Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Vote Bernie and let's have medicare for all. We've seen the republican plan which is 'don't' get sick' and if you get sick then 'die quickly'. link below

Medicare only pays about 2/3 of the bill. Currently, doctors and facilities make up those losses on private insurance. So get rid of private insurance, Medicare for all would close up more hospitals than we ever seen before, because there won't be anyplace to recoup those government losses.

Medicare for All would still require Premiums governed by your income just like what I am under right now. I pay 135 bucks a month premiums for Part B. I have another plan that pays the rest. And a supplimental Plan doesn't cost any 1500 bucks a month either. It shouldn't. But unless you have a HUGE bill, both should cover most or all costs. I just went in for a double catarac surgery and paid zero. That's a 6000 buck procedure.

So let's not discount Medicare for all and say it's free. It's not free. We ALL pay for it and then we pay for supplemental insurance from insurance companies. And who decides how to use it? Us and the Doctors, not the Government.
Vote Bernie and let's have medicare for all. We've seen the republican plan which is 'don't' get sick' and if you get sick then 'die quickly'. link below

Medicare only pays about 2/3 of the bill. Currently, doctors and facilities make up those losses on private insurance. So get rid of private insurance, Medicare for all would close up more hospitals than we ever seen before, because there won't be anyplace to recoup those government losses.

Medicare for All would still require Premiums governed by your income just like what I am under right now. I pay 135 bucks a month premiums for Part B. I have another plan that pays the rest. And a supplimental Plan doesn't cost any 1500 bucks a month either. It shouldn't. But unless you have a HUGE bill, both should cover most or all costs. I just went in for a double catarac surgery and paid zero. That's a 6000 buck procedure.

So let's not discount Medicare for all and say it's free. It's not free. We ALL pay for it and then we pay for supplemental insurance from insurance companies. And who decides how to use it? Us and the Doctors, not the Government.

How can government not decide how to use it when it's their program? And what about the people that don't get supplemental insurance? What happens when they get a $200,000 surgery and hospital recovery bill?

Who gets what hospital? Who gets what doctors? Because after all, if we're all covered, we want the best doctors and facilities, don't we? And as we know, there are good hospitals and doctors, and bad hospitals and doctors. Who gets to make that decision for us since we all want the good ones?

Then of course since government is paying for your healthcare, government can insist on mandates. No cigarettes or alcohol. You can't weight more than X for your height and age. You must have X amount of muscle mass, which of course means you need to do two hours of exercise every day. Maybe government will create a law that all cable and satellite television and internet be turned of for three hours a day to encourage exercise.

Remember what Mooochelle did to school lunches? Maybe that will be instituted across the entire country. No more fast food restaurants, snacks like Dorito's, cheese corn, potato chips.

Yep, I'm dreaming of government healthcare.
trumpdawg will come up with something really great to replace Obiecare. Really really great. Yeah, like republicans give a squat about anything but further enriching the already fabulously wealthy while kicking as many of the poor off of food stamps etc. as they can.
I'm sorry if you got kicked off, but Trump just said if you can work but don't. You don't deserve help and I agree with him.
Vote Bernie and let's have medicare for all. We've seen the republican plan which is 'don't' get sick' and if you get sick then 'die quickly'. link below

Medicare only pays about 2/3 of the bill. Currently, doctors and facilities make up those losses on private insurance. So get rid of private insurance, Medicare for all would close up more hospitals than we ever seen before, because there won't be anyplace to recoup those government losses.

Medicare for All would still require Premiums governed by your income just like what I am under right now. I pay 135 bucks a month premiums for Part B. I have another plan that pays the rest. And a supplimental Plan doesn't cost any 1500 bucks a month either. It shouldn't. But unless you have a HUGE bill, both should cover most or all costs. I just went in for a double catarac surgery and paid zero. That's a 6000 buck procedure.

So let's not discount Medicare for all and say it's free. It's not free. We ALL pay for it and then we pay for supplemental insurance from insurance companies. And who decides how to use it? Us and the Doctors, not the Government.

How can government not decide how to use it when it's their program? And what about the people that don't get supplemental insurance? What happens when they get a $200,000 surgery and hospital recovery bill?

Who gets what hospital? Who gets what doctors? Because after all, if we're all covered, we want the best doctors and facilities, don't we? And as we know, there are good hospitals and doctors, and bad hospitals and doctors. Who gets to make that decision for us since we all want the good ones?

Then of course since government is paying for your healthcare, government can insist on mandates. No cigarettes or alcohol. You can't weight more than X for your height and age. You must have X amount of muscle mass, which of course means you need to do two hours of exercise every day. Maybe government will create a law that all cable and satellite television and internet be turned of for three hours a day to encourage exercise.

Remember what Mooochelle did to school lunches? Maybe that will be instituted across the entire country. No more fast food restaurants, snacks like Dorito's, cheese corn, potato chips.

Yep, I'm dreaming of government healthcare.
Medicare for All would still require Premiums governed by your income just like what I am under right now. I pay 135 bucks a month premiums for Part B. I have another plan that pays the rest. And a supplimental Plan doesn't cost any 1500 bucks a month either. It shouldn't. But unless you have a HUGE bill, both should cover most or all costs. I just went in for a double catarac surgery and paid zero. That's a 6000 buck procedure.
So let's not discount Medicare for all and say it's free. It's not free. We ALL pay for it and then we pay for supplemental insurance from insurance companies. And who decides how to use it? Us and the Doctors, not the Government.
And it's not needed. Get the right job and your employer takes care of your health insurance. For those that don't have health insurance, they've always been able to get treated at emergency rooms.
Medicare for All would still require Premiums governed by your income just like what I am under right now. I pay 135 bucks a month premiums for Part B. I have another plan that pays the rest. And a supplimental Plan doesn't cost any 1500 bucks a month either. It shouldn't. But unless you have a HUGE bill, both should cover most or all costs. I just went in for a double catarac surgery and paid zero. That's a 6000 buck procedure.
So let's not discount Medicare for all and say it's free. It's not free. We ALL pay for it and then we pay for supplemental insurance from insurance companies. And who decides how to use it? Us and the Doctors, not the Government.
And it's not needed. Get the right job and your employer takes care of your health insurance. For those that don't have health insurance, they've always been able to get treated at emergency rooms.

Yes, get the right job. Yes, we all have that luxury. What Universe so you live in? It's obviously an alternate one than the one everyone else lives in. Right now, I am dealing with a Corporation that is totally out of control. They are operating like (and they were right until I came along) that people would rather bend and comply than take legal action. The others don't have a dime to rub together between them but now they are confident that they will not have to bend and comply. I don't believe that it's mandatory that every JOB has to offer decent health care insurance when they can make more money by not offering it. The bottom line is Money.

Trying to use the Emergency Rooms for health care is a disaster. Preventive Medicine is actually very cost effective. But if you wait until you need the services of the emergency room, you have taken a minor illness and taken it into the realm of a serious illness or a life threatening illness. This is along the lines of "Don't get sick but if you do, die quickly".
And Obamacare to be replaced with?

Uh, why does it have to be replaced with anything? My oldest son lost his health insurance because of Obamacare, because it didn't meet Obamacare's ridiculous gold-plated standards for being considered a qualifying health insurance plan. And, thanks to Obamacare, grandchildren health insurance policies virtually disappeared because the Democrats decided that grandparents should not be able to buy health insurance for their grandchildren. I found this out personally when I tried to buy health insurance for two of my grandchildren.
And Obamacare to be replaced with?

Uh, why does it have to be replaced with anything? My oldest son lost his health insurance because of Obamacare, because it didn't meet Obamacare's ridiculous gold-plated standards for being considered a qualifying health insurance plan. And, thanks to Obamacare, grandchildren health insurance policies virtually disappeared because the Democrats decided that grandparents should not be able to buy health insurance for their grandchildren. I found this out personally when I tried to buy health insurance for two of my grandchildren.

On the grandchildren part you are either lying or were lied to, there was no provision in ACA that says you cannot purchase health insurance and pay monthly premiums for grand kids.
And Obamacare to be replaced with?

Uh, why does it have to be replaced with anything? My oldest son lost his health insurance because of Obamacare, because it didn't meet Obamacare's ridiculous gold-plated standards for being considered a qualifying health insurance plan. And, thanks to Obamacare, grandchildren health insurance policies virtually disappeared because the Democrats decided that grandparents should not be able to buy health insurance for their grandchildren. I found this out personally when I tried to buy health insurance for two of my grandchildren.

In Texas you can keep grandkids in your policy till they are 26.

Same in Virginia as long as they are dependents.

§ 38.2-3439. Dependent coverage for individuals to age 26
Trying to use the Emergency Rooms for health care is a disaster. Preventive Medicine is actually very cost effective. But if you wait until you need the services of the emergency room, you have taken a minor illness and taken it into the realm of a serious illness or a life threatening illness. This is along the lines of "Don't get sick but if you do, die quickly".
Then get a job where they have a health care package. Otherwise don't bitch to me.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

He will not touch ObamaCare again till after the election and then if he wins he will propose a universal healthcare plan and all you Trump worshipers will think it is the best idea ever.
Trying to use the Emergency Rooms for health care is a disaster. Preventive Medicine is actually very cost effective. But if you wait until you need the services of the emergency room, you have taken a minor illness and taken it into the realm of a serious illness or a life threatening illness. This is along the lines of "Don't get sick but if you do, die quickly".
Then get a job where they have a health care package. Otherwise don't bitch to me.

I had one for over 20 years and had Health care for life. Not everyone can be so lucky. But it costed me dearly. But MOST companies cannot afford decent health care. I worked for one (I didn't need their health care package) that only offered a supplemental package to the employees. I worked for another that didn't offer anything. I worked for another that offered a health care package but if you used it you jeopardized your job. Health care is all over the globe where you can't say that you are guaranteed it in your job or that it's going to be a good thing if it is offered or even affordable.

Yuppers, you are a member of the Party of the Rump, all right.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.

Oh, wait, Rump has a plan. He's going to announce it right after he is reelected. But then again, he had one before he was elected as well. That sell by date is long since expired.

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