Trump needs to up by at least 3 points in PA

election night since there are no safeguards of PA phony early voting.
If you wonder where the phony ballots came from, here is the answer. True the Vote (TTV), the data analysts behind the 2000 Mules movie, estimated that there were 210,000 to 275,000 Pennsylvania ballots harvested just before the 2020 election. Although the mainstream media declared that the TTV estimates were faulty (too imprecise), those “fact checks” were simplistic. As I note in a separate article, a review of six so-called “fact checks” showed that...

  • No fact checker mentioned the very precise cell phone tracking that is possible when multiple GPS signals are used. According to the U.S. federal government (, when two or more cell phone frequencies are combined, it is possible to obtain results accurate to within centimeters, or even millimeters (instead of several feet). That is information the fact checkers ignored.
  • Fact checkers also ignored TTV’s claim to have used three different types of signals — not just one. TTV asserted that, by combining 3 signals, it achieved average real life accuracy to within 39 inches (not the 40 foot accuracy reported by fact checkers). By “real life accuracy” I mean the accuracy achievable after consideration of buildings, trees, and other obstructions.
Although no one can say for sure that the 210,000 - 275,000 ballot estimate is accurate, or that TTV was as meticulous as it claimed, it is virtually certain that a huge number of ballots were illegally harvested, and those harvested ballots probably accounted for much of the problem reported by the 16 PA legislators, and confirmed by Verity Vote.

Unfortunately, there is no reason to think that there won’t be fake ballots in Pennsylvania’s 2024 election. After successfully smearing the 2000 Mules movie, Democrat ballot harvesters probably feel more emboldened than ever before. They will cheat again.

The solution

As I stated earlier in the American Thinker, the Trump team must be prepared to accumulate strong evidence to prove that votes are suspect. Once the election is over, the only method that will work is post-election voter canvassing.

Although the exact method will vary by location, here are some of the specific steps that will be required:

  1. The voter database of each large county must be obtained. It should include all registered voters and their addresses, and it must identify the voters who cast a mail-in ballot.
  2. A large sample of addresses must be selected from the population of people shown to have voted by mail. The sample must be representative of the county’s population, and it should be selected by an expert statistician.
  3. Trained volunteers should knock on the doors of selected voters.
  4. When a resident responds at the door, the volunteers should identify themselves as private citizens who are conducting voluntary election integrity research.
  5. Several questions should be asked:
    1. Did you vote?
    2. What method did you use to vote (in person or absentee)?
    3. How many ballots did you receive in the mail for yourself?
    4. How many ballots did you receive for person(s) who do not live here?
    5. What did you do with any extra ballots received?
  6. When all data are received, the results should be compiled and analyzed.
After the 2020 election, a massive canvassing effort was performed in Maricopa County, Arizona. It determined that 5.7 percent of the alleged voters were unknown at the voting address. Unfortunately, the survey was produced far too late to be useful. In Macomb County, Michigan a survey determined that there was a problem with about 18 percent or more of the alleged voters. That canvass effort was shut down prematurely by Dana Nessel, Michigan’s radical Attorney General.
I predict a Trump win in November and I seldom am wrong.
Hope you are correct. Just that with all the loose ends with this early voting BS I am not holding my breath. Now there have been some safeguards added in some states and some voter rolls have been purged of ineligible voters, ones who passed away or moved or whatever.
The way ballot counting works in PA is Philidelphia doesn't turn in their ballot count until they know how many ballots the Democrats need to win.

voter fraud.jpg
It's actually the reverse.

Democrats don't just need enough votes to win.

Democrats need enough votes to overcome the massive organized Republican cheating campaign.

Republicans dialed the cheating up to "10" in 2020. It wasn't enough, so Republicans have announced they'll be dialing it up to "13" in 2024.

Look at the Republican fraudsters here, lying about the "2000 Mules" fraud just so they have an excuse to cheat harder. Like I said, they're all proud of how much cheating they're going to do, and they're not shy about announcing it.
Hope you are correct. Just that with all the loose ends with this early voting BS I am not holding my breath. Now there have been some safeguards added in some states and some voter rolls have been purged of ineligible voters, ones who passed away or moved or whatever.
Early voting is fine. It's the mail-in voting that is ripe for fraud. Particularly the unsolicited mail-in voting.
It's actually the reverse.

Democrats don't just need enough votes to win.

Democrats need enough votes to overcome the massive organized Republican cheating campaign.

Republicans dialed the cheating up to "10" in 2020. It wasn't enough, so Republicans have announced they'll be dialing it up to "13" in 2024.

Look at the Republican fraudsters here, lying about the "2000 Mules" fraud just so they have an excuse to cheat harder. Like I said, they're all proud of how much cheating they're going to do, and they're not shy about announcing it.
Gee the island of the living brain dead still spouting lying BS, LOL
Your dear leader has to get past next Tuesday night.

MAGA can deny (and will) that trump will be like a lab rat on cocaine.
That said, maybe trump should be given a cognitive test before the debate. Maybe he should drop a UA, also.

election night since there are no safeguards of PA phony early voting.

Your source is American Thinker. They are so biased they never get anything right.

I doubt Trump will take Pennsylvania.
Your dear leader has to get past next Tuesday night.

MAGA can deny (and will) that trump will be like a lab rat on cocaine.
That said, maybe trump should be given a cognitive test before the debate. Maybe he should drop a UA, also.
Maybe you didn’t hear. They said no pre-written notes.

That means Kamala will have to speak coherently and knowledgeably, for two minutes, per question. No filling airtime with “the significance of the passage of time is significant” or “who here gets excited by the sight of an electric yellow school bus” or “Ukraine is in Europe and Russia is in Europe and Ukraine is smaller. That means Russia is larger. And it invaded. That is bad.”

She will be every bit as screwed after Tuesday night as Biden was after his debate.
The problem with your cheating plan is that you don't control the government in PA, like you do in Georgia.

And without government cooperating, it's pretty much impossible for you to pull off your scam.

I seriously doubt Trump will take Georgia.

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