Trump officially declared a racist

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Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.
Great another internet millionaire.

People who honestly do have money don't talk about it.

Especially on a public message board.

Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:

It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us

Well I don't know that any liberal here has said they were a billionaire. Billionaire don't care about taxes because their money is made in tax-free bonds. They don't pay a lot in returns, but when you have hundreds of millions of dollars invested, it comes out to quite a few bucks.
This is awesome’s time to M.A.R.A (Make America Racist Again)
Our founders had it right all along...just as all the data proves. A whiter nation is in FACT a safer, more productive, more unified nation. This isn’t even debatable.

It can't be debatable. Just look at the neighborhoods in the US alone. Minorities know where those safest, cleanest and most productive places are. You never heard of black flight before, did you?

In spite of our diversity, America is still a white nation for now, and people of color come from all over the world to move here legal or not. They are doing the same to Europe. There is a reason for that.

Norway is nice. Perhaps you would be happier in Norway.

Perhaps you'd be happier in Mexico.

I am very happy in Mexico. I spend a lot of time there. I am only 7 miles from the border. I don't limit myself to the US side only. I get the best of both worlds.

Great! Then move there, far away from the US border, and then tell us how you feel.
I think you're confused. I'm not the one desiring a white America. I am happy with my extremely diverse city. I don't need to move. I'm good.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that?

Not scared at all.

Why exactly are you so afraid of that?
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.
I'm good. No guns necessary. I'm glad they make you feel brave.
No, you're NOT good. Anybody could walk up to you and stick a knife in your guts.

And the gun is about what it does (protect you), not how it makes you feel.

You know who the people were that said they felt safe and didn't need a gun? All the dead victims.
Yet I'm still not dead. How about that.

A lot of people aren't. But the ones who were victims of violent crime are dead. Carrying a gun is like having house insurance. You probably won't need it, but if you do, you'll be happier than ever that you had it.
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?
How many times has Trump used a garbage disposal?

It is generally used while doing the dishes
Great another internet millionaire.

People who honestly do have money don't talk about it.

Especially on a public message board.

Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:

It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..
And yet nobody has EVER walked up to me and stuck a knife in my gut. EVER. And remember, I live on the border. I spend time in Tijuana (gasp!).

I'm safe. Every single day. Even in Mexico.

You are snowflakes. Scared of your own dam shadow because it has darker skin than you.

Edit - you probably need more guns. That might help you feel better.

In one post, this useful idiot hit Frankfurt School Bingo. Call the opposition cowards. Insinuate racism. Attempt to shame.


You're so manly and tough. You are such a fucking bad ass. We're all impressed by your swagger and bad-assitude.

But, see, we're not as bad ass as you think you are. We do need more guns. In fact, we're so weak and frail, we need machine guns.

So, do we have your support, oh bad ass one? Can we count on you to help those of us who are not so fortunate to be uber-bad asses, like you?

Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
I agree.

Replacing the flag of the U.S., at a U.S. Government facility, with the flag of Mexico is universally interpreted as conquest and replacement.

If not, what is the purpose of such action?

I would love to hear an explanation.

Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress

Never in the history of the United States has a Democrat majority House (reminder, it is in reality 1/2 of Congress) been so Stalinist.

There, once again, corrected it for ya'.
You're welcome.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
I agree.

Replacing the flag of the U.S., at a U.S. Government facility, with the flag of Mexico is universally interpreted as conquest and replacement.

If not, what is the purpose of such action?

I would love to hear an explanation.


So would I if somebody can give a reason other than the one I stated. When you make a symbolic action, you're obviously trying to send a message of some kind.
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