Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

I never claimed to be Christian.'re just a lazy fuck. Not sure that's any better.

No. I have a job. I work.
My employer provides insurance.
I have always had a job that provided for the needs of my family.
I wouldn't take a job that didn't.

Really and when you get older and or your company decides to not give you insurance, or you get laid off or get ill and can't work. You do not know what tomorrow brings.

Do you know what eskimos do?
I never claimed to be Christian.'re just a lazy fuck. Not sure that's any better.

No. I have a job. I work.
My employer provides insurance.
I have always had a job that provided for the needs of my family.
I wouldn't take a job that didn't.

Really and when you get older and or your company decides to not give you insurance, or you get laid off or get ill and can't work. You do not know what tomorrow brings.

Do you know what eskimos do?

No what?
and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.

You are right about the results but for the wrong reasons. the reason the GOP is going to get clobbered is because we didn't want "replace" we wanted "repeal" only. Now we have 0bamacare Lite with the same problems. It now has a different name: "Trumpcare". All of the people who would have lost their coverage, would have been bankrupted by illness, and all of the massive debt that would have accumulated under 0bamacare, will now happen under Trumpcare.

That plus the fact that the GOP is sitting on their hands and not supporting the President, is the GOP again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I never claimed to be Christian.'re just a lazy fuck. Not sure that's any better.

No. I have a job. I work.
My employer provides insurance.
I have always had a job that provided for the needs of my family.
I wouldn't take a job that didn't.

Really and when you get older and or your company decides to not give you insurance, or you get laid off or get ill and can't work. You do not know what tomorrow brings.

Do you know what eskimos do?

No what?

They climb out on an ice floe.
Right, you know exactly what I'm opposed to.

Thing is, Conservatives have no idea what it is they actually want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a pretty childish way to go about policy. Individual mandates are necessary if you are looking to keep premiums low. The more healthy people that pay into the premium pool, the lower the premium for that pool. That's how insurance works. Then, when those healthy people become unhealthy, the new healthy people cover their costs. And the system repeats itself as such. That's how it's sustainable.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low. If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.
Until the Republicans pass something, and Trump signs it...
It's still Obamacare
It hasn't been Obamacare since Don THE Con's EO his first day in office, it became Trumpcare the instant he signed the EO.
The GOP are now trying to replace Trumpcare with WealthCare.
Right, you know exactly what I'm opposed to.

Thing is, Conservatives have no idea what it is they actually want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a pretty childish way to go about policy. Individual mandates are necessary if you are looking to keep premiums low. The more healthy people that pay into the premium pool, the lower the premium for that pool. That's how insurance works. Then, when those healthy people become unhealthy, the new healthy people cover their costs. And the system repeats itself as such. That's how it's sustainable.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low. If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Man you are a lost one. Obviously you do not understand insurance.'re just a lazy fuck. Not sure that's any better.

No. I have a job. I work.
My employer provides insurance.
I have always had a job that provided for the needs of my family.
I wouldn't take a job that didn't.

Really and when you get older and or your company decides to not give you insurance, or you get laid off or get ill and can't work. You do not know what tomorrow brings.

Do you know what eskimos do?

No what?

They climb out on an ice floe.

Get lost, here is hoping you lose your job, and your kids need welfare. Smug people like you need to be taken down a notch to learn about life. Your day is coming.
and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.

they're still don't have a bill to vote on. this only allowed debate.

but that said.... they're losers and cowards who think no one will notice what they did if their divesting millions of people of health care won't go into effect until after the 2018 midterms.


but the pond scum who vote for them are bigger morons.

I had kind of hoped that John mccain would do the right thing before he meets his mater.

wasn't very mavericky, was he?
We want insurance companies to be free from government interference.
To be able to offer plans for that benefit the majority of the country.

75 million people are on Medicaid. Got that. A smaller and smaller no. of people have ins, through their workplace and expect it to be less and less. The maj of people do not get HI by working. Hopefully you wont for much longer either. Then you will see what its like.
and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.

they're still don't have a bill to vote on. this only allowed debate.

but that said.... they're losers and cowards who think no one will notice what they did if their divesting millions of people of health care won't go into effect until after the 2018 midterms.


but the pond scum who vote for them are bigger morons.

I had kind of hoped that John mccain would do the right thing before he meets his mater.

wasn't very mavericky, was he?

They are reading it on Cspan 2. They are not going to debate it with the dems.
and face the dirty facts of what they just did. Say goodbye to your seats next election. Taking millions off of healthcare to give tax cuts to the wealthy. Shame , shame , shame.

Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Now Mike Pence needs to break the tie and we know what his vote will be.

Its over and the GOP is over.

they're still don't have a bill to vote on. this only allowed debate.

but that said.... they're losers and cowards who think no one will notice what they did if their divesting millions of people of health care won't go into effect until after the 2018 midterms.


but the pond scum who vote for them are bigger morons.

I had kind of hoped that John mccain would do the right thing before he meets his mater.

wasn't very mavericky, was he?

They are reading it on Cspan 2. They are not going to debate it with the dems.

interesting given that the3 vote was only supposed to be to open it for debate. or at least that's how the lying treasonous loons were presenting it.
Right, you know exactly what I'm opposed to.

Thing is, Conservatives have no idea what it is they actually want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a pretty childish way to go about policy. Individual mandates are necessary if you are looking to keep premiums low. The more healthy people that pay into the premium pool, the lower the premium for that pool. That's how insurance works. Then, when those healthy people become unhealthy, the new healthy people cover their costs. And the system repeats itself as such. That's how it's sustainable.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low. If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Man you are a lost one. Obviously you do not understand insurance.
Obviously I understand it all to well. I actually considered selling some of it for a brief moment in time. Spent two days studying, spent the required two hundred bucks for that module, took the test and got a license for that specific type of insurance that I was considering being a sales person for with a possibility of expanding later after I checked it all out throughally. Spent one day with another agent and then came across his superior that accosted me in an attempt to steal my notes out of my hands.

I was also the one for years who determined which insurance my company would have for the employees and my own family. I also have a fairly decent line on the medical community and the pitfalls in that field too due to some fortunate and unfortunate circumstances. Insurance forced protection by the government onto people. It is racketeering made legal through legislative action. If you want it you should be able to buy it freely. If not and the legislators force you into buying it or else it is just another gangster type racketeering program legalized for a few can benefit off of other peoples labor and efforts.

edit for clarity; BTW, that insurance company offered to open up an office that they wanted me to run. I declined.
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Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low.

Since the mandates, the growth in premiums has been less than it was prior to the ACA. That's what I meant. Mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage, which is what Trump and the GOP promised as they campaigned in 2016 and even in early 2017 once in office. So by repealing Obamacare, they are breaking that major campaign promise.

If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Why should someone go bankrupt, or lose their home, or drop out of school over something out of their control? Any type of cancer treatment is expensive.
Right, you know exactly what I'm opposed to.

Thing is, Conservatives have no idea what it is they actually want. All they know is what they don't want, and that's a pretty childish way to go about policy. Individual mandates are necessary if you are looking to keep premiums low. The more healthy people that pay into the premium pool, the lower the premium for that pool. That's how insurance works. Then, when those healthy people become unhealthy, the new healthy people cover their costs. And the system repeats itself as such. That's how it's sustainable.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low. If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Man you are a lost one. Obviously you do not understand insurance.
Obviously I understand it all to well. I actually considered selling some of it for a brief moment in time. Spent two days studying, spent the required two hundred bucks for that module, took the test and got a license for that specific type of insurance that I was considering being a sales person for with a possibility of expanding later after I checked it all out throughally. Spent one day with another agent and then came across his superior that accosted me in an attempt to steal my notes out of my hands.

I was also the one for years who determined which insurance my company would have for the employees and my own family. I also have a fairly decent line on the medical community and the pitfalls in that field too due to some fortunate and unfortunate circumstances. Insurance forced protection by the government onto people. It is racketeering made legal through legislative action. If you want it you should be able to buy it freely. If not and the legislators force you into buying it or else it is just another gangster type racketeering program legalized for a few can benefit off of other peoples labor and efforts.

edit for clarity; BTW, that insurance company offered to open up an office that they wanted me to run. I declined.

Good you didn't continue, as with the Marketplace you do not need a sales agent. I am pro Gov healthcare because one can't trust the insurance companies. We have been self insured for years and it has not been good, always having to worry about increases and cuts and getting diagnosed with anything for fear of being cut.
Mandates are not keeping insurance rates low.

Since the mandates, the growth in premiums has been less than it was prior to the ACA. That's what I meant. Mandates are necessary if you're guaranteeing universal coverage, which is what Trump and the GOP promised as they campaigned in 2016 and even in early 2017 once in office. So by repealing Obamacare, they are breaking that major campaign promise.

If the lawyers wife wants to continue with her expensive cancer treatment she and hubby may have to sell that million dollar plus house and tell their kids that they will have to pay for their own college just like poor peoples children generally have to do.

Why should someone go bankrupt, or lose their home, or drop out of school over something out of their control? Any type of cancer treatment is expensive.

They need to raise the fine of the mandates then people would sign up. I agree, one does not get home ins when their house is on fire and auto ins. when they get a wreck.
Whoever wanted this and voted for this, just remember you will reap what you sowed. You have got what you wanted, so clap and laugh and face the reality of what you voted for.

I'll clap when all forms of Government health services are done away with.

[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 17792865, member: 50023"This is probably the saddest day in the US history. Taking healthcare away from millions to give tax cuts to the wealthy.[/quote]

Healrhcare is not a right. It's a privilege. The tax cutsshoild go to everyone adter we shoild be repealing all forms of Government healthcare.

[QUOTE="Penelope, post: 17792865, member: 50023"Its over and the GOP is over.[/QUOTE]

The GOP died last November when they were forced to run Trump because they refused to nominate a truly CONSERVATIVE alternative among 16 other options; only to realize thst Conservatives would not support a Moderate-Liberal Establishment GOP candidate for POTUS again.
Trump now owns healthcare, and the GOP will need to go home

The first thing that struck me about this thread was how refreshing it is to hear a democrat admit Obamacare is such a colossal nightmare and failure. Why else would you want to pawn it off on Trump? You couldn't even wait until it got repealed.... that's how awful Obamacare is and you know it. As usual, the dems are over-playing their hand.

Trump owns nothing here. This was a mandate by the people who voted in 2016. If you want to call restoring our freedom to purchase the healthcare insurance we want instead of being forced to buy a product we didn't want or ask for, after you lied and said we could keep our old plans, "kicking us off" then so be it. Try selling that one to the electorate. Likewise, good luck convincing people that eliminating the fine which you claimed wasn't a tax, as "lowering taxes for the wealthy" ....I doubt that lie flies either. But it will be fun watching you make hypocritical fools of yourselves in the midterms.

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