Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.
Yes, an America lover not some wacked out hypochondriac wearing a mask hiding in my basement.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's simy no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

I gave you an article that India is on pace to eclipse us and take away Leftist states like NY, NJ and MA and where do we stand in terms of deaths per cases?
Those comparisons are meaningless if you're going to ignore population size.

You really should stay away from numbers before you hurt yourself.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.
Yes, an America lover not some wacked out hypochondriac wearing a mask hiding in my basement.
Your numbers don't stand up to scrutiny libber.....

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's simy no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

I gave you an article that India is on pace to eclipse us and take away Leftist states like NY, NJ and MA and where do we stand in terms of deaths per cases?
Those comparisons are meaningless if you're going to ignore population size.

You really should stay away from numbers before you hurt yourself.
My numbers were per million just like yours.
Seems bravo and faun understood what I wrote What can't you understand ?
of course they do, they don't have a brain either.
LOL Good one JC That's like the pos Trump saying he's smarter than the scientists Wearing your mask ?? Hope not Keep listening to your jackass, and I insult jackasses
well he is. why do glasses fog up when worn with a mask? you all won't answer, why?
Mine don't
mine do. So does everyone else I've asked. why would that be?
Last edited:

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
More cases but fewer deaths is good as it gets us closer to herd immunity. I donate plasma to help, what do you do other than insult people on message boards? A vaccine means everyone gets it. That is how it works. LOL

You're so stupid it hurts. And you're literal. If I told you my head hurts like hell you would ask me to prove to you that hell exists. Idiot.
"More cases but fewer deaths..."

My G-d, your undersized brain is screwed in backwards. More cases equals more deaths. Period. And to reach herd mentality would result in millions dying.
Nope. Not necessarily. It depends who gets "sick"....Captain literal.

If 100 20-years olds get sick in room A and 10 80-year olds get sick in room B....which room is likely to have more deaths? Take your time.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's simy no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

I gave you an article that India is on pace to eclipse us and take away Leftist states like NY, NJ and MA and where do we stand in terms of deaths per cases?
Those comparisons are meaningless if you're going to ignore population size.

You really should stay away from numbers before you hurt yourself.
Population size? Florida and Texas are pretty sizeable last I checked. Especially compared to MA, CT and RI.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
Some? You mean MOST.

What hotspots? The red states are still nowhere near what NY, NJ, CT and MA produced in terms of deaths per 10k.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
But the current "hotspots" arent making idiotic decisions and have the low mortality rates they have always had.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
But the current "hotspots" arent making idiotic decisions and have the low mortality rates they have always had.
Idiot Faun believes India has all these cases but China doesn't.


There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
But the current "hotspots" arent making idiotic decisions and have the low mortality rates they have always had.
609 deaths per million in Florida is a tad lower than the 1704 and 1821 put up by those popular Dem governors in the northeast.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
More cases but fewer deaths is good as it gets us closer to herd immunity. I donate plasma to help, what do you do other than insult people on message boards? A vaccine means everyone gets it. That is how it works. LOL

You're so stupid it hurts. And you're literal. If I told you my head hurts like hell you would ask me to prove to you that hell exists. Idiot.
"More cases but fewer deaths..."

My G-d, your undersized brain is screwed in backwards. More cases equals more deaths. Period. And to reach herd mentality would result in millions dying.
But the person who is going to die, dies anyway whether tested or not. Testing proves that fewer and fewer are actually dying because of the leftyvirus.
People dying from it die whether or not they're tested. Testing doesn't change that. What testing does is it gives us a more accurate mortality rate.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
More cases but fewer deaths is good as it gets us closer to herd immunity. I donate plasma to help, what do you do other than insult people on message boards? A vaccine means everyone gets it. That is how it works. LOL

You're so stupid it hurts. And you're literal. If I told you my head hurts like hell you would ask me to prove to you that hell exists. Idiot.
"More cases but fewer deaths..."

My G-d, your undersized brain is screwed in backwards. More cases equals more deaths. Period. And to reach herd mentality would result in millions dying.
But the person who is going to die, dies anyway whether tested or not. Testing proves that fewer and fewer are actually dying because of the leftyvirus.
People dying from it die whether or not they're tested. Testing doesn't change that. What testing does is it gives us a more accurate mortality rate.
Now you are saying what I said.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.
Yes, an America lover not some wacked out hypochondriac wearing a mask hiding in my basement.
If you have a masked hypochondriac in your basement, you have bigger problems

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.
Yes, an America lover not some wacked out hypochondriac wearing a mask hiding in my basement.
Your numbers don't stand up to scrutiny libber.....
Now you're talking to yourself..

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
they don't get it. the more positive cases without symptoms shows how weak the virus really is.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's simy no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

I gave you an article that India is on pace to eclipse us and take away Leftist states like NY, NJ and MA and where do we stand in terms of deaths per cases?
Those comparisons are meaningless if you're going to ignore population size.

You really should stay away from numbers before you hurt yourself.
My numbers were per million just like yours.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
I don't go around coughing and sneezing in other peoples faces. Plus expanding testing gives us a much more accurate picture of your bunch said early on. More testing gives you more positives for people who have it and already had it. So more cases is good because you cannot have more tests without more positives.
You don't have to sneeze in someone's face to pass it.

Like I said, you're a con, so so can't understand.
Yes, an America lover not some wacked out hypochondriac wearing a mask hiding in my basement.
If you have a masked hypochondriac in your basement, you have bigger problems
Nope not me.

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