Trump Motercade Smashes Through Protesters At High Speed

Nah Trump will chicken out, like he chickens out of everything. Even his own kids tell him to cluck off.
It's a shame he didn't run over a few hundred of the cocksuckers.
After something hits the vehicle I wouldn't fault the driver in any way to have first reaction of getting the hell out of harm's way. The punks tossing things should be arrested.
It is interesting that the Mexican faggots are so full of hate. One reason is they realize The Donald is going to shut down their gangs. The other is that they actually love The Donald, because he is the leader they want on their side.
Trump will think twice before coming to California again. Even Fresno which is the heart of conservatives in this state he is a pariah. Buh bye.
LOL, he's a pariah because of a few protesters, some paid for, who can't can't free speech showed their asses to America? You are one dumb sumbitch. And yes, he'll be back.
All this is adding up. It will all run as ads in the general election and when you start seeing all the vile crap Trump does condensed into 30-60 seconds, who he really is will be evident. He's a douchebag that couldn't care less about anyone but himself.

Actually, all this violence from the Left is just what is called for to wake up the White Dem base to who they are allied with and send them running to the GOP, where they belong.

Binary "Party slave". ^^


It is interesting that you ridicule my intellectual position, and imply disagreement with what I posted, but offer ZERO content relating to the topic.

Do you blame Trump for the fact that the Secret Service ordered his motorcade to take evasive action?

Do you think that the millions of Working Class and Middle Class whites who vote democratic, normally, will support such violence, or will it make them MORE sympathetic to the intended victim, ie Trump?
You are right to point out that it is a Secret Service decision and Trump cannot be blamed, Correl. But I'd bet the ranch that if the Hillary campaign scampered off in exactly the same manner, you would lead the charge against her as an uncaring bitch saving her fat behind. Right? We all do this, condemn or cover, depending on who. Reminds me of the George Carlin quip that 'my stuff is stuff, your stuff is sh*t.'
All this is adding up. It will all run as ads in the general election and when you start seeing all the vile crap Trump does condensed into 30-60 seconds, who he really is will be evident. He's a douchebag that couldn't care less about anyone but himself.

Actually, all this violence from the Left is just what is called for to wake up the White Dem base to who they are allied with and send them running to the GOP, where they belong.

Binary "Party slave". ^^


It is interesting that you ridicule my intellectual position, and imply disagreement with what I posted, but offer ZERO content relating to the topic.

Do you blame Trump for the fact that the Secret Service ordered his motorcade to take evasive action?

Do you think that the millions of Working Class and Middle Class whites who vote democratic, normally, will support such violence, or will it make them MORE sympathetic to the intended victim, ie Trump?
You are right to point out that it is a Secret Service decision and Trump cannot be blamed, Correl. But I'd bet the ranch that if the Hillary campaign scampered off in exactly the same manner, you would lead the charge against her as an uncaring bitch saving her fat behind. Right? We all do this, condemn or cover, depending on who. Reminds me of the George Carlin quip that 'my stuff is stuff, your stuff is sh*t.'

But I'd bet the ranch that if the Hillary campaign scampered off in exactly the same manner, you would lead the charge against her as an uncaring bitch saving her fat behind. Right?

You don't think she scampered off while under sniper fire? LOL!
All this is adding up. It will all run as ads in the general election and when you start seeing all the vile crap Trump does condensed into 30-60 seconds, who he really is will be evident. He's a douchebag that couldn't care less about anyone but himself.

Actually, all this violence from the Left is just what is called for to wake up the White Dem base to who they are allied with and send them running to the GOP, where they belong.

Binary "Party slave". ^^


It is interesting that you ridicule my intellectual position, and imply disagreement with what I posted, but offer ZERO content relating to the topic.

Do you blame Trump for the fact that the Secret Service ordered his motorcade to take evasive action?

Do you think that the millions of Working Class and Middle Class whites who vote democratic, normally, will support such violence, or will it make them MORE sympathetic to the intended victim, ie Trump?
You are right to point out that it is a Secret Service decision and Trump cannot be blamed, Correl. But I'd bet the ranch that if the Hillary campaign scampered off in exactly the same manner, you would lead the charge against her as an uncaring bitch saving her fat behind. Right? We all do this, condemn or cover, depending on who. Reminds me of the George Carlin quip that 'my stuff is stuff, your stuff is sh*t.'

Then you would lose your ranch.

I have far to many real issues with Hillary to focus on made up ones.
All this is adding up. It will all run as ads in the general election and when you start seeing all the vile crap Trump does condensed into 30-60 seconds, who he really is will be evident. He's a douchebag that couldn't care less about anyone but himself.
You poor poor thing.
Heavy into the Trump-Hate Syndrom already.
Josh. It was only a few weeks ago you were promising everyone that there was "no way Trump could EVER get the nomination".
Still wearing your 'HANDS UP DON'T SHOOT' hoodie?
Still got your hoodie with 12 year old Trayvon Martin's baby face on it?
Face it pal. You're a loser.

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