Trump Mug Shot

The Lefties over at The Atlantic are already pissing their PJ's over what they realize they've just done:

Garber suggested mugshots are meant to be “exercises in enforced humility.” But somehow, she lamented, Trump’s iconic mugshot “turned into a display of ongoing power.”

“He treats his mug shot as our menace…. That face, with all its dangers, will only become more difficult to avoid,” she complained:

Apparently Joe Scarborough was also freaking out this morning that all this just seems to be making Trump stronger.

As always, the Libtards 'round here will be the last to figure it out.

But I'm a patient guy ;)
All of the above is the fault of right-wing economic policies, not socialism, which would eliminate inflation immediately with price controls. The type of inflation we have now is due to capitalist greed, not need. Employers are trying to recoup their losses from the pandemic and charging more. The government could overnight, end the inflation and put everyone to work. This would've occurred with Trump as well, who would've refused to take action against the members of his own socioeconomic class, namely the rich.

Want to stop illegal immigration by 70% in the next five years? Stop interfering in the internal affairs of Latin American countries and imposing economic sanctions on Latin American countries, you don't like, because they're "too socialist". The US State Department through the CIA has been orchestrating coups in Latin America since the turn of the century. Some of the latest ones were Honduras in 2009 and Bolivia in 2019. Stop with the tinkering in the political life of these countries, imposing the interests of American corporations, that want to maintain control over their dirt-cheap Latin American labor and keep those markets captive to their whims. You can flippantly dismiss all of the above and my response is, LEARN SPANISH.

The war on energy is the fossil fuel industry's war against nuclear energy. Nuclear is the solution to all of our energy needs, but certain big-money capitalists have a vested interest in America burning filthy coal and driving gas-guzzling vehicles. Our current electric grid can't provide the required electricity for a mass transition at a national scale from petrol cars to e-cars. We have to have a more robust, energy-abundant electric grid to handle hundreds of millions of Americans charging their electric vehicles. We can't do it now and BIG OIL loves it. They want to keep America hooked on fossil fuels indefinitely, or at least for the next 300 years.

The problem isn't just the Democrats, it's the Republicans as well.
I can't begin to comprehend your perspective.
What I can do is throw a lot of facts against the wall and hope they make a mosaic.
We agree that the war on energy needs to end, and that nuclear needs to be promoted.
The US has all the fossil fuel it needs to be energy independent.

The CIA is not the cause of illegal immigration. Look at the failure of communism in Venezuela for an answer.

There are no US economic policies except free market capitalism.

I'm not sure what you consider the "problem"? We were fine here in the US until Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic.
As you were shown, in March, just before the first indictment came down, Trump led by an average of 3 points. Now Biden leads by an average of 2 points. Aside from the reality that polls this far out are utterly meaningless, it's ludicrous to claim the indictments gave him a boost for the election. It gave him a boost among his base which will help him win the primaries. It doesn't give him a boost beyond that.
You may fall for your bullshit, but don't expect others to.[/Indent]
You live in an alternative reality fantasyland.
I'm the first to admit that I sometimes need a translator with these people.

It appears that this predictably scowling mug shot -- I guess he's trying to be intimidating? -- has the cult all super excited 'n stuff. They appear to think that this photo is a turning point of some kind. They seem all a-quiver, especially the guys, interestingly.

Do I have that right?
If only someone cared about your TDS.

The T-shirt's sellin' like hotcakes.

You lose. ;)

Of course it is. Whatever Trump markets these daze sells like hotcakes among his Qult. They are truly that stupid to hand over their hard-earned money to a billionaire.
Of course it is. Whatever Trump markets these daze sells like hotcakes among his Qult. They are truly that stupid to hand over their hard-earned money to a billionaire.

You realize you're a one-track minded drooling imbecile, right?

And you let him occupy that empty space in your head for zero rent.
I'm the first to admit that I sometimes need a translator with these people.

It appears that this predictably scowling mug shot -- I guess he's trying to be intimidating? -- has the cult all super excited 'n stuff. They appear to think that this photo is a turning point of some kind. They seem all a-quiver, especially the guys, interestingly.

Do I have that right?
You realize you're a one-track minded drooling imbecile, right?

And you let him occupy that empty space in your head for zero rent.


Count my posts, SoyBoy. It's all you're good for. Oh, and hand your paycheck over to Trump. He wants it.

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