Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

The bottom line is that the Bushes destabilized the Middle East giving rise to ISIS. The icing on the cake was when Bush 43 disbanded Saddam's army.

Not only did Bush 43 lie us into Iraq - his daddy, Bush 41, lied us into the First Gulf War by suckering Saddam into invading Kuwait. The Bushes cost America much prestige, blood and treasure.

Bush 41 suckered Saddam into invading Kuwait by giving him the "green light" via April Glaspie.

It is now more than fifteen years since that fateful meeting on July 25, 1990 between then-US Ambassador to Iraq April Glaspie and President Saddam Hussein that the Iraqi leader interpreted as a "green light" from Washington for his invasion of Kuwait eight days later.

TRANSCRIPT: Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

Bush 43 conjured up lies to invade Iraq a 2nd time. He was planning to invade Iraq before 9/11.

1. No, terrorists existed before Bush was POTUS. Al-Queda was already on the rise when Clinton was POTUS.

2. Bush did not lie, Saddam had WMDs, he used some against the Kurds.

3. ISIS did not exist in any form until 0bama was POTUS.
Lies, all lies.

Absolute truth. It isn't a lie simply because you don't like it.
Your lies are not absolute truth simply because you like to lie.
A brief history of ISIS
Where we stand today:

ISIS considers itself the "Islamic Caliphate" (a theological empire) and controls vast swathes of land in western Iraq and eastern Syria. They also have "allegiance" from different radical Islamic groups around the world (from Afghanistan to Nigeria) who "govern" self-proclaimed provinces.

Within the areas they control they have established a reign of terror second to none. They have institutionalized slavery and rape (particularly of adherents to the Yazidi religion who they view as devil worshippers) and have carried out genocide and ethnic cleansing of Christians, Alawites, and other Shiites and Yazidis in the territories they control.

They have struck with a vengeance beyond their territories. Suicide attacks in Baghdad, Beirut, and Ankara killed hundreds. In October 2015, they detonated a bomb aboard a Russian airliner leaving from Sharm el-Sheikh airport in Egypt, killing all 224 people on board. In November, they orchestrated a multi-suicide attack in Paris, killing 129 people. They have inspired "lone-wolf" terror attacks by sympathizers in places as far away as Ottawa and Sydney.

A bit of nomenclature:

You may have heard about ISIS referred to as IS, ISIL, or Daesh. All of these acronyms describe the group in question.

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was the name of the group when it captured Mosul in 2014 and became the terrorist juggernaut it is today. They named themselves that to assert their dominance in Syria (more on that later).

ISIL: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (aka Greater Syria) is the name that Obama uses to describe the group (pretty much only Obama uses it). Superficially speaking, it is just a translation thing.

IS: Islamic State is the name the group gave itself after a "rebranding" effort when they wanted to show off their global strategy (they wouldn't be limited to Syria and Iraq anymore).

Daesh: You may have heard French President Francois Hollande refer to the group by this name. This is essentially the Arabic acronym of the group. People assume that using this word somehow weakens them… it doesn't, because unfortunately in this case it is one of those "sticks and stones" things.

Funded by USA.INC with the recruiting of mercenaries being done by the CIA, MI5, MI6, Saudi Intel and the Mossad. I know of what I speak because I have doggedly gone after this issue for a long time. Pull your head out of your ass. America has become a communist/fascist country and it sickens me beyond belief.

Pull my head out of my ass? Try reading the posts and the links provided. There is so much BS floating around including yours that I decided to provide some accurate 411 on this subject.

Take your whining up with the authors.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA None of your links are worth a shit and I wouldn't waste my time to even click on one because I know the real story behind ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL going all the way back to 1979.....spare me your bullshit. Russia did more damage to "ISIS" in two weeks than USA.INC did for seven years and there is a reason for that. Stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed because that is what you do best. I have done the research and I have impeccable resources that were/are "high ups" in the intelligence field. They use these mercenaries and their grunt recruits to fight proxy battles for USA.INC. Spare me your mumbo jumbo "analytical" bullshit propaganda because I know more than you.

Ya...Russia has a stellar track record in the Mid East. Bin Ladin ran their dumb asses out of Afghanistan. Also they had several years head start with the intel with their relationship with the Syrian government, Oh but YOU have all the sense and knowledge and I don't care.

I provided the sources of the information I posted and you have only asserted that you "know more than I do".

Typical responses of a Trump supporter needing a daddy figure to tell him "because I said so".

I do not participate in your banana republic elections. I simply read and research and I know more than you...infinitely more.

So you keep trying to convince everyone.
Trump should surround himself with smarter advisers and foreign policy experts - because he's an idiot.

Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS
Of course they do because it's a ridiculous statement. We all know Trump meant that the actions of Obama made possible the founding and growth of ISIS, which is certainly debatable.

The fact is claiming Obama founded ISIS is a better sound byte and that's what counts when you're behind 10 points and your support within your party is drying up faster than crazy glue.
Trump should surround himself with smarter advisers and foreign policy experts - because he's an idiot.

Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS
Of course they do because it's a ridiculous statement. We all know Trump meant that the actions of Obama made possible the founding and growth of ISIS, which is certainly debatable.

The fact is claiming Obama founded ISIS is a better sound byte and that's what counts when you're behind 10 points and your support within your party is drying up faster than crazy glue.

I disagree. Trump meant EXACTLY what he said. He had a chance to clarify on Hugh Hewitt - but instead he doubled down. Maybe he actually believes there are enough low-information poorly educated knuckle-draggers to put him in the White House.
Trump should surround himself with smarter advisers and foreign policy experts - because he's an idiot.

Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS
Of course they do because it's a ridiculous statement. We all know Trump meant that the actions of Obama made possible the founding and growth of ISIS, which is certainly debatable.

The fact is claiming Obama founded ISIS is a better sound byte and that's what counts when you're behind 10 points and your support within your party is drying up faster than crazy glue.

I disagree. Trump meant EXACTLY what he said. He had a chance to clarify on Hugh Hewitt - but instead he doubled down. Maybe he actually believes there are enough low-information poorly educated knuckle-draggers to put him in the White House.
Trump is nutty as a fruitcake and is completely unqualified for the presidency but he's not dumb. He's just pieced together the correlation between Obama's troop reduction in Iraq with the growth of ISIS. To his supporters, the correlation is cause and effect. However, presenting it to his supporters in this way would not be near as effective as just saying Obama founded ISIS, not true but more effective.
Trump should surround himself with smarter advisers and foreign policy experts - because he's an idiot.

Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS
Of course they do because it's a ridiculous statement. We all know Trump meant that the actions of Obama made possible the founding and growth of ISIS, which is certainly debatable.

The fact is claiming Obama founded ISIS is a better sound byte and that's what counts when you're behind 10 points and your support within your party is drying up faster than crazy glue.

I disagree. Trump meant EXACTLY what he said. He had a chance to clarify on Hugh Hewitt - but instead he doubled down. Maybe he actually believes there are enough low-information poorly educated knuckle-draggers to put him in the White House.
Trump is nutty as a fruitcake and is completely unqualified for the presidency but he's not dumb. He's just pieced together the correlation between Obama's troop reduction in Iraq with the growth of ISIS. To his supporters, the correlation is cause and effect. However, presenting it to his supporters in this way would not be near as effective as just saying Obama founded ISIS, not true but more effective.

Yes, I know. He had to make it simple enough for idiots to remember what to put on a bumper sticker.
Funded by USA.INC with the recruiting of mercenaries being done by the CIA, MI5, MI6, Saudi Intel and the Mossad. I know of what I speak because I have doggedly gone after this issue for a long time. Pull your head out of your ass. America has become a communist/fascist country and it sickens me beyond belief.

Pull my head out of my ass? Try reading the posts and the links provided. There is so much BS floating around including yours that I decided to provide some accurate 411 on this subject.

Take your whining up with the authors.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA None of your links are worth a shit and I wouldn't waste my time to even click on one because I know the real story behind ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL going all the way back to 1979.....spare me your bullshit. Russia did more damage to "ISIS" in two weeks than USA.INC did for seven years and there is a reason for that. Stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed because that is what you do best. I have done the research and I have impeccable resources that were/are "high ups" in the intelligence field. They use these mercenaries and their grunt recruits to fight proxy battles for USA.INC. Spare me your mumbo jumbo "analytical" bullshit propaganda because I know more than you.

Ya...Russia has a stellar track record in the Mid East. Bin Ladin ran their dumb asses out of Afghanistan. Also they had several years head start with the intel with their relationship with the Syrian government, Oh but YOU have all the sense and knowledge and I don't care.

I provided the sources of the information I posted and you have only asserted that you "know more than I do".

Typical responses of a Trump supporter needing a daddy figure to tell him "because I said so".

I do not participate in your banana republic elections. I simply read and research and I know more than you...infinitely more.

So you keep trying to convince everyone.

Stating a verifiable fact is not a ploy to convince anyone of anything. Once you reach the place I am at, validation isn't warranted, wanted nor needed.
Trump should surround himself with smarter advisers and foreign policy experts - because he's an idiot.

Experts Reject Trump's Claim That Obama Founded ISIS
Of course they do because it's a ridiculous statement. We all know Trump meant that the actions of Obama made possible the founding and growth of ISIS, which is certainly debatable.

The fact is claiming Obama founded ISIS is a better sound byte and that's what counts when you're behind 10 points and your support within your party is drying up faster than crazy glue.

ISIS is a brainchild of the CIA with help from the Mossad, Saudi Intel, MI5 and MI6. There is also an inside joke about the name of these mercenaries that they put right in your face knowing you are not smart enough to figure it out.
Hillary set the stage, and Obama assembled the cast.

Then the curtains rose and the ISIS melodrama began. ...... :cool:
ISIS formed in 2004 at Bush's black site Camp Bucca, so how exactly does that involve Obama or Clinton?????

As you know, no one in the world had heard of ISIS until Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama, against all his advisors, pulled all our troops out of Iraq. Nature cannot tolerate a vacuum so President Obama and Secretary Hillary Clinton created a massive area for ISIS to grow, recruit and prosper. Had we maintained a decent force in Iraq, ISIS would not be the threat it is today.

If you recall, President Obama promised, many times, that he would have us completely out of Iraq and Afghanistan. How has that worked out? Now we have troops going back into Iraq, they have never left Afghanistan and President Obama has promised not to leave not 5,000 troops in Afghanistan but rather over 9,000. Sitting ducks.

Thank you President Obama.
The isis was created in 1999. Obama was not president at the time!

Saddam hussein ruled iraq
Bush removed saddam
Isis took over

Thanks republicans.

No one even heard of "ISIS" until the failed "good al qaeda' was busted for trying to take out Assad that USA.INC was arming (reference Benghazi). Al qaeda (the base) is and has always been a CIA asset to fight proxy battles and wars to keep certain regions de-stablized if it served the multi-national corporations interests. Grow up, little are not in Oz anymore. The way you believe things work as opposed to how things ACTUALLY work don't have even a nodding acquaintance with each boss is always the same as the old boss and all the while the walls are closing in on the's a fact.

Hillary's own emails prove she is a liar.

"Julian Assange: So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails.There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.

So Hillary is facing two big problems: first, the emails prove she lied to the Senate; and two, her lying therefore constitutes provable perjury.

Donald Trump is thus crazy — like a fox — to bring this up now, KNOWING that Wikileaks is going to release more documents in the coming weeks tying Hillary Clinton to ISIS.

The media can keep bashing him, and distracting an electorate barely paying attention in the summer months. But come Labor Day, and Trump media barrage, and the debates, Hillary will have nowhere to run. And even Candy Crowley won’t be able to save her."

Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

Seems Assange is very good at claiming things, claiming he has proof of things, and not showing the proof. Didn't he say he was going to release proof of Hillary that was going to destroy her? And he's still not released this proof yet. That was months ago.

All he's released is stuff about the Democrat Primaries. Oh, wow, that was so damaging wasn't it?

You're right, it was severely damaging. It proved that what Bernie Sanders had been saying that the primaries were fixed...and it turned out he was right.

Now the "poverty stricken" Socialist Sanders has bought a 160,000 luxury car along with a $600,000 chalet as his third house. The car came from his campaign fund, I'm not sure about the house. Not bad for a guy who claimed his net worth was $300,000 in his last financial disclosure. Guess he's found that Capitalism really can be good.

How was it damaging? How many people are going to not vote Democrat because of what was released? Like zero?

The primaries were fixed? So what? The problem isn't that the primaries were fixed, the problem is politicians like Sanders, an independent, felt the need to go through the Democrat primaries because the system is biased towards two parties. Change that and you solve all the problems, parties can pick whoever they want and no one will get scandalized that, shock horror, the Democrats prefer a Democrat to represent the Democrats rather than someone who isn't.

What I believe is that people are waking up to the fact that our alleged "leaders" are not elected but rather selected and that the participation of the serfs in this process is not necessary or even wanted if they don't support their candidates that they handpicked.....because you are gonna get what they want you to it or lump it. The neocon clown posse did the same thing to Ron Paul in 2012 as what was done to Bernie Sanders. People will stay home but you can bet that the paperless trail Diebold machines will just make up the numbers like they have done since 2004.

This is the problem. People are waking up to "the fact" that isn't a fact at all.

People SHOULD BE waking up to the fact that they keep voting for the same two parties which prevents democracy. I mean 98% of voters voting for the main two parties then complain when the main two parties are the only relevant ones in the running.

Come off it. Who has the vote here? To blame the politicians because the people keep voting them in is ridiculous.

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