Trump on a Roll Gets ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional MAGA Trump 2020

And Obamacare to be replaced with?
A common sense Republican plan that isn't just a government giveaway program.

<<House conservatives on Tuesday released the first part of their latest health care plan, wading headfirst into the fraught political fight on overhauling the nation’s health system.
“I think that health care is going to create our majority. I think that we're going to get the majority back in the House, we're going to keep the Senate majority, we're going to win the presidency because of health care,” Marshall said.>>

Conservative Republicans unveil latest ObamaCare replacement plan

It looks like the same failed plan the Republicans foisted on us before. It was less popular than Obamacare originally was. The money for block grants would not be enough for everybody. It would pit the poor vs older people vs people with pre-existing conditions. Also the idea that one's rights should be dependent on what state you live in is repugnant. This is a national issue not a state issue. Also it would allow insurance companies to re-establish the very things that hurt Americans in the past such as lifetime caps on benefits. This will be roundly rejected by voters in 2020.
No you're not. You're willfully evading an important question. Why?

Then I suggest you ask a specific question. What specific problems do you need to be taken care of. Just tossing out a blanket statement can't be answered. Chances are, I will have an answer for your question if you are specific even it the answer is, I got no answer. But keep it honest.

Otherwise, it's another case of we have to get rid of ACA without a ready to go replacement. And the Courts already ruled on that one.

If you don't know what problems Masshealth solved, how do you know it solved them? You don't. You're just blowing smoke.

Troll on.

If you aren't aware of that it solved then you are living under a friggin rock. And you got it wrong Troll. I am an Ogre.

Nah, just a chickenshit. Why are you so afraid of clearly stating what problems you want to solve? Why does my question inspire you to "duck and cover"?

I presented an alternative method that is working. You want to distract. Now, you present your own alternative without the "Hey, Look over there" crap.

LOL - still dodging,. The point I'm making is that you have no clarity on which problem you're trying to solve. At this point, I'm convinced that's deliberate - that you won't say what problem your favorite program solves because it actually doesn't solve a damned thing. Keep it vague. Keep 'em guessing. Keep lying. That's modern politics, eh?
Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.

And yet who came out on top in the end?

Short term economic or government strategies work well- short term. But in the long term, capitalism rewards people for hard work and investment. We didn't become the world power not only militarily, but economically as well under Socialism, Communism, or Fascism. We got this way under capitalism.

Fascism & the hybrid system clearly has the best economic achievements,

The USA came out on top because it was the largest White country in the World, isolated from other White countries except tiny Canada.
(Rolls eyes)

The USA has never been purely Capitalist, in the first place.

Libertarianism is just about never chosen for anything good.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional


Republican Romney basically came up with Obamacare. LMFAO.

Not to mention the idea of the mandate came from a Republican back in the 90's and that would be Newt the spook.
Hardly, most counties in NY are Republican.

The problem is the South, they are the moochers, they are the war mongering maniacs, they unloaded a bunch of Negs & LGBTQ upon the North, which shifted the North Left wing.

Not to mention how this impacted our crime, gangs, murder rates, and quality of life by the South unloading its Negs on us.

They are peddlers of misery & idiocy down South.

Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.

If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you think other countries are so great, or have a better economic system, you can leave the US to live there and try it out for yourself. If you find it was not all it was cracked up to be, you can always move back to the US of A.....if they let you. But once you turn this country into one of those, and find out it was a mistake, there won't be any other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever.

I say preserve our capitalistic system and continue the success this country earned and deserves.

The USA is broken & dumbo Babyboomers keep looking for the same solutions that lead us here.

Babyboomers messed up America .
There is NO FUTURE in America, unless we get rid of the idiotic thinking that got us here.

If the USA isn't broken?

How come the USA spends the most in the World on healthcare?

How come the USA has the #1 murder rate in the 1st World ?

How come the USA debt is out of control?

How come we got 14 - 29 million Illegals being hired by Capitalists?

How about real wages which adjust for cost of living have stagnated, or even declined a bit since 1970?

How about manufacturing, how come millions of those jobs left by Capitalist CEO's?

How about Amazon knocking out about 1 million retail jobs?

How about Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube promoting Liberal biases?

How about Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC promoting Liberal biases?

Music, Porn have become more & more degenerate, and Drug (Opiate) use have gone through the roof.

Democrats & Republicans are ready to kill each other.

Increases in Terrorism, Mass shooting, Cartels & Street gangs.

This is Crapitalism in action.

I could keep going & make a huge massive list of complaints about how broken America has become.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Congratulations! Trump and his supporters are successfully yanking health insurance away from tens of thousands of Americans! What a glorious victory!

The leftist salt is a nice added bonus. Trump salt mining inc. stocks up once again, good for America.

It was a glorious victory indeed. Trump was sworn in to repeal Obamacare. Nice Christmas present for all Americans, a other promise fulfilled.

What promise has been fulfilled lumnuts?
A viable solution has been presented an you ignore it. Do you just want to fight about it or are you going to present positive suggestions.

What problem is your solution trying to solve?

Masshealth pretty well solves it. Do some research on it. It's what the ACA was supposed to be before the infighting and backbiting happened. It works and works well. Can you afford 30 bucks a month for Health Care for most of the population? Bernies "No Charge" doesn't work but everyone kicking in that signs up for it and are charge by their income does make it work. And along with it comes the state allowing Hospitals and Doctors to work out deals with the Drug Companies direct. No Epipens for 1000 bucks or even 100 bucks or even 20 bucks considering the Government paid for the development, testing and initial first batch.

There is still room for people in Mass to have their own private medical and opt out. Again, it's a good system, it works and it can be expanded if the Feds hire the same people that set it up for Mass instead of the quacks that they hired before. There is nothing wrong with ACA if it's adapted to the Masshealth standards. You keep looking for a problem that just isn't there. And that is called arguing and getting nothing done. WE already have that. Some are just nicer about it than others.

Then why can’t you leave it to the states?

Because of the Red States. The Blue states would still be paying the bulk of the medical for the red states. And the Red states would refuse to do it on their own more out of spite.
So does mass pay the “bulk of the medical for the red states”? But you said it was working ok.

The US South really games the system.

I really despise them, they're 1,000X worse moochers than Mexican Illegals.

The USA South keep their taxes & minimum wage far lower to attract Northern businesses.

Meanwhile, the taxes are kept low by paying their civil servants so like Teachers, Police, Construction workers for the state, town, city, or county etc. often end up on benefits like Medicaid, Obamacare, Welfare even.

Also, the USA South complains the most about big government, meanwhile they benefit the most from big government.

More military bases per capita down South prop up the South's economy with big government stimulus.

Not to mention more Southerners are in the military, so they get stimulus by big government paying their salaries, pensions, college etc. via the military benefits provided by the Big Governmment FEDS.

Same with NASA facilities down South, and the Tennessee Valley Authority giving them power.

That doesn't begin to speak of these moochers, get more Medicaid, Welfare, Food stamps, Social Security Disability etc.

Meanwhile, because incomes & GDP are higher in most of the Northern states, we foot the tab for these mooching savages.
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Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I'd have to agree.

Some people who voted for Trump for social issues the first time, will probably vote against him the second time for healthcare issues.

Trump is an idiot.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.

If it's not broke, don't fix it. If you think other countries are so great, or have a better economic system, you can leave the US to live there and try it out for yourself. If you find it was not all it was cracked up to be, you can always move back to the US of A.....if they let you. But once you turn this country into one of those, and find out it was a mistake, there won't be any other USA to move back to. It will be gone forever.

I say preserve our capitalistic system and continue the success this country earned and deserves.

The USA is broken & dumbo Babyboomers keep looking for the same solutions that lead us here.

Babyboomers messed up America .
There is NO FUTURE in America, unless we get rid of the idiotic thinking that got us here.

If the USA isn't broken?

How come the USA spends the most in the World on healthcare?

How come the USA has the #1 murder rate in the 1st World ?

How come the USA debt is out of control?

How come we got 14 - 29 million Illegals being hired by Capitalists?

How about real wages which adjust for cost of living have stagnated, or even declined a bit since 1970?

How about manufacturing, how come millions of those jobs left by Capitalist CEO's?

How about Amazon knocking out about 1 million retail jobs?

How about Facebook, Twitter, Google & Youtube promoting Liberal biases?

How about Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC promoting Liberal biases?

Music, Porn have become more & more degenerate, and Drug (Opiate) use have gone through the roof.

Democrats & Republicans are ready to kill each other.

Increases in Terrorism, Mass shooting, Cartels & Street gangs.

This is Crapitalism in action.

I could keep going & make a huge massive list of complaints about how broken America has become.

I can't spend an hour replying to all of your questions, but no system is perfect. However capitalism rewards people for their work unlike Socialism. It makes productive people work harder towards their goals. The only thing that took the success spirit out of Americans are government programs. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, if you pay people not to work, don't be surprised when they don't.

Right to work states saved us companies that would have otherwise moved out of the country. It's far better to have the jobs here even if they pay less than have them move overseas. Besides, with taxes, minimum wage, and unions, those liberal northern states priced themselves out of job because the cost of living is so out of control. That's not the fault of anybody from the south. It's the fault of people that vote in tax and spend Democrats.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Congratulations! Trump and his supporters are successfully yanking health insurance away from tens of thousands of Americans! What a glorious victory!

The leftist salt is a nice added bonus. Trump salt mining inc. stocks up once again, good for America.

It was a glorious victory indeed. Trump was sworn in to repeal Obamacare. Nice Christmas present for all Americans, a other promise fulfilled.

Hate to break it to you but until a reasonable replacement is presented, the Courts will not allow it. yes, they can gut the ACA but they can't just willy nilly repeal it. Sorry, Champus, but you get coal in your stocking yet again.

Why are you guys moaning so hard then?

Whenever a leftist moans, that's good news for America, the nation of freedom, not your stupid communism.

Nothing quite says, "Glorious victory" like telling an American that their Daughter who was born with a hole in her heart is no longer insured.
Our Electoral College system gives them power; power which they use in most of those states to defeat Socialism and Communism. Give credit where credit is due.

The South uses big Fed government the most.
They get more Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare, Disability,Food Stamps, not to mention all the Military stimulus that goes into paychecks, or military pensions, military college funds etc.

The South are a bunch of idiots.

We'd be a far greater country without them.

I don't care about defeating Socialism.

Socialism is actually a good compromise.

I care about defeating Capitalism, Globalism & the Synagogue of Satan.

Yes Commies too, but contrary to the opinions of Republicans social programs aren't necessarily Communist.

Please....the US Communist Party supported the last three Democrat presidential nominees, and couldn't say enough about Sanders.

Defeat capitalism, and you defeat the country, because nearly everything we have today is because of capitalism.

The first pushes for universal healthcare movements came from Germany & the UK.

Universal health care - Wikipedia

Yeah, Capitalism is also responsible for everything wrong with American society too.

Fascism has the best economic growth record, and NOT Capitalism.

- Franco a basic Fascist guy achieved the #1 economic growth period in 20th century Europe in the Spanish Miracle, only 2nd in the World to Japan's post WW2 economic miracle.

- Hitler did far better on the Great Depression recovery than had the USA, Great Britain, or France.

- FDR a guy who basically supported Fascism lite, achieved the #1 economic growth in 20th century America.


Modern China's economic miracle , and Japan's economic miracle also are Hybrid systems, or basically Fascist like.

And yet who came out on top in the end?

Short term economic or government strategies work well- short term. But in the long term, capitalism rewards people for hard work and investment. We didn't become the world power not only militarily, but economically as well under Socialism, Communism, or Fascism. We got this way under capitalism.

Fascism & the hybrid system clearly has the best economic achievements,

The USA came out on top because it was the largest White country in the World, isolated from other White countries except tiny Canada.
(Rolls eyes)

The USA has never been purely Capitalist, in the first place.

Libertarianism is just about never chosen for anything good.

Yes, our capitalism is regulated, but it's still a capitalist system.

People from all over the world try to get into this country, and it's not because of our social programs in most cases. It's because you can be anything you want here. They come from those socialist and like countries because they were restricted from ultimate success. When other people take what you work for, it's not worth putting much effort into becoming a success because you will only see part of the rewards.

The guy that owns the beverage store I frequent is from India. He opened his store and was quite successful. He used the profits to buy rental property, and then had two businesses. Recently, they bought a hotel. Mind you, this guy is no spring chicken, and his wife has to run the hotel which is about an hour away out of town.

She stopped by the store one day when I went there, it was great to see her again. She said sometimes she cries from all the pressure of trying to run the hotel and finding competent workers that will stick with the job. Many times she has to run the place with a skeleton crew which means she gets little home time because the work has to get done one way or another. I don't see her husband in the store as much as I used to, so I'm sure he's out there trying to help her.

Bottom line is they came here to realize the wealth and success they could never find in India no matter how hard they worked at it. The USA is one of the few places where the sky is the limit, and unless Democrats completely take over, will stay that way.
Trump delivers on another campaign promise. Trump looks unbeatable in 2020.

< A federal appeals court has determined the individual mandate in the nation's health care law is unconstitutional. >

Court declares Obamacare individual mandate unconstitutional

Congratulations! Trump and his supporters are successfully yanking health insurance away from tens of thousands of Americans! What a glorious victory!

The leftist salt is a nice added bonus. Trump salt mining inc. stocks up once again, good for America.

It was a glorious victory indeed. Trump was sworn in to repeal Obamacare. Nice Christmas present for all Americans, a other promise fulfilled.

Hate to break it to you but until a reasonable replacement is presented, the Courts will not allow it. yes, they can gut the ACA but they can't just willy nilly repeal it. Sorry, Champus, but you get coal in your stocking yet again.

Why are you guys moaning so hard then?

Whenever a leftist moans, that's good news for America, the nation of freedom, not your stupid communism.

Nothing quite says, "Glorious victory" like telling an American that their Daughter who was born with a hole in her heart is no longer insured.

These morons will tell you it was her fault for being born that way.

One of these idiots on here told me my Type-1 diabetic son should have watched his diet more.

All they know is what the party tells them.

Not to mention the OP still has not figured out ObamaCare was not ruled Unconstitutional, just the mandate.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.

I'd be willing to take that bet you come on down to the south.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most

Man do I have some stories about the obama haters trump voters in my area. Let's just put it this way they love their obamacare and the zero or $100 per month premiums but will vote for trump again.
Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most

Well I don't believe anything from the leftist NYT, and I'm not about to create an account just to read their BS.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

Ever ask yourself why those two Repub judges kicked the case back to the lower court, ensuring nothing will be done to alter the ACA until after the election?
Because killing the ACA, given that Repubs are clueless as to how to replace it, is an election year nightmare for Repubs..................who are intent on taking health insurance away from millions of Americans.

I would be willing to bet most of the people on Commie Care were not going to vote for him anyhow. It's likely mostly Democrats using the system. Not much lost on that one.
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most
"Despite many Republican voters’ disdain for the Affordable Care Act, parts of the country that lean the most heavily Republican (according to 2012 presidential election results) showed significantly more insurance gains than places where voters lean strongly Democratic."
Obama’s Health Law: Who Was Helped Most

Well I don't believe anything from the leftist NYT, and I'm not about to create an account just to read their BS.

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007

View attachment 296456

So what are you trying to say hear Ray? Oh this was before the first obamacare policy went into effect. The article dated in Oct 2016 and there graph is from 2013. Did you know the first sign up period for obamacare started in Nov 2013? So what are the figures now? I don't know just asking.

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