Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

I think Trump is running some kind of mass social experiment on his Chumps. He will keep saying dumber and dumber shit to discover how deep the stupid goes.

Maybe this will be the subject of his next book. Working title: The Art of the Long Con.

Hillary is having similar experiment, she will tell more and more obvious lies to see whether the Hillary bots will believe anything. So far the answer is yes.
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.
"Where did they come from?

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. When U.S. administrators, under Paul Bremer, decided to "de-Baathify" the Iraqi civil and military services, hundreds of thousands of Sunnis formerly loyal to Saddam Hussein were left without a job — and they were mad. Al Qaeda chose to capitalize on their anger and established al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) to wage an insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq (Saddam was secular, but his intelligence and military supporters were able to make common cause with the jihadis of al Qaeda).

During this time they were quite active in waging a sectarian war against Iran-backed Shiite militias in central Iraq and bombing hotels in neighboring Jordan. Many of their members were imprisoned in U.S.-run "Camp Bucca," where they were able to meet up and radicalize.

Fast forward to the U.S. "surge" in 2007: The U.S.-installed, Shiite government in Baghdad began reaching out to Sunni tribes, encouraging them to reject AQI. By this point, AQI was basically defeated and it looked like peace was coming to the Middle East (kinda).

Fast forward again to the Arab Spring and the uprising against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad (more info on that here). During the Iraq War, AQI would frequently go back and forth between Syria and Iraq to resupply, so it had a lot of contacts in the country. When Assad began shooting and gassing his own people, and the peaceful uprising turned into a civil war, AQI saw an opportunity to establish a presence there.

It quickly moved into Syria, renamed itself as The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and merged with its Syrian counterpart. This pissed off al Qaeda's HQ, because they were already establishing a separate al Qaeda in Syria (aka al-Nusra front) and wanted it to remain separate. The two groups fought another mini-war amongst themselves and officially separated with AQI rebranding itself into the ISIS we hear about today.

It is important to note that this tiff between the two groups was global and concerned some "practical" things (like if al Qaeda should rule territory or kill Sunnis), as well as ego matters (like if Osama Bin Laden's lieutenants, who have been on the run since 2001, should be the ones calling the shots). The intra-jihadi battle was waged on the battlefields of Syria, Iraq, Somalia, and northwest Africa, as well as in jihadi forums on the darknet.

As the Syrian civil war ground on, ISIS became the first rebel group to capture major cities (Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor). In the summer of 2014, the group had its breakout moment. In a lightning offensive, it captured Mosul in Iraq and drove south until it was on the borders of Baghdad. A few weeks later it rebranded itself as a Caliphate and demanded that all Muslims pledge allegiance (bay'ah). At this point, groups like Boko Haram in Nigeria and Ansar Beit Al Maqdis in Egypt's Sinai began pledging allegiance and flew the black flag of ISIS. They also established presences in half a dozen other countries.

ISIS grew in notoriety through an aggressive social media and viral video strategy that had it engage with sympathizers and glorify violence. It beheaded many of its victims, including U.S. journalist James Foley. It often filmed executions through drowning, burning alive, and shooting. When it captured the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar, it institutionalized slavery and rape of the Yazidi minority. In short, it installed a reign of barbaric terror.

How did ISIS grow to become so powerful?

There are a number of forces that can explain its strength.

  • Feelings of disenfranchisement: Sunni communities in Iraq and Syria felt alienated by Shiite- and Alawite-led governments. ISIS played on these feelings, pushing forward a sense of victimhood and giving these communities a means to feel in control through violence. They also advanced a twisted interpretation of Islam that found ripe fodder among disenfranchised youth in the area.
  • Unlikely bedfellows: ISIS partnered with the lieutenants of Saddam Hussein's secular regime (who used to hate jihadis) to perfect their tools of repression along the same lines that Saddam used.
  • Syrian chaos: There is little doubt that as U.S. allies (Saudi Arabia, Qatar ,and Turkey) ploughed money and arms into the Syrian civil war much of it ended up in the hands of ISIS (and other jihadi groups).
  • Iraqi chaos: After the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, the atrophied Iraqi army was over-equipped and underprepared (and very corrupt) to deal with ISIS. Much of the weaponry ended up in ISIS's hands.
  • Racketeering and extortion: Before ISIS formally controlled Mosul, it would run a racketeering business (similar to that used by the U.S. mafia) under the nose of the Iraqi government. Businesses and individuals had to pay them a "protection fee" to stay safe.
  • Taxation and exploitation: Properties belonging to religious minorities or regime sympathizers were promptly appropriated (e.g. churches, gold, hard currency), and once ISIS controlled territory and people it began taxing them like any state would.
  • Selling oil: It is the Middle East, so oil is always involved. While technically shut out from the international markets, ISIS could and did still find markets for its oil (usually in neighboring Turkey whose government was sympathetic to many of the Syrian jihadis)"
A brief history of ISIS

"ISIS was born out of the 2003 invasion of Iraq", is a misleading statement when used by leftists. As you read the article you posted, they were not ISIS then they were Alqueda in Iraq, a group the 0bama and the Democrats insisted did not exist. John McCain famously stated when asked if he believed Al-Qaeda was in Iraq: "Yes, they are called Al-Queda in Iraq!", and he was right. The Democrats and the state run media laughed about it. Unfortunately, McCain lost the election and 0bama and his weakness and failed policies allowed them to grow and organize. The rest; how that group moved to Syria and the US supported and supplied them is in the rest of the article.

Trump is not wrong.

I don't have the last word on these issues so I did some research and came up with the above posts. I read it and it looked reasonable. There was no leftist opinion associated with what I found. If I read it wrong I would be happy to get some input showing what I missed.

Thanks for trying to post an impartial link

But a quick search on the battle of Deir ez-Tor comes up these players

Syrian Arab Republic

Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas (rebel claim) [1]
Free Syrian Army


Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

You can argue the last one is ISIS

But that's not what the main stream media reported..

The battle of Raqqa produced these groups

Ahrar ash-Sham
Free Syrian Army

Al-Nusra Front
Syrian Arab Republic

Deffinitly no mention of ISIS

Battle of Raqqa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS

You guys on the left really hate it when we use your dirty tricks against you.

"Bush is Hitler" - FAIR GAME
"Bush hates Black people" - FAIR GAME
"Bush lied people died" - FAIR GAME
"Obama is the MVP of ISIS - OVER THE LINE!
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS

You guys on the left really hate it when we use your dirty tricks against you.

So, you admit it's a "dirty trick" - and I agree. Now, crazy Giuliani backs Trump up.

Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.
CNN right now has this up on their screen'

followed by the factcheck that al Baghdadi founded ISIS

For some reason the mere fact they feel the need to put that up is my laugh of the day.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Your link don't work
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS

You guys on the left really hate it when we use your dirty tricks against you.

So, you admit it's a "dirty trick" - and I agree. Now, crazy Giuliani backs Trump up.

Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS

The exact wording is the dirty trick. I'm pretty sure that 0bama didn't sit down with a group in a smoke filled room and start ISIS, I'm also sure that ISIS doesn't award MVPs.

That said, ISIS is without a doubt a product of the failures of 0bama and Hillary.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Your link don't work
Works for me,try a different browser, I'm using Opera for Mac.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Come on dude seriously? Don't you think I have Google?

From PBS

Mumbai Massacre | Background Information | Secrets of the Dead | PBS

Just 10 gunmen, Indian authorities say, were responsible for the attacks. Many people dispute this figure, arguing that help from others must have been necessary to gain access and carry out the attacks.

They came by boat from Pakistan and on landing in Mumbai Harbour, split up into pairs and spread out across the city.

They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure).
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS

You guys on the left really hate it when we use your dirty tricks against you.

So, you admit it's a "dirty trick" - and I agree. Now, crazy Giuliani backs Trump up.

Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS

The exact wording is the dirty trick. I'm pretty sure that 0bama didn't sit down with a group in a smoke filled room and start ISIS, I'm also sure that ISIS doesn't award MVPs.

That said, ISIS is without a doubt a product of the failures of 0bama and Hillary.

Well, just don't vote for Obama again.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Your link don't work
Works for me,try a different browser, I'm using Opera for Mac.

Oh the 2011 bombings so far what I found on wiki

There was speculation that the pattern of the blasts suggested involvement ofIndian Mujahideen (IM). According to the Special cell of the Delhi Police, Indian Mujahideen has been conducting blasts on the 13 or 26 of the month.[nb 1][20] Speculation was also rife that the hard-line Taliban Mumbai underworld could be behind these blasts, in the light of the killing of journalist Jyotirmoy Dey, as well as the attempted assassination of Dawood Ibrahim's brother, Iqbal Kaskar on 3 May 2011. The day 13 July is also observed as Kashmir Martyr's day, and there could be a possibility that the attacks were carried out by Kashmiri groups.[21]There is also a view that the attacks could have been plotted by those trying to derail the Indo-Pakistani peace process.[22]
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Come on dude seriously? Don't you think I have Google?

From PBS

Mumbai Massacre | Background Information | Secrets of the Dead | PBS

Just 10 gunmen, Indian authorities say, were responsible for the attacks. Many people dispute this figure, arguing that help from others must have been necessary to gain access and carry out the attacks.

They came by boat from Pakistan and on landing in Mumbai Harbour, split up into pairs and spread out across the city.

They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure).
And yet others say it was ISI.

Ex-ISI chief admitted Mumbai attack planners were ‘our people’, claims Husain Haqqani - The Express Tribune

Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, has claimed that shortly after the 2008 Mumbai attacks the then Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief General (retd) Shuja Pasha had admitted the planners of the 26/11 attacks were “our people” but it was not “our operation”.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Come on dude seriously? Don't you think I have Google?

From PBS

Mumbai Massacre | Background Information | Secrets of the Dead | PBS

Just 10 gunmen, Indian authorities say, were responsible for the attacks. Many people dispute this figure, arguing that help from others must have been necessary to gain access and carry out the attacks.

They came by boat from Pakistan and on landing in Mumbai Harbour, split up into pairs and spread out across the city.

They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure).
And yet others say it was ISI.

Ex-ISI chief admitted Mumbai attack planners were ‘our people’, claims Husain Haqqani - The Express Tribune

Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, has claimed that shortly after the 2008 Mumbai attacks the then Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief General (retd) Shuja Pasha had admitted the planners of the 26/11 attacks were “our people” but it was not “our operation”.

You are a dumb ass he joined ISIS latter you piece of crap just like the thousands of others..
God Damn dude, seriously trying to rewrite history with me?

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.
BY: PTI | LONDON |Updated: April 11, 2016 9:54 A

There was no fucking headlines in 2011 that it was ISIS

Last edited:
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.

I agree - and Trump has doubled-down on this nonsense.

Donald Trump Is Now Calling Obama The 'Most Valuable Player' For ISIS

You guys on the left really hate it when we use your dirty tricks against you.

So, you admit it's a "dirty trick" - and I agree. Now, crazy Giuliani backs Trump up.

Rudy Giuliani Agrees With Donald Trump That Obama Founded ISIS

The exact wording is the dirty trick. I'm pretty sure that 0bama didn't sit down with a group in a smoke filled room and start ISIS, I'm also sure that ISIS doesn't award MVPs.

That said, ISIS is without a doubt a product of the failures of 0bama and Hillary.

Well, just don't vote for Obama again.

I predict that 0bama will get no votes from anyone this election. Don't doubt me.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

26/11 ‘Mumbai bomber’ enters Europe in ISIS plot: Report

The ISIS "strike team" sent to Europe before last November's Paris attacks included Usman, the veteran bomb-maker from Pakistan.

The disclosure come from sources close to a multinational investigation who warn more “large-scale” assaults on European countries, including Britain, are “imminent”. Dozens of the ISIS operatives are still at large, the report said.

Come on dude seriously? Don't you think I have Google?

From PBS

Mumbai Massacre | Background Information | Secrets of the Dead | PBS

Just 10 gunmen, Indian authorities say, were responsible for the attacks. Many people dispute this figure, arguing that help from others must have been necessary to gain access and carry out the attacks.

They came by boat from Pakistan and on landing in Mumbai Harbour, split up into pairs and spread out across the city.

They were from Jihadist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (Army of the Pure).
And yet others say it was ISI.

Ex-ISI chief admitted Mumbai attack planners were ‘our people’, claims Husain Haqqani - The Express Tribune

Pakistan’s former ambassador to the US, Husain Haqqani, has claimed that shortly after the 2008 Mumbai attacks the then Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief General (retd) Shuja Pasha had admitted the planners of the 26/11 attacks were “our people” but it was not “our operation”.

attacks were “our people” but it was not “our operation”.

Can you comprehend what that means?

Again try prove to me there was mention of ISIS in the mainstream news before 2014
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.
The more radical and insane Trump rants are the less appeal he will have for sensible voters. He's already won the conspiracy theorists, the destroy America to rebuild it crowd, and the I hate Hillary bunch. The undecided voters just don't respond to this, more evidence of Trump's inexperience.
I might very well be behind the curve on this, because I've been completely perplexed by Trump's appeal from the beginning, and I don't really get partisan politics to begin with.

But it's becoming clearer to me that, aside from the fact that he's so over-the-top crazy, his fans really, really hate Hillary. I mean more than just the usual partisan stuff. Maybe it's the 25+ years that Rush has been hammering on her, but holy crap, there is nothing that can be said about her that is too nasty or too ridiculous.

Trump was just the best in the field at being nasty, and that's what they want.
CNN right now has this up on their screen'

followed by the factcheck that al Baghdadi founded ISIS

For some reason the mere fact they feel the need to put that up is my laugh of the day.
Presidential Politics 101
Make outrageous claims about the president (It doesn't matter if it's true or not)
Then claim that the president's party nominee shares in the guilt (Again, it doesn't matter if it's true or not)

What does matter is repeating the claim over and over because anything that's repeated enough must be true.

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