Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

"So what now?

There are about a dozen countries (some of which hate each other) fighting ISIS. All of them (except for Iran, Syria, and Iraq) are basically doing it by bombing them from the sky. The U.S. has committed a few hundred "advisors" to the fight (and they are most certainly not wearing boots).

Despite a yearlong campaign against ISIS, the group still controls a lot of territory (even capturing new ground like Palmyra in Syria) and has demonstrated that it can strike in the heart of the Western world.

Post-Paris, there seems to be growing momentum for ground troop involvement against ISIS. The Obama administration has remained reluctant, insisting that its strategy is the successful one and that ISIS is weaker now than before. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad feels emboldened with Russia and Iran by his side, knowing that it is less likely for the West to oust him if the alternative will be ISIS.

As the Syrian civil war closes its fifth year, ISIS seems stronger than ever and the refugee exodus does not look like it will end. As Western governments try to grapple with the threat of ISIS terror reaching the Western world, they will feel the pressure to lock out these refugees (who are also fleeing ISIS). By using refugees as a convenient scapegoat, the risk is alienating them, leaving them susceptible to the toxic mix of conspiracy theories and extremism that breeds jihadi violence.

Note: It should go without saying that while ISIS is a radical Islamic group/movement, it does not, by any means, represent the views of the vast majority of Muslims. The majority of its victims have been Muslims and its twisted interpretation of the Koran is not shared by the 1 billion+ adherents of the Muslim faith.

Further reading and supporting sources:

"The rise of Islamic State"

"ISIS: The state of terror"

"The Islamic State"

"ISIS enshrines a theology of rape"

"Is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?"

"What ISIS really wants"

"Secret files reveal the structure of Islamic State""
There have always been radical Muslim groups. Never before has one managed to progress so fast and do so much damage. Obama and Hillary enabled ISIS and are responsible for the little JV team becoming a force to be reckoned with.

No one heard of ISIS before they gained ground under Obama.
A brief history of ISIS
Where we stand today:

ISIS considers itself the "Islamic Caliphate" (a theological empire) and controls vast swathes of land in western Iraq and eastern Syria. They also have "allegiance" from different radical Islamic groups around the world (from Afghanistan to Nigeria) who "govern" self-proclaimed provinces.

Within the areas they control they have established a reign of terror second to none. They have institutionalized slavery and rape (particularly of adherents to the Yazidi religion who they view as devil worshippers) and have carried out genocide and ethnic cleansing of Christians, Alawites, and other Shiites and Yazidis in the territories they control.

They have struck with a vengeance beyond their territories. Suicide attacks in Baghdad, Beirut, and Ankara killed hundreds. In October 2015, they detonated a bomb aboard a Russian airliner leaving from Sharm el-Sheikh airport in Egypt, killing all 224 people on board. In November, they orchestrated a multi-suicide attack in Paris, killing 129 people. They have inspired "lone-wolf" terror attacks by sympathizers in places as far away as Ottawa and Sydney.

A bit of nomenclature:

You may have heard about ISIS referred to as IS, ISIL, or Daesh. All of these acronyms describe the group in question.

ISIS: Islamic State of Iraq and Syria was the name of the group when it captured Mosul in 2014 and became the terrorist juggernaut it is today. They named themselves that to assert their dominance in Syria (more on that later).

ISIL: Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (aka Greater Syria) is the name that Obama uses to describe the group (pretty much only Obama uses it). Superficially speaking, it is just a translation thing.

IS: Islamic State is the name the group gave itself after a "rebranding" effort when they wanted to show off their global strategy (they wouldn't be limited to Syria and Iraq anymore).

Daesh: You may have heard French President Francois Hollande refer to the group by this name. This is essentially the Arabic acronym of the group. People assume that using this word somehow weakens them… it doesn't, because unfortunately in this case it is one of those "sticks and stones" things.

Funded by USA.INC with the recruiting of mercenaries being done by the CIA, MI5, MI6, Saudi Intel and the Mossad. I know of what I speak because I have doggedly gone after this issue for a long time. Pull your head out of your ass. America has become a communist/fascist country and it sickens me beyond belief.

Pull my head out of my ass? Try reading the posts and the links provided. There is so much BS floating around including yours that I decided to provide some accurate 411 on this subject.

Take your whining up with the authors.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA None of your links are worth a shit and I wouldn't waste my time to even click on one because I know the real story behind ISIS/al qaeda/ISIL going all the way back to 1979.....spare me your bullshit. Russia did more damage to "ISIS" in two weeks than USA.INC did for seven years and there is a reason for that. Stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed because that is what you do best. I have done the research and I have impeccable resources that were/are "high ups" in the intelligence field. They use these mercenaries and their grunt recruits to fight proxy battles for USA.INC. Spare me your mumbo jumbo "analytical" bullshit propaganda because I know more than you.
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.

This poor buy is off in neverland now. He attempts to paint Hillary as the devil and now this. trump couldn't put out a positive statement on his POLICIES if it were to crawl up his leg and crap on his head.

Let him go, he is letting the public see who he really is which is what is needed.
There have always been radical Muslim groups. Never before has one managed to progress so fast and do so much damage. Obama and Hillary enabled ISIS and are responsible for the little JV team becoming a force to be reckoned with.

No one heard of ISIS before they gained ground under Obama.

What cracks me is that "Huggy" was going to "hip" me to what is what....what a fucking joke. ISIS/al qaeda is being funded with 11,000 plus Swiss bank accounts that Scott Bennett uncovered . Benghazi was about getting surface to air missiles into the hands of these mercenaries that did the dirty work of taking out Qaddafi so they could use them against Assad in Syria. I LOVE watching them try and spin this utter bullshit because I take great pleasure in kicking their "knows-nothing" asses.
They're getting bombed out of Sirte as we speak...

OP- I'm beginning to think Trump wants to lose as a TPer and start another Fox channel. The money is too easy lol....
The isis was created in 1999. Obama was not president at the time!

Saddam hussein ruled iraq
Bush removed saddam
Isis took over

Thanks republicans.

No one even heard of "ISIS" until the failed "good al qaeda' was busted for trying to take out Assad that USA.INC was arming (reference Benghazi). Al qaeda (the base) is and has always been a CIA asset to fight proxy battles and wars to keep certain regions de-stablized if it served the multi-national corporations interests. Grow up, little are not in Oz anymore. The way you believe things work as opposed to how things ACTUALLY work don't have even a nodding acquaintance with each boss is always the same as the old boss and all the while the walls are closing in on the's a fact.
The only ones dumb enough to actually believe that are his radical hard-core base. Others will dismiss it as more crazy talk from the man-child.

Your ilk have been trying to revise history for a bit, it was Obama who started the movement of ISIS, to declare the war over and not tell the other guy...

If he would of stayed in Iraq he would have just had to deal with Al Quadia
The 'ISIS' explosion started after Barry's humiliating 'Red Line' disaster.

Barry became so obsessed with Assad after that, determined on making amends. In order to do so he supported 'rebels' - terrorists: ISIS! ISIS promised to help overthrow Assad...and the poor bastard never knew he was being played...or he didn't care.

Obama funded ISIS.

He supplied ISIS.

He armed ISIS.

He trained ISIS terrorists.

He did nothing as they invaded Iraq - he let them freely enter and begin taking over territory our military had already liberated at great cost.

He became their 'Baghdad Bob', declaring they were not a threat, calling them a 'JV Team', and falsely declaring they were 'contained' the night before the Paris attack.

He betrayed his own allies by protecting ISIS' black market oil program, which financed 50% of its terrorist attacks - to include he Paris attack. After the attack, when French and Russian air forces were on the way to attack their oil locations, finally ignoring Obama's efforts to stop them, Obama warned ISIS the attack was coming.

Hillary aided Barry in allying themselves with Al Qaeida, dragging the US into an unsanctioned war, and helping them take over their own nation - Libya. It was from there they ran weapons to ISIS for the war to overthrow Assad.

So, considering the facts, Trump is actually not that far from the truth.

Oh, Obama is not the 1st President to side with 'surrogates' and engage in 'king-making', putting dictators on the throne. He is quite possibly the 1st, however, to drag the US into the middle of 2 civil wars between terrorists and dictators, to side with terrorists while dragging the US into 2 un-sanctioned wars...especially to help Al Qaeida, who murdered 3,000 Americans...WHILE lying to the American people by declaring Al Qaeida was on the run.
That post deserves four stars. If only the American people would see the truth of it...but then we know the MSM won't tell them the truth.
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
You forgot to state that Trump is right.


only if you ignore history prior to 2008.

but it does explain why trumpsters and reality seem not to co-exist at all.
Silly Jilly...we all know history isn't your strong suit...well along with everything else.

Explain how a radical leftist feminist like yourself can condemn W for his war crimes, but ignore and champion Obama's war crimes?

Its okay if stupidity is your answer.

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