Trump: My Fans Were Right to Beat Up Protesters

According to your logic any Native American could go to your house and kick the shit out of you and that would be "perfectly OK"!!!
Hmmmm, wrong. No native American has a title to my house.
What title? That's a concept created by trespassers to absolve themselves from guilt. It's a statist notion meant to oppress anyone weaker.

The concept of "trespassing" is meaningless in the absence of an official owner of a piece of property. How did Indians establish their "ownership" of the United States?
The natives never imagined ownership of land. The concept of "our" land was alien to them. All land belonged to the Great Spirit.

Since most tribes were nomadic or semi nomadic land ownership would be unthinkable.

Exactly my point. The concept of trespassing was therefor also alien to them. However, your claim is pertinant mostly to the plains indians. The tribes who practices agriculture had some notion of private property, but it was limited.
Actually no since the tribes that practiced agriculture would periodically move to other growing lands and let the old fields go fallow. They were semi nomadic.
It seems some of the brothers are in there assisting in removing the guy too. Are you including them in your racist thug comment?

Essentially, he was there to stir up trouble. He was asked to leave, and balked. He was then assisted in leaving.


i felt the exact same way about the Creepy Photographer who was asked to leave Mizzou. I really don't have a problem with this guy getting beaten up. But I do think it tells you EXACTLY what kind of people are supporting Trump.
According to your logic any Native American could go to your house and kick the shit out of you and that would be "perfectly OK"!!!
Hmmmm, wrong. No native American has a title to my house.
What title? That's a concept created by trespassers to absolve themselves from guilt. It's a statist notion meant to oppress anyone weaker.
In other words, you still live in your mom's basement.
From ABC news.

Couldn't have been too beat up if he left on his own power, and no arrests were made.

Trump supporters, Black Lives Matter protester clash at rally

So let me get this straight, Marty.

Creepy ass photographers are asked to leave a rally, AND THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER.


A man is beaten by a bunch of racist thugs, and you are totally cool with this?

I wasn't making a decision on this, I was linking another report.

And no, beating the guy up is wrong, however asking him to leave in this situation is acceptable because it was a private event, not something held in a public space at a public university.
Trump: My Fans Were Right to Beat Up Protesters

Source: Think Progress
After his supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester on video, Donald Trump suggested that they may have done the right thing.

The protester, a black man, reportedly started chanting Black Lives Matter at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday. In a video captured by CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond, rally attendees swarm around the man, kicking and punching him as he curls up on the ground.

Trump was asked to weigh in on his supporters’ actions on Fox & Friends Sunday morning. “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”

The Republican frontrunner compared what happened at his rally to a Black Lives Matter protest at a Bernie Sanders event, which prompted the Democratic candidate to release a detailed racial justice plan. “This is not the way Bernie Sanders handled his problem, I will tell you, but I have a lot of fans and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy, a troublemaker, looking to make trouble,” Trump said.

He gave a similarly winking response when his supporters have turned violent in the past. Two men in Boston said they ambushed and brutally beat a homeless Latino man because they were “inspired” by Trump, who later explained his supporters “are very passionate” and “love this country.”

Read more: Donald Trump: My Fans Were Right To Beat Up Black Protester

Everyone here knows that I think blacklivesmatters is a group of assholes and pieces of shit, BUT this isn't the way Americans handle someone simply speaking their mind. You don't tell your supporters that it is ALRIGHT to beat up someone that is speaking their mind as it is their constitutional right....

NO YOU CALL YOUR SECURITY and they ask him/her to leave or they call the police.

No they weren't. Physical force isn't legally justified to prevent a protestor from protesting. Mighta wanted to pummel him too, but don't think I'd have won my trial for battery. :)
trump is the greatest. about time we had a fighter instead of an asslicker like rubio.
Trump: My Fans Were Right to Beat Up Protesters

Source: Think Progress
After his supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester on video, Donald Trump suggested that they may have done the right thing.

The protester, a black man, reportedly started chanting Black Lives Matter at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama on Saturday. In a video captured by CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond, rally attendees swarm around the man, kicking and punching him as he curls up on the ground.

Trump was asked to weigh in on his supporters’ actions on Fox & Friends Sunday morning. “Maybe he should have been roughed up,” he said. “It was disgusting what he was doing.”

The Republican frontrunner compared what happened at his rally to a Black Lives Matter protest at a Bernie Sanders event, which prompted the Democratic candidate to release a detailed racial justice plan. “This is not the way Bernie Sanders handled his problem, I will tell you, but I have a lot of fans and they were not happy about it. And this was a very obnoxious guy, a troublemaker, looking to make trouble,” Trump said.

He gave a similarly winking response when his supporters have turned violent in the past. Two men in Boston said they ambushed and brutally beat a homeless Latino man because they were “inspired” by Trump, who later explained his supporters “are very passionate” and “love this country.”

Read more: Donald Trump: My Fans Were Right To Beat Up Black Protester

Everyone here knows that I think blacklivesmatters is a group of assholes and pieces of shit, BUT this isn't the way Americans handle someone simply speaking their mind. You don't tell your supporters that it is ALRIGHT to beat up someone that is speaking their mind as it is their constitutional right....

NO YOU CALL YOUR SECURITY and they ask him/her to leave or they call the police.

No they weren't. Physical force isn't legally justified to prevent a protestor from protesting. Mighta wanted to pummel him too, but don't think I'd have won my trial for battery. :)

It's legally justified to make trespassers leave. It's done all the time in night clubs, concerts, meetings of all kinds.
Think you got that a bit backwards as usual, a disorderly racist thug was roughed up by citizens that are tired of their bullshit.

Exactly. Because poor white people, they are so oppressed by people who are upset about stuff like this...

CPD dash cam video shows police shooting Laquan McDonald

DEFLECTION NOTED! The man went into Trump's event with the expressed intent to disrupt the event, that is a crime. Why do you regressives alway get out the knee pads to suck the dicks of criminals?

Now to address your deflection. I've already said in another thread that the cop in Chicago crossed the line. Was he justified in shooting the kid, YES. Was he justified in continuing to shoot after the kid went down and the threat was ended, NO. Would the kid have lived if the cop had stopped when he should have, we don't know, but the cop should have been charged and he was.

That being said, cops killing blacks with no justification is extremely rare. Of all the people that die at the hands of police only 25% are black and 95% of the shootings are justified as discovered in a recent WAPO study.

WaPo Admits 'Vast Majority' of Police Shootings Justified

So take your regressive bullshit political rhetoric and shove it.
I wasn't making a decision on this, I was linking another report.

And no, beating the guy up is wrong, however asking him to leave in this situation is acceptable because it was a private event, not something held in a public space at a public university.

Private events indicate by invitation only. Clearly this guy wasn't invited, so that makes it a public event.

The right wing double standard strikes again.

Incidentally, I don't have much of a problem with this guy getting beaten up. You walk into the middle of a bunch of racists and call them a bunch of racists, you are just asking for it.

I do think it is indicative of the kind of folks who are supporting Trump, though.
DEFLECTION NOTED! The man went into Trump's event with the expressed intent to disrupt the event, that is a crime. Why do you regressives alway get out the knee pads to suck the dicks of criminals?

Guy, it isn't a crime to disrupt a Nazi Rally. Not particularly smart, but not a crime.

Now to address your deflection. I've already said in another thread that the cop in Chicago crossed the line. Was he justified in shooting the kid, YES. Was he justified in continuing to shoot after the kid went down and the threat was ended, NO. Would the kid have lived if the cop had stopped when he should have, we don't know, but the cop should have been charged and he was.

No, he wasn't justified in shooting the kid, and he should have been charged 14 months ago. The only reason why he was charged now was because the CPD got sued for this dash-cam video. I would also like to know why other video, like 86 minutes of video from a nearby Burger King, were deleted by the CPD. It isn't just this one cop, that's the point.

That being said, cops killing blacks with no justification is extremely rare. Of all the people that die at the hands of police only 25% are black and 95% of the shootings are justified as discovered in a recent WAPO study.

WaPo Admits 'Vast Majority' of Police Shootings Justified

So take your regressive bullshit political rhetoric and shove it.

So your argument is that when the cops investigate themselves, and there is no video, they always find the shooting is justified. Amazing how that works out.

Except no one buys it. We recently had a puma that had to be shot by the police in this city, and a columnist joked that the Police tried to put a drop-piece in it's paw. "No need for that this time, Clancy!"
Humm, well, I'd like to know what the guy was doing. There's such a thing as "fighting words." If you go out of your way to anger and insult people, you risk facing some consequences. I don't know that that's why happened here, but I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

Ditto for the Latino man mentioned in the Think Progress article, the "immigration advocate." Yeah, I bet. Was he accusing Trump supporters of being racists and bigots, etc., for wanting our immigration laws enforced and for wanting the same kind of sane border control that most other countries have? If so, then, again, if you're gonna intentionally insult and anger people, you might face some tough consequences.

All that said, I would agree that the best option is to call security and have the obnoxious people removed. You don't resort to violence when there's a viable alternative.
I wasn't making a decision on this, I was linking another report.

And no, beating the guy up is wrong, however asking him to leave in this situation is acceptable because it was a private event, not something held in a public space at a public university.

Private events indicate by invitation only. Clearly this guy wasn't invited, so that makes it a public event.

The right wing double standard strikes again.

Incidentally, I don't have much of a problem with this guy getting beaten up. You walk into the middle of a bunch of racists and call them a bunch of racists, you are just asking for it.

I do think it is indicative of the kind of folks who are supporting Trump, though.

They don't have to require tickets to make it "private event." Furthermore, they did require tickets at the Trump event I went to.
DEFLECTION NOTED! The man went into Trump's event with the expressed intent to disrupt the event, that is a crime. Why do you regressives alway get out the knee pads to suck the dicks of criminals?

Guy, it isn't a crime to disrupt a Nazi Rally. Not particularly smart, but not a crime.

If it's in an auditorium leased by the sponsors of the event, yes it is, numskull.
They don't have to require tickets to make it "private event." Furthermore, they did require tickets at the Trump event I went to.

I don't think that is going to protect these guys from assault charges, but you keep hoping.
I don't know, some people deserve a good ole beatdown. I'm sure these people were being assholes. I can't condone beating their ass, but it kinda is justice. They were there to cause a confrontation. And they got one. Oh well, it is what it is.

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