Trump Now Does Senator Feinstein(?). . .As We All Now Grope For Answers(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
NRA scored another school shooting victory with lots of dead children, just today. All the wire services seem to have a message from U. S. President, Donald Trump:
WASHINGTON (CNN) - President Donald Trump said Friday that mass shootings have been "going on too long in our country" as he offered his first public remarks on the school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas.

Senator Feinstein has been running primary campaign ads in the past few days in California. On the one hand, the President opened up a new embassy in Jerusalem--starting, starting the usual race riots,, arresting the usual suspects. The sentiments in the Presidential remarks of today, however, are Senator Diane Feinstein, a position(?) taken for years. (Some might say a "stance" taken for years(?)!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(NRA has funny ideas about what world really wants: A Libya Model, Not Even!)
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Democrats chalked up another victory with 8 dead children to use in their quest to disarm Americans. Make the country safe for gangs like MS-13. unlike white Americans gangs are divine.
NRA scored....

Clearly you have no intention of actually being taken seriously. This is nothing more than a set up for a circle jerk.

Oh wait, mascale - n/m. Of course you don't want to be taken seriously.
The President of the United States Is taking the mob stance, directly! There is a recent claim that he thinks entire Executive Branch departments are out to "Frame" him into divulging his tax returns, or something. A; Capone had a similar problem.

Thread posters are noted to be taking no note of the Great-Marking Presidential Remarks: Even on the Hollywood Studio Bus!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
("Our Hero," even says Roseanne Barr: If ratings, not as much!)

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