Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
the hoax made it look worse, but when the smoke settled, it isn't anything other than a flu virus that started in Wuhan China.
Right, so giving out typical liberal and "expert" misinformation would have been ignorant...which is what the wackos were whining that he do....
You're such a terrible liar. Everyone knew about the coronavirus and Trump was acting on it. No one was hidden from anything. Just stop with the bull shit.

This is the same crap you morons pulled in Iraq. W lied to you! No he didn't, grow a pair
they are dishonest, have no actual morality or integrity. Can't debate without giving up. They are weak and vile. Hate America. can't see that 20 million people were affected by the shut down, rather than the count of positive Wuhan results, which are fake as well. I know they are. Personal friends received calls they tested positive and never took the test. t least a dozen. That's just me. multiply that times one million. And you got your hoax.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
But he didn't parrot what he was told at the time would have been the lie
  • Thanks
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I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else. You couldn't even tie them to Trump or Republicans much less show Trump or Republicans had anything to do with it. They didn't

You were 50 times more likely to be struck by lightning than the 2,150 incidents.

You were 250 times more likely to be aborted as a fetus than the 2,150 incidents.

You're the violent leftists. You keep ignoring it, but

John Adams: Facts are stubborn things
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
Unbelievably, the trumpoholics claim he never lied even after he admitted he lied.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
Unbelievably, the trumpoholics claim he never lied even after he admitted he lied.
Lied about what? As it turns out, the virus is the flu so what did you want him to warn us about? Living in NY or NJ??
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.
Diseases kill people every day...all kinds, some infectious others not. You don;t shut down the country for people getting a virus and less than 1% dying from it....those folks are older or sick already and will get something that will likely do them in. What is your idiot point? Millions lost their jobs affecting other millions. That was ignorant.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
Unbelievably, the trumpoholics claim he never lied even after he admitted he lied.

He didn't admit he "lied," he said he downplayed it.

Once again the left lies about what Trump said then calls him the liar. You are the ones who constantly lie. You're just fundamentally dishonest people.

Everyone got the gist, no one was fooled. Trump acted and restricted travel. It was Democrats who opposed him.

Fact check: Camp is a liar, liar, pants on fire ...
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.
The "experts" called for millions upon millions dead. Actually that was just job losses
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.

And Democrats attacked Trump when he tried to act Nationally as violating State rights.

Since most of those States are blue, you get the deaths. You can't attack Trump for acting then blame him for the results.

You're just the most overt, shallow liars
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?

You're such a terrible liar. Everyone knew about the coronavirus and Trump was acting on it. No one was hidden from anything. Just stop with the bull shit.

This is the same crap you morons pulled in Iraq. W lied to you! No he didn't, grow a pair

How right you are. I guess he thinks all Americans are stupid and weren't watching what was going on. Hell I went out and bought a mask and practiced social distancing long before the CDC came out with those instructions and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. I didn't need anyone to tell me it would make it here to the US. Common sense.

We all know what Pelousy had to say about it. The virus is nothing. Enjoy the Chinese New Year. She also called Trump a racist when he wanted to stop some flight from landing in the US.

Deaths for the US were predicted to be 3.2 million. I'd say Trump did a great job.
I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies

I absolutely agree with you that stupid is anyone who thinks Chinese virus refers to Chinese Americans.

Problem is that Trump has a LOT of stupid supporters out there. Trump knows it too.
And yet, you have shown zero evidence of anyone doing anything because Trump called it the China virus.

Keep digging. :dig:

at least 2000 reported cases.

2,120 hate incidents against Asian Americans reported during coronavirus pandemic

OMG, it includes online harassment. Talk about a fabricated statistic.

Most people had to stop wearing MAGA hats because of leftist hate, threats and intimidation. 2150 is a drop in the bucket to you people

the link within the link:


So things like this:

" Some individuals yelled “Chinese, go back to your country!” then threw their soda at me from a moving vehicle in my neighborhood."

And violent leftists dumped water on Kat Timpf's head.

Leftists scream and intimidate people in restaurants, including chasing Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family out. They wet after Mich Mcconnell.

Our life thanks to you violent idiots is that because of violent leftists, we look around in a restaurant or in public before speaking anything not left.

And you're worried about 2,000 psychos across the country who were psychos BEFORE the pandemic?

That you care about anyone's safety and security in this country at this time is a total joke. You're so worried about if you're Asian the tiny chance you run into a psycho. While that's our every day life living with people like you

Surely you understand the difference of speaking out against Mitch McConnell because they oppose the actions he’s taken as a Senator and screaming at random Asian people for something they have nothing to do with?

The fact that you conflate these is demonstrating your don’t really understand the issue.

Accosting people in public out with their families is entirely different than demonstrating on a public street. You'd be flipping out if it started happening to Democrats. But it doesn't. You're the intolerant and violent ones. That it's Trump supporters is yet another of your lies.

Also, I agreed with you there are psychos. But 2,150 incidents across the country is pretty tiny. You haven't shown that's even up from the normal psychos, you haven't linked it to anything Trump said or any party.

OK, so 2,150 psychos harassed Asians. You have nothing more than that
I don’t support accosting anyone, but you do understand that Sanders being quietly asked to leave a restaurant by the owner because the owner felt deeply morally opposed to the specific actions she has taken is not accosting.

And this still is such a far cry from people screaming as random Asian individuals because of something they have nothing to do with.

Notice you ignore all the other cases of leftists screaming at people and only pick the one where it was just the restaurant owner who was the dick politicizing business.

And again, 2,150 psychos doesn't imply anything. You keep parroting that line as if you've established that it has anything to do with anything other than they are psychos and you haven't. And you haven't even shown it's beyond the normal amount of psychos.

I have a lot of Asians in my family who have been here for 50 years and none of them are the slightest bit worried.

On the other hand, just not being a leftist and being out in public means you keep your head low and you can't wear any red hat much less MAGA. But all those leftist psychos don't bother you, not at all. That while you melt down over a tiny number of incidents that mostly involve just being rude.

Your indignation is totally feigned.

Think about in the United States that Americans have to be careful of what we say in public because of leftists. In the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Ask Asians how often they are harassed. And ask non-leftists how often they are harassed. You will be shocked if you actually care, which I doubt.

At no time in my life have I ever been afraid to express my views in public. Until now. Bother you? At ALL?
You brought up Sanders, not me.

I know Asians who were afraid to be in public for fear of being accosted because they might be blamed for coronavirus. Doesn’t that bother you at all?

Sandars was one of a list that I brought up and you only addressed her. Which is what I said. What about that didn't you understand.

And you made up the Asians you know. Totally fabricated it
Because that was the only specific event you referenced. I cant respond to vague allusions of events that may or may not have happened. I can respond to one that you clearly mischaracterizing.

What makes you say I’m fabricating anything? Is it just because you don’t want to believe it? Is this part of your self defense programming?

Actually I mentioned Kat Timpf and Mitch McConnell. There was also Candice Owens and Charlie Kirk. I also mentioned the White House which refers to Rand Paul and other Republicans. Ted Cruz is another one.

What about Steve Scalise. Anything?

Then there was the kid in the fast food who had his MAGA hat taken off his head and soda dumped on him. The old man with a Maga hat harassed. And that ALL non leftists across the country other than in really conservative rural areas can't wear a maga hat and we always have to check our surroundings when we say anything not left.

Then there are our leftist family members who routinely bring up their hatred for Trump but get all huffy if you defend him because we're being political even though they brought it up.

Harassment and intimidation is now regular life for non-leftists in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and you're worried about something that is 1 200th the chance of being struck by lightning

So you’re allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of politics but Asians aren’t allowed to be concerned about harassment and intimidation because of coronavirus?

OMG you're stupid. AGAIN.

1) I said the ORDER OF MAGNITUDE is FAR HIGHER. Your intimidation is across the country. You raised something that is one 50th the chance of being struck by lightning.

2) The intimidation I'm talking about is BY YOUR SIDE, THE LEFT. You just raised psychos and couldn't tie it to anyone because they are psychos. No one in the main stream Trump supporters are harassing Asians or anyone else.

You're the violent leftists

1. Made this up. Entirely fabricated. Zero evidence to support this.

2. It’s by both sides. One of your psychos drove a car into a crowd killing one and maiming dozens. One of your psychos was mailing pipe bombs to every Democrat that Trump complained about. Threw of your psychos bombed a mosque in Minnesota after Trump attack Somali refugees. I think the people harassing Asians are right in the middle of Trump’s base. Easily misled and full of anger.

Youre chock full of double standards and rationalizations. There’s no penetrating your layers of defenses.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around
And that is EXACTLY why you don't get to know everything that is discussed at high levels with your leaders moron. You wackos panic over rumor and innuendo as it is, we elect our leaders to discern and lead us not put us into panic like your stupid Democrat governors and mayors.
So if Trump told you what he told Woodward, would have you panicked?
The President took the action he thought appropriate at the time, what he told Woodward was in hindsight. I dont think he would go back and change anything about that and that is what is important. Personally, I always believed the virus to be more flulike not certainly not worth costing millions of jobs by shutting down.
Hell not it wasn’t hindsight. He was talking to Woodward in February and March at the exact same time he was downplaying it to you.

So you believed Trump when he said it wasn’t that bad, huh? Would have you panicked if he had told you what he was telling Woodward?
Whatever....he would not do it any differently now. The President has always been pretty accurate in his assessment of the virus including mortality rates and deaths....much more accurate than the "expert" predictions. Parroting to the public what the experts said back then would have been a big incorrect mistake.
“Pretty accurate”? It’s killed hundreds of thousands and he claimed it was going to disappear in April.

Parroting to the public what the experts said back then could have mitigated this. If more people took it seriously, we’d probably be far better off.
The "experts" called for millions upon millions dead. Actually that was just job losses
Same difference. They'll off themselves when they wind up homeless
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
Unbelievably, the trumpoholics claim he never lied even after he admitted he lied.
Lied about what? As it turns out, the virus is the flu so what did you want him to warn us about? Living in NY or NJ??
After all this time you still think COVID-19 a strain of influenza.
35% of Americans appear to not mind that the "President" of the United States LIED to them about a burgeoning, deadly global pandemic as it was bearing down on the USA.

What bothers me is that this doesn't surprise me.

that 35% are his 'base' that never changed & never will. they are the poorly educated, die hard trump humping deplorable basket dwellers that would rather see this country burn to the ground than admit they were duped by a fraud.

they are a lost cause & hopefully enough real (R)s & those who didn't vote the last time will help get the mango mad man out.
Isn't it a little backward to blame the President for your lawbreaking thugs out there rioting and looting and burning and killing? Aren't the elected leaders of those cities whiny worthless, complaining, blame-everyone-else Democrats??
you still haven't learned, only a demofk is allowed to pass blame.
I guess....just find it laughable that these wackos blame President Trump for the unbridled violence when he is the ONLY one who tries to stop it.
Even if we accept that Trump is trying to stop it, it’s clear he’s actually just making it worse.

Trump doesn’t know how to fix this. He’s the wrong person for the task. He’s not a leader.
Someone has to stop it, and you idiots are not interested aat all in doing so...certainly not Sleepy Joe.
It ain’t going to be Trump. He doesn’t know how to handle this. He doesn’t understand the problem. Joe has a much better chance since he is actually interested in bringing the country together rather than splitting it apart.
Biden is an idiot and a panderer...he doesnt even know what he is doing or saying. Once in and he has his "stroke", then your wacko commie libchik takes over and the country is worse off than under the Muslim in Chief.
Biden understands they country far better than your penthouse dwelling elitist.
Baloney. 50 years of pandering, plagiarizing, setting up deals for him and his nutbag family to be millionaires at our expense. He is against everything he was for and now has no mind at all anyway. Making him your candidate is a total charade.
Trump spent 50 years skimming and defrauding hard working Americans. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was coddled and protected from failure which explains his complete lack of ability to take responsibility and have accountability.

What is he good at? Convincing suckers like you that he’s selling you a gourmet meal when he’s just serving up shit sandwiches.

Know this. Trump thinks you’re an idiot. he has zero respect for you. That’s why he’s saying one thing to you and telling his elitist buddies like Woodward the opposite.
Trump is the result of your idiot Muslim America hater. He is a non-politician which is exactly what we needed. He does what he says, couldn't give a pelosi whether he cares aobut me or not. He protects the borders, the military, and the businesses that give me a job. He fights crime, which you idiots only encourage, and deals in facts and not constant speculation from "experts".

So when Trump tells you that the virus is no big deal, and tells Woodward it’s a huge deal, how does that make you feel? Trump doesn’t think you’re capable of hearing the truth.
That is up to the decision maker...which neither you or me is. All presidents, governors, generals, etc, weigh the information they receive with what they decide to share. I spent 25 years in the Navy so I respect that task we place on our leaders. Too bad you are just a mindless moron who cannot.
It’s hard for me to express how troubling this attitude is.

We aren’t in the military, we are citizens of a nation with elected leaders. Those leaders are responsible to us, not the other way around

That Trump somehow hid the virus from you is another of your butt stupid lies. Just pathetic

He didn’t hide it from me. He hid the severity of the virus from his loyal supporters, the people who trust him. He betrayed their trust because he doesn’t respect them enough to be honest.

Just the opinion of a hateful man who hates Trump. That and $5 will get you a coffee

Trump admitted he lied to you about coronavirus. My opinion is he did it because he doesn’t respect you. What’s your opinion about why he lied to you?
But he didn't parrot what he was told at the time would have been the lie
He admitted he lied to Woodward.

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