Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

Trump has thrown his supporters under the bus and is now claiming his "Obama and Clinton founded ISIS" comment was sarcasm. He was just joking. Makes all those defending him here at USMB and carry water for him look especially stupid.

Yes, Bush lied, people died and they continue to die to this day but ISIS/ al qaeda was a CIA creation going back to 1979 with the Zibigniew Brzezinski plan and creation of the mujaheddin aka "al qaeda" which means "the base". Osama bin Laden always was a CIA asset and his CIA name was "Tim Osman". He died of Marfan's Syndrome on December 13th, 2001 and had no responsibility for 9/11/01...that was a total inside job by the owners of USA.INC. Bush Jr = Puppet, Barry Obama = puppet all being played by the globalists. ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL = CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intel, MI5 and's a fact and the truth isn't even in dispute. Holder, Barrypuppet and Hitlery are complicit in it...that is also not disputable.....
Trump has thrown his supporters under the bus and is now claiming his "Obama and Clinton founded ISIS" comment was sarcasm. He was just joking. Makes all those defending him here at USMB and carry water for him look especially stupid.

ISIS is a creation of the CIA under the leadership of the Barrypuppet, Hitlery and Eric Holder when it came out that the "good al qaeda" was double crossed when some Navy seals came up behind them when they were loading surface to air missiles stored at the Benghazi's a fucking fact. Mercenaries used to keep the Middle East de-stablized while waging a proxy war against Assad of Syria that poses no threat other than his agreement with Putin to build an oil pipeline. I know more than you, little "camper".....

Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.
Trump has thrown his supporters under the bus and is now claiming his "Obama and Clinton founded ISIS" comment was sarcasm. He was just joking. Makes all those defending him here at USMB and carry water for him look especially stupid.

ISIS is a creation of the CIA under the leadership of the Barrypuppet, Hitlery and Eric Holder when it came out that the "good al qaeda" was double crossed when some Navy seals came up behind them when they were loading surface to air missiles stored at the Benghazi's a fucking fact. Mercenaries used to keep the Middle East de-stablized while waging a proxy war against Assad of Syria that poses no threat other than his agreement with Putin to build an oil pipeline. I know more than you, little "camper".....
I don't pay attention to your nut job conspiracy theory delusions Dale. Your best off not trying to play that shit off of one of my post. Don't annoy me.
Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.

Well, I should blame you for doing nothing about it. Your life is affected by this nonsense. Tell people to vote 3rd party, tell them nothing will change if they don't.
The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

1. No, terrorists existed before Bush was POTUS. Al-Queda was already on the rise when Clinton was POTUS.

2. Bush did not lie, Saddam had WMDs, he used some against the Kurds.

3. ISIS did not exist in any form until 0bama was POTUS.
Lies, all lies.

Absolute truth. It isn't a lie simply because you don't like it.
Your lies are not absolute truth simply because you like to lie.

Your stupidity and lies have become tiresome. Dismissed.
You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.

Well, I should blame you for doing nothing about it. Your life is affected by this nonsense. Tell people to vote 3rd party, tell them nothing will change if they don't.

Blame me to your heart's content. I do what I can to wake people up to this debt slavery system. Even the Libertarian party was infiltrated by a CFR member. I wish that I had of known what I know now back when OWS was protesting against the Federal Reserve banks because we have one in Dallas. I would have put myself front and center and taken over the movement...but back then I simply saw them as rabble rousing commies that hate "da gubermint" and capitalism...shit, we haven't had real capitalism in our lifetime or our parents. What we have had is a powerful banking oligarchical monopoly power structure that has used us as a hammer to enslave third world nations that had resources these globalists coveted....shit, don't even get me started on this.....
The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

Then is it safe to say you agree FDR destabilized Germany and Japan in 1945 and Truman thru Obama stabilized Germany and Japan by leaving U.S. troops in for the past 70 plus years?

Do you also agree Truman destabilized Korea ? And Eisenhower thru Obama kept U.S.troops in South Korea for the past 50 years to stabilize that country?

Deflect much?

What deflection? Bush desatabilzed Irag and Obama was supposed to stabilize it after we won the war..

Instead obama declared the war over and left a country divided into three fractions the Kurdish, Shia and Sunni. ... He left a power vacuum...

He wanted the end of the iraq war over yet didn't tell the other guy, just to win the white house.
The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

Then is it safe to say you agree FDR destabilized Germany and Japan in 1945 and Truman thru Obama stabilized Germany and Japan by leaving U.S. troops in for the past 70 plus years?

Do you also agree Truman destabilized Korea ? And Eisenhower thru Obama kept U.S.troops in South Korea for the past 50 years to stabilize that country?

Deflect much?

What deflection? Bush desatabilzed Irag and Obama was supposed to stabilize it after we won the war..

Instead obama declared the war over and left a country divided into three fractions the Kurdish, Shia and Sunni. ... He left a power vacuum...

He wanted the end of the iraq war over yet didn't tell the other guy, just to win the white house.

including leaving 2 billion dollars worth of weapons laying around

for ISIS to snatch up

look at any picture of ISIS and you will see all sorts

of American Military weapons in their possession
How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.

Well, I should blame you for doing nothing about it. Your life is affected by this nonsense. Tell people to vote 3rd party, tell them nothing will change if they don't.

Blame me to your heart's content. I do what I can to wake people up to this debt slavery system. Even the Libertarian party was infiltrated by a CFR member. I wish that I had of known what I know now back when OWS was protesting against the Federal Reserve banks because we have one in Dallas. I would have put myself front and center and taken over the movement...but back then I simply saw them as rabble rousing commies that hate "da gubermint" and capitalism...shit, we haven't had real capitalism in our lifetime or our parents. What we have had is a powerful banking oligarchical monopoly power structure that has used us as a hammer to enslave third world nations that had resources these globalists coveted....shit, don't even get me started on this.....

The problem is you're waking people up to a system that is A) not true and B) sounds like it comes from a loony. So you're not going to succeed with that line of thought.

if you want people to take you seriously, you have to be serious.
What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.

Well, I should blame you for doing nothing about it. Your life is affected by this nonsense. Tell people to vote 3rd party, tell them nothing will change if they don't.

Blame me to your heart's content. I do what I can to wake people up to this debt slavery system. Even the Libertarian party was infiltrated by a CFR member. I wish that I had of known what I know now back when OWS was protesting against the Federal Reserve banks because we have one in Dallas. I would have put myself front and center and taken over the movement...but back then I simply saw them as rabble rousing commies that hate "da gubermint" and capitalism...shit, we haven't had real capitalism in our lifetime or our parents. What we have had is a powerful banking oligarchical monopoly power structure that has used us as a hammer to enslave third world nations that had resources these globalists coveted....shit, don't even get me started on this.....

The problem is you're waking people up to a system that is A) not true and B) sounds like it comes from a loony. So you're not going to succeed with that line of thought.

if you want people to take you seriously, you have to be serious.

Wanna bet??? Everything I post is easily verifiable....100 percent.
This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

Don't blame me...I stopped participating in this banana republic's elections when I became a pre 14th amendment citizen.....I simply sit back and watch the charade.

Well, I should blame you for doing nothing about it. Your life is affected by this nonsense. Tell people to vote 3rd party, tell them nothing will change if they don't.

Blame me to your heart's content. I do what I can to wake people up to this debt slavery system. Even the Libertarian party was infiltrated by a CFR member. I wish that I had of known what I know now back when OWS was protesting against the Federal Reserve banks because we have one in Dallas. I would have put myself front and center and taken over the movement...but back then I simply saw them as rabble rousing commies that hate "da gubermint" and capitalism...shit, we haven't had real capitalism in our lifetime or our parents. What we have had is a powerful banking oligarchical monopoly power structure that has used us as a hammer to enslave third world nations that had resources these globalists coveted....shit, don't even get me started on this.....

The problem is you're waking people up to a system that is A) not true and B) sounds like it comes from a loony. So you're not going to succeed with that line of thought.

if you want people to take you seriously, you have to be serious.

Wanna bet??? Everything I post is easily verifiable....100 percent.

Sure, I'll bet your dignity.

Well, maybe not, but "verifiable" means what? That you can point to some thing you'll claim is the truth? You can carry on making the argument, but as I've told you, it's crackpot.
As you know, no one in the world had heard of ISIS until Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, against all his advisors, pulled all our troops out of Iraq.
But not against the advice of Trump!!!!
That's right, Trump wanted to pull out of Iraq in 2007!!!!

BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation? Is there a way ...

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out. That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave, because I'll tell you, this country is just going to get further bogged down. They're in a civil war over there, Wolf. There's nothing that we're going to be able to do with a civil war. They are in a major civil war.

And it's going to go to Iran, and it's going to go to other countries. They are in the midst of a major civil war. And there's nothing -- by the way, we're keeping the lid on a little bit but date we leave anyway it's all going to blow up. And Saddam Hussein will be a nice person compared to the man and it will be a man, it will not a woman, that we understand. People say, oh, gee, you didn't give a woman a chance. It will be a man.

Compared to the person that takes over for Saddam Hussein, he will be considered a nice person. This guy will be the meanest, the worst guy and he'll have one thing, one thing, he will hate America, and he'll use that to flame. So, I mean, this is a total catastrophe and you might as well get out now, because you just are wasting time.

The claim is that Obama CREATED ISIS. That's complete Bull.

And by "bull" you mean "fact." :thup:

The situation in Iraq kept getting worse.

Not until Obama came in and fucked it up.

Something you Communists can't grasp is that lying does not change reality, regardless of it making the baby Hillary smile.

At some point the US had to leave and had to let the government they had created do the job, and when that happened things were almost certainly going to go to hell.

Why? Well if you understand Iraq, you'll know it's made up of three groups which hate each other. It's also made up of people who who haven't ruled, those who did rule are no longer alive or free, and it's made up of people who have only ever lived under a form of government which isn't what the US wants to have in Iraq.

Simply said, the US couldn't stay in Iraq forever, the people were fed up with a post war they couldn't win, after such an easy war.

There's a lot of reality here. You can try and simplify it and say it's Obama's fault, but it's not simple. The simple is that Bush started the war and none of these problems would exist now had he not done so. Even if Saddam had died in this period, it wouldn't have been this bad.

There is a lot of reality that you are ignoring. Iraq was contained when Bush left office, that moron Obama fucked it up - fact.

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