Trump officially declared a racist

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Democrats don't have to perpetuate 'open borders'. Our borders are already open. A wall won't stop people unless that wall is manned and armed at all times. You'd need a sniper stationed on the wall every 100 yards at most in order to stop the flow of all illegal immigrants. All day and night. Every day and night. Advocate for that if it makes you feel safer. I'll accept the majority rule if that's where we end up.

Personally I'd rather see the $$$ spent on healthcare or education, not scared folks foolishness.

Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Right, because we have no authorities on the water looking for people to get in that way.

Home and businesses alarms don't stop all criminals either, but they drastically reduce the amount of break ins. Our cars have locks and alarms, yet cars are stolen every day. People have escaped jail and prisons in the past.

There is nothing that will stop every illegal who wants to enter. But our border patrol even supports Trump's attempts because they know it will greatly help them do their job if they can get more barriers up. It's a lot harder getting a ladder to scale a wall than it is just walking into the country.
When they have to jump 30 feet from the other side of the wall, all that gets them is a broken bone if they survive the fall, and you can't walk away with a femur bone break on both sides.
So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Jessie Jackson is a criminal. He's the countries first legal extortionist, and had the Democrats blessing to do it.

When you use Jackson to support your point, you already lost the argument.
It's really not hard to Google this stuff, Ray. Maybe you should try it some time instead of just being spoon-fed what to think by Breitbart.

Garbage Disposals, a New York City Luxury

Besides the Gym and Great Views, Don’t Forget to Mention the Garbage Disposal

Was AOC 'Scared' by Her Apartment Garbage Disposal?

Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.

It only fails in your little mind. There's a really easy explanation for this that I walked you through.

You might have a point if you could show me that they were less common in your city growing up than in a city where they were banned and still rarely used. Frankly, I find that hard to believe and I think you're just making shit up.

There are plenty of issues one can have with AOC. This is just a really stupid one to take up, even for you.

Why is that? I think she got the bar job out of sympathy because she's so dumb.

The woman knows we will cease to exist in 12 years, but didn't know what a garbage disposal was?

Maybe you are correct. Instead of watching informative television like HGTV where she'd actually learn something, she was watching the cartoon network instead.

She only lived in NYC until the age of 5. After that, she and her family moved to Yorktown Heights which is nearly 50 miles from NYC and no regulations on garbage disposals. She had the same exposure to such technology like everybody else has.

You're just grasping now.

How smart do you have to be to drive a truck for a living?
Walls and fences work everyplace they've been tried including here in the US. The reason Democrats are scared like hell of them is because they do work. Democrats don't mind policies against their desire to flood our country with foreigners because they can change them once in power, but a wall would be much more difficult to remove.

But of course, you believe anything a Democrat tells you, so keep parroting that walls don't work. Statistics say otherwise.
An unmanned wall can be defeated with a ladder! A LADDER. You still have to man the wall with enough men, at all times, to stop people. I don't need a Democrat to tell me that. I can go to the border and film it for you, lol. Walls don't work.

For a taller wall, they drive a big box truck up to the wall and haul the ladder on top of the truck. Then they use ropes to lower themselves down to the other side.

For the lower walls they just use two ladders. Once they get up the first ladder, they throw the other ladder over the wall and crawl down. Or they use blow torches to cut through the wall. Or they tunnel under. But mostly they go over.

You need something better than an unmanned wall. You know, something that hasn't already failed.

Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Right, because we have no authorities on the water looking for people to get in that way.

Home and businesses alarms don't stop all criminals either, but they drastically reduce the amount of break ins. Our cars have locks and alarms, yet cars are stolen every day. People have escaped jail and prisons in the past.

There is nothing that will stop every illegal who wants to enter. But our border patrol even supports Trump's attempts because they know it will greatly help them do their job if they can get more barriers up. It's a lot harder getting a ladder to scale a wall than it is just walking into the country.
When they have to jump 30 feet from the other side of the wall, all that gets them is a broken bone if they survive the fall, and you can't walk away with a femur bone break on both sides.

These anti-wall people are the same ones who lock their door if they go out to mow their lawn.

Many people from the south are not physically capable of jumping a wall, especially one that large. These people talk about climbing up a ladder 30 feet into the air, yet I bet none of them ever went more than six feet on a ladder.

Much of my family is in construction. I was raised on it. Let me tell you, 30 feet is a long way up when you're the one climbing that ladder, and I doubt some 55 year old lady would make it half way up before shitting herself.
So, not going to take my advice, huh?

You should at least try to make the memes apply to the conversation. Random pics don't do anything.

The shit you libs post, is so senseless, and random, that I don't feel much pressure to do that.

What does Jesse Jackson say about Trump today?

Jessie Jackson is a criminal. He's the countries first legal extortionist, and had the Democrats blessing to do it.

When you use Jackson to support your point, you already lost the argument.

When you act like a complete jackass, you lose even before you start.
Your second link had a paywall so I couldn't read that one. The first link stated the same as the last.

Garbage disposals were outlawed until 1997. That means they have been legal in NYC for 22 years. Kotex is 29 years old, meaning they have been legal in that city since she was seven years old.

But oh! Many people didn't have them after the law was rescinded. Well, I grew up without one, never had one once I moved out of the house, none of my neighbors or family had one until my sister had her house built which was when I turned 25.

That aside, anybody who watched television knew what a garbage disposal was whether they were exposed to one or not. The only possible exception to that was the mentally retarded. I'll leave that one alone for now.

You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.

It only fails in your little mind. There's a really easy explanation for this that I walked you through.

You might have a point if you could show me that they were less common in your city growing up than in a city where they were banned and still rarely used. Frankly, I find that hard to believe and I think you're just making shit up.

There are plenty of issues one can have with AOC. This is just a really stupid one to take up, even for you.

Why is that? I think she got the bar job out of sympathy because she's so dumb.

The woman knows we will cease to exist in 12 years, but didn't know what a garbage disposal was?

Maybe you are correct. Instead of watching informative television like HGTV where she'd actually learn something, she was watching the cartoon network instead.

She only lived in NYC until the age of 5. After that, she and her family moved to Yorktown Heights which is nearly 50 miles from NYC and no regulations on garbage disposals. She had the same exposure to such technology like everybody else has.

You're just grasping now.

How smart do you have to be to drive a truck for a living?

Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.
You're the one who brought this up. The second link says things really similar to the other two. Like I said, it's really not hard to find this information if you would have checked yourself.

Second link: "This little appliance of convenience has been widely available in much of the country since the middle of the last century, but residential garbage disposals were, in fact, illegal in New York City until 1997. And although the laws have changed, many apartment buildings, especially older ones, continue to ban them, fearing for the health of aging pipes."

She's a different generation than you are - you're twice her age. What you watched on television growing up is not what she watched. I watch television and I can't recall seeing garbage disposals advertised at any point. We just happened to own one so I knew what it was.

All that said, there's a clear reason that she didn't know what they are. And you would have known that if you weren't dependent on Breitbart for all of your information.

Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.

It only fails in your little mind. There's a really easy explanation for this that I walked you through.

You might have a point if you could show me that they were less common in your city growing up than in a city where they were banned and still rarely used. Frankly, I find that hard to believe and I think you're just making shit up.

There are plenty of issues one can have with AOC. This is just a really stupid one to take up, even for you.

Why is that? I think she got the bar job out of sympathy because she's so dumb.

The woman knows we will cease to exist in 12 years, but didn't know what a garbage disposal was?

Maybe you are correct. Instead of watching informative television like HGTV where she'd actually learn something, she was watching the cartoon network instead.

She only lived in NYC until the age of 5. After that, she and her family moved to Yorktown Heights which is nearly 50 miles from NYC and no regulations on garbage disposals. She had the same exposure to such technology like everybody else has.

You're just grasping now.

How smart do you have to be to drive a truck for a living?

Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

That's another bullshit claim.
You know, I have tried to deal with your idiocy again, even showed you how to avoid paying taxes, and all you can do like a jackass, is be one. Oh well, it is your choice to be a dick, I could care less, I know what I got and am proud of it.

This is why poor liberals stay poor, because they have an IQ of 3 and that may be too high.

It is so cute how you think because I do not bow down and worship you that I am some how pay more taxes than I should or that I have no money. Yes, I am a dick, as are you.
This broad is filled with them, and as normal you started this little battle of dick waving.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.
That goes to show something. I read those tweets. And if they were "racist" it was in the eye of the beholder. Race was never mentioned. So that goes to prove that Congress is governed by a mob mentality. Ironically, by a party and (certain people) that enact Sanctuary Cities with out consent of the people. Without so much as a heads up, no public declarations, surreptitiously. The Democrats do that, pass laws that hurt Americans to the benefit of illegal aliens so called "immigrants". And if you CALL democrats liars and conniving sneaks? Their response? Like the little boy that cried wolf...RACISM! RACISM! Trump called these pigs out, and THIS is (predictably) what they fall back too.
i can’t comprehend why so many persist in this delusion Congresswoman Omar hates America. SHE IS A CITIZEN. This is sorry ass code fir racism. You can’t stand it that a Black woman -and Muslim at that, oh my- calls out the ignorant, disgusting, name calling lunatic in the White House. You can’
This post is a joke, right.
The only joke is on you, if you are paying more in taxes than I am...A fool and his money is soon parted..

You pay less in taxes because your welfare checks are taxed less.
No , I pay less because my dividends from my stocks are taxed less. Shame you're such an idiot to not take advantage of it. I used to feel sorry for libtards who are poor, then I realize they vote for the very people who make them poor. Now I just laugh at them being far inferior in intellect than me.

Your 2018 Guide to Dividend Taxes -- The Motley Fool

Yeah suuuuurrre.

When did you make your first internet billion? I made mine on a Commodore 64.
I made my first million while working in Saudi Arabia on their F-15s all tax free. Think what you want dumbass mother fucker, this is why you will never make it, and only bitch and moan how fucked your life is. I laugh at your stupidity.

Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

You do have a point.

Though there is nothing worse on the highway than the semi that is going 1.5 MPH faster than the next semi and it takes 12 miles for him to pass, all the while not even going the damn speed limit.
Trump tortured 24 migrants to death because they wanted to work for US.

Trumptards condone stripping migrants of all belongings, packing them in standing room only forcing them to stand for weeks at a time, without toilet or shower access for over a month causing many to die!!! Hitlers SS would be proud!
Would you mind answering to me and the rest of the non-Democrat Party nation why it is that your party is secretly sending over Congressional staff members of Rep. V. Escobar of El Paso, Texas into Mexico instructors and planners to coordinate future sequences of Caravaners to overwhelm selected Border sites? They are arming these people with information on how to feign being a person in need of asylum from a bad government, when what is really wanted is a better job by social climbing to do American citizens the injustice of taking away their job and inserting themselves therein? Why are you planning this and blaming the President for overcrowding with this kind of planned collusion with a foreign country's clean up crew to avoid the legal immigration route to citizenship?

I'm not understanding this blatant solicitation crap in order to blame President Trump's rhetoric for increasing border traffic. President Trump is NOT the agent of increasing border traffic, the Democrat Congress are instigating this set up to beat up some more on President Trump than they did when they were accusing of colluding with the Russians when it was Hillary colluding with foreign agents using her spinroom folks for creating a false narrative salacious story about President Trump.

Americans are sick of these frequent Democrat errors of omission of the truth. and they need to stop this today. Please tell your fellow Democrats to get off President Trump's back. They've been all over him with Hillary's lies for 3 years. Now they're starting this fake narrative with backup by their usual creepsister friends in the press who are ever so willing to damage the fabric of America and its citizens on the steroids and drugs they use to anesthetize themselves from the pain and suffering they are causing the nation.
Never in the history of the United States has a President been declared a racist by the United States Congress
And why not?

Because they weren't racist?


You motherfuckers just have no clue when you look foolish, do you?

Quite True

Trump, on the other hand is a racist

Based on what? The fact that he told people who happen to leave the country if they don't like it? Let me guess, when he said "there were good people on both sides" in reference to Charlottesville, a quote that was stripped out of its context to convince the sheep.
Trump is a scam artist, a con man. Some of us are on to his lies and bullcrap. We refuse to be common dupes.
Camp sez: "Trump is a scam artist, a con man."
Project much?
"Last night, I was with Ilhan Omar when we heard people at Trump's rally were chanting “send her back." To my surprise, Ilhan was pretty unfazed. Sadly, as she told me, she has been dealing with this kind of hatred and racism for a long time. Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won’t back down to Trump’s racism and hate, and neither will we. So today, I want to ask you to do something important that will help ensure her voice is with us in Congress for a long time to come:" - Crazy Bernie
"Last night, I was with Ilhan Omar when we heard people at Trump's rally were chanting “send her back." To my surprise, Ilhan was pretty unfazed. Sadly, as she told me, she has been dealing with this kind of hatred and racism for a long time. Ilhan Omar is a leader with strength and courage. She won’t back down to Trump’s racism and hate, and neither will we. So today, I want to ask you to do something important that will help ensure her voice is with us in Congress for a long time to come:" - Crazy Bernie

Sanders is a traitor.
Repubtards pointing fingers at border drug trafficking while taking money from drug companies that pushed 76 Billion Hydrocodone / Oxycontin pills on to US population with a street value of $3 Trillion!!!
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i can’t comprehend why so many persist in this delusion Congresswoman Omar hates America. SHE IS A CITIZEN. This is sorry ass code fir racism. You can’t stand it that a Black woman -and Muslim at that, oh my- calls out the ignorant, disgusting, name calling lunatic in the White House. You can’
Spinning another web online. Oh! It's basquebromance. And I thought I was reading just another ordinary TDS case. BasqueB.Romance has such an advanced case of TDS his own party may be outfiting him appropriately in the late, the great, ....
the Monkey Dungeon :rock:
Repubtards pointing fingers at border drug trafficking while taking money from drug companies that pushed 100 Billion Hydrocodone / Oxycontin pills on to US population last year with a street value of $2.5 Trillion!!!

keeping people high, and uneducated is the only way they can get morons to vote for them.
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