Trump officially declared a racist

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Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy

When did you get your PLO membership card?

And did it come with a Lib Tard Decoder Ring?
Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy

He has a legacy? You’re a dolt.
Then you confirmed what I always believed. All the liberals here who tell us they are doing very well financially are probably on welfare living at home with mom, because nearly every leftists I read on USMB either works from home, has their own business, or is independently wealthy.

Me? I'm the only truck driver here. :auiqs.jpg:

It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..
It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my fami
ly--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

Okay, I get it. You're the joke.
Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy
Oh I cant wait to see you stupid liberals, but I repeat myself, try tearing down the wall. I could put a few rounds down there quite accurately, to stop Traitors to this country.
Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.

Where the wall is missing, you DO have to walk through the fucking desert carrying a ladder, cutting torch, or tunneling equipment. Why are you so stupid?

In urban areas we DO have Border Patrol agents manning those areas. You would get your ass locked up very quickly!

Man you are THICK! The ladders and blow torches are already there. They don't have to carry anything. Do you think Mexico is a vast wasteland of desert? Barren of everything until you get to the U.S. border. Why would they carry the shit through the desert? Why wouldn't they just go to a Mexican town on the border, buy the shit and carry it a few miles out of town? They are apparently smarter than you are! Carrying your ladder through the desert, good grief. You'd be laughed out of the caravan and die of thirst sitting on your ladder.

P. S. They cross in urban areas all the time without being arrested. You are not living in reality pal. Have you ever actually seen the border?
Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Right, because we have no authorities on the water looking for people to get in that way.

Home and businesses alarms don't stop all criminals either, but they drastically reduce the amount of break ins. Our cars have locks and alarms, yet cars are stolen every day. People have escaped jail and prisons in the past.

There is nothing that will stop every illegal who wants to enter. But our border patrol even supports Trump's attempts because they know it will greatly help them do their job if they can get more barriers up. It's a lot harder getting a ladder to scale a wall than it is just walking into the country.
Take a look at that wall on Google Earth where it ends at the Pacific Ocean. You'll have to zoom in CLOSE. It only goes out about 100 feet. Tell me where you see any authorities. Or any place for authorities. It looks like that every day. No authorities. I have swam past that wall, and back, myself without being stopped.
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy
Oh I cant wait to see you stupid liberals, but I repeat myself, try tearing down the wall. I could put a few rounds down there quite accurately, to stop Traitors to this country.

Trump would first have to build the wall. No new sections have been built. Even when he controlled BOTH houses of Congress he couldn't get it built.
It is not just the liberals that tell us all about their money.

This is from a fellow Trumpian and is what started this discussion...I have a couple million, are you willing to lose?

Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..
Yet he/she could be in a higher tax bracket than you also it could be living in say California or New York with a raised state taxes when the federal taxes were lowered

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Could be, but they are much more believable.

When supposedly well-to-do liberals come here and tell us the government needs to take more of their money, it's suspicious right from the get go. When they tell us government needs to double the minimum wage, and claim they have a business, very suspicious at the least. When they tell us we need to do much more for the environment, a very costly project for businesses, I'm just supposed to believe that?

When a conservative comes here against all these things I listed (and more) then I'm more likely to believe them, because they paid their dues along the way. Like a lot of small business owners, they worked seven days a week, took on the torment of living their job, and finally found the rewards they were seeking.

I work in industry. I've met some of the business owners. I have wealthy people in my family--even a liberal one, and none of them complain that government isn't taking enough of their money, or government isn't doing enough to regulate businesses.

Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Most poor people don't have the correct education to not vote for the same idiots that kept them poor we have to remember Democrats control the schools and most definitely the schools in inner cities

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Last edited:
Both were racist statements

Go back to Africa was a common taunt during the Civil Rights era
Trump seemed obsessed with proving Obama came from Africa

Not one Democrat attends the embassy opening in Jerusalem but Trump is the racist...LOL


Democrats did not support the move, so did most of the world
They will move it back as soon as Trump is gone

Really? Because Obama said it should move there and they did support it then.
We will move it back because Trump wanted it there

Along with tearing down the wall, it is all part of destroying Trumps legacy

He has a legacy? You’re a dolt.
By the time we are done with the Trump legacy, all that will be left is some offensive tweets
Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool

Let me guess, you watched the Wolf Of Wall Street and now think you are Jordan Belfort! :21:
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Most poor people don't have the correct education to not vote for the same idiots that kept them for we have to remember Democrats control the schools and most definitely the schools in inner cities

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk

Anyone that votes for the duopoly is voting to remain enslaved to the system.
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Most poor people don't have the correct education to not vote for the same idiots that kept them for we have to remember Democrats control the schools and most definitely the schools in inner cities

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Most states are controlled by Republicans

Conservative School Boards run our schools
Yep, not one single example of a billionaire saying the Feds should raise the tax rates...:21::21::21::21:

A Message From the Billionaire’s Club: Tax Us
Oh those high and mighty hypocrites extraordinaire. All they have to do at the bottom of the form, is write in the amount they willingly would like to contribute to the lowering of the deficit, but no, they have to "ACT" like they are so superior, by saying they want to be taxed more, knowing full well, they wont. Dumbass idiots like you, oooh and aaaahhhh them, thinking they really do want to be taxed more. If that is the case, why do they fight to avoid paying taxes?

Warren Buffett: Hypocrite Extraordinaire - Daily Reckoning
Geoge Soros May Owe Billions In Taxes
How Amazon keeps tax collectors at bay

I will say, it takes a lot of intelligence to not have to pay a lot in taxes. I am only paying around 12% in taxes on $500,000 of annual income. Anyone can learn the way of the elites, but it does take work, and being smart..

This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool

Yeah suuuuurrre.

When did you make your first internet billion? I made mine on a Commodore 64.
This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Most poor people don't have the correct education to not vote for the same idiots that kept them for we have to remember Democrats control the schools and most definitely the schools in inner cities

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
Most states are controlled by Republicans

Conservative School Boards run our schools

How many colleges are in rural red states?

Educational achievement is higher in urban schools
This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool
Most poor people don't have the correct education to not vote for the same idiots that kept them for we have to remember Democrats control the schools and most definitely the schools in inner cities

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Anyone that votes for the duopoly is voting to remain enslaved to the system.
Hey genius there's only two parties in this country all othet ones will never be elected I don't piss away my vote I'm not Ben Shapiro

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