Trump officially declared a racist

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One moment. Do you say here that Blacks, who criticize Blacks, show that the racism of Whites is correct?

Are you saying otherwise? IS it racism or just common sense from experience? Do you ever go walking around south Chicago or Baltimore much? If not, why not?

The rest of your babbling appears to be some sort of garbled imaginary anecdote or other. Hint: Smoking hash doesn't really mean you're having genuine 'insightful epiphanies', it just means you're stoned, is all.
I am from Detroit and let me tell you the number one reason inner cities are like that are because black people sold out their family for food stamps. Now it is a culture of poverty and stupidity with boys not knowing how to be men and women not knowing how to grow up.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
They are like that because the auto companies used up the city and then abandoned it leaving behind those who could not afford to leave.

If auto companies are the reason, then what about all the other failed liberal cities that suffered similar outcomes that had no auto companies around?

IMO, what started it here was forced bussing. When they pulled that one off, all the people with money left the city for the suburbs and country. That left us with a city of poor people, and poor people can't support a thriving city.

Of course, poorer people vote Democrat, so they took over and made things worse.

A few years ago, the Mayor's son kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. So the city council voted to have a dirt bike park built that cost them 2.5 million dollars. Of course that wouldn't solve the problem, because even if kids went there, they had to ride their dirt bikes to get to the park. Not a lot of poor people have a pickup truck with a bike trailer.

Well they finally scrapped that idea, and the Mayors son went to selling pot. He got busted for concealed carry, pot and a scale. He didn't serve any prison time BTW. I guess the court felt bad for the guy because he could have lost his cushy job at the water department.

Liberal cities don't become shitholes because of auto companies, they become shitholes because Democrats run things.
Are you that stupid?
Auto Companies bailed on Detroit
The Steel Industry bailed on Pittsburgh
Nude Strip joints and whore houses bailed on Cleveland

In the 40s and 50s blacks moved from the Jim Crow south to northern cities that offered lucrative manufacturing jobs. Blacks established strong families and lived a middle class lives

Once those manufacturing jobs vacated the cities, low skilled blacks were left behind. Without jobs to support their families, black males left them to welfare

So why didn't white males do the same?

What Fd up everything for everybody were unions. Overpaying no-skill labor left those people with the belief that they could turn nuts onto bolts the rest of their lives and make a great living. The unions pushed so strong that eventually those jobs up and left the country, or were replaced by automation.

When those jobs were no longer there, you had a generation of people who had no transferable skills, and stuck with a family and house payments. They could't go to school to learn a new trade, and had no choice but to accept lower paying blue collar jobs, hoping to get with a company that could train them for something.
Do you really think he was being racist towards his own family?

It was a racist remark. WTF even bring her race into it if he meant nothing?
Here it is, he was speaking about how racism is ingrained in our society.

Obama: Grandmother "Typical White Person"
Taylor Marsh, Contributor
I write smart, arousing romance while deciphering world events.
03/20/2008 02:52 PM ET
Updated Dec 06, 2017

Via a WIP radio:

"... .. The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, uh, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way and that's just the nature of race in our society. We have to break through it..." - Senator Barack Obama

Yes. We're all aware many black criminals are pissed off that so many potential victims can spot them so easily and avoid them. We also know many black people have the same reactions to other black people they don't know as 'white' people do, and that reaction is not from indoctrination, it's from common experience, too bad for your dumb ass left wing narrative.
Wow, thank you for so clearly demonstrating his point. Couldn't have done it better myself.

As an offical Imbecile, of course you don't have any idea what you're babbling any given time. Now you're saying Obama is a ingrained racist? I agree.
You cannot really be this dumb, can you?
One moment. Do you say here that Blacks, who criticize Blacks, show that the racism of Whites is correct?

Are you saying otherwise? IS it racism or just common sense from experience? Do you ever go walking around south Chicago or Baltimore much? If not, why not?

The rest of your babbling appears to be some sort of garbled imaginary anecdote or other. Hint: Smoking hash doesn't really mean you're having genuine 'insightful epiphanies', it just means you're stoned, is all.
I am from Detroit and let me tell you the number one reason inner cities are like that are because black people sold out their family for food stamps. Now it is a culture of poverty and stupidity with boys not knowing how to be men and women not knowing how to grow up.

Sent from my SM-J737T1 using Tapatalk
They are like that because the auto companies used up the city and then abandoned it leaving behind those who could not afford to leave.

If auto companies are the reason, then what about all the other failed liberal cities that suffered similar outcomes that had no auto companies around?

IMO, what started it here was forced bussing. When they pulled that one off, all the people with money left the city for the suburbs and country. That left us with a city of poor people, and poor people can't support a thriving city.

Of course, poorer people vote Democrat, so they took over and made things worse.

A few years ago, the Mayor's son kept getting busted for riding his dirt bike on the street. So the city council voted to have a dirt bike park built that cost them 2.5 million dollars. Of course that wouldn't solve the problem, because even if kids went there, they had to ride their dirt bikes to get to the park. Not a lot of poor people have a pickup truck with a bike trailer.

Well they finally scrapped that idea, and the Mayors son went to selling pot. He got busted for concealed carry, pot and a scale. He didn't serve any prison time BTW. I guess the court felt bad for the guy because he could have lost his cushy job at the water department.

Liberal cities don't become shitholes because of auto companies, they become shitholes because Democrats run things.
Are you that stupid?
Auto Companies bailed on Detroit
The Steel Industry bailed on Pittsburgh
Nude Strip joints and whore houses bailed on Cleveland

In the 40s and 50s blacks moved from the Jim Crow south to northern cities that offered lucrative manufacturing jobs. Blacks established strong families and lived a middle class lives

Once those manufacturing jobs vacated the cities, low skilled blacks were left behind. Without jobs to support their families, black males left them to welfare

you left out one factor, and its the most important one. WHY did those companies leave those liberal cities? Any idea, winger? How about high taxes, corruption, lack of a sober workforce, crime, and of course the corrupt unions and their corrupt leaders.

the auto companies are now returning to Detroit from Mexico thanks to Trump, you should be happy about that, but you're not, what does that say about you?
One moment. Do you say here that Blacks, who criticize Blacks, show that the racism of Whites is correct?

Are you saying otherwise? IS it racism or just common sense from experience? Do you ever go walking around south Chicago or Baltimore much? If not, why not?

The rest of your babbling appears to be some sort of garbled imaginary anecdote or other. Hint: Smoking hash doesn't really mean you're having genuine 'insightful epiphanies', it just means you're stoned, is all.

I don't have any idea what you try to speak about except your own confusion. Read what I wrote. I spoke about a real danger. Whether the racism of the president of the USA and his obsessive narcissism explain each other would be a question I would ask in his context. For sure Trump is the gravedigger of the western world. Is the western world still alive or do we have to accept that the symtom carrier Trump is easily able to destroy the western world?
Last edited:
One moment. Do you say here that Blacks, who criticize Blacks, show that the racism of Whites is correct?

Are you saying otherwise? IS it racism or just common sense from experience? Do you ever go walking around south Chicago or Baltimore much? If not, why not?

The rest of your babbling appears to be some sort of garbled imaginary anecdote or other. Hint: Smoking hash doesn't really mean you're having genuine 'insightful epiphanies', it just means you're stoned, is all.

I don't have any idea what you try to speak about except your own confusion. Read what I wrote. I spoke about a real danger. Whether the racism of the president of the USA and his obsessive narcissism explain each other would be a question I would ask in his context. For sure Trump is the gravedigger of the western world. Is the western world still alive or do we have to accept that the symtom carrier Trump is easily able to destroy the western world?

so following our constitution and putting this country first is going to destroy civilization??? are you a fricken lunatic? Ask Ben Carson and MLK's niece if Trump is racist. They will tell you you are FOS
"Fuck them all" is by the way what Hitler said once to all other political parties of Germany - and also to the parliament of Germany - and to everyone who was in his eyes not worth to be a German. ....]

Fuck you specifically, you godwin baiting asshole.

Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the person Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). The USA líves in the delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks. In the moment it is for everyone in the world not easy to trust in British companies or to trust in US-companies - and the reason are not this companies. The rason for is the very absurde politics in both countries.
Last edited:
Fuck you specifically, you godwin baiting asshole.

Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.
Fuck you specifically, you godwin baiting asshole.

Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks. In the moment it is for everyone in the world not easy to trust in British companies or to trust in US-companies - and the reason are not this companies. The rason for is the very absurde politics in both countries.

you are a very confused person, I feel sorry for someone so obviously brainwashed with liberal lies.
One moment. Do you say here that Blacks, who criticize Blacks, show that the racism of Whites is correct?

Are you saying otherwise? IS it racism or just common sense from experience? Do you ever go walking around south Chicago or Baltimore much? If not, why not?

The rest of your babbling appears to be some sort of garbled imaginary anecdote or other. Hint: Smoking hash doesn't really mean you're having genuine 'insightful epiphanies', it just means you're stoned, is all.

I don't have any idea what you try to speak about except your own confusion. Read what I wrote. I spoke about a real danger. Whether the racism of the president of the USA and his obsessive narcissism explain each other would be a question I would ask in his context. For sure Trump is the gravedigger of the western world. Is the western world still alive or do we have to accept that the symtom carrier Trump is easily able to destroy the western world?

so following our constitution and putting this country first is going to destroy civilization??? are you a fricken lunatic? Ask Ben Carson and MLK's niece if Trump is racist. They will tell you you are FOS

No idea what you like to say with this words.
Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.

This picture is an interesting inscenation of something what I don't understand. Who made it? Is it real or photoshoped?
my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.

This picture is an interesting inscenation of something what I don't understand. Who made it? Is it real or photoshoped?

There is plenty of documentation of people from yourside of the aisle using brown shirt tactics.

That is real fascism. People's rights being violated. People being hurt. And your side, you?, support it, based on false premises.
Enjoying the entertaining hysterical hyperbole from frustrated, but none too clever, leftists.

"Waaa! He da debil man! Waaaaaaaa!"

The butthurt just won't go away for some of these sad creatures. Too funny. :lol:
A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.

This picture is an interesting inscenation of something what I don't understand. Who made it? Is it real or photoshoped?

There is plenty of documentation of people from yourside of the aisle using brown shirt tactics......

More like the Black Shirts, so far...
By act of Congress, Trump is a racist

The House of Representatives passed a resolution denouncing President Trump's racist comments targeting four progressive Democratic congresswomen of color.

The vote was 240 to 187.

A Democrat controlled body declares Trump is racist. HUH.
Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.

This picture is an interesting inscenation of something what I don't understand. Who made it? Is it real or photoshoped?

There is plenty of documentation of people from yourside of the aisle using brown shirt tactics......

More like the Black Shirts, so far...

How so?
Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks.

Except I posted a picture of your side using brown shirt tactics, and all you have is bullshit claims.

This picture is an interesting inscenation of something what I don't understand. Who made it? Is it real or photoshoped?

There is plenty of documentation of people from yourside of the aisle using brown shirt tactics......

More like the Black Shirts, so far...

How so?

More street-level, for now...
Your IQ is average minus more than one sigma, isn't it? And the rest of your aggressions is alcohol or drugs. Or what else did you like to ask or to say to me?

my IQ is fine. You are the asshole here.

A contradiction. If I am really an asshole then your IQ is not fine. And I am really an asshole; specially in context with everything what has to do with Nazi-methods. And Donald Trump uses much to much the propagandistic methods of the Commies and the Nazis. Trump produces a form of world, which is totally irreal and where all problems are solvable by a strong man, who seems to be indeed the problem on his own. Strong men are one of the worst problems of all mankind since centuries. My solidarity is first of all with the fantastic 4 women. I love women. And I love everyone who gives "outcasts" a voice - as this four women are doing, who represent not the male white stupid racists of the USA but another population of the USA - the population of so called "migrants" and the population of the Indians, who came to America and became "red" on this way.....

Your words have no connection to reality.

Trump is not the one using "Nazi-methods", his enemies are. You and yours.


Without any doubt Donald Trump uses Nazi propaganda strategies. The same strategies uses Commies too. And the centralisation of all authority to the question of a loyality for the persoin Trump is the death of all and every political culture of the USA. Donald Trump separates the USA in "good Americans" (all others should not be US-Americans at all in his perverted racist form to think) and "bad Americans" (everyone who is not 101% loyal to the person Trump). IN trhe end tehn USA lsot sti a lot adn is stil losign a lot wheirl some püoel lovetzeh delusion Trump builds highways. But the real highways of the USA made and make others. Specially lots of people all over the world had heoped the USA a lot and some of them err migrants in the USA too - a very colorful picture from the deepest white skin the blackest black skin. All skins and cultures have their assets and drawbacks. In the moment it is for everyone in the world not easy to trust in British companies or to trust in US-companies - and the reason are not this companies. The rason for is the very absurde politics in both countries.

you are a very confused person, I feel sorry for someone so obviously brainwashed with liberal lies.

Someone, who is for freedom, is liberal. So I am not able to say I am not liberal. Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. What's wrong with the ideal of freedom, equality and fraternity. What's wrong with tolerance and humanity? Quo vadis USA?
Everyone is a racist.

Generally speaking... we gravitate to our own kind, we marry our own kind, we live with our own kind, and so on... a natural human condition.

What truly matters is whether we allow that inherent trait to dominate our lives and society and in our dealings with others not like ourselves.
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