Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.

Once again just the angry opinion of a Trump hater. You've long, long passed your opinion having any credibility since your opinion is based on nothing but hate.

And the Nazi had nothing to do with Trump, asshole. Again, cut the stupid shit

“The Nazi”? You’re going to have to be more specific since a significant number of Trump supporters can fall under that category.

You just say whatever you want to be true. You want to hate the left so you build up some big bad threat from them. You want to defend Trump so you minimize the threats Asian Americans feel. You just bend reality you whatever suits your purpose. There’s zero objectivity to you.

Wow, now you're just starting up your racist rhetoric again. Nothing could further prove how desperate you are at this point because you can't support your lies.

You always know leftists KNOW you're losing when you start the bu-bu-bu-but, you're a RACIST. I accept your admission of defeat
You always know that kaz is losing when he’s constantly trying to change the subject and calling you a liar for saying things he doesn’t want to believe.

You stopped substantively addressing my points a while ago, and just now whine about me saying something I didn’t actually say.

colfax: No I"m not kaz, YOU ARE. What you said, but double back! You are, kaz, you are you are you are!

The playground denizen. First you start your racist spiel, then you lose your memory of short term events, now you're just playgrounding. No you are, kaz! Classic. For eight year olds ....
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.
The crowds were in the middle of the street doofus....get out of the street, duh!
What does that have to do with a psychopath Trump lover mowing down innocent people with his car?
Well, if a person is driving their car, in the street, and a mob is in the street and attacking the car and person inside....hmmm. I believe I would keep driving too.
And you’d be serving a life sentence just like he is.
Of course, because its another Bizarro city run by Democrats where the mob is justice and the innocent bystander following the rules is the criminal. Easy to understand moron.
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.

And Democrats attacked Trump when he tried to act Nationally as violating State rights.

Since most of those States are blue, you get the deaths. You can't attack Trump for acting then blame him for the results.

You're just the most overt, shallow liars
What “act” are you referring to that Trump was attacked for?

kaz: Democrats attacked Trump for trying to tell States what to do about he Biden virus

colfax: Duh, dar, drool, I don't remember that, hic.

Sure you don't. My God you're a terrible liar. Your brain is just water at this point

Specifically what did Trump try to tel the states to do?

I am totally losing my ability to take you seriously. First you started the racism crap and now you're saying you don't remember events less than six months ago. Once you started the racism shit, you entered total banter mode. I won't take your racism seriously.

But you seriously don't remember Democrats attacking Trump for Federal mandates because State rights? You're seriously claiming that?

As a Trump supporter, you’re quite skilled at inventing perceived attacks where none occurred and ignoring anything you don’t want to be true.

Attacking Asians and accusing them of being responsible for coronavirus and telling them to “go home” is nothing if not racist. That should be clear to anyone with half a brain.

I’m not going to dabble in your vague accusations. Get specific or drop it. You love pretending that things happened when they just exist in your head (like when you complained that Biden called Trump racist and xenophobic for the travel ban, something that never happened and you’ve been desperate to avoid talking about because you know it’s full of shit).
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.
The crowds were in the middle of the street doofus....get out of the street, duh!
What does that have to do with a psychopath Trump lover mowing down innocent people with his car?
Well, if a person is driving their car, in the street, and a mob is in the street and attacking the car and person inside....hmmm. I believe I would keep driving too.
And you’d be serving a life sentence just like he is.
Of course, because its another Bizarro city run by Democrats where the mob is justice and the innocent bystander following the rules is the criminal. Easy to understand moron.
The jury determined that defense was not factual.
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.

Once again just the angry opinion of a Trump hater. You've long, long passed your opinion having any credibility since your opinion is based on nothing but hate.

And the Nazi had nothing to do with Trump, asshole. Again, cut the stupid shit

“The Nazi”? You’re going to have to be more specific since a significant number of Trump supporters can fall under that category.

You just say whatever you want to be true. You want to hate the left so you build up some big bad threat from them. You want to defend Trump so you minimize the threats Asian Americans feel. You just bend reality you whatever suits your purpose. There’s zero objectivity to you.

Wow, now you're just starting up your racist rhetoric again. Nothing could further prove how desperate you are at this point because you can't support your lies.

You always know leftists KNOW you're losing when you start the bu-bu-bu-but, you're a RACIST. I accept your admission of defeat
You always know that kaz is losing when he’s constantly trying to change the subject and calling you a liar for saying things he doesn’t want to believe.

You stopped substantively addressing my points a while ago, and just now whine about me saying something I didn’t actually say.

colfax: No I"m not kaz, YOU ARE. What you said, but double back! You are, kaz, you are you are you are!

The playground denizen. First you start your racist spiel, then you lose your memory of short term events, now you're just playgrounding. No you are, kaz! Classic. For eight year olds ....
I love these little pseudo quotes because it reveals how warped your brain is. That’s why it’s almost impossible to discuss anything with you. You can’t be honest enough to actually read it objectively.
I love these little pseudo quotes because it reveals how warped your brain is. That’s why it’s almost impossible to discuss anything with you. You can’t be honest enough to actually read it objectively.
pot meet kettle.
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.
The crowds were in the middle of the street doofus....get out of the street, duh!
What does that have to do with a psychopath Trump lover mowing down innocent people with his car?
Well, if a person is driving their car, in the street, and a mob is in the street and attacking the car and person inside....hmmm. I believe I would keep driving too.
And you’d be serving a life sentence just like he is.
Of course, because its another Bizarro city run by Democrats where the mob is justice and the innocent bystander following the rules is the criminal. Easy to understand moron.
The jury determined that defense was not factual.
A jury of idiots who were out rioting.
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.

Once again just the angry opinion of a Trump hater. You've long, long passed your opinion having any credibility since your opinion is based on nothing but hate.

And the Nazi had nothing to do with Trump, asshole. Again, cut the stupid shit

“The Nazi”? You’re going to have to be more specific since a significant number of Trump supporters can fall under that category.

You just say whatever you want to be true. You want to hate the left so you build up some big bad threat from them. You want to defend Trump so you minimize the threats Asian Americans feel. You just bend reality you whatever suits your purpose. There’s zero objectivity to you.

Wow, now you're just starting up your racist rhetoric again. Nothing could further prove how desperate you are at this point because you can't support your lies.

You always know leftists KNOW you're losing when you start the bu-bu-bu-but, you're a RACIST. I accept your admission of defeat
You always know that kaz is losing when he’s constantly trying to change the subject and calling you a liar for saying things he doesn’t want to believe.

You stopped substantively addressing my points a while ago, and just now whine about me saying something I didn’t actually say.

colfax: No I"m not kaz, YOU ARE. What you said, but double back! You are, kaz, you are you are you are!

The playground denizen. First you start your racist spiel, then you lose your memory of short term events, now you're just playgrounding. No you are, kaz! Classic. For eight year olds ....
I love these little pseudo quotes because it reveals how warped your brain is. That’s why it’s almost impossible to discuss anything with you. You can’t be honest enough to actually read it objectively.
Warped.....that is funny.....Joe Biden is your candidate now that is warped.
Attacking Asians and accusing them of being responsible for coronavirus and telling them to “go home” is nothing if not racist. That should be clear to anyone with half a brain.

I keep calling them psychos, you stupid mother fucker. What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

I also pointed out that at 2,150 incidents, you were FIFTY TIMES more likely to be struck by lightning
“The Nazi”? You’re going to have to be more specific since a significant number of Trump supporters can fall under that category.

You just say whatever you want to be true. You want to hate the left so you build up some big bad threat from them. You want to defend Trump so you minimize the threats Asian Americans feel. You just bend reality you whatever suits your purpose. There’s zero objectivity to you.

Wow, now you're just starting up your racist rhetoric again. Nothing could further prove how desperate you are at this point because you can't support your lies.

You always know leftists KNOW you're losing when you start the bu-bu-bu-but, you're a RACIST. I accept your admission of defeat
You always know that kaz is losing when he’s constantly trying to change the subject and calling you a liar for saying things he doesn’t want to believe.

You stopped substantively addressing my points a while ago, and just now whine about me saying something I didn’t actually say.

colfax: No I"m not kaz, YOU ARE. What you said, but double back! You are, kaz, you are you are you are!

The playground denizen. First you start your racist spiel, then you lose your memory of short term events, now you're just playgrounding. No you are, kaz! Classic. For eight year olds ....
I love these little pseudo quotes because it reveals how warped your brain is. That’s why it’s almost impossible to discuss anything with you. You can’t be honest enough to actually read it objectively.

Objective? You were getting your ass handed to you so you started bleating out racist shit. You parroted my own post back to me. And you hate Trump and everything you write is based on your opinion.

You also said I can't admit anything negative about Trump, so I gave you four things that I dislike about him and challenged you to say four positive things about him and you ran and hid. You have zero honesty and no self reflection.

colfax: You can't assess Trump and criticize him, kaz

kaz: Here are four things I don't like about Trump (lists four things). Now you show how honest you are and list four things you like about Trump

colfax: {crickets}

You're a brainless simp
“The Nazi”? You’re going to have to be more specific since a significant number of Trump supporters can fall under that category.

You just say whatever you want to be true. You want to hate the left so you build up some big bad threat from them. You want to defend Trump so you minimize the threats Asian Americans feel. You just bend reality you whatever suits your purpose. There’s zero objectivity to you.

Wow, now you're just starting up your racist rhetoric again. Nothing could further prove how desperate you are at this point because you can't support your lies.

You always know leftists KNOW you're losing when you start the bu-bu-bu-but, you're a RACIST. I accept your admission of defeat
You always know that kaz is losing when he’s constantly trying to change the subject and calling you a liar for saying things he doesn’t want to believe.

You stopped substantively addressing my points a while ago, and just now whine about me saying something I didn’t actually say.

colfax: No I"m not kaz, YOU ARE. What you said, but double back! You are, kaz, you are you are you are!

The playground denizen. First you start your racist spiel, then you lose your memory of short term events, now you're just playgrounding. No you are, kaz! Classic. For eight year olds ....
I love these little pseudo quotes because it reveals how warped your brain is. That’s why it’s almost impossible to discuss anything with you. You can’t be honest enough to actually read it objectively.

Objective? You were getting your ass handed to you so you started bleating out racist shit. You parroted my own post back to me. And you hate Trump and everything you write is based on your opinion.

You also said I can't admit anything negative about Trump, so I gave you four things that I dislike about him and challenged you to say four positive things about him and you ran and hid. You have zero honesty and no self reflection.

colfax: You can't assess Trump and criticize him, kaz

kaz: Here are four things I don't like about Trump (lists four things). Now you show how honest you are and list four things you like about Trump

colfax: {crickets}

You're a brainless simp
Kaz, this is why I’m done with you. It doesn’t matter what I do, you can’t be honest about it. Case in point, you accuse me of running and hiding, but you aren’t honest enough to care if that’s true or not.

It’s not.

Thanks for proving me right about you.
The ones with zero evidence Trump's words caused them?

So you acknowledge that Asian Americans were harassed and discriminated against because of the virus?

Of course not. They were nuts before the virus. You really have no connections. You can't link the term China virus to the incidents, you can't link the incidents to a party, you are just making it all up

Calling it the China virus is stoking the flames. That’s why the medical community recommends against it. Trump chooses to ignore it, then he’s going to be held responsible for his choice.

Complete political correctness and a load of crap. Everyone knows that "China virus" refers to where it's from.

Endless fake rules like this are how the left strangle a culture
I know. You keep saying that "everyone" knows this or that, but yet we can find many examples of idiots who don't get that.

So sorry, but the facts betray your insistence. Honestly, what did you expect? Trump has been dumbing down his supporters to the point of turning them into children.

colfax: Prove me wrong!

Sure, Chuckie, it's my job to prove you wrong, not your job to prove you correct.

You made two completely unsupported claims;

1) Linking nuts screaming at Asians to Trump calling it the Chinese virus

2) Linking the nuts to the Republican party

You just assumed it. Like four of us have kept asking you for evidence, and you have none.

Yes, there are nuts out there, no one disagrees with that. But you made more claims than that and have proven NOTHING. And no, prove you wrong is bull shit. Prove yourself right

Why shouldn't I assume it? It's exactly what we predicted would happen.

Causation fallacy.

OK then, here's something else you haven't proven. Those incidents are an increase from normal rates. 2,150 incidents nationally? That's tiny. Show it's a dramatic increase.

That would have been an obvious question to you if you weren't a Democrat drone totally unable to think for yourself
Establishing causality is not always easy, but this fulfills multiple criteria. Temporality, specificity, plausibility, coherence.

It's also completely unnecessary to call it the China virus unless you're attempting to direct anger of the virus at a specific group.

Yes, the Chinese government who did pretty much everything possible to make the virus worse and the Democrat party who were making excuses and defending the Chinese for their actions.

NO ONE associates the Biden virus with Chinese Americans but a few psychos and Democrats who are just using it to politicize it.

The rest is just how much you hate Trump and can't be rational
You're an idiot. No one thinks Chinese virus means Chinese Americans other than a few nuts who are nuts anyway. And they are nuts, there was no link to party.

You also committed a causal fallacy on the timing argument. Something happening then another does not prove causation. Duh

I’ll side with the medical community on this one and not some random Trump cultist.

The "medical community" said that harassment of Chinese was because Trump called it the Chinese virus? That's stupid, even for you
Close. The medical community says that calling it the Chinese virus can result in stigmatization and harassment of Asians, so they don’t do it.

Trump does it anyway. Asians are stigmatized and harassed.

When we talk about xenophobia and racism, this is what we are talking about.
Chinese isn't a race, Dumbfuck.
Asian is, silly. What race do you think the Chinese are?
Trump called it the CHINA virus, not the ASIAN virus, Fuckwit.

You really are dumber than a box of retarded hammers.
This isn’t complicated if you just use your brain. I don’t know why to have to explain simple concepts to supposed intelligent adults.

Asian people are harassed because people assume or believe they’re Chinese.
That makes you a racist.
Okay. Please explain how that makes me a racist?
You assume an entire race belongs to ONE country. You are either a racist, or dumber than a box of retarded toenail clippings.

Which is it?
Uh, no. I did not assume an entire race belongs to one country. Where the hell did you get that impression?
From your post. Can you not keep up with your own bullshit?
No post of mine said any such thing. You’re putting words in my mouth. Getting desperate?
So you can't keep up with your own bullshit. :itsok:
I can't keep up with your warped mind putting words in my mouth.

I never said what you're accusing me of saying. But I am saying that racists don't really take the time to worry whether the person they're harassing is Chinese, Korean, Japanese or any other Asian nationality. They will take their anger out on anyone who fits the description.

Anger that is stoked by Trump.
Anger that is stoked by Trump.

Once again, I must ask you for the evidence you can't produce.............just for fun. :iyfyus.jpg:

Have you been living in a cave? Trump has been harping on China constantly about coronavirus. He is stoking anger.
President Trump is not "stoking anger". He is stating facts. People who get angry are responsible for their anger. Are you guilty of that? One could easily come to that conclusion
No, Trump has spent a lot of time using fake accusations and innuendo to coddle irrational and misplaced hatred as a way to deflect from his own failing.

You just hate Trump and will always make the case against him despite the facts. Once you declared your completely biased hatred to the man, you gave up your right to have credibility with using just your opinion against him as you did here
Yes, I know. This is straight from your Trump cult programming. I’ve heard it a million times from you drones. This is why you’re unreachable. You will never listen to any criticism of Trump. He is perfect.

Challenge accepted. I'll say things I don't like about Trump and you say things you like about him.

1) I totally oppose farm subsidies

2) I want him to LEAVE Iraq and Afghanistan fully (and the entire middle east)

3) I'm pro-choice

4) His signing the spending bills he did before the covid was pathetic. He signed massive deficit budgets then said he wouldn't do that anymore as if that explained why he did it the first time

OK, so let's start with four. Your turn

The UAE Israel peace deal is a good step.

First step act was good.

Negotiating with Taliban, not a good thing, but in the circumstances is the right thing to do.

His administration is getting more aggressive about fighting HIV in some poor areas of the country.

By the way, we are so far away from the actual topic here. Your claim was that Biden spoke out against the travel ban, an assertion which is never given evidence for. I explained that the criticism of Trump's response as being xenophobic comes from a different concern, having nothing to do with a travel ban. Now, you may not share that concern, but that's also irrelevant to the point, that Biden and Democrats have it.

First of all, obviously I missed this. You could have pointed it out to me without being a dick. You keep repeatedly raising points I already addressed, like you make it sound like I defended the psychos who yelled as Asians when I repeatedly called them psychos.

Also in THIS POST you said I couldn't criticize Trump and you wouldn't man up and admit you were wrong. I'm a libertarian, Trump is obviously not. It was a retarded attack anyway
First of all, obviously I missed this. You could have pointed it out to me without being a dick.
You don’t get to whine about me being a dick after what you said about that post. If I was a dick to you, it’s because you clearly deserved it.

I’m done with you.

You are the eternal playgrounder.

kaz; I'm done treating you seriously when you start the racism crap. Race baiting is racism, you're exploiting race and people are harmed by that

colfax: No, "I"m done with YOU, kaz. You're not done with me, I'm done with YOU. Bam!
Attacking Asians and accusing them of being responsible for coronavirus and telling them to “go home” is nothing if not racist. That should be clear to anyone with half a brain.

I keep calling them psychos, you stupid mother fucker. What about that don't you understand? How stupid are you?

I also pointed out that at 2,150 incidents, you were FIFTY TIMES more likely to be struck by lightning
I'd love to see the name of the advocate group that was contacted and who knew who to contact? How did that work? colfax_m can't answer.

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