Trump officially declared a racist

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Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title
I'm actually quite bright. As you probably can tell
Coulda fooled me kid.

It would be pretty sad if you could not pick up on that, just from my vocabulary.

But, I know that as a lib, you can't admit to anyone you disagree with, being anything but stupid and evil.
It's quite simple really, if you were actually smart you wouldn't be a tRumpkin.

It really is just that easy to tell here.

Your closed mind, is not an excuse.
Fortunately for me I have neither a closed mind not any need of excuses.
Who cares. Jesse Jackson is a blatant anti-white racist.
Yes, they have that right. We also have the right to denounce certain agendas. The fact that many don't denounce the squad and frankly the Democratic party in general is a sobering testament to just how far our country has fallen.

That is incorrect. If you are looking for "testament to how far out country has fallen" you should take note of your support for a lying racist elected in an election tainted by a hostile foreign power who supports white supremacists and embraces authoritarian dictators over our democratic allies. Among other things.

That's all.youve got? A tired old comserconser trope that even you don't believe?

What about the rest of my post? I gather you agree with it?

Everything you said in your post, was the type of thing that only a stupid asshole would say.
So, you're admitting you can't really contradict any of it then.

Capitulation noted.

You asked me my opinion on the rest of your post. I gave it.

If you want more in depth discussion, pick your favorite point, and I'll address it.

Your desire to throw a bunch of shit against the wall, and make it my job to address it all, is denied.
I'm actually quite bright. As you probably can tell
Coulda fooled me kid.

It would be pretty sad if you could not pick up on that, just from my vocabulary.

But, I know that as a lib, you can't admit to anyone you disagree with, being anything but stupid and evil.
It's quite simple really, if you were actually smart you wouldn't be a tRumpkin.

It really is just that easy to tell here.

Your closed mind, is not an excuse.
Fortunately for me I have neither a closed mind not any need of excuses.

YOu just admitted that you consider anyone that supports Trump, to be stupid".

THat is a text book example of a closed mind.

Ironically, you would have to be stupid to not understand that.

Very, very stupid.
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
When they have to jump 30 feet from the other side of the wall, all that gets them is a broken bone if they survive the fall, and you can't walk away with a femur bone break on both sides.

Lord you can't make up this kind of stupidity.

ROPE. They use a rope. They tie it to the top of the ladder. The ladder is propped against the Mexican side. They scurry on up, their campadres hold the ladder stable and they lower themselves down to the U.S. side.

It's no wonder you think a wall will work!
Well, hell's bells, NYB. Aren't you the mind-bender! At least the children won't be tokens, climbing with their parents. Their upper arm strength is not strong enough to slide down a rope that long. If the rope burn starts at 28 feet, they will fall by 25 feet, and to their death, although I admit it would take a person with knowledge of physics and gravitational acceleration to determine how bad that fall would be. Maybe you all can call it postpartum death or something to fit your abortion remedy if you don't accept your share of the responsibility for soliciting Mexicans to the come-on-over propaganda being prospered by the attentions of Rep. V. Escobar, eh? Democratic congresswoman secretly sending staff into Mexico to coach asylum-seekers
Ray from Cleveland is afraid of 55 year old brown women and you are afraid of brown children.

I don't think you can be fixed.

Sure I'm afraid of them. I'm afraid for the country as most real Americans are. When people invade your country, you should be afraid of them. You should be afraid of the diseases they bring in, afraid of the impact they will have on your economy, afraid of them shutting down your healthcare facilities because they can't pay, afraid of the tax burden on the city, state or country itself.

The only Americans that are not afraid are the sellouts.
That would get flagged pretty quickly by drones. Not as easy as you make it seem. This is not like a fence in your backyard. Walls work. Ask Israel.
Again, for the howevermanyeth time, those walls have to be manned and armed all day and night, every day and night.

I don't have to ask Israel. I've been there. In 2014 during the Gaza war. I know how they protect their walls. I am well aware of what happens in Israel.

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

Why 100 yards? That’s a football field? Mexico is not invading? Why not 1000 yards in trucks?

Maybe 500 yards. Those immigrants are clever. Over, under and through. They are also quick. 1,000 yards is too far for one soldier.

But we are facing an invasion according to Trump. He says it over and over and over.

That's because he's correct over and over.
That would get flagged pretty quickly by drones. Not as easy as you make it seem. This is not like a fence in your backyard. Walls work. Ask Israel.
Again, for the howevermanyeth time, those walls have to be manned and armed all day and night, every day and night.

I don't have to ask Israel. I've been there. In 2014 during the Gaza war. I know how they protect their walls. I am well aware of what happens in Israel.

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

Why 100 yards? That’s a football field? Mexico is not invading? Why not 1000 yards in trucks?

Maybe 500 yards. Those immigrants are clever. Over, under and through. They are also quick. 1,000 yards is too far for one soldier.

But we are facing an invasion according to Trump. He says it over and over and over.

Right, they are so clever. That's why they need to come here, because their utter ability of cleverness can't fix their broken country.
Trump will now be branded a racist for the rest of his days

A well earned title

He would be branded that no matter what from the left. And it's not just Trump. Any Republican that would have been elected would be branded the same.

Everybody knows how the Democrats constantly divide the country, and now it's on record.
Haha...the trump cultist two step...he said something blatantly racist, but hey, that's fine, since "The left" would have branded him racist anyway. That's proud of yourself you must be....

So, did ya write that down, kids? Being a racist president doesn't divide the country. Pointing out that the president is racist does. It makes perfect sense, right after a botched lobotomy.

Could you make it anymore obvious that his racism is part of why you like him?
When they have to jump 30 feet from the other side of the wall, all that gets them is a broken bone if they survive the fall, and you can't walk away with a femur bone break on both sides.

Lord you can't make up this kind of stupidity.

ROPE. The use a rope. The tie it to the top of the ladder. The ladder is propped against the Mexican side. They scurry on up, their campadres hold the ladder stable and they lower themselves down to the U.S. side.

It's no wonder you think a wall will work!

That would get flagged pretty quickly by drones. Not as easy as you make it seem. This is not like a fence in your backyard. Walls work. Ask Israel.
Again, for the howevermanyeth time, those walls have to be manned and armed all day and night, every day and night.

I don't have to ask Israel. I've been there. In 2014 during the Gaza war. I know how they protect their walls. I am well aware of what happens in Israel.

Right but Mexico is not Palestine. We don’t need to be as militant. If Mexico did behave like Hamas and or Fatah there would be no more Mexico.

You still need soldiers and guns on the border all day every day no more than 100 yards apart to make a wall effective.

It's a good thing we have you here to figure these things out. Certainly our every experienced border patrol, engineers, and ICE could have never done this.
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

Live updates: Backlash after Trump's racist tweets - CNNPolitics

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

"Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color"??? What comments would those be? I don't recall that he said one word about their race or their skin color, but only their views and statements. Sooooo, I guess in your book any criticism of a minority is automatically "racist"?

That has been asked repeatedly, and not one of these Socialists could answer.

Democrat voters don't think for themselves. They are told what to think. That's why when you ask them a question like that, they can't respond. When one of their leaders or the MSM can think of an answer to that question, that's when you'll see it. But even they can't come up with one.
If we realize some types of people are inferior, should we not point it out? Shouldn't we stop these people from ruining our country? Shouldn't we stop these people from entering our country?
Unfortunately, the people trying to ruin our country are already here and in power, in my opinion. I don't want to live in Trump's all white male dominated America. Where women can't even get an equal paycheck for equal work. Where a women can't control her own body. Where women are oppressed. That's what I see in Trumps utopia. No thank you.

I'm over that bullshit. I'll throw in my lot with the others who have also been oppressed by conservative white men's 'Murica'.
America, love it or leave it.
Ever carried a 40 foot ladder through the desert? How about dragging a blowtorch or tunneling equipment?

Try climbing the wall, cutting it, or try to dig under it and the sensors contained it will alert the border patrol and tell them exactly where you are!
Carry it through the desert? WTF? They just drive it right up to the wall on the Mexican side. Nobody stops them. Also, they don't carry the ladders with them into the United States for pete's sake.

Unless the border patrol is stationed every 100 yards, they will not get there in time to stop the folks coming in over, under and through the wall. We see it every day here on the border. Even in San Ysidro where we have the busiest border crossing in the world. People are still able to cross illegally.

If I wanted to cross into Mexico illegally, I'd go to the ocean and go around the wall where it ends at the water.

Walls are effective when they enclose something. A freestanding wall is easy to defeat.

Right, because we have no authorities on the water looking for people to get in that way.

Home and businesses alarms don't stop all criminals either, but they drastically reduce the amount of break ins. Our cars have locks and alarms, yet cars are stolen every day. People have escaped jail and prisons in the past.

There is nothing that will stop every illegal who wants to enter. But our border patrol even supports Trump's attempts because they know it will greatly help them do their job if they can get more barriers up. It's a lot harder getting a ladder to scale a wall than it is just walking into the country.
When they have to jump 30 feet from the other side of the wall, all that gets them is a broken bone if they survive the fall, and you can't walk away with a femur bone break on both sides.

These anti-wall people are the same ones who lock their door if they go out to mow their lawn.

Many people from the south are not physically capable of jumping a wall, especially one that large. These people talk about climbing up a ladder 30 feet into the air, yet I bet none of them ever went more than six feet on a ladder.

Much of my family is in construction. I was raised on it. Let me tell you, 30 feet is a long way up when you're the one climbing that ladder, and I doubt some 55 year old lady would make it half way up before shitting herself.

Oh I completely misunderstood your objections! I was not aware it was decrepit 55 year old brown women you live in such fear of, lmfao!!!

I don't think anything can help you Ray from Cleveland. It's probably best if you stay close to Cleveland. For your safety. Those 55 year old Latina women are walkers. Everyone knows that. Might need more guns! MAGA!!

I guess you're not bright enough to understand what an "example" is. I knew I should have brought the crayons.
Repubtards pointing fingers at border drug trafficking while taking money from drug companies that pushed 100 Billion Hydrocodone / Oxycontin pills on to US population last year with a street value of $2.5 Trillion!!!

keeping people high, and uneducated is the only way they can get morons to vote for them.

Really? You mean Republicans are trying to keep the border open to uneducated illegals for votes? You mean the Republicans are turning their head to the major drug problem out of Mexico? You mean Republicans run those liberal colleges that are nearly unaffordable for middle-class people.

Those damn Republicans, they make me so angry.
That has been asked repeatedly, and not one of these Socialists could answer.
Really? Nobody is answering the retarded question because it is so obvoous. He was talking about 4 brown people, period, because they look "not from here". His target audience knew EXACTLY what he meant and how it aligns with other things he has said, and that includes you. Thats what is most gross about your cultist behavior, are quite happy to pretend to be retarded .
Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

You do have a point.

Though there is nothing worse on the highway than the semi that is going 1.5 MPH faster than the next semi and it takes 12 miles for him to pass, all the while not even going the damn speed limit.

Weight kind of does that to a truck. At least the truck driver has an excuse. He's pushing that truck as hard is it can go. Now when you have some idiot in a car that can go as fast as he or she wants, and they are in the left lane doing the exact same thing, there is no excuse for that.
Yes, there is a reason she didn't know what they are. She's completely stupid. How do these Democrats constantly claim they are in touch with the little people when they don't even know what a garbage disposal is? If anything, my generation was less exposed to garbage disposals as they are more common today. So that argument fails.

It only fails in your little mind. There's a really easy explanation for this that I walked you through.

You might have a point if you could show me that they were less common in your city growing up than in a city where they were banned and still rarely used. Frankly, I find that hard to believe and I think you're just making shit up.

There are plenty of issues one can have with AOC. This is just a really stupid one to take up, even for you.

Why is that? I think she got the bar job out of sympathy because she's so dumb.

The woman knows we will cease to exist in 12 years, but didn't know what a garbage disposal was?

Maybe you are correct. Instead of watching informative television like HGTV where she'd actually learn something, she was watching the cartoon network instead.

She only lived in NYC until the age of 5. After that, she and her family moved to Yorktown Heights which is nearly 50 miles from NYC and no regulations on garbage disposals. She had the same exposure to such technology like everybody else has.

You're just grasping now.

How smart do you have to be to drive a truck for a living?

Apparently pretty smart, because half of the idiots in cars can't figure it out.

That's another bullshit claim.

If that's what you believe, then you must be one of the people I'm talking about. Trust me, I've been a professional driver for over 40 years.
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