Trump on a 2024 GOP primary vs. Ron DeSantis: 'I'd beat him like I would beat everyone else'

Oddly, you all condemned the riots yet were unwilling to hold Trump accountable.
You condemned the riots but were unwilling to participate in a bipartisan investigation of them
1. Trump did not encourage the J6 riot (or the DOJ would have charged him)
2. What's to "investigate" the FBI has tons of video, and they charged the guilty with "trespassing". The FBI already confirmed that there was no insurrection or conspiracy.
3. So WTF are the democrat idiots/morons going to find out with their fake "investigation"? NOTHING.
4. If there were any crimes the FBI would have found them already, so why are they keeping rioters in solitary for months? Charge them or let them out.
Then why did Trump accuse Ted Cruz of cheating when he lost the Iowa Caucus?
Candidates in primaries get nasty. Remember when the child of a slave holder in Kamala Harris accused Biden of being a racist and bigot and worse? A Kodak Moment I would say. Either way most Repub voters would watch blue parts of this nation melt from nuclear destruction now.
1. Trump did not encourage the J6 riot (or the DOJ would have charged him)

Lets see

Trump created the BIG LIE because he is too insecure to accept election defeat
He passed the lie on to his followers and called for them to come to DC on Jan 6 to stop the certification of Biden
Then, when his angry mob enraged with the LIES he had told them attacked the Capitol and hunted for Pence and Congress Members, he refused to intercede for HOURS
In the heat of the attack and before Mike Pence had been secured he further enraged the mob that Pence had let down his country
Hang Mike Pence!
Beijing Biden may have gotten that many votes, but not from actual voters.
Prove it! That's all ya had to do.

But you COULDN'T show the voters were not actual voters. Because they were, actual voters.

Enough of that BIG FAT seditious LIE.
I made my point that the dems are hypocrites, correct!

WTF is the point you are trying to make? I'm not seeing Republicans as "hypocrites", we all condemn the J6 riots in no uncertain terms, no one except 400 or so idiots were J6 rioters, like these goobers

Except the Repub in this very thread claiming it was not a riot, did you call him out? Of course not, he is one of your own.
Lets see

Trump created the BIG LIE because he is too insecure to accept election defeat
He passed the lie on to his followers and called for them to come to DC on Jan 6 to stop the certification of Biden
Then, when his angry mob enraged with the LIES he had told them attacked the Capitol and hunted for Pence and Congress Members, he refused to intercede for HOURS
In the heat of the attack and before Mike Pence had been secured he further enraged the mob that Pence had let down his country
Hang Mike Pence!
1. We won't know for sure if the "big lie" is a lie, or the truth, until the audits are complete
2. The J6 "protest" was a bad idea by Trump, one of many.
3. Agreed the J6 riot was a crime, and the guilty are being punished, unlike the many BLM riots.

OK, so Trump has flaws, that is not news.
So let's take a look at how Xiden is running the country and see if Xiden/Heels-up deserve another 4-years:
Everything Xiden touches turns to shit
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $millions the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another Xiden catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe, flaws and all.
I call bullshit.
The dems bailed out rioters to go and keep rioting. Dems supported the fiery riots
Even the MSM covered for the rioters..."mostly peaceful" my ass
View attachment 547299 Propaganda

View attachment 547300 Truth
Your memes had fires in the back ground of those 4 people, making statements...implying their statements caused the riots or supported the riots and burnings.... Which is intellectually dishonest.
trump isn't going to let DeSantis run.


Trump cares only about his own publicity
Whether he plans to run or not, he will hold off against declaring as long as possible.

In the mean time, he will soak up campaign contributions and starve other Republicans who need it more.

He will criticize and demean other Republican candidates till the very end
Your memes had fires in the back ground of those 4 people, making statements...implying their statements caused the riots or supported the riots and burning.... Which is intellectually dishonest.
1. The BLM riots were fiery, calling them "mostly peaceful" is "intellectually dishonest"
"mostly peaceful"????

Velshi kept calling the riot "not unruly"

2. The democrats DID support (not cause) the BLM riots, that is a fact, google it, there are many links proving the dems bailed out rioters. Yet several of the the J6 protesters rot in solitary.
Trump picks people like Pence, weak, quiet, subservient, ass kisser..... to be second in charge, so he won't steal the limelight from Trump.

DeSantis has seen what Trump does to his loyal V.P.s....

If Ron settles for VP..... He's just another fool, like VP Pence....
That's why the fat former guy would never pick DeSantis.
1. Trump did not encourage the J6 riot (or the DOJ would have charged him)
2. What's to "investigate" the FBI has tons of video, and they charged the guilty with "trespassing". The FBI already confirmed that there was no insurrection or conspiracy.
3. So WTF are the democrat idiots/morons going to find out with their fake "investigation"? NOTHING.
4. If there were any crimes the FBI would have found them already, so why are they keeping rioters in solitary for months? Charge them or let them out.
The subpoenas are just now going out and the investigation will begin. There`s been no investigation yet, genius.
The subpoenas are just now going out and the investigation will begin. There`s been no investigation yet, genius.
Can you say "executive privilege"? It will take months to get anywhere with your "investigation", if it even gets past the courts.
1. The BLM riots were fiery, calling them "mostly peaceful" is "intellectually dishonest"
View attachment 547313 "mostly peaceful"????

View attachment 547314 Velshi kept calling the riot "not unruly"

2. The democrats DID support (not cause) the BLM riots, that is a fact, google it, there are many links proving the dems bailed out rioters. Yet several of the the J6 protesters rot in solitary.
DeSantis already said he isn't going to run for president in 2024...............and the poor communist libs still keep trying to spin stupid shit. Trump may set it up where Desantis is the VP position though giving us 4 years of trump followed by 8 of DeSantis.
Of course, any politician saying they won't run is telling the truth..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

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