Trump officially declared a racist

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Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress

Never in the history of the United States have we ever had such a politicized and dishonest Congress either.
No, no, no.

We have NEVER had a RACIST president until Trump.


I want that to be declared an eternal truth by these race hustlers.

By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.
That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.
But, it does have the effect of clearing all prior presidents of any racism.

They have been acquitted.


Thomas Jefferson was officially not racist, you commie asshole. Congratulations!!!

By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.
And yet nobody has EVER walked up to me and stuck a knife in my gut. EVER. And remember, I live on the border. I spend time in Tijuana (gasp!).

I'm safe. Every single day. Even in Mexico.

You are snowflakes. Scared of your own dam shadow because it has darker skin than you.

Edit - you probably need more guns. That might help you feel better.

In one post, this useful idiot hit Frankfurt School Bingo. Call the opposition cowards. Insinuate racism. Attempt to shame.


You're so manly and tough. You are such a fucking bad ass. We're all impressed by your swagger and bad-assitude.

But, see, we're not as bad ass as you think you are. We do need more guns. In fact, we're so weak and frail, we need machine guns.

So, do we have your support, oh bad ass one? Can we count on you to help those of us who are not so fortunate to be uber-bad asses, like you?


Your cowardice is not my problem. That's on you bro.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
I agree.

Replacing the flag of the U.S., at a U.S. Government facility, with the flag of Mexico is universally interpreted as conquest and replacement.

If not, what is the purpose of such action?

I would love to hear an explanation.

I think it was more a fuck you to Trump and ICE for those advertised 'raids' that never took place. I'm fine with that.
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
I agree.

Replacing the flag of the U.S., at a U.S. Government facility, with the flag of Mexico is universally interpreted as conquest and replacement.

If not, what is the purpose of such action?

I would love to hear an explanation.

I think it was more a fuck you to Trump and ICE for those advertised 'raids' that never took place. I'm fine with that.

You're fine with the raids that in your mind never took place? So what evidence do you have that these raids didn't take place?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.
Voters are largely split when asked if President Trump is a racist, but there has been a new surge in those who believe critics are using the race card for political gain against the White House.

A new Rasmussen survey found that 49% do not believe Trump is a racist. Another 47% do.

But it unveiled some new trends that highlight the current clash between the president and four House Democratic women of color.

The survey found, for example, that more voters than before believe Trump critics are using race to pound him.

And the percentage of those who think he’s a racist have shrunk.

“The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of all ‘Likely U.S. Voters’ think Trump is a racist, down slightly from 50% in January 2018. Slightly more (49%) disagree and say his opponents are accusing him of racism only for political gain, up from 43% in the earlier survey,” said a pre-release analysis of the poll posted at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Surge in voters who say race card used against Trump 'for political gain'

Oh yes, good move by the Democrats.

The worst possible day for a Democrat is when the country starts waking up to their lying tactics.
I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.
I agree.

Replacing the flag of the U.S., at a U.S. Government facility, with the flag of Mexico is universally interpreted as conquest and replacement.

If not, what is the purpose of such action?

I would love to hear an explanation.

I think it was more a fuck you to Trump and ICE for those advertised 'raids' that never took place. I'm fine with that.

You're fine with the raids that in your mind never took place? So what evidence do you have that these raids didn't take place?
None. More like no evidence that they DID take place. Typical Trump bullshit.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

That's you.
Meanwhile you ignore merit, chain, and asylum changes to aid in securing our borders.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

That's you.
I definitely prefer my way of life that does not involve the fear of my neighbors. Or fear of anyone different.

That's GOT to be a hard way to live, afraid all the time. Needing a gun to leave the house. I'm just not into fear.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

That's you.
I definitely prefer my way of life that does not involve the fear of my neighbors. Or fear of anyone different.

That's GOT to be a hard way to live, afraid all the time. Needing a gun to leave the house. I'm just not into fear.

Your nose is permanently stuck in the current Democrat ass.
Keep inhaling.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.
If we realize some types of people are inferior, should we not point it out? Shouldn't we stop these people from ruining our country? Shouldn't we stop these people from entering our country?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.

No they haven't worked anywhere. Not without permanent guard stations every 100 yards, like in Israel, be people ready to shoot those trying to cross. I realize you're fine with that, but internation law, precludes you from doing it.

Democrats have done a hell of a lot more than Trump has done to end illegal immigration. Things like prosecuting companies who employ illegals. Trump hasn't prosecuted a single employer. His justice deparment says they can't prove the employers knew they were hiring illegals.

Trump also has fewer deportations than Obama did in the first 2 years of his administration - a LOT fewer. I'll bet none of those illegals who worked at Trump's golf clubs got deported. Or maybe they did, for ratting him out.
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