Trump: Obama is the founder of ISIS; Hillary is the co-founder

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

1. It's Wiki.
2. The war in Syria started before 2012.
3. Back when it started, I also posted a list, and that list included a group I had never heard of before: ISIS.
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.


I want a Damn link to prove ISIS was on the world stage before 2014

I want to know why Obama called Alquadia JV but not ISIS in January 2014...

No one heard of frickin ISIS on the world stage before 2014...
ISIS has been around since 1999, declared its caliphate "Islamic State of Iraq" in 2006. In 2007, the US began to support and supply groups like ISIS:

The Redirection - The New Yorker
The key phrase in your comment is "groups like ISIS". Groups like ISIS meaning groups involved with the civil war in Syria. Many of those groups at the same time were fighting ISIS.
Wrong. The "Civil War" in Syria began 2011, not 2007.
Hence, the founding charge is even more ridiculous because it implies the US was supplying ISIL while they were still confined to Iraq.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?

Your post confirms that Obama and Clinton were not the "founders" of ISIL. The word "founders" is a word with a definitive meaning. You state that "two idiots came up the the name in 2008". That by definition is an admission that the organization was established before Obama became President or Clinton became Secretary of State. You blow off this fact by referring to the "two idiots".
Making an argument or debate about how ISIL came to power is not the same as claiming that Obama and Clinton "founded" or started an organization that had already been "founded" by others.

Two people founding a group don't mean anything, obama enabled them...

They were obscure before 2014. Yea trump is being a dumb ass on foreign affairs..

He should of said obama given "rise" or "enabled" ISIS by ending the war and pulling out.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.

There is 100% probability that you are wrong. ISIS started in Syria and Libya.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

1. It's Wiki.
2. The war in Syria started before 2012.
3. Back when it started, I also posted a list, and that list included a group I had never heard of before: ISIS.

Where is the list at or are you making shit up again?
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.

There is 100% probability that you are wrong. ISIS started in Syria and Libya.
Trump made the stupid statement that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. Now his supporters are trying to explain his stupid statement by deflecting into a debate about when ISIS started. Some of these defenses are beyond ridiculous. Like yours about ISIS starting in Syria and Libya.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.

That is irellavant would ISIS have risen if Obama not declares the war over and pulled out?

Would the fictional "kraut gang" of Germany risen up if we had pulled out all our troops in 1945?

Would the fictional "samurai solders " risen up in 1945 if we pulled out all our troops in Japan?
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

People often forget what ISIS and al Qaeda are. They're not always unified groups fighting under one leader. Often they're umbrella groups who pledge allegiance to the group, but do their own thing.

If you look at Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you'll see that the Military of ISIL and Khalid ibn al-Walid are fighting under ISIL, al-Nusra front are fighting for ISIS too.

But if you don't look these things up, you'll end up looking a little silly.
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.

There is 100% probability that you are wrong. ISIS started in Syria and Libya.
Trump made the stupid statement that Obama and Clinton founded ISIS. Now his supporters are trying to explain his stupid statement by deflecting into a debate about when ISIS started. Some of these defenses are beyond ridiculous. Like yours about ISIS starting in Syria and Libya.

An explatinon?

No it was a foreign affair cluster fuck by obama to pull out of Iran..
The cult followers believe whatever the cult leader says, no matter how ridiculous it is.

Another fool so what year did the ISIS rise up and start taking over cities? When did you see the name ISIS on message boards and in the media?





Knowledge is power, propaganda is for fools ...

You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?

Who enabled them by pulling out of IRAQ and declaring the war over, for political gain to win the white house?


Question, would ISIS have been the force it is right now without the invasion of Iraq?

There's a 100% possibility that the answer is no.

That is irellavant would ISIS have risen if Obama not declares the war over and pulled out?

Would the fictional "kraut gang" of Germany risen up if we had pulled out all our troops in 1945?

Would the fictional "samurai solders " risen up in 1945 if we pulled out all our troops in Japan?

Would ISIS have existed if the American public hadn't got so fed up with the war, and the recession it caused that Obama didn't really have any choice, other than political suicide, of pulling out, that and Bush having signed the withdrawal order.

Basically Obama didn't have a choice, and anyone in his position wouldn't have had a choice either.

You seem to think this is like walking into the school cafeteria and changing your mind on what you want for lunch. The problem is it was far, far more complicated. Iraq didn't want the Americans in, the Americans didn't want the Americans in, 75% of Americans were fed up, 5% didn't know, and how many Iraqis were fed up with the US being in Iraq? You can't just change history and pretend that Obama had a choice here.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

1. It's Wiki.
2. The war in Syria started before 2012.
3. Back when it started, I also posted a list, and that list included a group I had never heard of before: ISIS.

Where is the list at or are you making shit up again?

Fuck off moron, I posted that in 2011. Even if I showed it to you, you are too ignorant, too immature, and too morally bankrupt to ever admit you are wrong.
It happened, I posted it, if you don't believe me I don't give a shit. Your ignorance doesn't change facts.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

People often forget what ISIS and al Qaeda are. They're not always unified groups fighting under one leader. Often they're umbrella groups who pledge allegiance to the group, but do their own thing.

If you look at Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you'll see that the Military of ISIL and Khalid ibn al-Walid are fighting under ISIL, al-Nusra front are fighting for ISIS too.

But if you don't look these things up, you'll end up looking a little silly.

I know that dunce, so why didn't they call themselves the fucking
al-Nusra front.?

Still don't want to admit the ISIS risen up in 2014?
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

People often forget what ISIS and al Qaeda are. They're not always unified groups fighting under one leader. Often they're umbrella groups who pledge allegiance to the group, but do their own thing.

If you look at Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you'll see that the Military of ISIL and Khalid ibn al-Walid are fighting under ISIL, al-Nusra front are fighting for ISIS too.

But if you don't look these things up, you'll end up looking a little silly.

I know that dunce, so why didn't they call themselves the fucking
al-Nusra front.?

Still don't want to admit the ISIS risen up in 2014?

You kind of expect them to have their nice little symbol on their expensive paper with a letter head that their CEOs can send to all the shareholders?

As for you last question, it doesn't make sense.
Made that statement at a rally in Fort Lauderdale, Florida a few minutes ago. Just reported on MSNBC.
He has a point, of course, but it is poorly put. There was no ISIS until Obama withdrew US troops from Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon, which told him flat out that Iraq would fall apart if US troops were withdrawn, but Obama didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise from 2008 to withdraw US troops from Iraq.

Before the US withdrawal, there was no ISIS and al Qaeda in Iraq had been so diminished that it was more of a nuisance than a threat. In announcing the withdrawal of US troops, Obama said Iraq had been fixed and no longer needed US troops, despite the fact the Pentagon had told him just the opposite.

Once the US had withdrawn, Iran pressured the Iraqi government to purge itself and the military of Sunni, and with no support from the Obama administration to stay the course, the Iraqi government caved to Iranian demands. This led to renewed hostility between Sunni and Shi'ite and fueled the resurgence of al Qaeda in Iraq which then morphed into ISIS.

So it is fair to say Obama created ISIS by placing politics ahead of policy considerations and by an astonishing indifference to the consequences of his efforts to be reelected in 2012 and that makes him personally responsible for a large measure of the death and destruction caused by ISIS in Iraq and Syria and a large part of the refugee crisis that resulted from their actions.

Perhaps that is why he wants so badly to allow tens of thousands of these refugees into the US despite warnings from Comey and Clapper that there simply isn't enough data available on refugees from these war torn areas to vet them to a high level of confidence that they are not terrorists.
Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
You can say two idiots came up with the name in 2008, but again what year did they get on the world stage fool?
2008 with the Mumbai bombing killing 166, the same ISIS bomb maker was involved in the November Paris attack.

Here is a list of all the rebels fighting in Sryria 2012 do you see any any mention of the name ISIS?

List of armed groups in the Syrian Civil War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Syrian opposition

People often forget what ISIS and al Qaeda are. They're not always unified groups fighting under one leader. Often they're umbrella groups who pledge allegiance to the group, but do their own thing.

If you look at Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia you'll see that the Military of ISIL and Khalid ibn al-Walid are fighting under ISIL, al-Nusra front are fighting for ISIS too.

But if you don't look these things up, you'll end up looking a little silly.

Maybe you are right that a small band of 30 men that called themselves ISIS was in Syria in 2012...but you have that back ass backwards..

They were fighting with the larger rebel groups...

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.

It wasn’t until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold, and focused on the civil war in Syria,” Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front – or al-Qaeda – and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans aren’t even aware of,” Swann said. “In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad would lose their war within a month.”

Swann noted that just months before this occurred he had personally confronted President Obama on the issue of why the U.S. was covertly funding Syrian rebels. Although Obama acted as if he was proceeding with caution, politicians such as Senator John McCain demanded action.

Within a matter of weeks of the Syrian general making his plea for international help, the U.S., the Saudis, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Israel began providing weapons, training and money to so-called rebel groups like the Free Syrian Army,” Swann said.

In September 2013, American media outlets began reporting that weapons were being given to Syrian rebels. CNN reported that while the weapons are not “American-made,” they were “funded and organized by the CIA.”

However, Swann said that things began to fall apart when less than one year after the U.S. supplied Syrian “freedom fighters” with weapons, those weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters.

That would be the year 2014
Trump told a lie when he called Obama and Clinton founders of ISIS. It is a malicious and blatant lie meant to misinform the low information followers who believe everything he says and defend his lies no matter how ridiculous they look.
Not a single Trump defender has provided a single post with a single fact that supports Trump's lies. Smoke and mirrors, misinformation and insults to those who attempt to educate them is the only thing they provide.
Trump's statement is poorly put, but of course, ISIS is a direct result of Obama pulling US troops out of Iraq against the advice of the Pentagon because he didn't want to go into the 2012 election having broken his main promise in 2008 of pulling US troops out of Iraq.

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