Trump officially declared a racist

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If we realize some types of people are inferior, should we not point it out? Shouldn't we stop these people from ruining our country? Shouldn't we stop these people from entering our country?
Unfortunately, the people trying to ruin our country are already here and in power, in my opinion. I don't want to live in Trump's all white male dominated America. Where women can't even get an equal paycheck for equal work. Where a women can't control her own body. Where women are oppressed. That's what I see in Trumps utopia. No thank you.

I'm over that bullshit. I'll throw in my lot with the others who have also been oppressed by conservative white men's 'Murica'.
Donald Trump on Twitter:

"The Democrats in Congress are getting nothing done, not on drug pricing, not on immigration, not on infrastructure, not on nothing!"

Such a stable genius. He has the best words.

Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.
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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

That's you.
I definitely prefer my way of life that does not involve the fear of my neighbors. Or fear of anyone different.

That's GOT to be a hard way to live, afraid all the time. Needing a gun to leave the house. I'm just not into fear.

Although it fits your narrative, “fear” is the wrong word.
Good, productive, positive contributing, real Americans tend to prefer to be surrounded by like kind, like minded folks.
Lowlife degenerates and bleeding heart fools are never bothered by filthy humans and the degradation that comes along with them. Weird huh?
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
Because the usual stuff is no longer working...
...Desperate times call for desperate measures so trying to make a bigger splash requires a larger body and showcase just to do and say the same thing when nobody believes you anymore...
...hysteria is just inches from setting in for the race card crowd.
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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
Well the usual stuff wasn't working..."desperate times" and all that.

Americans need to make a stand against racism

Evidently it doesn’t include Republicans
Trump is a thin skinned narcissist and he has trashed plenty of white folks (I'm sure I don't have to list them) who disagreed with him, too, so I'm not sure about the "racist" claim but his stance on immigrants and third world countries is consistent and unacceptable for a leader of America. This is NOT who we are, all these barking posters here be damned. It is about America, love it or fix it. That is the whole point of the Constitution of the United States.

His position on "illegal"immigrants is just fine and in line with what real Americans believe.
Porn stars, sex traffickers, pedophiles. What's not to like in Trump's world, right?
Sex traffickers at the Mexican border, pedophiles in the Muslim mosques, mass shooters in the gun-free zone buildings. What's not to like in Democrat's world, right?

I wonder what Epstein has in his safe involving Trump?

Probably a pair of your soiled underwear! It is because you piss them every time Trump beats you at your own game!
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!
Replacing the flag of the resident nation with the flag of a foreign nation is internationally recognized as an act of war.

Is war not scary?

Lordy how do you snowflakes make it through the day???

NO! I am NOT afraid of war with Mexico! You are asking me if I am afraid of war with my next door neighbor! I spend a lot of time in Mexico. A LOT.

You can't scare me with lies. Mexicans are not scary people. They just aren't. I know better. They don't want to start a war with the United States. God help us if that's what you think.

I have just one question for you. Whose sock account are you for a banned poster?
Because Mexican flags are some scary shit!!!

Dang, how to GOP folks navigate in the world today, with all the rapists and drugs and flags threatening your very existence every second of every day??? Are you even able to leave your homes? Do you dare??

I don't know. Were you afraid to leave your home with statues of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson were in the public? How about Christopher Columbus?

Were you afraid to send your kids to a public school that had a picture of Jesus Christ on the wall, or afraid to go to court because a monument of the Ten Commandments stood there?

It is scary shit when they take down an American flag to fly the Mexican one. You don't know what that means? Would you be concerned if your wife took your picture off her desk at work and replaced it with one of an old boyfriend?

No, I was not afraid of any of those things you listed. Not one! Why would I be? I also wasn't afraid of those things being removed when it was the will of the majority. I really don't gaf about symbolism. No flag represents me. I am not loyal to a flag.

Also, I am not a man so I don't really relate to your boyfriend analogy. But I'm not afraid of the Mexican flag replacing the U.S. flag. A few folks got rowdy and got a Mexican flag up a pole in the U.S. That just doesn't scare me that much.

The Mexican flag replacing the American flag is symbolic of Mexicans taking over the country. You're not scared of that? Try doing that in any non-liberal country and see what happens to ya.

Americans have fought for that flag. Do you think somebody who went face to face with our enemies in Iraq or Afghanistan are appreciative of these people taking that flag down and replacing it with one from another country on our soil?

Maybe you were not personally offended with the rash of tearing down of statues, but your liberal comrades sure were. They were the ones who did it be it legal or not.

As for my analogy, just switch the genders around (as a leftist, that should be easy) Picture your husband taking your picture off his desk at work and replacing it with a girl in his office or shop.

She doesn't have a husband, but I'll bet as a liberal she has a wife!
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By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

How would you get past a wall?
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
That doesn't mean anything. You think passing the resolution means it's true? Nah. Please. Everyone is trying to avoid backlash, by you whiny people. That resolution means nothing to me. Won't affect a single voter anywhere.

It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.
It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Where the wall is missing, you DO have to walk through the fucking desert carrying a ladder, cutting torch, or tunneling equipment. Why are you so stupid?

In urban areas we DO have Border Patrol agents manning those areas. You would get your ass locked up very quickly!
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It's a false shame tactic in order to perpetuate 'open borders' for a perpetual power grab by Stalinist Democrats.

Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Right, because we have no authorities on the water looking for people to get in that way.

Home and businesses alarms don't stop all criminals either, but they drastically reduce the amount of break ins. Our cars have locks and alarms, yet cars are stolen every day. People have escaped jail and prisons in the past.

There is nothing that will stop every illegal who wants to enter. But our border patrol even supports Trump's attempts because they know it will greatly help them do their job if they can get more barriers up. It's a lot harder getting a ladder to scale a wall than it is just walking into the country.
Oh please. The new leftist hero in Congress didn't even know what a garbage disposal was, and said we only have 12 years left of existence on this planet.

Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

What a luck. Only a racist. For a moment I had the fear they liked to send Trump home to the country, where his ancestors once came from. His father said they came from Sweden and his mother was from Scotland. So the best will be you'll send 50% Trump to Sweden and the other 50% to Scotland.

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Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.
Does Trump know how to use a garbage disposal or a lawn mower?
Can he change a tire or diaper a baby?

Is he completely stupid?
Does Trump know how to use a garbage disposal or a lawn mower?
Can he change a tire or diaper a baby?

Is he completely stupid?

I'm sure he can. At Wrestlemania 23, Jim Ross declared Trump out of his element. "This is not real estate- this is the WWE", yet Donald emerged victorious.

In 2016, Trump was a political novice, people said he had no chance against the most experienced politicians on the planet, and he schlonged them thoroughly.

The truth is that is Trump ever had to change a baby, not only would he do it successfully, he'd teach the kid how to do it himself at the same time.
Does Trump know how to use a garbage disposal or a lawn mower?
Can he change a tire or diaper a baby?

Is he completely stupid?

I'm sure he can. At Wrestlemania 23, Jim Ross declared Trump out of his element. "This is not real estate- this is the WWE", yet Donald emerged victorious.

In 2016, Trump was a political novice, people said he had no chance against the most experienced politicians on the planet, and he schlonged them thoroughly.

The truth is that is Trump ever had to change a baby, not only would he do it successfully, he'd teach the kid how to do it himself at the same time.
Trump should have stuck to wrestling
Does Trump know how to use a garbage disposal or a lawn mower?
Can he change a tire or diaper a baby?

Is he completely stupid?

I'm sure he can. At Wrestlemania 23, Jim Ross declared Trump out of his element. "This is not real estate- this is the WWE", yet Donald emerged victorious.

In 2016, Trump was a political novice, people said he had no chance against the most experienced politicians on the planet, and he schlonged them thoroughly.

The truth is that is Trump ever had to change a baby, not only would he do it successfully, he'd teach the kid how to do it himself at the same time.
Trump should have stuck to wrestling

Donald J. Trump has been successful in life and wanted to give back , that's why he decided to serve as our President.

In wrestling, he was already featured in the Showcase of the Immortals, Wrestlemania, and was already enshrined in the Hall of Fame. He has nothing left to prove in the WWE.
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