Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

Well, right now, no one is trying to do anything except repeal Obamacare. The other bills failed to pass.

Repealing Obamacare will cause 15 million people to lose insurance immediately, and premiums will increase by 20%, which is more than they increased each year during the ACA.
So if Medicaid and Medicare work for the poor and elderly, why wouldn't they work for everyone else?

Well, aside from them being essentially bankrupt? :dunno:

Look... maybe one of these days, magic unicorns will appear from My Little Pony to bestow us with endless resources to provide cradle-to-grave health care for everyone and no one shall ever be sick again! Until that happens, we're stuck with grim reality. I'm sorry... we can get you a juice box if that'll make it better.
They just voted to continue a debate about a nonexistent bill. Waste of time. A vote to debate? WTF?

Gives them the right to change whatever they want. It the beginning of the end. Face facts. When have the GOP worked with the Dems , never.

Campaign Finance Reform (McCain/Feingold), No Child Left Behind (Bush/Kennedy), just to name two.

Today's political atmosphere makes it much more difficult.
Yes, it IS getting sad... you're a sad fella! You are describing a welfare program, not insurance.

So what do you think health insurance is, then? I'd love to hear that.

All forms of insurance is essentially a gamble. Someone is willing to bet that you won't be sick and file a claim. The higher the risk is that you might file a claim, the higher you premiums and/or deductibles. At some point, you may not even be a risk they are willing to take at any cost. Pre-existing conditions completely nullifies the basic principles of insurance.
The problem is that the Conservatives have no idea what health insurance is, what insurance companies actually do, and how they relate to health care delivery. If they did, they'd see that insurance companies are completely extraneous to this and serve no purpose when it comes to health care.

Nope... It's morons who yammer about covering pre-existing conditions who don't know what the fuck "insurance" is. It's the same idiots who don't comprehend that forcing everyone to purchase an all-inclusive, one size fits all healthcare insurance policy doesn't lower the cost of health care or make it more available.

Conservatives realize the best solution for most Americans is a patient-centric market based system and that we already have a solution for the poor and elderly, called Medicaid and Medicare.

No, it's morons who don't know obamacare was not one size fits all. Many companies offered several plans in each medal level. NO you don't know insurance.
Well, right now, no one is trying to do anything except repeal Obamacare. The other bills failed to pass.

Repealing Obamacare will cause 15 million people to lose insurance immediately, and premiums will increase by 20%, which is more than they increased each year during the ACA.

Yeah, and about 12 million of them will be grateful they are no longer being FORCED to buy insurance they don't want.

And premiums will DECREASE!
Yes, it IS getting sad... you're a sad fella! You are describing a welfare program, not insurance.

So what do you think health insurance is, then? I'd love to hear that.

All forms of insurance is essentially a gamble. Someone is willing to bet that you won't be sick and file a claim. The higher the risk is that you might file a claim, the higher you premiums and/or deductibles. At some point, you may not even be a risk they are willing to take at any cost. Pre-existing conditions completely nullifies the basic principles of insurance.

Gambling doesn't is a guaranteed payout, you will collect on one form of insurance in your lifetime so therefore not a gamble.
Well, right now, no one is trying to do anything except repeal Obamacare. The other bills failed to pass.

Repealing Obamacare will cause 15 million people to lose insurance immediately, and premiums will increase by 20%, which is more than they increased each year during the ACA.

Yeah, and about 12 million of them will be grateful they are no longer being FORCED to buy insurance they don't want.

And premiums will DECREASE!

Dream on.
Trying to figure out what the hell is going on, any action on Obamacare was pretty much dead a week ago and left wingers cried and cried because Trump and the Republicans didn't do anything, no they resurrected it and the left wing nutter are worried that the Republicans will do something! The last seven years we hear how great Obamacare is and now just after a vote to debate on healthcare, the lefty nutjobs are screaming the Republicans own it!

You people bitched and moaned so much the last week you got your wish and I think you now own whatever change happens.
Good then. It needs to be gone. No way in hell is it legal to force a tax on me if I don't have insurance.

Individual mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage. You're not opposed to the mandate, you're opposed to affordable health insurance.

They will get rid of mandate, ind and employer, cost sharing , expanded Medicaid, increase HSA's, whatever the GOP wants. Trump is going to sign it.

Basically it gives permission for the GOP to do whatever they want. Pence is the tie breaker.

More than likely you're right and then the crying will start when those rates don't go down. Not to mention the loss of jobs in the insurance industry which has already started with Molina yesterday, laying off 1400 employees.

The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.
Actually the GOP has done everything to ruin the ACA since inception.
Such as WHAT?

I can think of three things immediately:

1. Rubio destroying the risk corridors
2. Conservative red state death panels not expanding Medicaid
3. Trump's HHS using money meant to promote enrollment, to discourage it instead.

OP said "since inception" which, I believe, was 2009. So what you need to do is carry your happy ass to and find the House and Senate bills passed by Republicans since 2009 that changes anything regarding ACA... I'll wait!

March 2010
Good then. It needs to be gone. No way in hell is it legal to force a tax on me if I don't have insurance.

Individual mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage. You're not opposed to the mandate, you're opposed to affordable health insurance.

They will get rid of mandate, ind and employer, cost sharing , expanded Medicaid, increase HSA's, whatever the GOP wants. Trump is going to sign it.

Basically it gives permission for the GOP to do whatever they want. Pence is the tie breaker.

More than likely you're right and then the crying will start when those rates don't go down. Not to mention the loss of jobs in the insurance industry which has already started with Molina yesterday, laying off 1400 employees.

The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.

I saw that a day after I posted. Can't figure them out since the founders were ousted. One hand now says we're out one says we're expanding in certain areas. They are big on Medicaid.
Well, aside from them being essentially bankrupt? :dunno:

They're not bankrupt. Medicare is solvent through the mid-2020's thanks to Obamacare.

Look... maybe one of these days, magic unicorns will appear from My Little Pony to bestow us with endless resources to provide cradle-to-grave health care for everyone and no one shall ever be sick again! Until that happens, we're stuck with grim reality. I'm sorry... we can get you a juice box if that'll make it better.

I don't believe health care should depend on how much cash you have in the bank.
All forms of insurance is essentially a gamble. Someone is willing to bet that you won't be sick and file a claim. The higher the risk is that you might file a claim, the higher you premiums and/or deductibles. At some point, you may not even be a risk they are willing to take at any cost. Pre-existing conditions completely nullifies the basic principles of insurance.

Right, but you didn't say what you think insurance is.
Yeah, and about 12 million of them will be grateful they are no longer being FORCED to buy insurance they don't want.

Who are these people? Where are you getting this number? And if they don't have insurance, who do you think pays for the health care costs they will inevitably face?

And premiums will DECREASE!

No, they will increase according to the CBO.
Trying to figure out what the hell is going on, any action on Obamacare was pretty much dead a week ago and left wingers cried and cried because Trump and the Republicans didn't do anything, no they resurrected it and the left wing nutter are worried that the Republicans will do something! The last seven years we hear how great Obamacare is and now just after a vote to debate on healthcare, the lefty nutjobs are screaming the Republicans own it!

They do own it now. It's on them. They created most of the problems facing Obamacare (risk corridors, Medicaid expansion, discouraging enrollment). Conservatives have spent the last 7 years saying Obamacare is this terrible, awful thing that has to be repealed, yet no replacement plan???? That would mean most of what Conservatives were saying about Obamacare was and is bullshit.

You people bitched and moaned so much the last week you got your wish and I think you now own whatever change happens.

How's that? Conservatives are the ones in control of Congress. They're the ones voting to repeal Obamacare without having a replacement plan waiting. WTF have they been doing the last 7 years?????
The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.

No, it's a reflection of the uncertainty Conservatives created with their haphazard attempt to undo Obama's legacy so Bush's doesn't look as bad by comparison.
You can't tell the truth can you? Obama care has not been repealed. No such thing as "trump care" exists! This shit is the end result of obama. Stop lying!
You are the one who is lying!!!
Trumpcare is the ACA without the mandate, taxes and penalties as a result of Don THE Con's EO his FIRST day in office.

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
January 20, 2017
Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal
The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.

No, it's a reflection of the uncertainty Conservatives created with their haphazard attempt to undo Obama's legacy so Bush's doesn't look as bad by comparison.

The layoffs came before the vote when everyone was saying healthcare reform is dead. But I understand your temper tantrum today, it's all going to be okay.
Good then. It needs to be gone. No way in hell is it legal to force a tax on me if I don't have insurance.

Individual mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage. You're not opposed to the mandate, you're opposed to affordable health insurance.

They will get rid of mandate, ind and employer, cost sharing , expanded Medicaid, increase HSA's, whatever the GOP wants. Trump is going to sign it.

Basically it gives permission for the GOP to do whatever they want. Pence is the tie breaker.

More than likely you're right and then the crying will start when those rates don't go down. Not to mention the loss of jobs in the insurance industry which has already started with Molina yesterday, laying off 1400 employees.

The Molina layoffs occurred before the vote, it is a reflection of the current healthcare already in place.

Announced in the 4th quarter of 2016 due to a GOP getting elected, AKA Trump. I assume that is what made their decision, getting out while the getting is good.

Long Beach City Council voted earlier this month to create a business support team tasked with keeping Molina Healthcare in town.

Molina Healthcare has grown substantially in the years since then-President Barack Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in 2010. At the end of that year, Molina Healthcare employed some 4,200 people, according to its annual report for 2010. Its total employment quintupled between then and the end of last year, when some 21,000 people worked for the firm, the Press-Telegram reported.

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