Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

Trust me, without Commie Care, there will still be more than enough regulation in controlling them. I spent ten years in medical, and we used to have weekly meetings, many times to discuss new government changes. It's simply part of the business. The doctors and hospitals will not only do just fine, but be better than ever.

You can't take step two until you complete step one, and that is remove the entire cancer, and start anew. It may not happen overnight, in a week, a month, or five months, but they will eventually come up with something better.

My wife is still in it, and there is no going backwards.

I am no fan of ObamaCare, it is the main reason I rank Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, so I am not fighting to keep it.

But you're demanding it be replaced? What's that supposed to mean? What's the difference? What about ACA needs replacing?

The whole fucking thing. All the rules and Regs that have been driving smaller hospitals out of business or forcing them to join larger groups. The stupid ass rules that put patient happiness ahead of medical care.
Yeah, it is the way the world works. When it comes to politics, world works however we like. What do you like?

So, you like being 23 trillion in debt?

You like the NSA spying on us?

You like all the rights the PATRIOT Act took away?

You like all those things?

What are you getting at? I don't like any of those things. Unfortunately, the rest of our country disagrees. The rest of the country probably disagrees with me on health care too. That doesn't mean I should promote their stupidity. Why do you?
Trust me, without Commie Care, there will still be more than enough regulation in controlling them. I spent ten years in medical, and we used to have weekly meetings, many times to discuss new government changes. It's simply part of the business. The doctors and hospitals will not only do just fine, but be better than ever.

You can't take step two until you complete step one, and that is remove the entire cancer, and start anew. It may not happen overnight, in a week, a month, or five months, but they will eventually come up with something better.

My wife is still in it, and there is no going backwards.

I am no fan of ObamaCare, it is the main reason I rank Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, so I am not fighting to keep it.

But you're demanding it be replaced? What's that supposed to mean? What's the difference? What about ACA needs replacing?

The whole fucking thing. All the rules and Regs that have been driving smaller hospitals out of business or forcing them to join larger groups. The stupid ass rules that put patient happiness ahead of medical care.

Why does ACA need to be "replaced". What does it achieve that should be preserved?
What are you getting at? I don't like any of those things. Unfortunately, the rest of our country disagrees. The rest of the country probably disagrees with me on health care too. That doesn't mean I should promote their stupidity. Why do you?

What I am getting at is there is what we would like things to be and there is reality.
Why does ACA need to be "replaced". What does it achieve that should be preserved?

Other than helping those with pre-existing conditions nothing.

It needs to be replaced because we cannot have no rules and regulations when it comes to healthcare. Anarchy does not work well.
What are you getting at? I don't like any of those things. Unfortunately, the rest of our country disagrees. The rest of the country probably disagrees with me on health care too. That doesn't mean I should promote their stupidity. Why do you?

What I am getting at is there is what we would like things to be and there is reality.

Uh, yeah. Ultimately that's true. But since we don't know what will turn out to be "reality", and what will simply be someone's unfulfilled desire, we have to support the things we believe in, right? So what do you believe in? Do you think government should tell us how to do health care?
What are you getting at? I don't like any of those things. Unfortunately, the rest of our country disagrees. The rest of the country probably disagrees with me on health care too. That doesn't mean I should promote their stupidity. Why do you?

What I am getting at is there is what we would like things to be and there is reality.

Uh, yeah. Ultimately that's true. But since we don't know what will turn out to be "reality", and what will simply be someone's unfulfilled desire, we have to support the things we believe in, right? So what do you believe in? Do you think government should tell us how to do health care?

I think there needs to be rule and Regs just like I think there needs to be stop signs and speed limits.
What are you getting at? I don't like any of those things. Unfortunately, the rest of our country disagrees. The rest of the country probably disagrees with me on health care too. That doesn't mean I should promote their stupidity. Why do you?

What I am getting at is there is what we would like things to be and there is reality.

Uh, yeah. Ultimately that's true. But since we don't know what will turn out to be "reality", and what will simply be someone's unfulfilled desire, we have to support the things we believe in, right? So what do you believe in? Do you think government should tell us how to do health care?

I think there needs to be rule and Regs just like I think there needs to be stop signs and speed limits.

Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???
Trust me, without Commie Care, there will still be more than enough regulation in controlling them. I spent ten years in medical, and we used to have weekly meetings, many times to discuss new government changes. It's simply part of the business. The doctors and hospitals will not only do just fine, but be better than ever.

You can't take step two until you complete step one, and that is remove the entire cancer, and start anew. It may not happen overnight, in a week, a month, or five months, but they will eventually come up with something better.

My wife is still in it, and there is no going backwards.

I am no fan of ObamaCare, it is the main reason I rank Obama as the 2nd worst POTUS ever, so I am not fighting to keep it.

One of Trump's assurances is that preexisting condition coverage will always be there. Trust me, I have plenty of them, but Commie Care was never the answer. In fact, it made things much worse.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.

If that was the case, he would have never been elected in the first place. Say what you will about healthcare, but it's something nobody has an answer to. His other promises were kept, or he made great attempts at keeping them. Then when you considered the investigations, the harassment by the commies, the impeachment thing, they are trying to keep him from MAGA because most everything he's dealt with was successful.

It's very common in our system of government for a President to lose the Congress during midterms. But the truth is, both sides had record turnouts for midterms, so Trump's supporters were still behind him. It's just that hate won that round for the commies.

Nothing Trump has done has been successful, and Trump wasn't elected by the people, in the first place, Hillary was. The electoral college elected Trump.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.

If that was the case, he would have never been elected in the first place. Say what you will about healthcare, but it's something nobody has an answer to. His other promises were kept, or he made great attempts at keeping them. Then when you considered the investigations, the harassment by the commies, the impeachment thing, they are trying to keep him from MAGA because most everything he's dealt with was successful.

It's very common in our system of government for a President to lose the Congress during midterms. But the truth is, both sides had record turnouts for midterms, so Trump's supporters were still behind him. It's just that hate won that round for the commies.

Nothing Trump has done has been successful, and Trump wasn't elected by the people, in the first place, Hillary was. The electoral college elected Trump.
But look at all the friends trump made Iran NK Russia China all of Europe more than half of America He sure is a uniter
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.

If that was the case, he would have never been elected in the first place. Say what you will about healthcare, but it's something nobody has an answer to. His other promises were kept, or he made great attempts at keeping them. Then when you considered the investigations, the harassment by the commies, the impeachment thing, they are trying to keep him from MAGA because most everything he's dealt with was successful.

It's very common in our system of government for a President to lose the Congress during midterms. But the truth is, both sides had record turnouts for midterms, so Trump's supporters were still behind him. It's just that hate won that round for the commies.

Nothing Trump has done has been successful, and Trump wasn't elected by the people, in the first place, Hillary was. The electoral college elected Trump.

No, Hillary had an overage of voters from commie California. But California does not represent how the rest of the country voted. That's why we have an electoral college; so that one state doesn't control our executive branch.

Trump managed to give us the best economy we've had in decades. He has been successful in border control in spite of the commie resistance. He has forced our trading partners into better trade deals for the US, and had other UN nations pay a larger share of expenses we had to absorb until his presidency. He reversed many policies by Hussein, including not mandating that schools accommodate weirdos in dresses from entering the changing rooms and showers of our daughters in school. He rescinded Commie Care fines that netted the government billions of dollars every year at the cost to the poorest Americans in our country. He has decreased government dependency, especially among food stamp recipients. And these are only a few of his accomplishments.
Trump promised that he would repeal and replace the ACA with better cheaper universal health care, and so far he hasn't don't ANY of those things.
If he destroys the ACA without keeping his promise, he will NEVER be re-elected.
Baloney. Trump was elected because he promised to dismantle ObamaCare. Trump is part of the way there, he's eliminated the mandate part of ObamaCare. He will completely dismantle ObamaCare soon enough and he will will win the 2020 election.

Trump promises to "repeal and replace" and he promised that the replacement would be "better, cheaper, healthcare for all". But just like "Build the Wall", the healthcare mantra was "repeal and replace". The midterm elections were lost by Republicans BECAUSE people didn't want Obamacare dismantled, and they wanted the healthcare that was promised.

Also, women didn't take kindly to the Republican replacement which termed rape, incest, and pregnancy as "pre-existing conditions", and failed to force employers to include reproductive health services in their employee health insurance.

If that was the case, he would have never been elected in the first place. Say what you will about healthcare, but it's something nobody has an answer to. His other promises were kept, or he made great attempts at keeping them. Then when you considered the investigations, the harassment by the commies, the impeachment thing, they are trying to keep him from MAGA because most everything he's dealt with was successful.

It's very common in our system of government for a President to lose the Congress during midterms. But the truth is, both sides had record turnouts for midterms, so Trump's supporters were still behind him. It's just that hate won that round for the commies.

Nothing Trump has done has been successful, and Trump wasn't elected by the people, in the first place, Hillary was. The electoral college elected Trump.

The electoral college is how "we the people" elect the President. So, yeah. Trump was elected by the people.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation, you are just pissed because I will not live in your fantasy world.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation ...

So you say - but why do you pretend repealing ACA would be anarchy? Why do you keep equating it to "no rules"? You know that's not the desire, nor would it be the result.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation ...

So you say - but why do you pretend repealing ACA would be anarchy? Why do you keep equating it to "no rules"? You know that's not the desire, nor would it be the result.

There is no mechanism in place to revert back to some set of rules and regulations from the past. I do not know why this is so hard for you to grasp.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation ...

So you say - but why do you pretend repealing ACA would be anarchy? Why do you keep equating it to "no rules"? You know that's not the desire, nor would it be the result.

There is no mechanism in place to revert back to some set of rules and regulations from the past. I do not know why this is so hard for you to grasp.

Are you just making this all up? Tell me one or two things that can't be reversed that was created by Commie Care.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation ...

So you say - but why do you pretend repealing ACA would be anarchy? Why do you keep equating it to "no rules"? You know that's not the desire, nor would it be the result.

There is no mechanism in place to revert back to some set of rules and regulations from the past. I do not know why this is so hard for you to grasp.

LOL - there was no "mechanism in place" to impose the laws in the first place, yet the transition was dealt with. I think it's "hard to grasp" because your excuses aren't valid. Getting rid of ACA would be much easier than implementing it in the first place. If we agree that it's bad policy, we should obviously repeal it. The sooner the better. If you don't agree that it's bad policy, well, that's another discussion.
Yes, and you're equivocating your ass off. You're trying to pretend, like most statists, that any limitation on government power is a call for anarchy, that someone who rejects your preferred regulations wants NO RULES AT ALL!!!!

Where have I seen these arguments before???

ObamaCare is not my preferred regulation ...

So you say - but why do you pretend repealing ACA would be anarchy? Why do you keep equating it to "no rules"? You know that's not the desire, nor would it be the result.

There is no mechanism in place to revert back to some set of rules and regulations from the past. I do not know why this is so hard for you to grasp.

Are you just making this all up? Tell me one or two things that can't be reversed that was created by Commie Care.

Reversed to what? The rules and Regs that once existed no longer do.

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