Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus


November 2020 : Trump by a landslide.


There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
Some? You mean MOST.

What hotspots? The red states are still nowhere near what NY, NJ, CT and MA produced in terms of deaths per 10k.
Of course they are not as big as the NYC metro area states..... the virus from all those coming home from Europe, carrying the disease, came in through their airports and spread like wildfire in their compact population centers..... And by complete surprise!

Florida had months before they became a hotspot, and mask wearing was in place, for the most part, and Florida had fair warning on what was happening in nursing homes etc....
And so Florida has a very low mortality rate and deaths/capita compared to the idiot northeast and their inept Dem governors...agreed.
Again, that's not how it currently is. Based on yesterday's numbers per million.

The worst...
2South Dakota
6South Carolina
7North Dakota
8West Virginia

The best...
41New York
47New Hampshire

Remember when libbers were crying that millions more were infected early on but no tests to prove it? Now the tests are proving it.
it's still unclear why healthy people not getting tested is a problem? if they aren't sick, so what. no evidence a person with asymptomatic positive test infects one without. I'm really happy to see the stats if this was done and I missed it.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
Some? You mean MOST.

What hotspots? The red states are still nowhere near what NY, NJ, CT and MA produced in terms of deaths per 10k.
Of course they are not as big as the NYC metro area states..... the virus from all those coming home from Europe, carrying the disease, came in through their airports and spread like wildfire in their compact population centers..... And by complete surprise!

Florida had months before they became a hotspot, and mask wearing was in place, for the most part, and Florida had fair warning on what was happening in nursing homes etc....
And so Florida has a very low mortality rate and deaths/capita compared to the idiot northeast and their inept Dem governors...agreed.
Again, that's not how it currently is. Based on yesterday's numbers per million.

The worst...
2South Dakota
6South Carolina
7North Dakota
8West Virginia

The best...
41New York
47New Hampshire

Arkansas has a 1.6% mortality rate, SD has a 1.1%, and so on. These states barely have any deaths so comparing them to 33,000 and 15,000 death states is a total crock.
Remember when libbers were crying that millions more were infected early on but no tests to prove it? Now the tests are proving it.
it's still unclear why healthy people not getting tested is a problem? if they aren't sick, so what. no evidence a person with asymptomatic positive test infects one without. I'm really happy to see the stats if this was done and I missed it.
I think its fine, but the left cries if we dont test and if we do, so more power to the asymptomatic people who get tested to prove the hoax.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
Some? You mean MOST.

What hotspots? The red states are still nowhere near what NY, NJ, CT and MA produced in terms of deaths per 10k.
Of course they are not as big as the NYC metro area states..... the virus from all those coming home from Europe, carrying the disease, came in through their airports and spread like wildfire in their compact population centers..... And by complete surprise!

Florida had months before they became a hotspot, and mask wearing was in place, for the most part, and Florida had fair warning on what was happening in nursing homes etc....
And so Florida has a very low mortality rate and deaths/capita compared to the idiot northeast and their inept Dem governors...agreed.
Again, that's not how it currently is. Based on yesterday's numbers per million.

The worst...
2South Dakota
6South Carolina
7North Dakota
8West Virginia

The best...
41New York
47New Hampshire

Arkansas has a 1.6% mortality rate, SD has a 1.1%, and so on. These states barely have any deaths so comparing them to 33,000 and 15,000 death states is a total crock.
...and those states have deaths per million in the 200 range unlike the northeast in the 1000s range.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
We only have the most cases because we test the most. India is up there too. Also Trump's fault?

There's no way you can be a banker when you're so bad with numbers.

Cases per million...

USA .... 20,634
India ..... 3,718

Deaths per million...

USA .... 608
India ..... 60

Check out the blue states....but lets blame Trump.

View attachment 389809

See that? Now you’re correctly factoring in population. That's what you should have done when comparing the U.S. with India. I'm glad to see you're learning.

As far as that chart, yes, since the start of coronavirus, some blue states which were hit hard early on have the highest deaths per capita. But that's switched when viewing current data as some red states are now the hotspots in the U.S..
But the current "hotspots" arent making idiotic decisions and have the low mortality rates they have always had.
Well that's not true. Early on states like NY & NJ had numbers through the roof, whereas FL was relatively low. Then a few months ago after FL reopened, the numbers here skyrocketed. We had to go through another partial shutdown to bring the numbers back down.
"skyrocketted"....what are the deaths now. Compare Fla to MA, CT and RI. Same with TX.
You never learn, do ya, shvantz?

New Deaths:
Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York

New Cases:
Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York

You never learn, do ya, shvantz?

New Cases:
Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York

New Deaths:
Rhode Island
New Jersey
New York

All a big scam, and you fall for it.

Your next purchase >>

Well besides dback and Starkey naively and vigorously stating that filet mignon is a prepared and cooked style of meal rather than a cut of meat we had a new King Dimbulb here last night stating that the number of positively tested people has Nothing To Do in the calculations of death rates.
Well besides dback and Starkey naively and vigorously stating that filet mignon is a prepared and cooked style of meal rather than a cut of meat we had a new King Dimbulb here last night stating that the number of positively tested people has Nothing To Do with calculations of death rates.
Well now North Dakota is a new hotspot with its 182 total deaths and 1.1% mortality rate. New York is now much better than that according to the "experts".
. the virus from all those coming home from Europe, carrying the disease, came in through their airports and spread like wildfire in their compact population centers..... And by complete surprise!
so no one came home from Europe from any other state? is that what you're saying?

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
More cases but fewer deaths is good as it gets us closer to herd immunity. I donate plasma to help, what do you do other than insult people on message boards? A vaccine means everyone gets it. That is how it works. LOL

You're so stupid it hurts. And you're literal. If I told you my head hurts like hell you would ask me to prove to you that hell exists. Idiot.
"More cases but fewer deaths..."

My G-d, your undersized brain is screwed in backwards. More cases equals more deaths. Period. And to reach herd mentality would result in millions dying.
Nope. Not necessarily. It depends who gets "sick"....Captain literal.

If 100 20-years olds get sick in room A and 10 80-year olds get sick in room B....which room is likely to have more deaths? Take your time.
Imbecile, herd mentality requires some 80% get infected. That's going to kill millions, not just 10 80 year olds in a room. And even Impeached Trump pointed out achieving herd mentality would come at a cost of millions of lives. And you know him, he would never say something like that which could cause a panic.
I thought the "kill millions" talking point had already been buried...wasn't that from one of your "experts"???
the only person I ever heard about the millions that could be killed was from Trump, in a press conference for covid...where Trump mentioned it and said something lime, So if only 100,000 die, I guess that should be considered good.... paraphrasing him. Apparently, the 1 to 2 million estimate is if we did nothing to contain the virus..... but going in to the Stay at Home mode, then afterwards masking, containment of the virus, kept numbers in the hundreds of thousands vs millions.

But I am hearing the numbers in the millions of dead in estimates again, because the Trump admin decided to give up, on virus containment and protection and are going for killing millions, by basically doing nothing, and going for the years long process of herd immunity....without a vaccine! :eek:
Oh I see......convenient memory lapse from the predictions of "experts" on 50 million cases and millions of deaths from the zombievirus. Ok whatever, but the President cannot listen to silly crap like that especially when, like meteorologists, they just change their forecast the next day.
they gotta tell their story. TDS must prevail even when they know the truth. Amazing. no dignity I see.

There is nothing left to be said.
Report was debunked. Fake News.

Everything is Fake News now. According to Trump, there aren't any facts any more. Unfortunately for him, facts do still exist.
Fake News was here long before Trump and you fell for it because you're a weak minded sheep.
The only weak minded sheep here are those who believe the AH Trump, whose daddy got him in and out of college ,ahead of scientists ,,generals, and experts in foreign affairs. He's made a mockery of Americas standing in the world.
Only whiny libberss care about "standing in the world". At least we finally dumped the idiot muslim running around apologizing for America.
Yes Brownie NOW we have a Russian ass kisser in our WH So much better??? Real Unemployment 11,12%? People losing their homes? No plans by the moron in our WH to fight this virus?? It'll disappear?? Oh yeah We have it so much better with Trump than we had with Obama And pigs fly
The virus is the flu it merely needs a vaccine which is coming. Obammy wore kneepads to visit Putin and you babble about Trump? Your virus hoax made him shut down the country which was a mistake which he is fixing now. And yes, all real Americans have it much better now with jobs and a booming economy I cannot speak for you America hating dregs.
LOL THE HOAX is now in the red states How many must die for the AH and his tribe to get a fn clue?? I weep for those who die in Red states as well as those in Blue Your moron is one sick pos
Red states continue to have the lowest mortality rates in the country stop lying...more cases is good not bad lying libber.
"more cases is good not bad lying libber."


The forum didn't really need more evidence that conservatives are completely brain-dead.

More cases means more deaths.
Well of course wackos will hate proving the phonyvirus to be the flu...that's why you still hide and wear masks.
Retard, that doesn't alter the fact that you just said more cases are good. And I wear a mask in public for the protection of others. You're a con, so you won't understand.
More cases but fewer deaths is good as it gets us closer to herd immunity. I donate plasma to help, what do you do other than insult people on message boards? A vaccine means everyone gets it. That is how it works. LOL

You're so stupid it hurts. And you're literal. If I told you my head hurts like hell you would ask me to prove to you that hell exists. Idiot.
"More cases but fewer deaths..."

My G-d, your undersized brain is screwed in backwards. More cases equals more deaths. Period. And to reach herd mentality would result in millions dying.
But the person who is going to die, dies anyway whether tested or not. Testing proves that fewer and fewer are actually dying because of the leftyvirus.
People dying from it die whether or not they're tested. Testing doesn't change that. What testing does is it gives us a more accurate mortality rate.
Now you are saying what I said.

Uh, no, I'm not. You're saying more people dying from it is good. I am not saying that.
I said more cases which result from more testing is good. You made up the other.
Well, no, more cases equals more deaths. So maybe you wish you hadn't said that, but you did.
Democrats slammed Trump's notion of blaming the nation's death on Democratic leaders.

"The job is to be president of all Americans," Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden tweeted at Trump on Thursday. "For the love of God start acting like it."

"Yes, Mr. President, if you don't count the total number of Americans who have died, you might think it's not so bad," Schumer said on the Senate floor.

Trump did not offer evidence to back up his insinuation that blue states handled the virus differently than red states, though he has had longstanding quarrels with Democratic governors such as Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California. At times he has said those governors overreacted to the virus, imposing strict lockdown orders; at other times he has praised their responses.

Minutes after suggesting Democratic-run states didn't do enough to contain the virus, he blasted them for not lifting coronavirus restrictions more quickly.

"By the way, we'd recommend they open up their states," Trump said. "It's hurting people far more than the disease itself."
Trump should try turning off FOX News and run the country for a change
Reducing unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and people without high school diploma, to the lowest levels in US history, could fall into the category of "run the country", wouldn't you say ? :biggrin:

Raising median wage to highest levels in US history, could fall into the category of "run the country", wouldn't you say ? :biggrin:

Making America # 1 in the world in energy production, could fall into the category of "run the country", wouldn't you say ? :biggrin:

Reducing the Covid mortality rate from 17,052/wk to 1,372/wk (92% reduction), could fall into the category of "run the country", wouldn't you say ? :biggrin:

Record highs in the stock market could fall into the category of "run the country", wouldn't you say ? :biggrin:
all gains a demofk hates.
Well besides dback and Starkey naively and vigorously stating that filet mignon is a prepared and cooked style of meal rather than a cut of meat we had a new King Dimbulb here last night stating that the number of positively tested people has Nothing To Do with calculations of death rates.
Well now North Dakota is a new hotspot with its 182 total deaths and 1.1% mortality rate. New York is now much better than that according to the "experts".
NY subway system was seeded with the virus. Those ancient tubes are excellent disbursants
The mayor and governor completely avoided any research into that less it explain what happened and decrease the mystery and panic

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