Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

It's been answered a thousand times. You just don't like the answer...

Because the vaccines are not 100% effective.

Wrong answer.
If they were even 90% effective, it would accomplish the same goal.
They reality is they are not effective at all except for a slight reduction in death rate.
They have not effected infection or transmission rates.
And in fact, it appears the mRNA vaccines have not achieve T-cell memory, so will have no effect once the temporary antibodies die off after 3 months.
There are liars, damn liars and in this ^^^ post STATISTICS

The number of American Service Personnel killed in WW II Combat was:

The number of those who dies from Covid in the US is

Which is a tiny number of people, over a long period of time, and only due to being very elderly or compromised.
There was little or no risk to average people at any time.

And the WWII combat reference was silly because almost all the WWII combat casualties in Europe were 35 million German or Russian, and in the Pacific it was the Chinese and Japanese with the big loses with 36 million.
The US hardly participated in WWII at all.
No, the US does not at all have the worst death rate from covid.
The US actually is around the middle.

That is if one can believe the stats that are probably based on faulty data.

From the link: Death certificate procedures:

"Part I and II of a death certificate ask what caused a death and what other factors contributed to it. If COVID-19 appears among the causes and contributors, CDC guidance counts that as a COVID-19-related death."

"Part I asks for the “immediate cause” of death, followed by any “conditions that led to the immediate cause,” the CDC explains in guidelines for certifying COVID-19 fatalities. For example: In some COVID-19 cases, the immediate cause is an affliction that arose from the disease, such as pneumonia, while COVID-19 gets listed under that as an underlying condition that led to death. In other words, COVID-19 caused the pneumonia."

"Part II asks for conditions that did not set off medical events that led to death but contributed in some other way. Here, COVID-19 appears as sort of an accomplice to a fatality that was probably going to occur from something else (such as a preexisting, terminal disease), albeit later than if the person had not contracted COVID-19. "

If COVID is present at death it is listed as a COVID death apparently. We are told that 335 kids got COVID and died. What we are NOT told is that they also had preexisting conditions such as leukemia.
From the link:

"My research team at Johns Hopkins worked with the nonprofit FAIR Health to analyze approximately 48,000 children under 18 diagnosed with Covid in health-insurance data from April to August 2020. Our report found a mortality rate of zero among children without a pre-existing medical condition such as leukemia."

I am not here to say COVID is not a concern but it seems it's fatality rate among normal, healthy folks of all ages is pretty low and the stats just lump everyone together.
Great, now compare that to 2020 and see if you can explain why there were so many more deaths last year than in 2019...


There is a death increase of about 500,000, but clearly your table shows that is from heart disease, injuries, stroke, Alsheimers, diabetes, and flu.
It is most NOT from covid.

What is odd is cancer and suicide are down?
I disagree.
People are turning off to the Democratic party because the Democratic party has been taken over by the wealthy elite, fascists.
Democrats no longer support unions, civil rights, or anything progressive.
Mandatory private health insurance is NOT at all progressive.
The Arab Spring was mass murder for war profiteering.
I have never seen as much censorship as what the democrats are pushing.
The War on Drugs, 3 strikes, mandatory sentences, asset forfeiture, gun control, etc., is all illegal and insane.
And don't get me started on vax mandates.
I disagree. You bullet points need to be expanded:
  • People are turning off to the Democratic party because the Democratic party has been taken over by the wealthy elite, fascists.
    • Your claim that the Democratic Party has been taken over by wealthy fascists is ludicrous.
    • Voting in MI, WI, Georgia are just too examples of D voters
    • Voting in PA and the Suburbs voted for Democrats
    • Your have no clue as to the ideology of fascism
  • Manditory health insurance is not mandatory, those who don't won't health insurance aren't put in jail
  • The Arab Spring, what profit did it accomplish and mass murder by Democrats is absurd.
  • LOL, D's and censorship? You must not have paid any attention during the Trump Administration.
  • You second "bullet" point isn't a product of the Democratic Party; most of them are products of the Conservative Republicans and some Democrats over the years. Gun control? The "shall not be infringed" has never been fully enforced from the date the Bill or Rights was ratified.
  • Vax Mandates is another issue which has not been promulgated by Federal Law; States have and had the right to mandate vaccinations ( "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people).
There is a death increase of about 500,000, but clearly your table shows that is from heart disease, injuries, stroke, Alsheimers, diabetes, and flu.
It is most NOT from covid.

What is odd is cancer and suicide are down?
Get off with the sophistry, it is not even original.
/----/ It was the Governors who "clearly" shut down their states, not the president. And when the president "recommended" that the states reopen, Gov Cuomo attacked him: "What are you (Trump) going to grant me, what the constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the Tenth Amendment. I didn't need the president of the United States to tell me that I'm governor."
The truth is that Trump was doing his due diligence by seeking advice from experts around him yet, these lefty idiots want to blame him regardless. Their brains are so addled by TDS they can't even think straight anymore. They seem to forget that idiots like Pelosi told everyone to go party while Trump was banning travel from China where we now know COVID came from.
Anyone listening to what this Kremlin troll says is out of his fucking mind.
Well your "Kremlin troll" (aka Orange Man Bad) is gone now. Today we have a "ChiCom troll" (aka Rotting Bag of Flesh). :auiqs.jpg:
I disagree. You bullet points need to be expanded:
  • People are turning off to the Democratic party because the Democratic party has been taken over by the wealthy elite, fascists.
    • Your claim that the Democratic Party has been taken over by wealthy fascists is ludicrous.
    • Voting in MI, WI, Georgia are just too examples of D voters
    • Voting in PA and the Suburbs voted for Democrats
    • Your have no clue as to the ideology of fascism
  • Manditory health insurance is not mandatory, those who don't won't health insurance aren't put in jail
  • The Arab Spring, what profit did it accomplish and mass murder by Democrats is absurd.
  • LOL, D's and censorship? You must not have paid any attention during the Trump Administration.
  • You second "bullet" point isn't a product of the Democratic Party; most of them are products of the Conservative Republicans and some Democrats over the years. Gun control? The "shall not be infringed" has never been fully enforced from the date the Bill or Rights was ratified.
  • Vax Mandates is another issue which has not been promulgated by Federal Law; States have and had the right to mandate vaccinations ( "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people).

There is lots of evidence the Democratic party has been taken over by the wealthy elite.
When the democrats were populists, they were funded by unions, and now they are funded by banks, like Hillary making hundreds of million speaking to banker, supposedly telling how to do banking.

Voting in places like MI, WI, PA, etc., is irrelevant. They point is where the money is coming from.

The ideology of fascism is unity of the wealthy, such as corporations, banks, oligarchs, the military, religions, etc., against the poor masses.

Mandatory health insurance IS mandatory, where you are fined if you do not have it, and jailed if you do not pay the fine.

The Arab Spring was the mass murder of Arabs in order to steal their oil, like the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians, etc., that we killed.
But the immediate profits come from the sale of weapons to the US gov.

Cancel culture, FaceBook locking out people, is illegal censorship.
You have to let all ideas out, including the crazy, in order to find truth.

All the points I brought up, like the federal War on Drugs, 3 strikes, mandated sentences, etc., come from the 1994 Federal Crime Act penned by Biden and pushed by Bill Clinton.

Federal gun control is not just illegal, but stupid. And the first illegal federal gun laws was not until the 1937 federal firearms act.
It was wrong and illegal, but due to the violence of the illegal federal alcohol prohibition.

It is Biden pushing the vax mandates. He is pushing it with airlines, military, etc. It is illegal and stupid.
/----/ It was the Governors who "clearly" shut down their states, not the president. And when the president "recommended" that the states reopen, Gov Cuomo attacked him: "What are you (Trump) going to grant me, what the constitution gave me before you were born? It's called the Tenth Amendment. I didn't need the president of the United States to tell me that I'm governor."
Moron, you're repeating what I said. I said Trump first recommended to the states that they shut down and that the states followed his recommendation and shut down.
Wrong answer.
If they were even 90% effective, it would accomplish the same goal.
They reality is they are not effective at all except for a slight reduction in death rate.
They have not effected infection or transmission rates.
And in fact, it appears the mRNA vaccines have not achieve T-cell memory, so will have no effect once the temporary antibodies die off after 3 months.
Utter bullshit. If they're not 100% effective, and they're not, they're still more effective than those with no vaccine or antibodies. People with the vaccine shouldn't have to be exposed to those who are at higher risk because they refuse to get vaccinated.
There is a death increase of about 500,000, but clearly your table shows that is from heart disease, injuries, stroke, Alsheimers, diabetes, and flu.
It is most NOT from covid.

What is odd is cancer and suicide are down?
You're brain-dead. What I posted was about 500K additional deaths with about 345K covid-related. Exactly how insane are you to say 345K out of 500K "is not most???" :cuckoo:

Also, notice the increase in deaths from year-to-year...

2016: 31,618
2017: 69,255
2018: 25,702
2019: 15,633
2020: 503,976​

Clearly, something happened in 2020. Even if you are too stupid to know what that something was.
Utter bullshit. If they're not 100% effective, and they're not, they're still more effective than those with no vaccine or antibodies. People with the vaccine shouldn't have to be exposed to those who are at higher risk because they refuse to get vaccinated.

The higher risk is entirely only to the person themselves, in terms of death rate if you have a serious reaction.
It effects no one else.
You're brain-dead. What I posted was about 500K additional deaths with about 345K covid-related. Exactly how insane are you to say 345K out of 500K "is not most???" :cuckoo:

Also, notice the increase in deaths from year-to-year...

2016: 31,618​
2017: 69,255​
2018: 25,702​
2019: 15,633​
2020: 503,976​

Clearly, something happened in 2020. Even if you are too stupid to know what that something was.

The increase from heart disease, injuries, stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and flu. were well over a million additional deaths.
It was the reduction in deaths in other areas that brought the total back down to where covid-related appears to be similar to the total increase.
But clearly it is NOT due to covid.
The increases in other areas totally dwarf the covid death total.
And "covid-related" does not at all imply covid was the cause of death.
These could be elderly, cancer victims, or others already at death's door.
What you proved instead is that covid was fairly trivial and insignificant.
Moron, you're repeating what I said. I said Trump first recommended to the states that they shut down and that the states followed his recommendation and shut down.
/——/ I’m responding to this “So, Trump made the call to shut down the economy.”
That’s different from recommending, a suggestion, Made the call means he gave the order.
Biden said it was xenophobic, calling it the Cha-(EYE)-Nah virus.

Xi's man says all kinds of stupid shit, he is an extremely stupid man,

But of course the issue is his attack when Trump protected the nation by stopping flights from the epicenter of the bioweapon you unleashed on America.

I know you're aware of this and are just blatantly lying...
"but neither should we panic or fall back on xenophobia, labeling COVID-19 a foreign virus does not displace accountability for the misjudgments that have been taken thus far by the Trump administration."

How many 10's of thousands of Americans died because of Joe Biden lying and being a demagogue, undermining the president who was saving lives?

But but I know, your Trumpybear is the real victim here.

If Xi's man had a hint of honor, he would resign after begging forgiveness from the families of those who died because of his lying demagoguery.

Fuck Joe Biden.
Fine, if you want the scaling factors, here is a graph that contains the scaling factor as well.

The US is 19th, with 2,214 deaths per million people.
Almost identical to Mexico, Italy, the UK, etc.
Great, you go from claiming there were only 36 deaths total in the U.S. ... to linking to Wikipedia.

You're a fucking nut. :cuckoo:


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