Trump officially declared a racist

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Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone
Democrats support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pedophilia, and Free Shit for Illegal Aliens, and Lazy People who buy Designer Clothes with their Welfare Checks.

Why do you support the Genocide of Black Americans at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?
I'm actually quite bright. As you probably can tell
Coulda fooled me kid.

It would be pretty sad if you could not pick up on that, just from my vocabulary.

But, I know that as a lib, you can't admit to anyone you disagree with, being anything but stupid and evil.
It's quite simple really, if you were actually smart you wouldn't be a tRumpkin.

It really is just that easy to tell here.
What Flag do you fly over your compound?
Transference regarding your lack of intelligence is never food for a good debate.
You're the expert pal.
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

What Flag do you fly above your compound?

What compound? I have a house in the suburbs.

What Flag do you fly over your "Safe House" in The Suburbs?
Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone
Democrats support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pedophilia, and Free Shit for Illegal Aliens, and Lazy People who buy Designer Clothes with their Welfare Checks.

Why do you support the Genocide of Black Americans at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?
So you have not supported the Genocide of 50 Million Black Babies, Minorities and Poor People at The Planned Parenthood Extermination Camps?

I did not know you were a Right To Lifer.
The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Who cares. Jesse Jackson is a blatant anti-white racist.
Trump is not forcing an progressive agenda on America’s... :fu:
No one is forcing an agenda. Elected representatives have a right to promote whatever agenda they want.

Yes, they have that right. We also have the right to denounce certain agendas. The fact that many don't denounce the squad and frankly the Democratic party in general is a sobering testament to just how far our country has fallen.

That is incorrect. If you are looking for "testament to how far out country has fallen" you should take note of your support for a lying racist elected in an election tainted by a hostile foreign power who supports white supremacists and embraces authoritarian dictators over our democratic allies. Among other things.

That's all.youve got? A tired old comserconser trope that even you don't believe?

What about the rest of my post? I gather you agree with it?
Americans will never agree with people who hate them.
You're the expert pal.
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

What Flag do you fly above your compound?

What compound? I have a house in the suburbs.

What Flag do you fly over your "Safe House" in The Suburbs?

People who honestly do have money don't talk about it.

Especially on a public message board.

Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:

It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Who cares. Jesse Jackson is a blatant anti-white racist.
No one is forcing an agenda. Elected representatives have a right to promote whatever agenda they want.

Yes, they have that right. We also have the right to denounce certain agendas. The fact that many don't denounce the squad and frankly the Democratic party in general is a sobering testament to just how far our country has fallen.

That is incorrect. If you are looking for "testament to how far out country has fallen" you should take note of your support for a lying racist elected in an election tainted by a hostile foreign power who supports white supremacists and embraces authoritarian dictators over our democratic allies. Among other things.

That's all.youve got? A tired old comserconser trope that even you don't believe?

What about the rest of my post? I gather you agree with it?
Americans will never agree with people who hate them.
Which is why ultimately we are safe from you idiots.
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

What Flag do you fly above your compound?

What compound? I have a house in the suburbs.

What Flag do you fly over your "Safe House" in The Suburbs?

View attachment 269909



Who cares. Jesse Jackson is a blatant anti-white racist.
Yes, they have that right. We also have the right to denounce certain agendas. The fact that many don't denounce the squad and frankly the Democratic party in general is a sobering testament to just how far our country has fallen.

That is incorrect. If you are looking for "testament to how far out country has fallen" you should take note of your support for a lying racist elected in an election tainted by a hostile foreign power who supports white supremacists and embraces authoritarian dictators over our democratic allies. Among other things.

That's all.youve got? A tired old comserconser trope that even you don't believe?

What about the rest of my post? I gather you agree with it?
Americans will never agree with people who hate them.
Which is why ultimately we are safe from you idiots.
Safe as you are an Illegal, Being Illegally Harbored by an Illegal Sanctuary City so you think you are safe?
Transference regarding your lack of intelligence is never food for a good debate.
You're the expert pal.
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

But but but but but. TDS

And that is no more original than his post, and just as topical.

My point is you’re smarter than that. You’re one of the few posters on this board that I respect.
Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone
Democrats support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pedophilia, and Free Shit for Illegal Aliens, and Lazy People who buy Designer Clothes with their Welfare Checks.

Why do you support the Genocide of Black Americans at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?

They are definitely antisemites the rest IDK
You're the expert pal.
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

But but but but but. TDS

And that is no more original than his post, and just as topical.

My point is you’re smarter than that. You’re one of the few posters on this board that I respect.

Someone respects Creepitus?
Like a Dog Returning to His Vomit, Obama is palling around with terrorists again.
You're the expert on that, correct?
What flag do you fly over your compound?

"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.

But but but but but. TDS

And that is no more original than his post, and just as topical.

My point is you’re smarter than that. You’re one of the few posters on this board that I respect.

Someone respects Creepitus?

He is OK.
He agrees that biological males
Should not be allowed to compete in hoops bs biological females just because they identify as females. So he is not insane.
Apparently they were illegal in NYC for a long time and she hadn't seen one.

What's your excuse for the stable genius?

They were illegal in NYC? Have a link to that or are you just making it up? I never had a garbage disposal either, but I always knew what one was.

It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.

It only fails in your little mind. There's a really easy explanation for this that I walked you through.

You might have a point if you could show me that they were less common in your city growing up than in a city where they were banned and still rarely used. Frankly, I find that hard to believe and I think you're just making shit up.

There are plenty of issues one can have with AOC. This is just a really stupid one to take up, even for you.
"But...but...but... Obama!"

How original!

You really don't understand what's happening here do you.

Fuckin' dumbass.
But but but but but. TDS
And that is no more original than his post, and just as topical.

My point is you’re smarter than that. You’re one of the few posters on this board that I respect.
Someone respects Creepitus?

He is OK.
He agrees that biological males
Should not be allowed to compete in hoops bs biological females just because they identify as females. So he is not insane.
So he has one Sane Brain Cell at least.

There is HOPE!
Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone
Democrats support Infanticide, Child Prostitution, Human Trafficking, Pedophilia, and Free Shit for Illegal Aliens, and Lazy People who buy Designer Clothes with their Welfare Checks.

Why do you support the Genocide of Black Americans at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers?

They are definitely antisemites the rest IDK
Those are OFFICIAL POSITIONS of their Party.

Look at their legislative efforts in Liberal States and in Congress. They stand of all of that and much worse. They have given themselves over to some very dark ideologies.
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