Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

Sounds about right
To an ignorant right winger. Remember, anyone over 12 remembers.

This Timeline Shows the Rise of ISIS


How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

General Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, says the U.S. could have weeded Saddam Hussein’s loyalists from the Iraqi army while keeping its structure, and the bulk of its forces, in place. “We could have done a lot better job of sorting through that and keeping the Iraqi army together,” he told TIME on Thursday. “We struggled for years to try to put it back together again.”

The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army robbed Baghdad’s post-invasion military of some of its best commanders and troops. Combined with sectarian strains that persist 12 years later, it also drove many of the suddenly out-of-work Sunni warriors into alliances with a Sunni insurgency that would eventually mutate into ISIS. Many former Iraqi military officers and troops, trained under Saddam, have spent the last 12 years in Anbar Province battling both U.S. troops and Baghdad’s Shi’ite-dominated security forces, Pentagon officials say.


How many times have I posted this information since 2008? Dozens?

George Bush dissolved the Iraqi military in 2003. He later called it one of his biggest blunders.

If Trump wasn't a tard, he would know that. And if his base wasn't so determined to stay ignorant, they would know it.
So you are back to blaming Bush for ISIS entering Iraq in mile-long convoys....WHILE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT....WHILE OBAMA SAT BACK AND WATCHED AND DID NOTHING...EXCEPT TO SAY, "NO WORRIES - THEY ARE ONLY A 'JV TEAM'?!

And if those ex-Hussein soldiers did flock to ISIS, Obama didn't have to finance them, supply them, arm them, train them, and protect them and their black market oil industry...

So you are back to blaming Bush for ISIS entering Iraq in mile-long convoys....WHILE OBAMA WAS PRESIDENT....WHILE OBAMA SAT BACK AND WATCHED AND DID NOTHING...EXCEPT TO SAY, "NO WORRIES - THEY ARE ONLY A 'JV TEAM'?!

Didn't you read anything? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You complain I don't post links and then you refuse to read them when I do.
Didn't you read anything? What the fuck is wrong with you people? You complain I don't post links and then you refuse to read them when I do.
A taste of your own medicine sucks doesn't it.

ACTUALLY I looked at it, and it still doesn't change the fact that ISIS exploded after Obama stuck his nose into Syria, after he became obsessed with ousting Assad, after he started funding them, supplying them, arming them, training them, and protecting them. It still doesn't change the fact that ISIS could have been DEVASTATED by US and coalition air strikes as their mile long convoys flowed into Iraq...IF HE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN OFF HIS BUTT AND DONE SOMETHING INSTEAD OF LETTING IT HAPPEN.

Obama ALLOWED ISIS to flow in and take over territory already liberated by our troops at great cost.

The time to isolate ISIS was when their mile-long convoys were flowing into Iraq. A couple of A-10s would have decimated their forces (vehicles and troops) and kept them in Syria!
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Sounds about right
To an ignorant right winger. Remember, anyone over 12 remembers.

This Timeline Shows the Rise of ISIS


How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

General Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, says the U.S. could have weeded Saddam Hussein’s loyalists from the Iraqi army while keeping its structure, and the bulk of its forces, in place. “We could have done a lot better job of sorting through that and keeping the Iraqi army together,” he told TIME on Thursday. “We struggled for years to try to put it back together again.”

The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army robbed Baghdad’s post-invasion military of some of its best commanders and troops. Combined with sectarian strains that persist 12 years later, it also drove many of the suddenly out-of-work Sunni warriors into alliances with a Sunni insurgency that would eventually mutate into ISIS. Many former Iraqi military officers and troops, trained under Saddam, have spent the last 12 years in Anbar Province battling both U.S. troops and Baghdad’s Shi’ite-dominated security forces, Pentagon officials say.


How many times have I posted this information since 2008? Dozens?

George Bush dissolved the Iraqi military in 2003. He later called it one of his biggest blunders.

If Trump wasn't a tard, he would know that. And if his base wasn't so determined to stay ignorant, they would know it.

Still don't want to Admit ISIS risen in 2014 ?

Again Rderp who did obama in January 2014 call JV




Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
Trump's statement is poorly put, but of course, ISIS is a direct result of Obama pulling US troops out of Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon because he didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise in 2008 of pulling US troops out of Iraq.
This claim ignores the fact that Bush agreed and signed the agreement a month before leaving office that obligated the US to leave Irag. He literally dumped the obligation on the incoming administration. All claims that Obama did not negotiate a new agreement are dependent on the assumption that a new agreement leaving troops in Iraq was even possible in light of the Iraqi Parliament's insistence that no new agreement be accepted that would not adhere to the previous agreement that troops would leave Iraq.
Sounds about right
To an ignorant right winger. Remember, anyone over 12 remembers.

This Timeline Shows the Rise of ISIS


How Disbanding the Iraqi Army Fueled ISIS

General Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, says the U.S. could have weeded Saddam Hussein’s loyalists from the Iraqi army while keeping its structure, and the bulk of its forces, in place. “We could have done a lot better job of sorting through that and keeping the Iraqi army together,” he told TIME on Thursday. “We struggled for years to try to put it back together again.”

The decision to dissolve the Iraqi army robbed Baghdad’s post-invasion military of some of its best commanders and troops. Combined with sectarian strains that persist 12 years later, it also drove many of the suddenly out-of-work Sunni warriors into alliances with a Sunni insurgency that would eventually mutate into ISIS. Many former Iraqi military officers and troops, trained under Saddam, have spent the last 12 years in Anbar Province battling both U.S. troops and Baghdad’s Shi’ite-dominated security forces, Pentagon officials say.


How many times have I posted this information since 2008? Dozens?

George Bush dissolved the Iraqi military in 2003. He later called it one of his biggest blunders.

If Trump wasn't a tard, he would know that. And if his base wasn't so determined to stay ignorant, they would know it.

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.

It wasn’t until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold, and focused on the civil war in Syria,” Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front – or al-Qaeda – and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans aren’t even aware of,” Swann said. “In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad would lose their war within a month.”

Swann noted that just months before this occurred he had personally confronted President Obama on the issue of why the U.S. was covertly funding Syrian rebels
. Although Obama acted as if he was proceeding with caution, politicians such as Senator John McCain demanded action.

Within a matter of weeks of the Syrian general making his plea for international help, the U.S., the Saudis, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Israel began providing weapons, training and money to so-called rebel groups like the Free Syrian Army,” Swann said.

In September 2013, American media outlets began reporting that weapons were being given to Syrian rebels. CNNreported that while the weapons are not “American-made,” they were “funded and organized by the CIA.”

However, Swann said that things began to fall apart when less than one year after the U.S. supplied Syrian “freedom fighters” with weapons, those weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters.

That would be the year 2014

I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
ISIS has been around since 1999, declared its caliphate "Islamic State of Iraq" in 2006. In 2007, the US began to support and supply groups like ISIS:

The Redirection - The New Yorker
The key phrase in your comment is "groups like ISIS". Groups like ISIS meaning groups involved with the civil war in Syria. Many of those groups at the same time were fighting ISIS.
Wrong. The "Civil War" in Syria began 2011, not 2007.
Hence, the founding charge is even more ridiculous because it implies the US was supplying ISIL while they were still confined to Iraq.
Not entirely. Of course, Trump is not blaming his own party right now, but the whole ME reshaping project has been planned at least 15 years ago and the evidence can be seen in a Simpsons episode of 2001. Take a look at the flag on the technical that is being bombed, its the old Syrian flag, now used by the so called "FSA".

Obama didn't found ISIS, but he's helping to destroy it:

Islamic State ranks shrink amid ‘retreat on all fronts’: Pentagon

Islamic State ranks shrink amid ‘retreat on all fronts’: Pentagon
The US is only aiding certain groups. When ISIS raids Syrian or Iraqi army points the "Coalition" does nothing about this. It is evident that the US tries to keep all the parties alive to maintain the conflict. This even includes direct aid for ISIS.

American aircraft dropped weapons to ISIS, says MP - Iraqi News
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
'Hope and change" gave new life to ISIS...
Lame deflection away from the fact that Trump told another blatant lie. His founder comment is a lie and not a single poster on his side has a defense for it other than to deflect away from it.
Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
Trump's statement is poorly put, but of course, ISIS is a direct result of Obama pulling US troops out of Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon because he didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise in 2008 of pulling US troops out of Iraq.
This claim ignores the fact that Bush agreed and signed the agreement a month before leaving office that obligated the US to leave Irag. He literally dumped the obligation on the incoming administration. All claims that Obama did not negotiate a new agreement are dependent on the assumption that a new agreement leaving troops in Iraq was even possible in light of the Iraqi Parliament's insistence that no new agreement be accepted that would not adhere to the previous agreement that troops would leave Iraq.
Nonsense. Under the same status of forces agreement Bush signed, Obama has now sent several thousands of US troops back to Iraq, so clearly he could have kept them there.
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
'Hope and change" gave new life to ISIS...
Lame deflection away from the fact that Trump told another blatant lie. His founder comment is a lie and not a single poster on his side has a defense for it other than to deflect away from it.

Hillary lies, liberals say, "No, that is what she really believes so it's not a lie."

Trump isn't far off the mark with what HE believes,as proven by the previous posts, yet Liberals declare him to be a liar.

Gotta love that Lib double standard. :p
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
'Hope and change" gave new life to ISIS...
Lame deflection away from the fact that Trump told another blatant lie. His founder comment is a lie and not a single poster on his side has a defense for it other than to deflect away from it.
Truth doesn't need a defense.
Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
Trump's statement is poorly put, but of course, ISIS is a direct result of Obama pulling US troops out of Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon because he didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise in 2008 of pulling US troops out of Iraq.
This claim ignores the fact that Bush agreed and signed the agreement a month before leaving office that obligated the US to leave Irag. He literally dumped the obligation on the incoming administration. All claims that Obama did not negotiate a new agreement are dependent on the assumption that a new agreement leaving troops in Iraq was even possible in light of the Iraqi Parliament's insistence that no new agreement be accepted that would not adhere to the previous agreement that troops would leave Iraq.

You would be correct except Obama sent troops to IRAQ before a New agreement was reached.

And it didn't matter America was an occupying force..we don't need no treats.

That always makes a liberal cry.
Can anyone explain how Hillary could possibly be the "co-founder" of ISIS?
Re-read the earlier posts. She was Sect of State while much of this was going on.
She helped ally herself and Obama with Al Qaeida, helped drag the US into the middle of 2 civil wars between terrorists and dictators, drag us into 2 un-sanctioned which we aided terrorists both times. She definitely deserves partial 'credit'.
Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
Trump's statement is poorly put, but of course, ISIS is a direct result of Obama pulling US troops out of Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon because he didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise in 2008 of pulling US troops out of Iraq.
This claim ignores the fact that Bush agreed and signed the agreement a month before leaving office that obligated the US to leave Irag. He literally dumped the obligation on the incoming administration. All claims that Obama did not negotiate a new agreement are dependent on the assumption that a new agreement leaving troops in Iraq was even possible in light of the Iraqi Parliament's insistence that no new agreement be accepted that would not adhere to the previous agreement that troops would leave Iraq.
Nonsense. Under the same status of forces agreement Bush signed, Obama has now sent several thousands of US troops back to Iraq, so clearly he could have kept them there.

Iraq formally asked for help.

Iraq formally asks US to launch air strikes against rebels - BBC News

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