Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.
yours is the alternate reality,,,,
Thing is, Trump isn’t actually dumb, but he thinks you are. Private Trump agrees with me about the seriousness of coronavirus, but it’s better for him if he keeps you guys in his alternate reality where it’s no big deal.

I actually believe that most in government think the population are dumb...And that goes for politicians on BOTH sides of the isle...This is why in many cases they speak about their ideas on a 5th grade level...

But, what would you like him to say? Ok, think of it this way, The President is going on all Networks tonight for an address to the nation about C-19, at 8 pm....He starts out "My fellow Americans...." and go.

This isn't actually all that hard. For starters, don't call it a Democrat hoax. Don't say it'll magically disappear. Don't pretend it's entirely under control when it's not.

Be honest. Say this is likely to have a huge effect on our country, that the effect will be limited if we all work together and heed the best medical advice. There will be pain and suffering, but we can withstand it and be better for it as a nation if we all do our part.

We needed leadership.

He did all of that through his task force who gave daily briefings...Including Faucci...Are you now saying that the Fauch was wrong?
I’m still waiting for a demofk to say why glasses fog up when worn with a mask?
All those excuses doesn’t mean anything.
Even one of his advisers Navarro warned Trump in writing this pandemic will hit US

He was in daily meetings with the heads of the CDC, and NIH, and you want him to ignore them in favor of Peter Navarro?

Mid March outbreak was small here in US . True. ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? In January, February and March China was in full scale war of Coronavirus. The whole world knew this is a big health crisis. March and April Trump and Fox are very busy downplaying the crisis. Didn’t start ordering supplies still mid March. That is a total failure of the administration. Then he blamed China and Obama.

OMG....Downplaying while behind the scenes fighting it very aggressively....I tell ya. Your argument here is pure Bull Shit....You are using hindsight to nit pick his response and I don't recall reading from you or any other democrat in here at the time anything of the sort, other than when he did act you calling him a wannabe dictator or some such....

What you are doing is politicizing this virus, and it is disgusting.

Now you tell me what kind of a president is that? Trump is part of the problem. As long as Trump is the president I don’t think this crisis will go away.

I think Trump's actions during this virus were far better than the previous administrations reaction to H1N1, that's for sure....And, ofcourse this crisis won't go away, because you people can't be honest for one second...
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

You said you were here to change minds...I didn't say that...How you approach it is up to you....But, the current tactic you are using is a failure...

It's amazing how one leftist after another like colfax and eddiew believe that if somehow they can just convey how much they really, truly, totally hate Trump it will somehow convince us to vote against our own interests for Biden. That while they shallowly deny all the hate coming from Biden, Pelosi, Schummer and company

Absolutely...They are vapid of anything even remotely tied to rational, intelectual debate...I understand that Trump triggers them, but my God....They can't have a civil conversation anymore without using a slew of slurs and insults that would get them punched in the mouth in person.
Now you are playing like the victim.
Hate Trump? My GOD. What is there to like Trump? A totally corrupted, racist dog shit, traitor, disgusting, dishonest, liar human being.
Can’t have a civil conversation? You want me to go to Gizmo. Is that a civil conversation?

Pelosi? Visiting her constituents in China town is a violations?

Trump lied to Americans downplayed the Coronavirus. Trump lied...... people died. Is that supposed to be acceptable?

Ah, that is pure bull shit, triggered, talking point crap....Look at the videos, Pelosi not only visited the people of Chinatown, she was there NOT wearing a mask, surrounded by people less than 6 ft away, telling people it was safe....BUT, you want to hammer Trump for not panicing at the very same time....Where is your shame?

Bullshit? Really? Pelosi visited her constituents in Chinatown February 24, 2020. Mask and social distancing was not even enforced at that time. California went on lock down March 20, 2020 using Fauci guidelines.
What part of that don’t you understand?

We are in trouble since January we are now in September. Look at that asshole.... Trump running around with his SEVERAL rallies with no mask. He doesn’t even encourage his supporters to wear mask. And you have the stomach to compare that to Pelosi? BULLSHIT. You should be ashamed supporting a total hypocrite president.
As I have written Trump lied and people died. It is as clear as day now that he was lying the whole time he was downplaying Covid. The two-faced President was telling Woodward just how dangerous it was while telling the people it will magically disappear.

How many people died because of Trump's lies. 20,000..50.,000..120,000?

Trump's apologists will make fools of themselves once arguing that Trump did not say or mean what he obviously said and meant.

Just when you think Trump has hit bottom..he once again proves us wrong by reaching even greater depths of depravity.

He is responsible for the deaths and the dying from this virus, and the economy.

Trump is also responsible for your acne and the mole in your back yard.

Cut the stupid shit. The Chinese are responsible for the people dying. Of course Joe didn't need to try to help them by undercutting the President while he tried to deal with it.

Now Joe's advertising his Biden virus plan ... to do what Trump is doing now ...

Why can’t you guys ever hold Trump responsible for anything?
why do you attack him for everything he does???

he tried to keep the people calm,,,whats wrong about that???

Calm? Like he does at his hate rallies? Do you mean like that?
dont change the subject,,,

So not calm thank you.
what I dont get is why are dems trying so hard to get trump re-elected???
There is nothing that can be said to many Trump supporters to change their minds. They are so encapsulated in Trump’s world, it would break their brains to come to terms with reality.

Is that what you are doing in here? Trying to change minds? And to do that you hurl insults, and slurs at the people you disagree with to accomplish that? Hmmm....I actually think it would "break the brains" of liberals like yourself to admit that Trump has done anything positive....even though you know he has.
How can I change your mind? We’d have to live in the same reality first.

You said you were here to change minds...I didn't say that...How you approach it is up to you....But, the current tactic you are using is a failure...

It's amazing how one leftist after another like colfax and eddiew believe that if somehow they can just convey how much they really, truly, totally hate Trump it will somehow convince us to vote against our own interests for Biden. That while they shallowly deny all the hate coming from Biden, Pelosi, Schummer and company

Absolutely...They are vapid of anything even remotely tied to rational, intelectual debate...I understand that Trump triggers them, but my God....They can't have a civil conversation anymore without using a slew of slurs and insults that would get them punched in the mouth in person.
Now you are playing like the victim.
Hate Trump? My GOD. What is there to like Trump? A totally corrupted, racist dog shit, traitor, disgusting, dishonest, liar human being.
Can’t have a civil conversation? You want me to go to Gizmo. Is that a civil conversation?

Pelosi? Visiting her constituents in China town is a violations?

Trump lied to Americans downplayed the Coronavirus. Trump lied...... people died. Is that supposed to be acceptable?

Charwin: Trump lied and people died

Charwin: Democrats lied? What of it?
Well my dear. Prove to me where I lied.
Okay, I'm wondering which Trumpster will be the first to claim that the voice on the tape is not Trump. Any guesses?
I heard Moochelle does impressions and she has a deep voice.....
Another deflection. Wanna be the first?
There are so many stupid Drumpfsters I cant make a solid pick.
Wow if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black hahahahahahaha
I didnt say anything about a pot. I said Drumpfsters are stupid and I cant really make a solid pick on who will be the first to claim its not Drumpfs voice. Hell it may be Drumpf himself that will throw that out to see if it sticks with the rest of the bullshit he throws at the wall.
And I said for you to be calling us stupid is a big stretch given your skulls have nothing in them.
Could not have said it better myself.excellent point taking him to school that trump had nothing to do with ny,that its Cuomo to hold accountable.
Okay, I'm wondering which Trumpster will be the first to claim that the voice on the tape is not Trump. Any guesses?
I heard Moochelle does impressions and she has a deep voice.....
Another deflection. Wanna be the first?
There are so many stupid Drumpfsters I cant make a solid pick.
Wow if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black hahahahahahaha
I didnt say anything about a pot. I said Drumpfsters are stupid and I cant really make a solid pick on who will be the first to claim its not Drumpfs voice. Hell it may be Drumpf himself that will throw that out to see if it sticks with the rest of the bullshit he throws at the wall.
And I said for you to be calling us stupid is a big stretch given your skulls have nothing in them.
No its not a big stretch. Its a known fact you Drumpfsters are stupid gullible children led around by a carnival barker that you allow to lie to you.
no barker needed. its actually you and your pea brain. you are putting all your faith into a bunch of criminals that you obviously dont see--fat hillary--treason w/the emails---BEIJING joe with the secret--law breaking investigation into a political opponent--BARRAG o for authorizing it, these are all treasonist pieces of shit that did NOTHING but bad for AMERICA. and you support these asswipes...that says alot about you---gullible s o b
You so much owned his sorry
Okay, I'm wondering which Trumpster will be the first to claim that the voice on the tape is not Trump. Any guesses?
I heard Moochelle does impressions and she has a deep voice.....
Another deflection. Wanna be the first?
There are so many stupid Drumpfsters I cant make a solid pick.
Wow if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black hahahahahahaha
I didnt say anything about a pot. I said Drumpfsters are stupid and I cant really make a solid pick on who will be the first to claim its not Drumpfs voice. Hell it may be Drumpf himself that will throw that out to see if it sticks with the rest of the bullshit he throws at the wall.
And I said for you to be calling us stupid is a big stretch given your skulls have nothing in them.
No its not a big stretch. Its a known fact you Drumpfsters are stupid gullible children led around by a carnival barker that you allow to lie to you.
no barker needed. its actually you and your pea brain. you are putting all your faith into a bunch of criminals that you obviously dont see--fat hillary--treason w/the emails---BEIJING joe with the secret--law breaking investigation into a political opponent--BARRAG o for authorizing it, these are all treasonist pieces of shit that did NOTHING but bad for AMERICA. and you support these asswipes...that says alot about you---gullible s o b
WTF are you talking about ? Only criminals around are Trump people either indicted, in jail, or pardoned by the pos .Only reason he's still president is because of his yellow cowardly senate and people like you with double digit IQ's
wow this post wins first prize for most retarded post on the thread.biden went along with all the criminal actions of mass murderer Obama and so have all the dem cronies you liar.
This is like a game of Texas hold-em. Except Trump through his intelligence agencies get to peak at everybodies hole card.

Trump was briefed on the facts. Fauci had to get his information from the WHO, or from China.

Yeah, not really. The CIA et al aren't Doctors. The same crowd that gave us WMD's.
That logic seems to escape their warped
Okay, I'm wondering which Trumpster will be the first to claim that the voice on the tape is not Trump. Any guesses?
I heard Moochelle does impressions and she has a deep voice.....
Another deflection. Wanna be the first?
There are so many stupid Drumpfsters I cant make a solid pick.
Wow if that isnt the pot calling the kettle black hahahahahahaha
I didnt say anything about a pot. I said Drumpfsters are stupid and I cant really make a solid pick on who will be the first to claim its not Drumpfs voice. Hell it may be Drumpf himself that will throw that out to see if it sticks with the rest of the bullshit he throws at the wall.
And I said for you to be calling us stupid is a big stretch given your skulls have nothing in them.
Could not have said it better myself.excellent point taking him to school that trump had nothing to do with ny,that its Cuomo to hold accountable.
It’s not in a demofk’s dna
Trying to avoid a panic is not saying Covid does not exist no matter how much liberal feelings wish and need it to be that way.
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It wasnt the CIA dipshit. It was the NCMI.

It is part of the DIA, which in turn is part of the DoD. The same types that gave us WMD's.

It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
All those excuses doesn’t mean anything.
Even one of his advisers Navarro warned Trump in writing this pandemic will hit US

He was in daily meetings with the heads of the CDC, and NIH, and you want him to ignore them in favor of Peter Navarro?

Mid March outbreak was small here in US . True. ARE YOU FORGETTING SOMETHING? In January, February and March China was in full scale war of Coronavirus. The whole world knew this is a big health crisis. March and April Trump and Fox are very busy downplaying the crisis. Didn’t start ordering supplies still mid March. That is a total failure of the administration. Then he blamed China and Obama.

OMG....Downplaying while behind the scenes fighting it very aggressively....I tell ya. Your argument here is pure Bull Shit....You are using hindsight to nit pick his response and I don't recall reading from you or any other democrat in here at the time anything of the sort, other than when he did act you calling him a wannabe dictator or some such....

What you are doing is politicizing this virus, and it is disgusting.

Now you tell me what kind of a president is that? Trump is part of the problem. As long as Trump is the president I don’t think this crisis will go away.

I think Trump's actions during this virus were far better than the previous administrations reaction to H1N1, that's for sure....And, ofcourse this crisis won't go away, because you people can't be honest for one second...

You are very confused. Pete Navarro letter to Trump is a warning in late January that millions could be infected or deaths. Despite of the warnings at the same time China is in full scale war with the Coronavirus. Trump stupidity downplayed the crisis with the help of Fox News and Limbaugh all the way to April and even today with the 190,000+ deaths. That’s a fact.

From you Trump on daily meeting with CDC and NIH.... You are very poorly informed. This is Trump schedules in February and March 2020. He also went to Delhi February 24 & 25 for photo op. DOES IT LOOK LIKE TRUMP IS SERIOUS? Does it look like he goes to a meeting every day?

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
All you and Mac58 have are slanderous lil pet names for anyone that doesn't agree with your bullshit. That is why I generally ignore both of you and the crap you both push.

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.
You must have a very creative mind. All I have ever had is one hero in my life and that hero is my very own husband.
Exactly,that’s why I put him on ignore not too long ago.
It wasnt the CIA dipshit. It was the NCMI.

It is part of the DIA, which in turn is part of the DoD. The same types that gave us WMD's.

It was Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and the new american group that gave the CIA the "curveball" information.
Wow I’m impressed,a biden lover who once actually went by facts,that won’t ever happen you biden worshippers always ignore pesky facts that the republican globalists,the neocon mass murderers in the bush administration as well as mass murderer globalist Romney,all hate trump same as the dems because he is trying to drain the
One of the reasons for me voting for Trump
Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
No. the fatass is a incompetent fuckup and liar that knew in Nov that the virus was highly contagious.
All you and Mac58 have are slanderous lil pet names for anyone that doesn't agree with your bullshit. That is why I generally ignore both of you and the crap you both push.

Hey, don't worry about that Chinese flu. No big deal. We've got it taken care of. It's a hoax.

Go out, be with people, have fun, don't worry about spreading it, MAGA.

Fuckin' sociopath.
If you are afraid of living and in constantly in fear of dying and pursuing a normal life stay home, buy what you need online or have whatever delivered. Let everyone else who isn't as scared of living and dying when their time comes continue on with their life in pursuit of their own happiness. That is just to darn simple for you to grasp evidently.
You don't mind that people no doubt spread the virus because they listened to him.

That is sociopathic, just like Trump.
People cannot spread what they do not have. Your fear mongering and name calling accusations get you no where with me as they merely show what an ignorant asshat you are trying to control other peoples lives like they owe that to you. If you are scared stay the fuck home. If you think you are immune compromised stay home. It just doesn't get any more simple than that. Only a true psychopath would call another using common sense a sociopath.
I don't know if you're ignorant or lying.

But it's all coming out now, as we speak. Trump ADMITS he knew, and looking back at WHAT HE SAYING THEN, he was lying to us.

You can't change that with your spin.
The president is just like any other human in a position of authority that depends on others for accurate information. He shared what information he was getting at the time. That doesn't make him a liar as you claim but you calling him one because he shared what he knew as he learned it from others that were supposed to be the experts does just show your true colors as an insatiable prick with ears; and "you can't change that with your spin"
You sycophants own this. Enjoy. Your hero.
You must have a very creative mind. All I have ever had is one hero in my life and that hero is my very own husband.
Exactly,that’s why I put him on ignore not too long ago.
Me too
You are very confused. Pete Navarro letter to Trump is a warning in late January that millions could be infected or deaths. Despite of the warnings at the same time China is in full scale war with the Coronavirus. Trump stupidity downplayed the crisis with the help of Fox News and Limbaugh all the way to April and even today with the 190,000+ deaths. That’s a fact
Can you prove any of those deaths as corona caused? Hahaha hahaha hahaha, cdc can’t . Now you want me to believe you know? Hahaha hahaha hahaha

There is nothing left to be said.
..he didn't lie ---you people have had TDS since 2016 and make crap up about anything
please explain..... how did he not lie, when he was telling us the complete opposite, of what he knew to be true??
How about YOU explain why you cover up for the criminal actions of obozo and are stupid enough to vote for biden,a globalist who went along with the actions of mass murderer Obama expanding bush’s war.explain how you could possibly be an idiot to vote for him thinking he would be any better than trump the fact he went along with all the crimes Obama committed.oh let me guess,your hero Obama committed no crimes,yeah right,grow up.

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