Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

Healrhcare is not a right. It's a privilege. The tax cutsshoild go to everyone adter we shoild be repealing all forms of Government healthcare.

Except, of course, when it comes to you personally, right? Like you expect us all to believe you won't go on Medicare when you become eligible.

The GOP died last November when they were forced to run Trump because they refused to nominate a truly CONSERVATIVE alternative among 16 other options; only to realize thst Conservatives would not support a Moderate-Liberal Establishment GOP candidate for POTUS again.

The only difference between Conservatives is the color of the turd polish. You really expect us to believe Conservatives would have done anything differently under any of the other clowns vying for the nomination? The Obamacare repeal plan is the one they tried to do in 2015 that Obama vetoed. So WTF are you talking about? Conservatives simply don't know what it is they actually want.
Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

The first thing that struck me about this thread was how refreshing it is to hear a democrat admit Obamacare is such a colossal nightmare and failure. Why else would you want to pawn it off on Trump? You couldn't even wait until it got repealed.... that's how awful Obamacare is and you know it. As usual, the dems are over-playing their hand.

Trump owns nothing here. This was a mandate by the people who voted in 2016. If you want to call restoring our freedom to purchase the healthcare insurance we want instead of being forced to buy a product we didn't want or ask for, after you lied and said we could keep our old plans, "kicking us off" then so be it. Try selling that one to the electorate. Likewise, good luck convincing people that eliminating the fine which you claimed wasn't a tax, as "lowering taxes for the wealthy" ....I doubt that lie flies either. But it will be fun watching you make hypocritical fools of yourselves in the midterms.

Actually the GOP has done everything to ruin the ACA since inception. The ACA is not dying except in those GOP controlled states. You do not want to pay for ins. then the mandate fine needs to get raised.

You do not get auto ins, after an accident or home ins when your house is on fire, maybe you try! I don't know.

We need a higher mandate and enforced, to the point of taking it out of your pay same as Child Support if you do not pay. Oh the GOP wants the tax cut , big time.
The problem is that the Conservatives have no idea what health insurance is, what insurance companies actually do, and how they relate to health care delivery. If they did, they'd see that insurance companies are completely extraneous to this and serve no purpose when it comes to health care.

Nope... It's morons who yammer about covering pre-existing conditions who don't know what the fuck "insurance" is. It's the same idiots who don't comprehend that forcing everyone to purchase an all-inclusive, one size fits all healthcare insurance policy doesn't lower the cost of health care or make it more available.

Conservatives realize the best solution for most Americans is a patient-centric market based system and that we already have a solution for the poor and elderly, called Medicaid and Medicare.
The first thing that struck me about this thread was how refreshing it is to hear a democrat admit Obamacare is such a colossal nightmare and failure.

That's not what they said. Obamacare isn't a colossal nightmare, and all the GOP lies over the last 7 years proves it. If Obamacare is this terrible, awful thing, how come in the seven years you all have been screeching for repeal, not one single viable replacement plan has been produced? The reason is obvious; Conservatives didn't bank on getting control of DC and because they're lazy, uninspiring people, didn't bother to do the hard work of coming up with an alternative. That's because Conservatives are children...they don't know what they want, all they know is what they don't want. Hence, no replacement plan despite 7 years of screeching like barnyard animals.

Why else would you want to pawn it off on Trump? You couldn't even wait until it got repealed.... that's how awful Obamacare is and you know it. As usual, the dems are over-playing their hand.

Because the actions Trump has taken to sabotage Obamacare fall on him and on Conservatives. From Rubio's destruction of risk corridors (which is why some, but not all insurers leave exchanges), to Conservative red state death panels that refused to expand Medicaid, to Trump's HHS using money meant to promote enrollment to instead discourage it. Conservatives made it clear their intent is to sabotage the law and take health care away from millions of people. The only reason that makes any sense is that they are assholes. Because it makes no sense economically, fiscally, or even politically to do what they're doing.

Trump owns nothing here. This was a mandate by the people who voted in 2016. If you want to call restoring our freedom to purchase the healthcare insurance we want instead of being forced to buy a product we didn't want or ask for, after you lied and said we could keep our old plans, "kicking us off" then so be it. Try selling that one to the electorate. Likewise, good luck convincing people that eliminating the fine which you claimed wasn't a tax, as "lowering taxes for the wealthy" ....I doubt that lie flies either. But it will be fun watching you make hypocritical fools of yourselves in the midterms.

The fine is separate from the tax on the wealthy. You don't even know the law you hate so much. What a moron.
That's not what they said. Obamacare isn't a colossal nightmare, and all the GOP lies over the last 7 years proves it. If Obamacare is this terrible, awful thing, how come in the seven years you all have been screeching for repeal, not one single viable replacement plan has been produced? The reason is obvious; Conservatives didn't bank on getting control of DC and because they're lazy, uninspiring people, didn't bother to do the hard work of coming up with an alternative. That's because Conservatives are children...they don't know what they want, all they know is what they don't want. Hence, no replacement plan despite 7 years of screeching like barnyard animals.

That' exactly what is being said, you're just too stupid to read between the lines. Why else is the OP so eager to lay healthcare at Trump's feet? It's because it's FUBAR and you know it.

And for the fucking record... CONSERVATIVES don't control Congress!
Nope... It's morons who yammer about covering pre-existing conditions who don't know what the fuck "insurance" is. It's the same idiots who don't comprehend that forcing everyone to purchase an all-inclusive, one size fits all healthcare insurance policy doesn't lower the cost of health care or make it more available..

No, Boss, you don't know what insurance is. The reason you need essential benefits is to attract younger, healthier people whose premiums can be used to pay for the older, sicker people. Then when those younger, healthier people get older and sicker, a new generation of younger, healthier people then pays for those older, sicker ones. And so on and so forth. That is what health insurance is. Insurance companies merely administrate reimbursement from that premium pool to your provider. That's a process you're not even a part of, and has no bearing on how health care is delivered to you. All private insurance does is restrict your choices. You cannot see any doctor you want. You have to first pick your insurance, and then you choose your doctor from those in that insurance network. So who you can see and what procedures are covered is determined not by your doctor or you, but by an insurance company executive with no medical training. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to see any doctor you want, all doctors are reimbursed at the same rate, and thus, they have to compete for your care? And how do they do that? By improving outcomes and reducing costs. A single payer levels the playing field for providers who then must compete for your care, which they don't do now. Don't you want competition? That's how you get competition, by leveling the playing field and forcing providers to improve outcomes and reduce costs in order to attract patients.

Conservatives realize the best solution for most Americans is a patient-centric market based system and that we already have a solution for the poor and elderly, called Medicaid and Medicare.

So if Medicaid and Medicare work for the poor and elderly, why wouldn't they work for everyone else?
Actually the GOP has done everything to ruin the ACA since inception.
Such as WHAT?

I can think of three things immediately:

1. Rubio destroying the risk corridors
2. Conservative red state death panels not expanding Medicaid
3. Trump's HHS using money meant to promote enrollment, to discourage it instead.
hat' exactly what is being said, you're just too stupid to read between the lines. Why else is the OP so eager to lay healthcare at Trump's feet? It's because it's UBAR and you know it.
And for the fucking record... CONSERVATIVES don't control Congress!

It's laid at Trump's feet because his HHS was using money meant to promote enrollment, to discourage it instead. Add to that the red state death panels that didn't expand Medicaid and Rubio destroying the risk corridors, and you see just who is responsible for what.
No, Boss, you don't know what insurance is. The reason you need essential benefits is to attract younger, healthier people whose premiums can be used to pay for the older, sicker people. Then when those younger, healthier people get older and sicker, a new generation of younger, healthier people then pays for those older, sicker ones. And so on and so forth. That is what health insurance is. Insurance companies merely administrate reimbursement from that premium pool to your provider. That's a process you're not even a part of, and has no bearing on how health care is delivered to you. All private insurance does is restrict your choices. You cannot see any doctor you want. You have to first pick your insurance, and then you choose your doctor from those in that insurance network. So who you can see and what procedures are covered is determined not by your doctor or you, but by an insurance company executive with no medical training. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to see any doctor you want, all doctors are reimbursed at the same rate, and thus, they have to compete for your care? And how do they do that? By improving outcomes and reducing costs. A single payer levels the playing field for providers who then must compete for your care, which they don't do now. Don't you want competition? That's how you get competition, by leveling the playing field and forcing providers to improve outcomes and reduce costs in order to attract patients.

A-gain... you don't understand what "insurance" is. What YOU are describing is a massive WELFARE program.
Nope... you're calling the repeal of the individual mandate a "reduced tax on the wealthy."

I never called it that, and whoever did was not accurate. The mandate is separate from the taxes Conservatives are trying to cut for the wealthy and insurance companies.
Actually the GOP has done everything to ruin the ACA since inception.
Such as WHAT?

I can think of three things immediately:

1. Rubio destroying the risk corridors
2. Conservative red state death panels not expanding Medicaid
3. Trump's HHS using money meant to promote enrollment, to discourage it instead.

OP said "since inception" which, I believe, was 2009. So what you need to do is carry your happy ass to and find the House and Senate bills passed by Republicans since 2009 that changes anything regarding ACA... I'll wait!
A-gain... you don't understand what "insurance" is. What YOU are describing is a massive WELFARE program.

My god...this is getting sad. What I described is precisely what health insurance is. You don't know what you're talking about.
Nope... you're calling the repeal of the individual mandate a "reduced tax on the wealthy."

I never called it that, and whoever did was not accurate. The mandate is separate from the taxes Conservatives are trying to cut for the wealthy and insurance companies.

Well, right now, no one is trying to do anything except repeal Obamacare. The other bills failed to pass.
OP said "since inception" which, I believe, was 2009. So what you need to do is carry your happy ass to and find the House and Senate bills passed by Republicans since 2009 that changes anything regarding ACA... I'll wait!

Everything I listed has happened since 2010, not 2009. This is what I'm talking about when I say you people have no fucking clue. You can't even get the basics of the law straight because you don't know anything about it. As for Conservative efforts to undermine Obamacare:

Rubio destroyed the risk corridors in 2013
Conservative Red States have refused to expand Medicaid the entire time
Trump's HHS this past January was discouraging people to sign up

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