Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

Sounds about right

Except that Bush had a surge against ISIS..... that was before Obama was President, by the way.

George W. Bush: 'The lessons of 9/11 are being forgotten'

""ISIS can be defeated," Bush said, mentioning the surge. "

That was before Obama came into power.

yep.... like i said. they live in a fact-free zone.

Well we know that. They think facts are for "the establishment" or something like that.

I remember going into a math test when I was High School and I was taking the higher level, and we all had to go in to the room first, but all the muppets were by the door insulting us as we went in. It's kind of funny, because they're still muppets, their lives are rubbish while those who went in to the test first are the ones who did better in life (except the one who killed himself, of course)
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.
Sounds about right

Except that Bush had a surge against ISIS..... that was before Obama was President, by the way.

George W. Bush: 'The lessons of 9/11 are being forgotten'

""ISIS can be defeated," Bush said, mentioning the surge. "

That was before Obama came into power.

yep.... like i said. they live in a fact-free zone.

Well we know that. They think facts are for "the establishment" or something like that.

I remember going into a math test when I was High School and I was taking the higher level, and we all had to go in to the room first, but all the muppets were by the door insulting us as we went in. It's kind of funny, because they're still muppets, their lives are rubbish while those who went in to the test first are the ones who did better in life (except the one who killed himself, of course)

sorry about the one who killed himself. *sheesh* but yes, they fail and resent anyone who isn't a failure. i think your sig says it all.
hahaha hilarious.

It's Trump's strategy of pushing up his support amongst poorly educated white males from 75% to 77%.

Awesome election campaign.
And that 75% to 77% are all libtards. You see, Trump needs all the former Bernie libtard voters to defeat Crooked Hillary.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.

Sounds about right

Except that Bush had a surge against ISIS..... that was before Obama was President, by the way.

George W. Bush: 'The lessons of 9/11 are being forgotten'

""ISIS can be defeated," Bush said, mentioning the surge. "

That was before Obama came into power.

yep.... like i said. they live in a fact-free zone.

Well we know that. They think facts are for "the establishment" or something like that.

I remember going into a math test when I was High School and I was taking the higher level, and we all had to go in to the room first, but all the muppets were by the door insulting us as we went in. It's kind of funny, because they're still muppets, their lives are rubbish while those who went in to the test first are the ones who did better in life (except the one who killed himself, of course)
Facts don't matter to Conservatives?

Hillary lies about lying, gets pounded on 2 seperate occassions by Fact-Check orgs, and libs ignore the facts to declare Hillary is right and everyone else, to include the Fact-check sites, are wrong.

The hypocrisy and BS coming from the left, puffing their chests out while trying to claim they are better than everyone else, is so thick you can choke on it.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.

'Nuff said.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.

So, if he financed, supplied, armed and trained ISIS, you'll be able to prove it, right? Otherwise we'll just have a little giggle at you being wrong.

So come on, prove it.
hahaha hilarious.

It's Trump's strategy of pushing up his support amongst poorly educated white males from 75% to 77%.

Awesome election campaign.
And that 75% to 77% are all libtards. You see, Trump needs all the former Bernie libtard voters to defeat Crooked Hillary.

While losing every other demographic in America.
Mostly just the occupiers shitting on street corners.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.

So, if he financed, supplied, armed and trained ISIS, you'll be able to prove it, right? Otherwise we'll just have a little giggle at you being wrong.

So come on, prove it.
It's already been proven over and over. In the arrogant words of NYC, 'Google it...I'm sure someone can help you figure out how to do that.'
Sounds about right

Except that Bush had a surge against ISIS..... that was before Obama was President, by the way.

George W. Bush: 'The lessons of 9/11 are being forgotten'

""ISIS can be defeated," Bush said, mentioning the surge. "

That was before Obama came into power.

yep.... like i said. they live in a fact-free zone.

Well we know that. They think facts are for "the establishment" or something like that.

I remember going into a math test when I was High School and I was taking the higher level, and we all had to go in to the room first, but all the muppets were by the door insulting us as we went in. It's kind of funny, because they're still muppets, their lives are rubbish while those who went in to the test first are the ones who did better in life (except the one who killed himself, of course)

sorry about the one who killed himself. *sheesh* but yes, they fail and resent anyone who isn't a failure. i think your sig says it all.

I've come to the conclusion that it's all about hope. When you've not got much hope left in life, you go looking for it. People like Trump, Obama, Hitler, Johnson+Farage (Brexit) gave hope to people by telling them how they'd give them hope. At the end of the day it's words and more often than not doesn't end up becoming reality.

People just want to believe the hope that's being thrown at them.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
Barry didn't finance, supply, arm, train, and protect China - he did ISIS.

So, if he financed, supplied, armed and trained ISIS, you'll be able to prove it, right? Otherwise we'll just have a little giggle at you being wrong.

So come on, prove it.
It's already been proven over and over. In the arrogant words of NYC, 'Google it...I'm sure someone can help you figure out how to do that.'

Yeah, it's what I'm expecting to happen. But you never know.
Great, another liberal bringing up Hitler / Nazis....when no one else is.

It is telling that they can't help but bring them up because of their connection to the KKK they founded.
Sounds about right

Except that Bush had a surge against ISIS..... that was before Obama was President, by the way.

George W. Bush: 'The lessons of 9/11 are being forgotten'

""ISIS can be defeated," Bush said, mentioning the surge. "

That was before Obama came into power.

yep.... like i said. they live in a fact-free zone.

Well we know that. They think facts are for "the establishment" or something like that.

I remember going into a math test when I was High School and I was taking the higher level, and we all had to go in to the room first, but all the muppets were by the door insulting us as we went in. It's kind of funny, because they're still muppets, their lives are rubbish while those who went in to the test first are the ones who did better in life (except the one who killed himself, of course)

sorry about the one who killed himself. *sheesh* but yes, they fail and resent anyone who isn't a failure. i think your sig says it all.

I've come to the conclusion that it's all about hope. When you've not got much hope left in life, you go looking for it. People like Trump, Obama, Hitler, Johnson+Farage (Brexit) gave hope to people by telling them how they'd give them hope. At the end of the day it's words and more often than not doesn't end up becoming reality.

People just want to believe the hope that's being thrown at them.

I think hope is a wonderful thing. But we've seen what happens when Hope becomes rage and people are scapegoated because of the need to blame.

Also hope isn't an excuse for lies
Libs criticized Bush for starting a war in Iraq where we had no business being and that 'the US is not the world's police force'.

Where is that sentiment regarding Obama's actions? We had no business independently sticking our nose into Syria's civil war. That is the U.N.'s job, but Barry couldn't help doing so anyway.

His 'Red Line' was an arrogant bluff, and Assad called him on it. Barry then backed down from his ultimatum in front of the whole world. He was laughed at and our enemies were emboldened.

He responded in true Obama fashion by trying to blame others - he claimed it was not HIS 'Red Line'. He claimed ir was the WORLD's 'RED LINE'. Again, he was laughed at.

At that point he became obsessed with Syria and with ousting Assad, so much that he was willing to ally himself with ISIS.
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I think hope is a wonderful thing. But we've seen what happens when Hope becomes rage and people are scapegoated because of the need to blame.

Also hope isn't an excuse for lies
I agree - again, Obama sought to blame anyone....actually EVERYONE...for HIS 'Red Line' disaster. In his need to blame someone for his failure he blamed 'the world'.

From that spawned MANY lies.
hahaha hilarious.

It's Trump's strategy of pushing up his support amongst poorly educated white males from 75% to 77%.

Awesome election campaign.
And that 75% to 77% are all libtards. You see, Trump needs all the former Bernie libtard voters to defeat Crooked Hillary.

While losing every other demographic in America.
Mostly just the occupiers shitting on street corners.


And also, everybody else.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

Wrong. Stop posting crap.

Obama could have renegotiated a deal, but wanted to honor his campaign promise instead.

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