Trump Not Sorry for Posting Video About Omar that has Caused Death Threats

Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

So? Personally, I don't give a rat's ass what happens to that POS.
Of course he's not. I think it was reactions like Trumpybear's that she was talking about.

"One could argue that Rep. Omar's use of "some people" to describe the 9-11 hijackers was cavalier. Maybe it was. But her larger point was valid: those hijackers and the terrorist groups who survive them do not represent all Muslims, at home or abroad. And it's just plain wrong -- un-American, really -- to hold in disdain an entire community of our fellow citizens for the evil act of a few who perverted their faith."

"But in this environment of fear and ignorance and hatred, an incondite environment this President and his supporters gleefully encourage, it's becoming acceptable to spew that hatred openly"

Ilhan Omar has a point (opinion) - CNN

Pointing out that one particular muslim, is soft on mass murdering terrorists, is a statement about that particular person.

That you liberals rally to her defense, is a statement about your entire community.

Convincing Dopey Don's sycophants that her use of "some people" means she is soft on those terrorist who attacked us is a brilliant propaganda tactic. But it only plays to the base. What is the acceptable or PC description of what happened that day? Did you ever wonder since English is her second language, that might have something to do with her phrasing?

But that's par for the course. You guys elected the man who "likes people who don't get captured." Which say a lot about his die hard supporters too.

1. Your slur of the President's supporters is just you being an asshole. FUck you.

2. Her use of the term "some people" is obviously her being soft on terrorists. Not surprising from a lefty Muslim, two groups well known for being soft on muslim terrorists.

3. An "acceptable" description would be "when terrorists attacked, killing thousands of innocent American civilians".

4. Your conflating "PC" with a desire to NOT soft pedal the worst terror attack in American History, is just you being a dishonest asshole.

5. SHe understands english well enough to call a terrorist mass murderer a terrorist mass murderer. She choose not to.

6. John McCain was being a fucking asshole. He deserved to be insulted BACK. Your pretense that some words spoken in the heat of the moment define Trump or his supporters, is just you being a dishonest asshole. Again.
Saying that we shouldn't just do whatever Israel wants, and give them TONS of money for aid, and back them no matter what, is stupid. The U.S. gives around a total $3 BILLION a year to Israel. That's ridiculous, and then Trump gets mad and takes away some millions from Central American countries really need it, and where Central American countries getting better also helps us because of the number immigrants trying to leave those countries.

1. 3 billion out of 4 trillion? Peanuts. That is obviously not your real reason here.

2. YOur pretense that you don't want those illegals to come to this country is not credible at all.

3. Your only goal is to throw some shit against the wall to see if any of it will stick.

It's definitely part of my reason. If the U.S. was giving Guatemala $3 Billion a year, this forum would be freaking the fuck out wanting to get rid of it immediately.

Less than .01% of the federal budget and you claim that the spending is your reason here?


Yes, if the U.S. was giving Guatemala $3 Billion, this board would flip the fuck out. The percentage of the budget you are saying is totally irrelevant. Look at the outrage on this forum over Obama's "cash payout" to Iran for $1.7 Billion. You could post 5,000 gifs and it wouldn't change that.

And none of US would pretend that the money was the issue.

It is WHO you give it TO.

Just like you, with your hate of Israel.

You just aren't man enough to admit it. Or is it lack of clear thinking on your part?
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.
I find it hard to give a shit.

If you are finding it hard to give a shit, lay off the opiates, they cause constipation.
Was there this level of concern for the last two years for all the public death threats that trump got? She is playing the whole country and getting away with it.
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.

Big difference between you MAKING a threat and what Trump did too.

That you dishonestly try to conflate the two, is just you being dishonest lib. But I repeat myself.

By your logic, if someone was so upset by what you said about the President, that they made a death threat against him, then you would be responsible.

THat is your logic applied to you, and that shows how stupid it is.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar sides with the terrorists on 9/11, which is totally untrue, and if you think he didn't know what would happen from it is completely moronic.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar's characterization of 9/11 as "some people did something" was flip and dismissive and utterly inappropriate, which point was ALREADY being made by a lot of people and utterly true.

If you think it's the responsibility of Trump or anyone else to self-censor because they "know" some lunatic might take it into his head to act violently, then I expect to see you calling out Rep. Omar immediately for "causing" violence against Jews by way of her many anti-Semitic remarks, which actually ARE totally untrue.

Otherwise, you're just a puling, disingenuous hypocrite.
Was there this level of concern for the last two years for all the public death threats that trump got? She is playing the whole country and getting away with it.

What death threats? You are the first person I've heard say anything about something like that.
Of course he's not. I think it was reactions like Trumpybear's that she was talking about.

"One could argue that Rep. Omar's use of "some people" to describe the 9-11 hijackers was cavalier. Maybe it was. But her larger point was valid: those hijackers and the terrorist groups who survive them do not represent all Muslims, at home or abroad. And it's just plain wrong -- un-American, really -- to hold in disdain an entire community of our fellow citizens for the evil act of a few who perverted their faith."

"But in this environment of fear and ignorance and hatred, an incondite environment this President and his supporters gleefully encourage, it's becoming acceptable to spew that hatred openly"

Ilhan Omar has a point (opinion) - CNN

Given that Ilhan Omar is one of the people spewing the most hatred openly, and HER supporters gleefully encourage and cover for it, she and the "writer" - and you - are cordially invited to piss off.
Of course he's not. I think it was reactions like Trumpybear's that she was talking about.

"One could argue that Rep. Omar's use of "some people" to describe the 9-11 hijackers was cavalier. Maybe it was. But her larger point was valid: those hijackers and the terrorist groups who survive them do not represent all Muslims, at home or abroad. And it's just plain wrong -- un-American, really -- to hold in disdain an entire community of our fellow citizens for the evil act of a few who perverted their faith."

"But in this environment of fear and ignorance and hatred, an incondite environment this President and his supporters gleefully encourage, it's becoming acceptable to spew that hatred openly"

Ilhan Omar has a point (opinion) - CNN

Pointing out that one particular muslim, is soft on mass murdering terrorists, is a statement about that particular person.

That you liberals rally to her defense, is a statement about your entire community.

Convincing Dopey Don's sycophants that her use of "some people" means she is soft on those terrorist who attacked us is a brilliant propaganda tactic. But it only plays to the base. What is the acceptable or PC description of what happened that day? Did you ever wonder since English is her second language, that might have something to do with her phrasing?

But that's par for the course. You guys elected the man who "likes people who don't get captured." Which say a lot about his die hard supporters too.

Trying to convince us that Trump is responsible for other people's actions when we all know that you have NEVER applied that same standard to people on the left - including Omar herself - is not even remotely a brilliant propaganda tactic. It's just insulting that you expect us to be as ignorant and gullible as you are.
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.
When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.
same could be said of a person in the US Congress...

What she said was not an attack on anyone, and her underlying message is very true. When the U.S. makes payments and helps Israel it's all good, but anyone else... it isn't. Why do we help Israel so much? Why did Trump call Benjamin Netanyahu "Your prime minister" to American citizens? It's bullshit.

Aaaaand that's all the time we have for brain-dead racist bigots. I make it a practice to never listen to the spewings of gutter trash.

Was there this level of concern for the last two years for all the public death threats that trump got? She is playing the whole country and getting away with it.

What death threats? You are the first person I've heard say anything about something like that.

You were expecting to hear that from the MSM?
You're ignorant.

Got any links to your far right sites that say it happened?

So sailorboy cumcatcher, unless you see it reported, it ain't happening.
You're hopeless.
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.
When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.
same could be said of a person in the US Congress...

What she said was not an attack on anyone, and her underlying message is very true. When the U.S. makes payments and helps Israel it's all good, but anyone else... it isn't. Why do we help Israel so much? Why did Trump call Benjamin Netanyahu "Your prime minister" to American citizens? It's bullshit.
how she described her friends attack on 9-11 says a lot about her...
Of course he's not. I think it was reactions like Trumpybear's that she was talking about.

"One could argue that Rep. Omar's use of "some people" to describe the 9-11 hijackers was cavalier. Maybe it was. But her larger point was valid: those hijackers and the terrorist groups who survive them do not represent all Muslims, at home or abroad. And it's just plain wrong -- un-American, really -- to hold in disdain an entire community of our fellow citizens for the evil act of a few who perverted their faith."

"But in this environment of fear and ignorance and hatred, an incondite environment this President and his supporters gleefully encourage, it's becoming acceptable to spew that hatred openly"

Ilhan Omar has a point (opinion) - CNN

Pointing out that one particular muslim, is soft on mass murdering terrorists, is a statement about that particular person.

That you liberals rally to her defense, is a statement about your entire community.

Convincing Dopey Don's sycophants that her use of "some people" means she is soft on those terrorist who attacked us is a brilliant propaganda tactic. But it only plays to the base. What is the acceptable or PC description of what happened that day? Did you ever wonder since English is her second language, that might have something to do with her phrasing?

But that's par for the course. You guys elected the man who "likes people who don't get captured." Which say a lot about his die hard supporters too.

1. Your slur of the President's supporters is just you being an asshole. FUck you.

2. Her use of the term "some people" is obviously her being soft on terrorists. Not surprising from a lefty Muslim, two groups well known for being soft on muslim terrorists.

3. An "acceptable" description would be "when terrorists attacked, killing thousands of innocent American civilians".

4. Your conflating "PC" with a desire to NOT soft pedal the worst terror attack in American History, is just you being a dishonest asshole.

5. SHe understands english well enough to call a terrorist mass murderer a terrorist mass murderer. She choose not to.

6. John McCain was being a fucking asshole. He deserved to be insulted BACK. Your pretense that some words spoken in the heat of the moment define Trump or his supporters, is just you being a dishonest asshole. Again.

My slur? lmao! What slur? And if I did use a slur, it is 1,000,000,000 tamer than the shit I've been called on this forum. You called me a lib and something earlier. So I believe you started the name calling.

Yes "some people" may be her best way of describing them due to English being her second language.

I can't believe you are trying to say John McCain deserved the insults dumped on him by Trump... when fucking Trump insults any and all people.

THIS is why you and Trump hate McCain. He's fucking honest.

Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

You're a twit. It's true because a Radical Islamic piece of shit says it is? How many threats do you think Rump gets?
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.
When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.
same could be said of a person in the US Congress...

What did she say was a threat to anyone? The only thing she screwed up saying is "Some people" did "something." That's not disrespect... it would only be disrespect if she did it on purpose, with intent, but it's a lot more likely that since English is her second language she didn't know better. That's not how people that want to hate her are going to take it however.
That's not how people that want to hate her are going to take it however
thats the problem trump has to deal with....
Another Trump communication that puts people's lives in danger. This time was Trump's 9/11 video targeting Rep. Omar, who has been receiving death threats because of the video. Trump was asked if he felt sorry about it.

"Trump was asked by KSTP on Monday if he had any second thoughts about tweeting the video out.

“No, not at all,” he said. “Look — she's been very disrespectful to this country. She’s been very disrespectful, frankly, to Israel.”"

Trump says he doesn't regret posting edited video slamming Omar

So Trump doesn't regret that his words put other people's lives in danger, and on top of that because she doesn't like the U.S.-Israel relationship and some of the actions of Israel, she is being disrespectful and deserve his ire. Wait a second... Trump has been very disrespectful of several other countries, several other leaders, and well tons of people. So I guess this is just another one of those times it's okay for him to do it, but not for anyone else.

If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.

Big difference between you MAKING a threat and what Trump did too.

That you dishonestly try to conflate the two, is just you being dishonest lib. But I repeat myself.

By your logic, if someone was so upset by what you said about the President, that they made a death threat against him, then you would be responsible.

THat is your logic applied to you, and that shows how stupid it is.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar sides with the terrorists on 9/11, which is totally untrue, and if you think he didn't know what would happen from it is completely moronic.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar's characterization of 9/11 as "some people did something" was flip and dismissive and utterly inappropriate, which point was ALREADY being made by a lot of people and utterly true.

If you think it's the responsibility of Trump or anyone else to self-censor because they "know" some lunatic might take it into his head to act violently, then I expect to see you calling out Rep. Omar immediately for "causing" violence against Jews by way of her many anti-Semitic remarks, which actually ARE totally untrue.

Otherwise, you're just a puling, disingenuous hypocrite.

What she said was true, but because she didn't say it in a way you liked it suddenly means she supports them? That's quite a far reach. She did not say, "Some people I thought were really good people flew plane into the Twin Towers." Despite as much as you wish and imagine she said that, it isn't true.
Was there this level of concern for the last two years for all the public death threats that trump got? She is playing the whole country and getting away with it.

What death threats? You are the first person I've heard say anything about something like that.

You were expecting to hear that from the MSM?
You're ignorant.

Got any links to your far right sites that say it happened?

So sailorboy cumcatcher, unless you see it reported, it ain't happening.
You're hopeless.

Back at ya, ya sperm slurping cum burping colon jouster. You were the one that said the MSM wasn't going to report it, so I thought that you as a far right winger would have some sites that I don't read that would have it. I asked if you had any links, but apparently, you don't.
If Trump got death threats because of your post here, would that be your fault?

Those two are not the same, and you know how ridiculous that statement is. When a person is the President, and they have the kind of platform they do, they have a higher responsibility to be careful what they say.

And if I said something that was very clearly a threat to the President, you better believe I'd be locked up.

Big difference between you MAKING a threat and what Trump did too.

That you dishonestly try to conflate the two, is just you being dishonest lib. But I repeat myself.

By your logic, if someone was so upset by what you said about the President, that they made a death threat against him, then you would be responsible.

THat is your logic applied to you, and that shows how stupid it is.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar sides with the terrorists on 9/11, which is totally untrue, and if you think he didn't know what would happen from it is completely moronic.

Trump's tweeted video made the non-verbal communication to the viewer that Rep. Omar's characterization of 9/11 as "some people did something" was flip and dismissive and utterly inappropriate, which point was ALREADY being made by a lot of people and utterly true.

If you think it's the responsibility of Trump or anyone else to self-censor because they "know" some lunatic might take it into his head to act violently, then I expect to see you calling out Rep. Omar immediately for "causing" violence against Jews by way of her many anti-Semitic remarks, which actually ARE totally untrue.

Otherwise, you're just a puling, disingenuous hypocrite.

What she said was true, but because she didn't say it in a way you liked it suddenly means she supports them? That's quite a far reach. She did not say, "Some people I thought were really good people flew plane into the Twin Towers." Despite as much as you wish and imagine she said that, it isn't true.
like trump she does a lot of talking,like trump she gets a lot of shit......what did she expect?...

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