Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most

Well I don't believe anything from the leftist NYT, and I'm not about to create an account just to read their BS.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

View attachment 296456

So what are you trying to say hear Ray? Oh this was before the first obamacare policy went into effect. The article dated in Oct 2016 and there graph is from 2013. Did you know the first sign up period for obamacare started in Nov 2013? So what are the figures now? I don't know just asking.

I posted it to show which demographics were in most trouble of being uninsured. Minorities vote a majority Democrat every presidential election. Out of any group, whites were most likely to have coverage and use less government resources like Medicaid.

An article in the study showed that blacks benefited most from Commie Care. Their low paying jobs allowed them to get heavily subsidized medical coverage--something middle-income workers didn't get. Blacks vote 95% or better Democrat during presidential elections.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most

Well I don't believe anything from the leftist NYT, and I'm not about to create an account just to read their BS.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

View attachment 296456

So what are you trying to say hear Ray? Oh this was before the first obamacare policy went into effect. The article dated in Oct 2016 and there graph is from 2013. Did you know the first sign up period for obamacare started in Nov 2013? So what are the figures now? I don't know just asking.

I posted it to show which demographics were in most trouble of being uninsured. Minorities vote a majority Democrat every presidential election. Out of any group, whites were most likely to have coverage and use less government resources like Medicaid.

An article in the study showed that blacks benefited most from Commie Care. Their low paying jobs allowed them to get heavily subsidized medical coverage--something middle-income workers didn't get. Blacks vote 95% or better Democrat during presidential elections.

Again come south a live a few months. Your article fails to show that non expanded Medicaid states that no one under 100% of the federal poverty level gets a damn thing other than emergency rooms.
Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.
And Obamacare to be replaced with?
Do what everybody else does, get a job that includes health insurance.
Yeah, be a good little slave hostage to your employer. Good boy! Here's a cookie.
Wow, you really are trigged by this.

Want to know why I am not a slave to my employer? I bet you don't.

However, I sure as hell will NOT be a slave to my government.

Before you say it, I did NOT vote for Trump and I do not want a replacement for Obamacare. I want it scrapped and every page of that wretched law burned in a huge pyre on the National Mall.
Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.

My experience was the exact opposite. They wanted one-third of my net pay for the month, for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and an 50 dollar doctor co-pay. It was absolutely worthless.

It was good for people like you who don't bring home any real money. It's different for people who bring in a moderate income. I could have gotten a decent plan for half my net income, but who can survive on only half of what they make?
Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.

My experience was the exact opposite. They wanted one-third of my net pay for the month, for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and an 50 dollar doctor co-pay. It was absolutely worthless.

It was good for people like you who don't bring home any real money. It's different for people who bring in a moderate income. I could have gotten a decent plan for half my net income, but who can survive on only half of what they make?

All obamacare plans had prescription coverage. None had dental unless you added. My scenario wasn't me and I make well over 400% of the FPL it was for some right wing blood sucker's and I've been on Medicare since 2013. But in the end many of these right wing blood sucker's had to pay part or all of their tax credits back when filing taxes. I think it's funny as hell they learned the system quickly and screwed themselves.

Simple, your boss screwed you and the other employee's and you want to blame it on everyone except where the blame is due.
Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.

My experience was the exact opposite. They wanted one-third of my net pay for the month, for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and an 50 dollar doctor co-pay. It was absolutely worthless.

It was good for people like you who don't bring home any real money. It's different for people who bring in a moderate income. I could have gotten a decent plan for half my net income, but who can survive on only half of what they make?

All obamacare plans had prescription coverage. None had dental unless you added. My scenario wasn't me and I make well over 400% of the FPL it was for some right wing blood sucker's and I've been on Medicare since 2013. But in the end many of these right wing blood sucker's had to pay part or all of their tax credits back when filing taxes. I think it's funny as hell they learned the system quickly and screwed themselves.

Simple, your boss screwed you and the other employee's and you want to blame it on everyone except where the blame is due.

In a way he did screw us, but when Commie Care started, rates took off on other plans outside of it and he said he couldn't afford it any longer. He's not alone. When I went to apply for other jobs, nobody offered coverage anymore. While it's been a long time since I applied for other jobs, they always came with that benefit because nobody would work a job without coverage.

However unlike you, at least I will place some of the blame on my employer. You on the other hand can't do that with DumBama because no matter what problems Democrats create, it's never their fault.
No poop on the streets in Pawling, NY.

Go clean your PCB's out of NY rivers, stop destroying the environment. :eusa_hand:

You mean the PCB's dumped by Capitalists?
the Republican dominated Hudson Valley, which has been Republican dominated since the time of Abraham Lincoln?

No I mean the PCB's mess idiot NY Dem's have let fester for decades while they tax and fee a toll NY residents out of every last dime they can mooch. That's why I left NY, now they get $0.00 from me. So before you go shooting your mouth off about NY fair warning, I know ALL the corruption that goes on in that corrupt state. :eusa_hand:
Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.

My experience was the exact opposite. They wanted one-third of my net pay for the month, for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and an 50 dollar doctor co-pay. It was absolutely worthless.

It was good for people like you who don't bring home any real money. It's different for people who bring in a moderate income. I could have gotten a decent plan for half my net income, but who can survive on only half of what they make?

All obamacare plans had prescription coverage. None had dental unless you added. My scenario wasn't me and I make well over 400% of the FPL it was for some right wing blood sucker's and I've been on Medicare since 2013. But in the end many of these right wing blood sucker's had to pay part or all of their tax credits back when filing taxes. I think it's funny as hell they learned the system quickly and screwed themselves.

Simple, your boss screwed you and the other employee's and you want to blame it on everyone except where the blame is due.

In a way he did screw us, but when Commie Care started, rates took off on other plans outside of it and he said he couldn't afford it any longer. He's not alone. When I went to apply for other jobs, nobody offered coverage anymore. While it's been a long time since I applied for other jobs, they always came with that benefit because nobody would work a job without coverage.

However unlike you, at least I will place some of the blame on my employer. You on the other hand can't do that with DumBama because no matter what problems Democrats create, it's never their fault.

Nope, the law was written as a piece of shit. I try to point out that what you were told by employer's was bullshit, it was on them. Sorry but in my state group rates actually went down and individual rates are what skyrocketed.

In a way smaller employer's thought by dropping group some of their employees might qualify for a subsidy on exchanges and get it cheaper.
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Husband and spouse both 62, white did not want anything to do with Obamacare, quoted over $1600 per month said run it through the marketplace. Ran through marketplace tax credit $1450 per month their premium $150. Took it and love it.

Sitting down said they wouldn't take anything from that N and voted for Trump. Most people down here wanted to hang obama but love their tax credits.

My experience was the exact opposite. They wanted one-third of my net pay for the month, for a plan that had a 7K out of pocket, 7K deductible, no prescriptions or dental, and an 50 dollar doctor co-pay. It was absolutely worthless.

It was good for people like you who don't bring home any real money. It's different for people who bring in a moderate income. I could have gotten a decent plan for half my net income, but who can survive on only half of what they make?

All obamacare plans had prescription coverage. None had dental unless you added. My scenario wasn't me and I make well over 400% of the FPL it was for some right wing blood sucker's and I've been on Medicare since 2013. But in the end many of these right wing blood sucker's had to pay part or all of their tax credits back when filing taxes. I think it's funny as hell they learned the system quickly and screwed themselves.

Simple, your boss screwed you and the other employee's and you want to blame it on everyone except where the blame is due.

In a way he did screw us, but when Commie Care started, rates took off on other plans outside of it and he said he couldn't afford it any longer. He's not alone. When I went to apply for other jobs, nobody offered coverage anymore. While it's been a long time since I applied for other jobs, they always came with that benefit because nobody would work a job without coverage.

However unlike you, at least I will place some of the blame on my employer. You on the other hand can't do that with DumBama because no matter what problems Democrats create, it's never their fault.

Nope, the law was written as a piece of shit. I try to point out that what you were told by employer's was bullshit, it was on them. Sorry but in my state group rates actually went down and individual rates are what skyrocketed.

In a way smaller employer's thought by dropping group some of their employees might qualify for a subsidy on exchanges and get it cheaper.

How do you get it cheaper when it's mostly or entirely company paid like ours was? Afterwards you had to purchase a plan with after tax money instead of being a tax-free benefit. You won't get a cheaper individual plan compared to group plans on Commie Care or anywhere else.

The fact of the matter is Commie Care changed things for everybody whether you used it or not. I know, because a friend of mine is an insurance agent. She told me that nobody will offer me a plan for anything because of preexisting conditions. So it's Commie Care or nothing. Prior to that, insurance companies would insure me, although you may not get coverage for your preexisting conditions for one year, however everything else would have been covered.

It ruined healthcare for the entire country. Now Trump is trying to do things to get rid of it, and I see nothing wrong with that, because I wish he never screwed up our healthcare in the first place. It had it's problems, but at least you had choices.
Vote Bernie and let's have medicare for all. We've seen the republican plan which is 'don't' get sick' and if you get sick then 'die quickly'. link below

Vote Bernie and let's have medicare for all. We've seen the republican plan which is 'don't' get sick' and if you get sick then 'die quickly'. link below

Medicare only pays about 2/3 of the bill. Currently, doctors and facilities make up those losses on private insurance. So get rid of private insurance, Medicare for all would close up more hospitals than we ever seen before, because there won't be anyplace to recoup those government losses.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.

If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected. Failure to keep his health care promises cost him the 2018 mid-terms. That and his general ass-holishness, and that's only gotten worse.
And Obamacare to be replaced with?

He will unveil it after you reelect him...

You can not know until you vote for him...

That ship already sailed. That promise was made before he was elected and 3 years later, nada, zip, nothing but he still promises. He needs to stop making that noise. It's well past it's sell by date.

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