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Trump needs to come off more professional, but Chris Wallace was a disgrace.

Biden seemed a little confused about his role in the Democratic Party:

No Biden was not confused, I'm sure he was frustrated, with all the interruptions. Tramp was nasty.

Well, Rump is the Circus Act we all knew and was elected. He didn't do anything we didn't expect. Let's let the Circus move on, it's long since past. And let the Elephants take the Party back over since we all know that Circuses no longer have Elephants.
I am a Trump supporter. WHo came out more professional? Wallace. Trump was a bully and Biden wasn't telling the entire truth, just as Trump was guilty of the same. I don't know who is doing the next debate, but I bet that [person is not looking forward to it. The smart way to handle the debate is to cut off the mic after 10 seconds after their 2 minutes.
I am a Biden supporter and I will second you on cutting off the mic. Let each candidate speak his peace, and then shut up. No over-talking. No interruption. Courtesy.
Biden said at the debate. That he doesn't support the Green New Deal.

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Biden said just about what I have said in the past. Parts of the New Green Deal isn't new at all. Parts of it has been in place since about 1901 and really kicked in about 1970. What party had the biggest impact on the long term Green Deal (not the new), the Republicans of old. In my lifetime, I have seen the positive changes that were made from 1953 to 1980. I remember coming out of the Mountains into Denver where you couldn't even see the city lights due to the smog 24 hours a day. I remember the days when the Rivers, you could almost walk across by stepping on the dead fish except the gunk would drag you down and kill you. I remember the days when entire mountain sides were stripped of the trees and the next year, the mud slides would pour into the towns in the valleys. And more. This has happened in MY lifetime. All the while Industry was saying "You're killing Us". In reality it was Industry that was killing US. Most of the heavy lifting has already been done. And we really don't have that far to go and the Technology is finally arriving to do a better job. The rest of the crap that Rump was moaning about is just crap. Us Moderates believe in slow change for the better, not slow change back to the way it was. I enjoy the clean air and pure drinking water. And I will be damned if I will give one inch to giving that up.
I remember a time when you can smell the freshness in the drinking water. It used to have the bathroom smelling fresh like washed clothes hanging on the clothes line drying. But now the water smell like chemicals.
I remember my parents, uncles , grandparents, aunts and their friends were able to walk for miles without getting tired. But I was a child at the time, that used to walked with my grandparents in the hot sun for miles. And remember this, when I was born, my dad was 40 years old. But i was tired, of walking, but grandparents were not. Even on the fishing banks, they were very energetic at their age. But now we have very sickly people at the age of 40. I wasn't that away during my youth. Most of the elderly never have seen a doctor.
Now you have people begging for healthcare, depending on medication. But in those days, the majority used herbs as medicine.

Wallace, being a FOX Noise employee, went into the debate with the order to avoid making the impeached president trump look foolish.

Fox isn't even close to being like CNN and MSNBC.

While asking a question to Trump, Wallace would make a statement condemning Trump as his preface to the question. Trump would interrupt and Wallace would say, 'let me ask the question". I would have told Wallace to ask an actual question instead of trying to make a point for Biden which he is incapable of making. Check out this questions from Chris.

Chris Wallace: (11:11)
Over the last four years, you have promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but you have never in these four years come up with a plan, a comprehensive plan, to replace Obamacare.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:25)
Yes, I have. Of course, I have. The individual mandate.

Chris Wallace: (11:26)
[crosstalk 00:11:26] when I finish I’m going to give an opportunity-

President Donald J. Trump: (11:28)
Excuse me. I got rid of the individual mandate, which was a big chunk of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:31)
That’s not a comprehensive place.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:32)
That is absolutely a big thing. That was the worst part of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:35)
I didn’t ask, sir.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:36)
Chris, that was the worst part of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:38)
You’re debating him not me. Let me ask my question.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:38)
Well, I’ll ask Joe. The individual mandate was the most unpopular aspect of Obamacare.

Chris Wallace: (11:44)
Mr. President.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:44)
I got rid of it. And we will protect people.

Chris Wallace: (11:46)
Mr. President, I’m the moderator of this debate and I would like you to let me ask my question and then you can answer.

President Donald J. Trump: (11:52)
Go ahead.

Chris Wallace: (11:53)
You, in the course of these four years, have never come up with a comprehensive plan to replace Obamacare, and just this last Thursday you signed a largely symbolic Executive Order to protect people with pre-existing conditions five days before this debate. So my question, sir, is what is the Trump healthcare plan?

Chris should have just asked question. What if Chris would have asked Joe the following question:

Mr. Biden, as you know there is much unrest in this country. Your has stated that there needs to be police reform and even used the word "defund" at times. No law enforcements agencies have endorsed you and in fact, have endorsed your opponent. How do you reconcile your support for police with their seemingly lack of support for you?

This is basically what Wallace did all night. He used Democratic talking points ahead of his questions. He didn't do the same in reverse.
Trump looked so weak on the debate. The whole time the orange turd was scrambling and lashing out like a trapped rat.
Yea, he should have spoken more about his accomplishments.

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Being caught trying to extort a foreign leader for the purpose of rigging our election is an accomplishment? The traitor was impeached for it.

I think after his last series of "Here, hold by Entire Brewery" Moments, even the Republican Senators would vote to have him removed right now.
While asking a question to Trump, Wallace would make a statement condemning Trump as his preface to the question. Trump would interrupt and Wallace would say, 'let me ask the question". I would have told Wallace to ask an actual question instead of trying to make a point for Biden which he is incapable of making. Check out this questions from Chris.

When you are whining about the Ref, it's a sure sign your guy lost.

This is probably the best it's going to get for Trump. The other moderators won't put up with his shit in future debates.
Democrats have thrown everything at Trump for 4 years and tonight he punched back. Good for him.

He hit himself as often as he hit anything else.
The Democrat media are all crying that Biden should cancel the next two debates. That's surrender.

Is this more wishful thinking on your part? I remember just a month or two ago, you Trump supporters were claiming that Biden would never show up to the debate. Unfortunately for you guys, your prediction on that was way wrong, just like I suspect that you're gonna be wrong about the next 2 debates.
“Trump looked so weak”

That’s because he is weak – Trump is also desperate.

It wasn't up to Joe to win. Joe just had to show up and talk normal and act normal. He succeeded. Biden isn't flashy or exciting. But he's not a mental case who is on his deaths bed either like Rump has painted him. So, just by showing up and acting somewhat normal, Biden didn't lose and had nothing to win. Meanwhile Rump proved that once again, he's a rude petulant spoiled 8 year old man child. But that was what we expected from Rump.
i've never been more depressed in my life

the debate actually gave me a headache

Trump is unhinged, unqualified, a threat to black lives, and a threat to national security
You are hillarious---------

I love your post btw despite downvoting you because I feel you posting an ignorant comment----------Your post is telling in that the libs/foreign trolls don't see biden as the winner. Trump got down and dirty with the corrupt lying pig Biden----but he did get several points in which is apparently showing.

Hell even the lib media and their hit pieces about mask and other things, don't realize that most people agree with Trump in each subject.
This is probably the best it's going to get for Trump. The other moderators won't put up with his shit in future debates.

Other moderators will be even more on Biden's side. No question about that. The left-wing MSM can be as biased as they wish.

You lemmings are the perfect useful idiots.
I am voting for Trump. However, this may surprise you, I think Joe Biden did better than expected and he probably came off better. Trump had some great moments, one that touched me was forest management in California, because it is true. I give props to Biden, he did good. Trump had his good moments. What was disgraceful was I am trying to figure out who President Trump was debating - Chris Wallace or Joe Biden. It is clear that Chris spent a great deal of time on his knees in front of Joe Biden's zipper. Biden was able to interrupt, but the problem is, Biden's dick was too far down Wallace's throat for him to be fair and down the middle.

What I find interesting is, at first Wallace tried to establish himself as objective, and non-partisan, but as the debate progressed, Wallace was debating Trump as much as Biden was debating him, and it turned into a 2 on 1 debacle. In SPITE of that, I feel Trump could have conducted himself in a manner to overcome not only Biden, but that democrat operative with a press pass, Chris Wallace, and that is where Trump failed.

Trump had some great moments, but seriously, in the next debate he needs to be more substantive. I don't think Biden did any better as far as substance, I mean really, he's talking up the green new deal, then he says he doesn't endorse it? WTF. In conclusion, if you like the bar room brawler, Trump won. Unfortunately, Biden came off as more personable.

I mostly agree, however, Donald Trump must be Donald Trump at all times. Trump is an apex predator—an alpha of alpha wolves—and that is exactly what I and millions of other Americans respect most about him. If DT changes his personality artificially at the last moment . . . in the final hours . . . he will pay dearly. Wallace, however, was one hundred percent anti-Trump—stunningly so in fact. The way I see it EVERYONE is against our President or rather everyone who matters. They say no man is an island. I disagree. Donald John Trump is the island of man.

The behavior by Wallace was no surprise - that's who Wallace is.
Other moderators will be even more on Biden's side. No question about that. The left-wing MSM can be as biased as they wish.

You lemmings are the perfect useful idiots.

You guys are the ones who all drank the Hydrocholroquinine after Trump told you to. Talk about lemmings.

The real problem... Trump can't abuse the moderators the way he abuses the White House Press Corps.
In spite of his pre-debate claims that Biden would be drugged for the debate, it appeared that Trump was the one who was unable to control himself.

Like a child who was off ADD drugs, Trump repeatedly spewed a stream of consciousness and invectives.
Trump was excellent. This election is not about rules or respect. The country is at stake. Biden needs to be crushed.

If that's what we're down to, then there's little hope for our democracy. I guess you're content with living in a dictatorship.

Trump was a braggart and a bully. He loses the debate just on that point alone. He went in determined to burn the house down because he
knew he was going to get his ass handed to him. He doesn't know how to talk policy. He just knows how to be Trump.
Wallace, being a FOX Noise employee, went into the debate with the order to avoid making the impeached president trump look foolish.

Wallace did his best, but he could stop the impeached president trump from making a fool of himself.


You are simply delusional

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