trump only national leader at G20 to reject climate change proposal

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....




And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


He is actually right. There is no better comparison to what a difference approach can make than to compare France and Germany. France relies on nuclear and delivers reliable, consistent power at a fraction of the cost of Germany. If Germany had invested as much money in nuclear as they have in solar panels and windmills, they wouldn't have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, erratic power, and would not be emitting nearly as much carbon.

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


He is actually right. There is no better comparison to what a difference approach can make than to compare France and Germany. France relies on nuclear and delivers reliable, consistent power at a fraction of the cost of Germany. If Germany had invested as much money in nuclear as they have in solar panels and windmills, they wouldn't have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, erratic power, and would not be emitting nearly as much carbon.

‘Who’s the cleanest of them all’


And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


I think Trump is lazy and stuck in the 80's environmentally/economically BUT I'm not going to call him a 12 year old and expect to sway any of his supporters.

You think I am trying to sway his supporters? You cannot change the mind of clueless cult members....many of whom are probably just plants and trolls...

He us approaching climate change just like the deficit....

"I don't care. I won't be here."

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


I think Trump is lazy and stuck in the 80's environmentally/economically BUT I'm not going to call him a 12 year old and expect to sway any of his supporters.

You think I am trying to sway his supporters? You cannot change the mind of clueless cult members....many of whom are probably just plants and trolls...

He us approaching climate change just like the deficit....

"I don't care. I won't be here."

Then please don't post just to make folks angry.

Consider election day:

If you aren't real motivated to go vote you just might stay home. If some guy has been calling ppl with your beliefs names you just might be angry enough to pop a couple Vicodin or get that umbrella out and stand in line to vote.

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


He is actually right. There is no better comparison to what a difference approach can make than to compare France and Germany. France relies on nuclear and delivers reliable, consistent power at a fraction of the cost of Germany. If Germany had invested as much money in nuclear as they have in solar panels and windmills, they wouldn't have some of the most expensive electricity in the world, erratic power, and would not be emitting nearly as much carbon.

‘Who’s the cleanest of them all’


Not sure why you are ooooop-ing. Your chart shows that France is way ahead of Germany as I indicated. Yes the US has cut its emissions the most, but it is not nearly as carbon friendly to burn gas instead of using nuclear over the long haul. Sure nuclear has other issues and we haven't yet started doing the most logical thing and jettison the waste toward the sun, but as far as "climate" goes, it is still the best and most practical path forward and the US really isn't moving in that direction.

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....

Here is a very respected climate scientist..Dr John Christy;

John Christy: "One of the fundamental characteristics of the scientific method is that if we understand a system, then we can predict the behavior of that system. Our work in which we compare “predictions” from climate models against the actual changes of the real world indicate the current understanding of climate change is rather poor. This understanding is certainly not mature enough for regulatory policy. That certain experts and elites refuse to see the level of immaturity of understanding regarding climate, is astonishing.

However, it is understandable since climate is such a complex system, it is easier and more comforting for these elites to simply ignore the complexity and declare they believe CO2 is dangerous and we should believe them because of some status of authority they have garnered for themselves. They claim the “Science is Settled” only because they have not performed the necessary scientific tests which I believe would lead them to the opposite conclusion."

Trump understands that climate change -man made is a hoax and a lie.. The rest of you people are nothing more than useful idiots..

source: A conversation with John Christy, for Association des climato-réalistes

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


I think Trump is lazy and stuck in the 80's environmentally/economically BUT I'm not going to call him a 12 year old and expect to sway any of his supporters.
Trump is using commonsense not pseudoscience.. Reality vs Fantasy... Reality will win every time, its called empirical evidence..
Our work in which we compare “predictions” from climate models against the actual changes of the real world indicate the current understanding of climate change is rather poor. This understanding is certainly not mature enough for regulatory policy. That certain experts and elites refuse to see the level of immaturity of understanding regarding climate, is astonishing.
cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png
Our work in which we compare “predictions” from climate models against the actual changes of the real world indicate the current understanding of climate change is rather poor. This understanding is certainly not mature enough for regulatory policy. That certain experts and elites refuse to see the level of immaturity of understanding regarding climate, is astonishing.
View attachment 266890
You really think anyone will give that Frankenstein graph a second look?

And he is also the only leader there with the mental aptitude of a 12 tear old....


I think Trump is lazy and stuck in the 80's environmentally/economically BUT I'm not going to call him a 12 year old and expect to sway any of his supporters.

You think I am trying to sway his supporters? You cannot change the mind of clueless cult members....many of whom are probably just plants and trolls...

He us approaching climate change just like the deficit....

"I don't care. I won't be here."
You cannot change the mind of clueless cult members....many of whom are probably just plants and trolls...
kinda like the die-hard lefties and righties around here....and yes you are one of them jim....

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