Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

I don't recall anyone blaming Roosevelt for the rise of Hitler, or Japan, or Mussolini.

This is a new thing with conservatives, taking the ad hominem attack to it's logical conclusion, so they equate Hillary Clinton to the actual devil, and claim a US president 'created' Isis.

Sorry to break it to you people but the other humans around the world don't give a shit what happens in America. They do their own thing and almost never know what is going on here.

And it's funny that ISIS sort of developed with al Zarqawi under Bush's term and when he died in 2006 that's when ISIS really took off as ISIS. But they don't blame Bush, in fact any mention of Bush and they'll shout you down with "he's not president any more, so much be Obama's fault".

This is one of the new tenets of modern conservatism, history doesn't matter except when we say it matters. Then it is the gravest of concern for all of humanity against evil.

In their minds you need not continue mentioning that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.

Yeah, the Constitution is the most important thing when it concerns their lives, if not, like for black people, gay people etc, then it's not relevant at all.

They seem to do the same thing in a lot of areas.
ISIS has been around since the 90s. It just didn't have the ISIS name till 06 I believe.
That said, Obama has repeatedly armed them. Hell, they got some more American weapons and tech last week. But its a step up for Obama. At least he didn't drop them into their strong hold.. They had to find them. Give credit where credit is due :clap:

^^that's the kind of standards you have to have to support our President. JS
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?

Two dumb ass rednecks, today can call themselves the Opie Taylor gang and their plan is to take over cities in north Carolina, and kill and behead as many people who don't like the Andy Griffin show, but they are not going to do anything about it untill, the President declares North Carolina is not part of the U.S.A. and pulls out the national guard, all military personal...

And declares the war with rednecks is over.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?

Your post confirms that Obama and Clinton were not the "founders" of ISIL. The word "founders" is a word with a definitive meaning. You state that "two idiots came up the the name in 2008". That by definition is an admission that the organization was established before Obama became President or Clinton became Secretary of State. You blow off this fact by referring to the "two idiots".
Making an argument or debate about how ISIL came to power is not the same as claiming that Obama and Clinton "founded" or started an organization that had already been "founded" by others.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.


I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.


I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
ISIS has been around since 1999, declared its caliphate "Islamic State of Iraq" in 2006. In 2007, the US began to support and supply groups like ISIS:

The Redirection - The New Yorker
Of course we all know that 0bama didn't gather a bunch of terrorists in a room and announce that he was forming a group to be called ISIS, but to place the blame for ISIS on 0bama and Hillary, is entirely accurate.

We have been saying and proving this to be true since before Trump decided to run.

What Trump said is essentially true.
You have proven no such thing. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.


I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
ISIS has been around since 1999, declared its caliphate "Islamic State of Iraq" in 2006. In 2007, the US began to support and supply groups like ISIS:

The Redirection - The New Yorker
The key phrase in your comment is "groups like ISIS". Groups like ISIS meaning groups involved with the civil war in Syria. Many of those groups at the same time were fighting ISIS.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.


I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
ISIS has been around since 1999, declared its caliphate "Islamic State of Iraq" in 2006. In 2007, the US began to support and supply groups like ISIS:

The Redirection - The New Yorker
The key phrase in your comment is "groups like ISIS". Groups like ISIS meaning groups involved with the civil war in Syria. Many of those groups at the same time were fighting ISIS.
Wrong. The "Civil War" in Syria began 2011, not 2007.
Of course we all know that 0bama didn't gather a bunch of terrorists in a room and announce that he was forming a group to be called ISIS, but to place the blame for ISIS on 0bama and Hillary, is entirely accurate.

We have been saying and proving this to be true since before Trump decided to run.

What Trump said is essentially true.
You have proven no such thing. Just because you say it doesn't make it true.

Sure we have, in multiple threads multiple times. The fact that you left wing nutter never ever admit when you are wrong is exactly why I seldom waste time debating with you. Stay stupid, that's your problem. I don't care.

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