Trump officially declared a racist

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Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.

So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Trump is not forcing an progressive agenda on America’s... :fu:
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.

So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

You could have just said you weren't smart enough, we would have understood and even tried to help. Unlike conservitards we nice people.
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
The Dog Whistles of Anti_Americanism continue to come from the 4 whores of the apocalypse.
I see here that you too, are an obedient zealot listening to their every word.

Don't you have area 51 to storm.
Don't be stupider than you have to be son.

So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.

But you are a common dupe if you believe he is a racist. The media continually and intentionally either misquotes or takes quotes out of context to push an agenda. Most are too lazy to do any research on their own.
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

You could have just said you weren't smart enough, we would have understood and even tried to help. Unlike conservitards we nice people.
Transference regarding your lack of intelligence is never food for a good debate.
dimocrap scum can spin this until they're blue in the face --

The fact is, Trump won this round. Bigly.

Even leftist scum (the ones that matter) know it.

dimocraps are so totally screwed for 2020, it's funny.

I'm going to enjoy watching them suffer.

Americans will never allow scumbags like the Four Marxisteers to hold the reins of power in this Country.

Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Trump is not forcing an progressive agenda on America’s... :fu:
No one is forcing an agenda. Elected representatives have a right to promote whatever agenda they want.
The Four Whores of The Apocalypse Next Anti-Semetic, I hate Jews and America Statement in 3......2.......1

"Al Queda, just a bunch of some people doing some things."

It's like the boy scouts, only you wear your underwear on your head, and shout Ollie Ass Burn every day.


Representative Omar
Last edited:
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Trump is not forcing an progressive agenda on America’s... :fu:
No one is forcing an agenda. Elected representatives have a right to promote whatever agenda they want.
Obama tried to force an progressive agenda on Americans that did not want it.
You know...
like fucked up frivolous gun control laws
Crazy environmental regulations
Socialized medicine/Health care
Trump is not not trying to force any of that fucked up shit on people... :dance:
You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Who cares. Jesse Jackson is a blatant anti-white racist.
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Trump is not forcing an progressive agenda on America’s... :fu:
No one is forcing an agenda. Elected representatives have a right to promote whatever agenda they want.

Yes, they have that right. We also have the right to denounce certain agendas. The fact that many don't denounce the squad and frankly the Democratic party in general is a sobering testament to just how far our country has fallen.
Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


dimocrap SCUM have adopted Goebbels' methods of propaganda........

Tell a lie often enough and it becomes the Truth.

I have been saying in here from day 1 that dimocrap scum are the political descendants of National Socialists.

All you gotta do is a little research. Or watch "Triumph of The Will". The greatest propaganda film ever made.

dimocrap scum are the modern Nazis.

Even though Jews vote for dimocrap scum at a 71% clip, when they come for the Jews, Republicans will fight to protect them.

It's only a matter of time
You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

You could have just said you weren't smart enough, we would have understood and even tried to help. Unlike conservitards we nice people.

I'm actually quite bright. As you probably can tell. But I understand that as a liberal, you are inherently dishonest and can't admit that.

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Are you implying that he calls people racist based on, not their behavior or actions, but on partisan political differences?

I'm pretty sure by your own standards, you just became racist.

And I am being diplomatic. By your standards you are now evul. You are a white person that said something that could be possibly seen as negative about a black guy.

So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

You could have just said you weren't smart enough, we would have understood and even tried to help. Unlike conservitards we nice people.
Transference regarding your lack of intelligence is never food for a good debate.
You're the expert pal.
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