Trump on immigration, 14th amendment: the "Votemaster" strikes again!

...So, shoot on sight then? That would sure make for "hostile conditions."
Are you done playing Drama Queen about this yet?

Nobody is saying any such thing.

Even though you Pro-Illegals types would love to disingenuously get others to believe that that is the case.

Nice try.

...So, shoot on sight then? That would sure make for "hostile conditions."

Nobody is saying any such thing.


Oh, so now you don't want hostile conditions?
There are Administratively Hostile or Legally Hostile or Economically Hostile conditions, which is what is being suggested...

And there are Life-and-Death-Hostile conditions, which is what you are trying to spin this as.

You fail.
...So, shoot on sight then? That would sure make for "hostile conditions."

Nobody is saying any such thing.


Oh, so now you don't want hostile conditions?
There are Administratively Hostile or Legally Hostile or Economically Hostile conditions....

Oh, finally trying to qualify?
The sort of examples I cited earlier, in connection with creating a more hostile environment for Illegal Aliens - those examples including employment, housing, vehicle sales, banking and other financial service, etc., were all of an administrative or economic nature, despite your silly attempts at including shooting-on-sight, etc., as part of the mix.

No qualification was nor is necessary for anyone not viscerally reacting to such administrative and economic measures.
And there are Life-and-Death-Hostile conditions.....

Like emergency medical care, right?

And, if you had the ability to see beyond the end of your nose, education.

Life-and-death-hostile conditions such as the silly shoot-on-sight measures that you so disingenuously attempted to embed within other measures as a poison pill.

As to emergency medical care and contagion-containment, those were already addressed as necessary, pages ago in this sequence.

As to education... not a chance... they won't be here long enough to become educated... and we should not be providing such services, which only attract more and more locusts.
...So, shoot on sight then? That would sure make for "hostile conditions."

Nobody is saying any such thing.


Oh, so now you don't want hostile conditions?
There are Administratively Hostile or Legally Hostile or Economically Hostile conditions....

Oh, finally trying to qualify?
The sort of examples I cited earlier, in connection with creating a more hostile environment for Illegal Aliens - those examples including employment, housing, vehicle sales, banking and other financial service, etc., were all of an administrative or economic nature, despite your silly attempts at including shooting-on-sight, etc., as part of the mix.

No qualification was nor is necessary for anyone not viscerally reacting to such administrative and economic measures.

Uncomfortable to be called out on your emoting, huh?
Nobody is saying any such thing.


Oh, so now you don't want hostile conditions?
There are Administratively Hostile or Legally Hostile or Economically Hostile conditions....

Oh, finally trying to qualify?
The sort of examples I cited earlier, in connection with creating a more hostile environment for Illegal Aliens - those examples including employment, housing, vehicle sales, banking and other financial service, etc., were all of an administrative or economic nature, despite your silly attempts at including shooting-on-sight, etc., as part of the mix.

No qualification was nor is necessary for anyone not viscerally reacting to such administrative and economic measures.

Uncomfortable to be called out on your emoting, huh?

Not at all.

My sympathies are with my country, and my countrymen, not Illegal Aliens and their spawn.
Most reasonable people realize just how incredibly fascist we would have to become to expel all the illegal immigrants and keep them out. Conservatives on the other hand don't care if a million American doors get kicked in by the government.

left-wing idiots just love that F-word. too bad the Left are closer to fascists than the Right will ever be
Bullshit, you people who supposedly hate the government would demand they kick in doors, drag people out into the night and deport them without due process by the millions, never mind all the legal Americans who would get their rights trampled in the process. No, this is exactly how fascism gets a foothold by fighting the "enemy within".

It was Janet Reno and Bill Clinton that sent armed agents to Miami to kick in the door and drag a child named Elian Gonzalez out of his home and send him back to Cuba.
has anyone noticed how often Trump promises things that he cannot even deliver?
Do you have any proofs that Trump actually promised something he can't deliver? Yeah he surely won't get rid of all illegal immigrants but at least he wants to try to make America a better place.
I believe "earning" multibillion dollar bonuses with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint to work with is more important.

My sympathies are with my country, and my countrymen....

The Constitution?
The Constitution is merely the mechanical device by which my country and my countrymen order their public life.

It is not a suicide pact; neither metaphorically nor literally.

And, when an aspect of the Constitution (the 14th) is being utilized as a loophole, by hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens, to pop-out puppies, and to obtain citizenship for them through the back door - thereby anchoring themselves upon United States soil in a manner unanticipated-by and unintended by its Framers - it's time to re-interpret that loophole.

Or close it.

That won't do anything with respect to those already here, but it will slam the door tight in the face of future waves of Birth Tourists and Anchor-Baby factories.

A consummation devoutly to be wished.
has anyone noticed how often Trump promises things that he cannot even deliver?
Do you have any proofs that Trump actually promised something he can't deliver? Yeah he surely won't get rid of all illegal immigrants but at least he wants to try to make America a better place.

Sure. He cannot undo the 14th amendment single-handedly. In fact, he cannot do it at all. It takes a 2/3 vote of both houses of congress (or, in it's place, a 2/3 vote at a national constitutional convention) for a constitutional amendment, which must then be accepted and adopted by 3/4 of the states. Or the other way around: an amendment is approved by three 3/4 of the states and is then approved by the US Congress by a 2/3 vote (or, in it's place, a 2/3 vote at a national constitutional convention). A president has absolutely no hand in this at all.

So, to make the claim is a lie to begin with. He cannot deliver this. Ever.

My sympathies are with my country, and my countrymen....

The Constitution?
The Constitution is merely the mechanical device by which my country and my countrymen order their public life.

It is not a suicide pact; neither metaphorically nor literally.

And, when an aspect of the Constitution (the 14th) is being utilized as a loophole, by hundreds of thousands of Illegal Aliens, to pop-out puppies, and to obtain citizenship for them through the back door - thereby anchoring themselves upon United States soil in a manner unanticipated-by and unintended by its Framers - it's time to re-interpret that loophole.

Or close it.

That won't do anything with respect to those already here, but it will slam the door tight in the face of future waves of Birth Tourists and Anchor-Baby factories.

A consummation devoutly to be wished.

Be careful what you wish for. You might find that the only reason YOU are a citizen is because you were popped out here, dog.
...Be careful what you wish for. You might find that the only reason YOU are a citizen is because you were popped out here, dog.
I am a US citizen because I was popped-out by a couple of US Citizens, not Illegal Aliens.

BTW... no need to resort to personal attacks, Princess, but, given your Pro-Illegals stance, I'm glad to learn that you can get so emotionally worked-up that you resort to such.

If you can't argue your position regarding Illegal Aliens and Anchor Babies, from a rational and unemotional perspective, then perhaps you shouldn't even be trying.

You certainly haven't done very well in this particular exchange, other than to manifest the emotionalism that you persistently try (and fail) to accuse me of, and other than to try (and fail) to tell us why none of the draconian measures being proposed against Illegal Aliens and their spawn cannot be accomplished at-law, and why it makes good sense to keep them here.

You are obviously a Pro-Illegals poster, and, given how quickly and how viscerally, you react to phrases such as Anchor Babies, logic indicates that you are probably heavily vested, personally, in keeping them here, and in laying stumbling blocks before suggestions that draconian conditions be established, in order to cause them to self-deport.


I really don't care.

Neither does much of America.

And, given the new and more freely-expressed emphasis on harsher measures to be employed against this 12,000,000 -strong plague of locusts, it is also easy to understand why those with a personal stake in keeping them here, and bringing more in, would accelerate the force of their objections, and fight doggedly against such measures.

Sucks to be you-and-yours, right about now, I'm sure.

Your cross to bear in life, not mine.

Enjoy the day, Princess.
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