Trump Needs Congressional Muscle

I think that he's just as much of a snake as Hilary is. Only their approaches differ. It's like being bitten by a coral snake vs a rattesnake. You're still at lethal risk, regardless.

It's more like being bit by a red ant or a black ant. They may irritate you but they won't kill you. Politics doesn't rule your life. There is very little that you deal with in your real life that is heavily impacted by a government's decision. Lighten up.
There is very little that you deal with in your real life that is heavily impacted by a government's decision.
To vasuderatorrent: Which planet did you come from? The list is far too long to post. Every item on the list is a tome in itself; so I will only name number one —— THE INCOME TAX.
Donald Trump’s announcement:

I doubt if Donald Trump will get the Republican party’s nomination. He does stand a fighting chance of winning the presidency as a third party candidate. Establishment Republicans choose their nominee, but they cannot win the general election without conservatives. Trump can draw voters from both major parties if he comes down to a third party bid.

Sad to say, Trump will go to the White House with no muscle in Congress. Admittedly, there are a few true conservatives in Congress, but not nearly enough for his announced intentions to take root. Most of those people in Congress are the very people who put this country where it is at today —— unlimited illegal immigration to name one, the ACA for another. They are congressional snakes who shed their skin many times a year but they remain snakes.

Third parties

NOTE: Ross Perot gave the presidency to Bill and Hillary Clinton, and the country is still paying for Hillary.

Every third party candidate either made the mistake of thinking they could bring about change on their own, or else they were deliberately bull-shitting the troops.

Most voters already know what Trump will do. A few commercials and town hall meetings will quickly inform those who are not familiar with his views; so he has to concentrate on congressional muscle. That’s why I would be delirious with joy if Trump put a lot of effort into winning congressional seats for people who are onboard with his vision. If the same bunch of snakes returns 2017 it is all over no matter who lives in the White House.

Finally, this address does scare me: 845 United Nations Plaza, the home of Trump World Tower. I have not heard Trump say what he thinks about US membership in the UN. I would hate to hear him say “The UN needs to be reformed.”

I would like to hear Trump say he would take the US out of the UN.

The thing about Ford... to charge them 35% tax to import their own goods, they have a corporate office in the US which means they are legally a "Made in American" company, like all the other car manufacturers...they would not give in, they would raise the cost of their vehicles for the US buyers to cover that tax. The reason they open factories in cheap labor countries is so they can sell the product cheaper, even to US buyers. Trump will not hurt them, but the costs for us will increase and our jobs will not come back. Our labor laws protect us, but they also make us incomparable to places like Mexico, China, and Indonesia. Trade is our biggest problem and I have no idea how anyone can fix it without the people of the US willing to not buy cheaper products from China, and that will never happen. Our president and members of Congress make profits off what we do sell and the laws they pass (ACA), and no one is willing to toss their stock portfolio to help fix it. Greed and labor... Trump thinks he knows how to fix it, but he does not. Jobs in the US are becoming an endangered species and Trump was right about one thing in particular--we are turning into a welfare state--a failed state, not a third world state because we have the means to sustain our country, but not the legislators--not the brilliance to do it.

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