Trump on Obama - “It’s absolutely incredible how he’s protected.”


And I'm still waiting for you to post the evidence which proves how you know Obama told the literary agency in 1991 that he was born in Kenya. :

How else can you explain it.? Are we supposed to think the agency just assumes that all american blacks were actually born in kenya??? That idea is absurd. Obozo must have told them. THINK

I've already explained it. Besides, I'm not the one leaping to unsubstantiated conclusions, you are. It's not my job to prove you wrong when you are incapable of proving yourself right.

Now then, you said you know "for sure" that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. How on Earth do you know that "for sure" if you have to ask me to explain it to you? Indeed, if you really knew for "sure," which you clearly do not, you would be proving it rather than challenging me to prove you wrong.

Also, you completely ignored this part of my post ...

Faun: "As usual, you make no sense. Why would Obama tell (using your logic) the NY Times he was born in Hawaii if he was trying to scam the universities you can't prove he was scamming?"

ShootSpeeders: <dead silence>
Again ... what voter fraud?

You claimed more votes than voters in St. lucie county, Florida, and I proved you were wrong about that. You pointed to precincts where Romney got no votes and I showed you precincts where Obama got no votes.

So what voter fraud occurred?
Proved WHAT? Where is your evidence?

I proved that there were not more votes cast than registered voters in St. Lucie county, Florida, as someone falsely claimed. See post #83 for the evidence.

Let the record show that thereisnospoon ran away from this thread like a coward after I met his/her challenge to prove that the idiotic notion that St. Lucie County, Florida had more votes than registered voters in the 2012 election, was complete and utter bullshit propagated by rightwingnuts.
Now then, you said you know "for sure" that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. How on Earth do you know that "for sure" if you have to ask me to explain it to you?

HAHAHA. All you have in way of explanation is to say "they made a mistake". That is pathetic. People don't assume all black americans were born in kenya. Obozo must have told the agency he was and they checked it out and agreed.
Now then, you said you know "for sure" that Obama told them he was born in Kenya. How on Earth do you know that "for sure" if you have to ask me to explain it to you?

HAHAHA. All you have in way of explanation is to say "they made a mistake". That is pathetic. People don't assume all black americans were born in kenya. Obozo must have told the agency he was and they checked it out and agreed.
At least try not to be so stupid. Of course people don't assume all blacks are born in Kenya -- but it is a potential assumption for blacks whose fathers were born in Kenya.

And of course, you continue to ignore the NY Times article, which was published the previous year, that said he was born in Hawaii. You're not even capable of comprehending how that blows a gaping head wound into your idiotic 'he applied for loans as a foreigner' nonsense, are you?
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