Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.

Because of Trump, and his supporters, half a million Americans will be dead by years end, the economy has collapsed, millions will be permanently out of work, businesses will close and not reopen, the credibility of the country will be gone, we will be a second rate economy, and will have our national security more compromised than may ever be discovered, so a second rate grifter, and his family of second rate hustlers, could use the government to enrich themselves. It will take at least a decade to repair the damage that will be done by the time they are gone. It will take some very extreme, and harsh, but necessary steps to restore the country to what is was before the great undoing, that began in 1968, that has culminated to our current situation.
Turn that around to saying because of the corruption of the dems and their supporters,half a million Americans will be dead by years end,the economy has collapsed,businesses will close and not reopen,and millions will be permanetely out of work because of the dem party,turn that post around to saying that and you nailed it and hit a home
Yeah, not really. The CIA et al aren't Doctors. The same crowd that gave us WMD's.
That logic seems to escape their warped

Except the CIA didn't give up WMD's, that was Dick Cheney making a midnight run on CIA headquarters and telling the analysts to "rethink" their conclusions.
Also the Rumsfeld, Cheney group "plans for a new american century" created the office of special plans to introduce "curveball" information.

The CIA didn't drop the ball, they were given a bucket and told to carry Bush's water. Why do you think we had to go into Iraq without NATO, because they rejected the "curveball" intel, that Bush relied on.
Trying to avoid s panic is not saying Covid does not exist no matter how much liberal feelings wish and need it to be that way.

There are 15 cases, soon to go down to almost zero
It's no worse than the seasonal flu
It will go away as if by magic when the weather gets warm

Trump was told in January that the virus was deadly, highly contagious and at least 5 times as bad as the worse flu.

"I always intended to play it down" - Trump

There is nothing left to be said.

Are you saying now he should have panicked the public?

No he should of said what he said on March 11:

Mar 11, 2020

We are at a critical time in the fight against the virus. We made a life-saving move with early action on China. Now we must take the same action with Europe. We will not delay. I will never hesitate to take any necessary steps to protect the lives, health, and safety of the American people. I will always put the wellbeing of America first.

If we are vigilant — and we can reduce the chance of infection, which we will — we will significantly impede the transmission of the virus. The virus will not have a chance against us.

No nation is more prepared or more resilient than the United States. We have the best economy, the most advanced healthcare, and the most talented doctors, scientists, and researchers anywhere in the world.

We are all in this together. We must put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together as one nation and one family.

As history has proven time and time again, Americans always rise to the challenge and overcome adversity.

Our future remains brighter than anyone can imagine. Acting with compassion and love, we will heal the sick, care for those in need, help our fellow citizens, and emerge from this challenge stronger and more unified than ever before.

God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you.

What did he know and when did he know it comes to mind.!!

How short your memory is...

Before that address little was known about COVID-19...

Faucci was saying that there was nothing to worry about, and that we didn't need masks.

Pelosi was calling for people to come on down to Chinatown and party.

Biden said that the travel ban from China was "racist, and xenophobic "!!!

Meanwhile, Trump enlisted auto makers to make ventilators, tasked the VP to assemble a task force on the virus, and marshaled ppe for health care workers.

Notice last night when Bret Bair interviewed Biden's press sec. he wouldn't answer the simplest of questions...In fact, he outright lied when he said 4 times that Biden supported the travel ban...

So, excuse me if I'm not impressed with your faux outrage, and armchair quaterbacking...

Let me refresh your memory.

Fauci on mask said that at the beginning of the crisis. He regret saying that ...... that doesn’t mean you don’t wear mask.

Pelosi went to China town February 24, 2020. At that time there were no restrictions. Trump rally February 28 called this a new Democrat
hoax. Pelosi visited her constituents. Why is that a problem? Since when that is a violation of the Coronavirus crisis? Look at Trumps several rallies. Is Pelosi even worth mentioning to deflect Trump hypocrisy?

Biden called Trump travel ban racist and xenophobic. Read links below to refresh your memory. Just because Biden called him xenophobic and racist. Is that an excuse to downplay the severity of this crisis

Trump order of ventilators and other medical supplies for the Pandemic. Trump didn’t place any orders till mid March 2020. That is just placing the order that doesn’t mean supplies will arrive in March. While this country is facing major shortages of medical supplies.

There was a Pandemic Team assembled by the Obama administration after the Ebola outbreak. Designed to handle this kind of pandemic before it even reach US..... Trump dismantle the NSC pandemic in 2018.

Biden press secretary interview with Bret Bair. Big deal...... have you seen Trump interviews with Wallace or others aside from Fox?

Trump's Misleading Comments on Biden and the Coronavirus -

In mid March the outbreak was small....

" The United States confirmed 669 new cases, bringing the total number to 3,485. Five more deaths were reported, bringing the total number to 65.[635] "

So, Trump was acting to ramp up PPE in Mid March when there was only some 3500 cases and only 65 deaths...I'd say that was being proactive....See, You people want to look at this through the hindsight lens and attack him for political reasons....You ought to be ashamed of yourselves politicizing this....

All those excuses doesn’t mean anything.
Even one of his advisers Navarro warned Trump in writing this pandemic will hit US

Mid March outbreak was small here in US . True. ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? In January, February and March China was in full scale war of Coronavirus. The whole world knew this is a big health crisis. March and April Trump and Fox are very busy downplaying the crisis. Didn’t start ordering supplies still mid March. That is a total failure of the administration. Then he blamed China and Obama.

Bob Woodward interview on tape showed Trump knew this is a big crisis. He lied to Americans. Those deaths are not necessary. Trump is responsible for this crisis....... Even today does it looks like he is serious fighting the pandemic? He goes around with these rallies most of his supporters don’t wear mask. He doesn’t even encourage them to wear mask against his own administrations policy.
He tweeted Covid-19 are all lies, deaths and infections are all lies created by democrats. Tweeted only 9,000 deaths. Then promoted a lunatic doctor.

Now you tell me what kind of a president is that? Trump is part of the problem. As long as Trump is the president I don’t think this crisis will go away.
He is an excellent President and hundreds of times better than the idiot you are trotting out to run for all your complaining.


Over 194,000 Americans are dead because of his lies.

He called the Marines who Killed In Action at Bellau Wood, "Losers" and "Suckers".

He has attacked Gold Star Families and Denegrated the name of Men who were Prisoners of War.

No, over 90,000 in 6 Democrat led illegal sanctuary states are dead because of inept and idiot Democrat governors and their global leading 8% mortality rate. The remaining 44 states have the additional 100,000 deaths but with increased testing and much more common sense and less stupidity, a 1.8% mortality rate which brought the US down to 2.9%. You can awwwk and parrot all the ignorant lying points you want, but this thing turned bad early because of idiot Democrats like yourself.
To understand just how we found ourselves in such a devastating humanitarian and economic predicament, look no further than how the governors and legislatures of many red states blindly deferred to President Trump and his blatant disregard for medical expertise.

Adjusting for population, the ten states with the highest rates of new coronavirus cases are Florida, Alabama, Nevada, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Tennessee and Arkansas.


Kung Flu Death Rates:

New York: 6.97%
New Jersey: 8.11%
Mass: 7.42%
CN: 8.28%
PA: 5.38%
DC: 4.25%

Florida: 1.9%
Texas: 2.08%
NV: 1.98%
AL: 1.71%
GA: 2.15%
TN: 1.19%

See a pattern?
Yes the pattern is clear. The Northeast was hit hard by coronavirus being carried by people traveling from Europe which Trump refused to stop until it was too late.
You mean the travel ban Crazy Joe attacked him for?
If you would take time out from your nonstop posting, you might learn the truth, something quite foreign to Trump and his supporters. First, Biden's comment was not about Trump's travel ban on Europe. Trump claimed erroneously that Biden was attacking his travel ban on China. Biden actual tweet was:

“We are in the midst of a crisis with the coronavirus. We need to lead the way with science — not Donald Trump’s record of hysteria, xenophobia, and fear-mongering. He is the worst possible person to lead our country through a global health emergency.”

But Biden did not explicitly tie xenophobia to the China travel restriction. His tweet reflects coronavirus remarks he made during a campaign stop in Iowa Jan. 31, the day the travel restrictions with China were announced, two and half months before Trump began a travel ban on Europe.

Biden use of the word xenophbia in January and March was in reference to Trump many tweets using the phrases "foreign virus", "China virus", "China Flu", Kung Flu", Chinese Plague", etc.
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It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
Actually it shows what happens when the white house tells the intelligence agencies what they want from them.

Just like Trump just told the whistleblower to stop releasing reports on russian election interference, and concentrate on china and iran.
When Trump tries to avoid panicking a nation the left bitch and complain. I swear there is no pleasing the left.

This is like the guy who isn't paying attention crossing the street in front of a bus. And you don't want to panic him by warning him about the bus.

No it's nothing like that idiot. Go back to school repeat 3rd grade. :cuckoo: The problem with Dems and the left is they can't think 5 minutes ahead. These bunch of dumb ass Democrats go berserk passing laws and regulations and heaping 'government' on us without one thought to the consequences of their actions. Oh just raise taxes and tax the hell out of businesses and the 'wealthy' in a blithering idiot Democrat's mind there won't be any negative consequences. Dems are literally too stupid to exist in nature.
You win first prize for best post on this thread.thats what I have said too many times to remember till I was blue in the face repeating it because these stupid ass trolls keep evading these facts of mine playing a dodgeball game with me that you won’t find one person in the state of Michigan,California,or New York that does not want to see their dem leaders running those states hung up by the balls for making their states a dictatership and murdering many of their citizens.,it doesn’t end with just those three states either,practically all the dem leaders of these states are doing thesame,these coward trolls keep evading these facts of mine though and don’t even try to counter it cause they know they can’t.
Trying to avoid s panic is not saying Covid does not exist no matter how much liberal feelings wish and need it to be that way.

There are 15 cases, soon to go down to almost zero
It's no worse than the seasonal flu
It will go away as if by magic when the weather gets warm

Trump was told in January that the virus was deadly, highly contagious and at least 5 times as bad as the worse flu.

"I always intended to play it down" - Trump
Play it down to avoid a panic is Very Presidential
You snowflakes needed another hoax so you have incorrrctly stated that he said it was a non issue
It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
Actually it shows what happens when the white house tells the intelligence agencies what they want from them.

Just like Trump just told the whistleblower to stop releasing reports on russian election interference, and concentrate on china and iran.
You just lost your credibility on that debunked Russian interference propaganda,I’m not a trump supporter and I tear into him myself the fact he was an asshole for cutting off aide to Palestine but not doing the same for warmonger Israel kissing their ass,stick to facts like that one if you want to rag on trump for being a jerk but give it up already on that debunked rambling lies of russiagate.hee hee.

There is nothing left to be said.

Because of Trump, and his supporters, half a million Americans will be dead by years end, the economy has collapsed, millions will be permanently out of work, businesses will close and not reopen, the credibility of the country will be gone, we will be a second rate economy, and will have our national security more compromised than may ever be discovered, so a second rate grifter, and his family of second rate hustlers, could use the government to enrich themselves. It will take at least a decade to repair the damage that will be done by the time they are gone. It will take some very extreme, and harsh, but necessary steps to restore the country to what is was before the great undoing, that began in 1968, that has culminated to our current situation.
Turn that around to saying because of the corruption of the dems and their supporters,half a million Americans will be dead by years end,the economy has collapsed,businesses will close and not reopen,and millions will be permanetely out of work because of the dem party,turn that post around to saying that and you nailed it and hit a home
People will starve to death. Demofks still can’t say why glasses fog when worn with masks! They disappear
It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
Actually it shows what happens when the white house tells the intelligence agencies what they want from them.

Just like Trump just told the whistleblower to stop releasing reports on russian election interference, and concentrate on china and iran.
Also told to quit white supremacist news Makes trump look bad
Turn that around to saying because of the corruption of the dems and their supporters,half a million Americans will be dead by years end,the economy has collapsed,businesses will close and not reopen,and millions will be permanetely out of work because of the dem party,turn that post around to saying that and you nailed it and hit a home
Turn your turn-around around.
Trump basically told states like NY, NJ, Conn that the virus was going away by itself, it wasn't any worse than the flu, and there was no need to take precautionary measures.

Meanwhile a Trump was told in january, the exact opposite.

Trump hoped to "trick" the democrat governors into letting the virus run rampant through their states, and then blame them for the outbreak.

Well that plan backfired, after the dem governors got it under control, no thanks to Trump, and since the virus doesn't obey politics, the republican governors are now paying the plrice.
How did he play it down with the actions he took? Just what should he have done that he didn't do....before there
was one death in America?

Trump banned travel from China and Europe while Dems called him a racist for doing so and claimed the virus wasn't a threat. Facts vs this OP spin.
Negative! He put a ban on China and later put one on Europe. How fucking stupid is that?
Actually he didnt even really put a ban on China. He just banned Chinese nationals. Everyone else coming from China was allowed to come into the US.
Exactly! It was a joke. In the mean time, It's also coming in the back door from Europe, while he isn't giving a shit. He's a murderer and he knows it.
Cuomo sure is a murderer
What in Gods name is wrong with you people? "Cuomo?" What does he have to do with Trump misleading Americans to their deaths? Fmr Senator Claire McCaskill: When Trump decided to lie to the American people about Covid, he ‘killed them’
It's just your tribe lying and you lap it up like a good little minion that you are. You want to be spoon fed? Feel free, but half of Americans think you're
full of shit.
Cuomo DID actually send people to their deaths when he placed infected people in the assisted living facilities.
What an idiot and murderer he was, thousands die and you turn a blind eye to that. Your tribe did not
spoon feed you that, so you're in denial. Run along, minion.
I notice that only a resident troll did not like this excellent factual post of
Turn that around to saying because of the corruption of the dems and their supporters,half a million Americans will be dead by years end,the economy has collapsed,businesses will close and not reopen,and millions will be permanetely out of work because of the dem party,turn that post around to saying that and you nailed it and hit a home
Turn your turn-around around.
Trump basically told states like NY, NJ, Conn that the virus was going away by itself, it wasn't any worse than the flu, and there was no need to take precautionary measures.

Meanwhile a Trump was told in january, the exact opposite.

Trump hoped to "trick" the democrat governors into letting the virus run rampant through their states, and then blame them for the outbreak.

Well that plan backfired, after the dem governors got it under control, no thanks to Trump, and since the virus doesn't obey politics, the republican governors are now paying the plrice.
Your grasping at straws as always.your being afucking liar that it was the dems who let the virus go,desperation time from you.hee hee.
It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
Actually it shows what happens when the white house tells the intelligence agencies what they want from them.

Just like Trump just told the whistleblower to stop releasing reports on russian election interference, and concentrate on china and iran.
You just lost your credibility on that debunked Russian interference propaganda,I’m not a trump supporter and I tear into him myself the fact he was an asshole for cutting off aide to Palestine but not doing the same for warmonger Israel kissing their ass,stick to facts like that one if you want to rag on trump for being a jerk but give it up already on that debunked rambling lies of russiagate.hee hee.
RAMbo Are these lies too?
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Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that ... › opinions › 2020/04/21 › e...

Apr 21, 2020 - Even Republicans on the Intelligence Committee admit that Putin helped Trump get elected. Russian President Vladimir Putin with President ...

Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign ... › U.S. › Politics

Aug 18, 2020 - President Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at the Group of 20 ... American election to help Mr. Trump become president, Russian intelligence ... with the Russian government — a fact that Republicans seized on to argue ... Trump Admits Minimizing the Virus, Woodward Reports in New Book.

Senate Intel Committee backs finding that Russia helped ... › news › politics › 2020/04/21 › se...

Apr 21, 2020 - Senate panel: No dispute that Russia interfered in 2016 campaign. ... The Republican-led committee on Tuesday released a heavily redacted ... and help the candidacy of Donald Trump," referring to the 2016 campaign and ...

Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016 › news › 2020/04/21 › senate-intel-r...

Apr 21, 2020 - Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray ...

There is nothing left to be said.

Why would Trump playing it down be more dishonest than the Democrats hyping the virus?
they didn't hype it! Trump said so himself....

now you owe democrats, an apology!

and an apology to all the family members of the needless dead that he caused through his dereliction of duty....

Democrats didn't hype the Biden virus? Why the F do you think it's the Biden virus? You've constantly hyped it. Grow the F up
Could not have said it better myself.
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"I always intended to play it down" - Trump
Play it down to avoid a panic is Very Presidential
You snowflakes needed another hoax so you have incorrrctly stated that he said it was a non issue
Then I have news for you. If Trump is trying to avoid panic, why did Trump "play it up" when it came to:
Caravans on the mexican border.
ANTIFA protests and violence.
The election being "rigged"
The suburbs having their police "defunded"

Trump incites panic, but the panic that gets him votes, not the panic that would save 200.000+ lives.
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You just lost your credibility on that debunked Russian interference propaganda,I’m not a trump supporter ...

For somebody who doesn't support Trump, you sure support what Putin did in the 2016 election (see the republican senate intelligence report book 5 to prove that), and what Putin is doing in the 2020 election.

For that see the current report that Putin is spreading anti-Biden fake news.

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