Trump on the Campaign Trail!


Funny, how Trump supporters are such obviously and genuinely happy people.

Then look at how all the dem liberals on this board are always just angry and hateful.

Says a lot.

LOL. You're hysterical! Have a friggin drink. Might loosen you up a bit...and maybe bring you to your senses.
The ONLY angry people on this board I see...are ardent right wingers...most of whom are Trump supporters.

President Trump's rally today, 7-29-23, in Erie PA.


Just saw a young group chanting "Let's Go Brandon!

Let's count the "pet names" he uses for the dems and RINOs, and play a drinking game -- every time a leftist cultist checks in to this thread to whine, THEY have to take a drink!


He's on NEWSMAX right now. Or :salute:

Wow! Look how healthy he looks!

The whining leftist cultists must be using old cameras that don't work very well, because they're getting really bad photos that make him look fat and old!

I'd get a new camera if mine worked that way!

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Wow, even though I agree with none of this, it's the most coherent thing I've seen you post in years. :)

Trump is a simpleton. He has no beliefs. He doesn't read. He isn't interested in knowledge. I disagree, most people who run for office are interested in serving, even if they bend to one side or the other, and even if that eventually ends up with them being made part of the same machine they railed against when campaigning. Trump has no such interest. He's only interested in what benefits him. He's a blunt instrument. An opportunist. Most men who run for President as Republicans have to deal with people picking apart their policies and what they support. Or in the case of John McCain (a really good guy) and George Bush Sr (another really good guy)...their choice of running mate.

Trump sees a group of people that he can lie to and manipulate and pounces. But there's no substance behind the bluster. He never was able to pivot into the actual job of being President. It's why COVID gained a foothold here and ran roughshod over the country, and it's why he's going to lose again in 2024.
No one wants four more years of Trump's BS.
The reality is that Republicans give in to Democrats whether they are in power or not. There is always something in legislation led from Republicans even if hidden that sprouts from seedlings and grows into a weed some years later at least. I tell you. The globalists need to shut down a lot of the Caucasian hegemony to get their world government and are doing it. And most of them are Caucasian.

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