Trump not treated like other defendants in his trial

Show us a case that has a similar amount of fraud where the fraudster wasn't charged.
The banks that loaned Trump the money testified on Trump's did the purchasers and his business partners in the deals. But NY judge wasn't having any of it.

Someone has to complain...and since this was done "on the lender's behalf"....who filed the complaint?

This is called "Selective prosecution".
It's unconstitutional. Pure and simple. It's illegal.

What is worse is its all politically motivated. Just because you don't like someone else's politics does not mean that they need to be vilified in such a fashion. Men of clear conscience can disagree without resorting to this nonsense. And it is nonsense.

We aren't communist Russia or some banana republic. We have excelled to the top of the economic and military heap because we work out our differences and work together towards common goals. Not a bunch of childish "it's mine now so you get to go to jail" crap.

It's unthinkable that we have a sitting president allowing this nonsense of trying to cancel half of the citizens of the nation. And not just allowing it but actively promoting and encouraging and fanning the flames of hate. It's the dumbest thing I've seen out of American politics in my life.
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Try not making up things about me. I am an American, you are a fascist. You are the one with no cred. I don't GAF what you think. You support trump, you have no morals or ethics.
You support the blatant racist Biden who opposed bussing because he didn't want his kids growing up in a "racial JUNGLE", and diddled his daughter.

You are one sick puppy IM2
The law was not having any of it.
Well, when the Judge artificially set the market value of the property WELL BELOW market rates...of course it violates the law.
And that's the whole problem. The judge himself set the property value instead of the market.

It's no different from the court fining you for your mortgage because the judge set your property value at a quarter of its value....for a house you sold years ago.

Do you not see the problem with this?
It's malicious prosecution
It's Selective prosecution
And it's vindictiveness for political aspirations. Completely illegal.

Equal protection clause of the constitution
Equal rights under the law regardless of politics.
This can cause a backlash of court proceedings of human rights violations.

It's not any different from a literal witch hunt.

You may not like Trump (I am not a fan of his personality whatsoever) but that doesn't excuse what NY State has done.
And you will suffer DAILY as you continue to support the Grifter.

Good Luck, thoughts and prayers have been sent.
I hope one day you don't rely on thoughts and prayers after saying that. But if you need it, I'll say a prayer for you.
Well, when the Judge artificially set the market value of the property WELL BELOW market rates...of course it violates the law.
And that's the whole problem. The judge himself set the property value instead of the market.

It's no different from the court fining you for your mortgage because the judge set your property value at a quarter of its value....for a house you sold years ago.

Do you not see the problem with this?
It's malicious prosecution
It's Selective prosecution
And it's vindictiveness for political aspirations. Completely illegal.

Equal protection clause of the constitution
Equal rights under the law regardless of politics.
This can cause a backlash of court proceedings of human rights violations.

It's not any different from a literal witch hunt.

You may not like Trump (I am not a fan of his personality whatsoever) but that doesn't excuse what NY State has done.
Judge did nothing of the sort, so stop lying, JohnDB.

Why did Trump have this weirdo as the only judge of his case?

I was asking myself as I read this article from Fox News: Why didn't he have a jury trial?

This question was answered.. you can find it directly under the picture of Trump.

He says he was never given the option!

How can that be?

I mean, just how can that be?!

Liberals are showing themselves for the lawless, vindictive, Politics is God freaks that they are (not that we didn't know that...)
Because it's a technical case involving high finance and tax law. Juries are as lost as last year's Easter Egg in such trials.
So not having a jury trial in a strongly Democrat held state is to be expected.

What was not expected was the Judge's outrageous behavior in this case. There is no chance it will not get overturned on appeal. Just like the rape case.

The properties in question have been sold for a while. Nobody claimed and fraud whatsoever. In fact just the opposite. Everyone walked out a "winner" in those deals.

When a judge hands out a decision of what a commercial property is worth he has to base that decision upon something other than:
His personal toenail length
His feelings
Single family home valuations
What his barber said
What he personally would pay for the property.

Commercial Property has fairly extensive guidelines for how it can be evaluated. Especially when using it as collateral for a huge loan/bond/Commercial Paper product. Which is why Trump has a legal team and tax team and accounting team work up ALL deals...the other side has theirs and he has his.

So this is a nothing burger....but is a shameful waste of resources. Especially considering the gangs of illegal aliens are beating up cops and robbing the place blind but NY can't seem to incarcerate or deport any of them.
What does that have to do with Trump?

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