tense "keeps". She "kept", one time, past tense, the press behind a moving rope line during a 4th of July parade so that she could walk in the parade without being hindered while she participated in the parade. The press were always there, they were just separated by about twenty feet.
No one has suggested Trump was going full NAZI. The poster is attempting to deflect away from the word "restrict" and the OP's insinuation that Trump is adapting "NAZI LIKE" behavior. That argument can not be won by Trump supporters because he, and they are becoming undeniably NAZI like in their behaviour. Hence, they will have to shape the debate to falsely declare that they are being called outright NAZI's.

Oooooooh. So he's not "full NAZI". That clears things up.

You've just exposed the fallacy (and embarrassment) of Godwin's Law. And you're not alone. The NAZI era was a singular event. Nothing before or after it will be anything like it. You can't be a little bit pregnant just like you can't be a little bit NAZI.

If I weren't already convinced posters here are scared to death of books, I'd recommend this short reading list:
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Shirer
"Inside the Third Reich" by Albert Speer
"Adolf Hitler" by John Toland
"Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler

This reading list would cure anyone of embarrassing themselves ever again by using the NAZI or Fascist slur. It might even encourage those to expand their vocabulary. The English language is rich with insults. Using appropriate ones displays far more wit.
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No, she doesn't. You are using the present tense "keeps". She "kept", one time, past tense, the press behind a moving rope line

So by your own standard that you use to condemn Trump, at one brief moment in time, Hillary was "NAZI like". Not "Full NAZI". Just a little NAZI. A smidgeon just like Trump and Hitler.

Got it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
I could give you a list of links from scholars that insist that fascism is derived from conservatism and a list of equal size that insist fascism is derived from liberalism. I know what fascism is and you don't.

Still waiting for your scholarly works.

Any interpretation that the individual is subjugated to the state as being conservative is pure lunacy. Can't wait to read the scholars twist and contort this fantasy into shape.
How about Gottfried, is he scholarly and conservative enough?

Fascism is an authoritarian Nationalist political ideology that exalts nation (and often race) above the individual, and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition. It often claims to be concerned with notions of cultural decline or decadence, and seeks to achieve a national rebirth by suppressing the interests of the individual, and instead promoting cults of unity, energy and purity.

In economics, Fascism sees itself as a third way between laissez-faire Capitalism on the one hand and Communism or Socialism on the other. It acknowledges the roles of private property and the profit motive as legitimate incentives for productivity, but only insofar as they do not conflict with the interests of the state. Fascist governments tend to nationalize key industries, closely manage their currencies and make massive state investments. They also tend to introduce price controls, wage controls and other types of economic planning measures (such as state-regulated allocation of resources, especially in the financial and raw materials sectors).

Yep, very pro free market capitalism. :cuckoo:

Fascism - By Branch / Doctrine - The Basics of Philosophy
We're onto you loons....

The New Stop-Trump Campaign: He’s a Nazi!

In their desperate quest to end the candidacy of Donald Trump, the media, Democrats, and even fellow Republican candidates have gone Full Godwin on the richly-coiffed real estate mogul: they’re saying he’s a Nazi.

Republican presidential longshot Ohio Governor John Kasich – did you know his father was a mailman? – has now released an ad starring retired Air Force Colonel Tom Moe. The ad for Screamy McShoutypants features Moe paraphrasing a quote from pastor Martin Niemoller after World War II:

You might not care if Donald Trump says Muslims should register with their government, because you’re not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump says he’s going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants, because you’re not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump says it’s okay to rough up black protesters, because you’re not one. And you might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress journalists, because you’re not one. But think about this: If he keeps going, and he actually becomes president, he might just get around to you. And you better hope there’s someone left to help you.

This is absurd on every level. Trump did not say that all Muslims must register with the government, contrary to the media’s manufactured narrative; he said that foreign Muslims entering the United States ought to be kept in a database, as indeed they already are.

The New Stop-Trump Campaign: He's a Nazi!
No, she doesn't. You are using the present tense "keeps". She "kept", one time, past tense, the press behind a moving rope line

So by your own standard that you use to condemn Trump, at one brief moment in time, Hillary was "NAZI like". Not "Full NAZI". Just a little NAZI. A smidgeon just like Trump and Hitler.

Got it. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Nope, a lame and fraudulent comparison. The press was never out of sight or communication with Clinton. They walked in front and behind Clinton for the entire time she was in the parade. The entire event was photographed and videoed. More importantly, the press was allowed to roam freely around the venue and interview people both attending and observing the parade. All the rope line did was allow Clinton to walk unhindered in the parade and focus on the observers standing along the parade route.

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