Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
You forgot to state that Trump is right.


only if you ignore history prior to 2008.

but it does explain why trumpsters and reality seem not to co-exist at all.
Silly Jilly...we all know history isn't your strong suit...well along with everything else.

Explain how a radical leftist feminist like yourself can condemn W for his war crimes, but ignore and champion Obama's war crimes?

Its okay if stupidity is your answer.

poor dear. i didn't create the history. i'm just informing you.

ISIS was born out of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003. When U.S. administrators, under Paul Bremer, decided to "de-Baathify" the Iraqi civil and military services, hundreds of thousands of Sunnis formerly loyal to Saddam Hussein were left without a job — and they were mad. Al Qaeda chose to capitalize on their anger and established al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) to wage an insurgency against U.S. troops in Iraq (Saddam was secular, but his intelligence and military supporters were able to make common cause with the jihadis of al Qaeda).

During this time they were quite active in waging a sectarian war against Iran-backed Shiite militias in central Iraq and bombing hotels in neighboring Jordan. Many of their members were imprisoned in U.S.-run "Camp Bucca," where they were able to meet up and radicalize.

Fast forward to the U.S. "surge" in 2007: The U.S.-installed, Shiite government in Baghdad began reaching out to Sunni tribes, encouraging them to reject AQI. By this point, AQI was basically defeated and it looked like peace was coming to the Middle East (kinda).

A brief history of ISIS

thanks for proving once again that dumb donald's wackos live in a fact-free universe.

you're dismissed now, little boy
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.
Oh there is doubt...lots of doubt. Just ask any lib...but then their media dupes them over and over and over............
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.
ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

Dumbass Obama and Clinton: "Lets bomb the shit out of Libya, what could possibly go wrong?"
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

Wrong. Stop posting crap.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

Wrong. Stop posting crap.

you don't really think there's any chance of that, do you?
Liberals, especially who hate Bush, seem to claim that Al Qaeida did not exist before Bush cane into office - no planning, no scheming, no funding, no recruiting, no preparation for the execution of 9/11/01. According to them, one morning terrorists woke up, got together, and executed the 9/11/01 attacks.

They ignore the facts that the terrorists existed long before Bush, that the plan for 9/11/01 was conceived long before Bush, that the plan, funding, recruiting, and training happened before Bush came into office. For example, the yerrorists who flew the planes attended flight training during Clinton's Presidency.

Libs like Jill proclaim to 'only report history'...but fail to mention how much history she completely ignores in her re-telling of it.

The denial from libs that Varry supplied, financed, armed, trained, and protected ISIS is DEVOID of FACT...yet try to claim Conservatives are the ones who live in a fact-free zone. HA!

Many people err in the re-telling of history. It is the rabidly partisan who intentionally skew the facts to paint history as they want to see it. Claiming Barry and Hillary share no blane in ISIS' rampage is the intentional skewing of history.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

You say he "could have demanded a renegotiation", maybe he did. Maybe the Iraqis didn't want the US in their country anymore. It's not Obama's fault that Bush said he wouldn't withdraw troops without the commanders saying it was good to do so, then withdrawing the troops before the commanders said so. It's not Obama's fault that Bush invaded Iraq. It's not Obama's fault that Bush messed up the WHOLE of the post war period and created a political vacuum which people like al Qaeda, al Zarqawi managed to fill, and then went around blowing people up.

Bush started to bring troops home in 2007. Who was saying that it was safe to start the process in 2007?

Obama was in over his head? That's complete rubbish. He did what he HAD TO DO. Also, at the time of the withdrawal people supported leaving.

Fewer in U.S. Support Iraq Withdrawal Decision Now vs. 2011

At the end of 2011 public opinion was 75% in favor of leaving. Only 21% of people disapproved.

From the middle of 2005 until the end of time, public opinion thought that sending troops to Iraq was a bad decision.

Okay, public opinion is what? Is it generally wrong? Should politicians completely ignore public opinion? Well, Bush made public opinion be in favor of Iraq. However what was Obama going to do to make people in favor of a war which created the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, that saw 4,000 troops killed, that saw 40,000 maimed for life.

People wanted out and people didn't give a damn whether ISIS came about or not. The Iraq govt has to deal with these things, not the US govt. It had 8 years to sort out these problems and DIDN'T.
Dumbass Obama and Clinton: "Lets bomb the shit out of Libya, what could possibly go wrong?"


Yet W gets all sorts of criticism in the MSM, for his stupid Iraq War, and rightfully so. Obama and Clinton get no such criticism.

Even more amazing millions of Americans can't see this transparent hypocrisy.
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ISIS was never the world threat it was until its benefactor, Obama, began supplying, funding, arming, training, and defending them.

It is no coincidence that Obama's 'Red Line' fiasco, Obama's obsession with iusting Assad, and ISIS are all centered on Syria, a place the U.S. had no place being yet one Barry decided to inject himself - and the US - into. Barry was the catalyst.

Jill likes history so much, but she won't like what history says about Barry and ISIS.

Were ISIS a criminal and they were on trial for their murders and attrocities, Barry would be on trial as an accomplice.

He funded their crimes.
He supplied them with the tools.
He gave them the weapons.
He protected their money-making source.

It wasn't the threat because things were different then. China wasn't the threat it is now in 2008, is it Obama's fault?

You're coming up with very poor logic to try and attack him for it. The US didn't inject itself into Syria, it stayed out as much as its little meddling fingers possibly could.
There's no doubt Obama's premature withdrawal from Iraq has created a very unstable region that allowed the growth of groups like Obama's jv team.

President George W. Bush's chilling warning on Iraq in 2007

Here's a video.

You have Bush saying the US troops shouldn't pull out until the military said it was safe to do so. But then BUSH SIGNED A DOCUMENT PULLING TROOPS OUT. Obama didn't have any choice and yet you have the guy who wrote Bush's speech coming on blaming Obama for pulling the troops out, ignore, as many do, that BUSH SIGNED THE WITHDRAWAL.

Yeah yeah I know all about that, Bush signed the document, but Obama as president could have demanded a renegotiation. He could have easily shown the region was not stable enough for a withdrawal at that time.
Obama was simply over his head, and missed an opportunity to show real leadership.

Wrong. Stop posting crap.

you don't really think there's any chance of that, do you?

No. I just continue to marvel at how grown up human beings can believe things that are indisputably, provably false.

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