Trump needs to put Democrats on the defense: Charge the Hillary with obstruct for acid wash emails

Is is time to charge Hillary and her associates with obstruction?

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Feb 16, 2013
It's time to fight fire with fire. Charge Hillary and her associates with obstruction of justice for acid washing email servers (and breaking shit with hammers).
It'll take time to put together the case because there are so many involved. Where to start is the question. And it's not just Hillary's obstruction, it's also the orchestrated coverups by the FBI and other intelligence organizations. When Trump is reelected he should spend his entire second term concentrating on bringing all of traitors to justice. With all of the crimes they've committed, none of them would live long enough to serve out their sentences.
It's time to fight fire with fire. Charge Hillary and her associates with obstruction of justice for acid washing email servers (and breaking shit with hammers).

I have no clue why he hasn't had some one do it over the last two years.

But yeah, got an issue u wanna discuss or just compare your crooks to "their" crooks?
Now you idiots sound as bad as the Democrats..

The Mueller report has been released and they're still talking about collusion and impeachment...on full offense.

Charge Hillary and her associates and change the narrative, or be buried by the far-left attack instead.

If I don't see charges brought for Brennan and Comey for Spygate or Hillary & Friends for EMAIL-gate, I will not vote from Trump in 2020, because that would obviously imply that he's not even remotely in control of the executive branch and the Deep State is supreme.
Now you idiots sound as bad as the Democrats..

The Mueller report has been released and they're still talking about collusion and impeachment...on full offense.

Charge Hillary and her associates and change the narrative, or be buried by the far-left attack instead.

If I don't see charges brought for Brennan and Comey for Spygate or Hillary & Friends for EMAIL-gate, I will not vote from Trump in 2020, because that would obviously imply that he's not even remotely in control of the executive branch and the Deep State is supreme.
The President's not a dictator. Barr is the one who needs to step up to the plate and go after these bastards.
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index (Vol. II, P.90)

"Two days after the President directed McGahn to have the Special Counsel removed, the President made another attempt to affect the course of the Russia investigation.

"On June 19, 2017, the President met one-on-one with Corey Lewandowski in the Oval Office and dictated a message to be delivered to Attorney General Sessions that would have had the effect of limiting the Russia investigation to future election interference only.

"One month later, the President met again with Lewandowski and followed up on the request to have Sessions limit the scope of the Russia investigation.

"Lewandowski told the President the message would be delivered soon.

"Hours later, the President publicly criticized Sessions in an unplanned press interview, raising questions about Sessions’s job security."
It's a travesty of justice that this didn't happen years ago. Remember to put the ones who made it possible to the surrounding cells.

Hillary for prison 2020.

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