Trump: Only ‘Stupid’ People Think Warm Ties With Russia Are Bad Thing

The same idiots that kept telling us obie getting raped in the nuke deal with Iran was the greatest thing ever get the vapors over Trump wanting to play nice with Russia. Figures.
Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

China and North Korea are both a considerable greater threat than Russia is.

Russia wants to be friends with the Western nations, they also have suggested, correctly and sanely, that Russia and Western nations join forces to fight ISIS and Islamic Terrorism in general, Russia would be a great asset in such a combined fight.

China don't want to be friends, China want to economically take over the Western world, which would reduce the Western world essentially to being slaves and beholden to the Chinese Dragon.

North Korea are under the rule of a complete maniac, who has teams of nuclear physicists working like beavers to create a launchable nuclear weapon which the North Korean maniac has said on numerous occasions he'll launch on the American nation.

Both China and North Korea also are a direct threat to Japan and South Korea and thus the whole Pacific Rim.

Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

China and North Korea are both a considerable greater threat than Russia is.

Russia wants to be friends with the Western nations, they also have suggested, correctly and sanely, that Russia and Western nations join forces to fight ISIS and Islamic Terrorism in general, Russia would be a great asset in such a combined fight.

China don't want to be friends, China want to economically take over the Western world, which would reduce the Western world essentially to being slaves and beholden to the Chinese Dragon.

North Korea are under the rule of a complete maniac, who has teams of nuclear physicists working like beavers to create a launchable nuclear weapon which the North Korean maniac has said on numerous occasions he'll launch on the American nation.

Both China and North Korea also are a direct threat to Japan and South Korea and thus the whole Pacific Rim.

The issue with China is to STOP their current lop sided trade imbalance.

If they do NOT get 300 billion a year in surpluses from US, that is going to dial down their economy fast.

Hell, It might even destabilize them.
Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

China and North Korea are both a considerable greater threat than Russia is.

Russia wants to be friends with the Western nations, they also have suggested, correctly and sanely, that Russia and Western nations join forces to fight ISIS and Islamic Terrorism in general, Russia would be a great asset in such a combined fight.

China don't want to be friends, China want to economically take over the Western world, which would reduce the Western world essentially to being slaves and beholden to the Chinese Dragon.

North Korea are under the rule of a complete maniac, who has teams of nuclear physicists working like beavers to create a launchable nuclear weapon which the North Korean maniac has said on numerous occasions he'll launch on the American nation.

Both China and North Korea also are a direct threat to Japan and South Korea and thus the whole Pacific Rim.

The issue with China is to STOP their current lop sided trade imbalance.

If they do NOT get 300 billion a year in surpluses from US, that is going to dial down their economy fast.

Hell, It might even destabilize them.

Trump continues to insult China with his stupid ignorant calls and Tweets...that is not a professional way to deal with the Chinese, they are getting insulted and this point who cares about money.

N Korea is working its ass off to build a missile to make it to the states ( pay attention even Trump calls these threats concerning)

I do not see your excuse of Israel even close, it is another hypocritical excuse from the right. War is War

And you talk about Putin's power and Europe, take look at Hitler and how he came into power across Europe.

Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

China and North Korea are both a considerable greater threat than Russia is.

Russia wants to be friends with the Western nations, they also have suggested, correctly and sanely, that Russia and Western nations join forces to fight ISIS and Islamic Terrorism in general, Russia would be a great asset in such a combined fight.

China don't want to be friends, China want to economically take over the Western world, which would reduce the Western world essentially to being slaves and beholden to the Chinese Dragon.

North Korea are under the rule of a complete maniac, who has teams of nuclear physicists working like beavers to create a launchable nuclear weapon which the North Korean maniac has said on numerous occasions he'll launch on the American nation.

Both China and North Korea also are a direct threat to Japan and South Korea and thus the whole Pacific Rim.

BULLSHIT--Just last year the Russians attacked the Pentagon, getting into the Joint Chiefs of Staff's emails. It was moving so fast, they had to shut it down, buy all new software and hardware and it took two weeks to fix.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

They have found the same RUSSIAN malmar that was used on DNC databases in a power grid in Vermont. They have identified it and called it Grissley Steepe. The FBI & Department of Homeland Security put out a 15 page report on the internet so all power grids can locate it to see if they're infected with it. Russia would love nothing more than getting into our power grid with the ability to shut down NORAD, military bases, satellight systems, tracking devices, etc. etc. etc. My brother in law works at a power plant in Colorado Springs, and says their biggest worry is Russian malware getting into the power grid, they have to look for it everyday, and he says they find all kinds of crap from Russia.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

I know you're getting fed this information from all of Comrade Trump's pyhsco-babble interpreters and all your Reich wing talk show hosts. They're having to actually defend Vladimir Putin, and Julian Assange, (wikileaks founder) who has been held up in London (for the last 4 years) hiding out in the Ecuador Embassy with the UK surrounding it, so he can't get out. The courts there have determined he will be extradited to Sweden. Grange is fighting that because he knows Sweden will turn him over to the United states where he will face several FEDERAL CHARGES for leaking sensitive intelligence to the world that put our soldiers at risk during the Bush administration. Of course he is going to deny that he was colluding with Russia to interfere into our National Election. He's going to spend a lot of time in a Federal Prison when we get our hands on him. In fact the ONLY one that has praised Julian Assange has been Comrade Trump.
Trump Praises WikiLeaks Founder In Debate Over Russian Hacking
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

You made a Yuuuuge mistake by making Donald Trump the nominee of this party, and you just don't want to admit that you could be that stupid. Well you are that STUPID. This is what your life is going to be like for the next 4 years if he isn't impeached first. You and all of the Reich wing talk shows hosts you listen too will be put into a position where you're having to defend people like Putin & Grange to prop up your Ass Clown for Commander & Chief of this country. What a fucking joke that thought is. And frankly you deserve every bit of it.


Right now there are investigative reporters working 24 hours a day 7 days a week trying to prove collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he may be associated with. If they find it, it will be considered TREASON or a 1000 times worse than Watergate. The New York Times put out this article BEFORE all Russian diplomats were kicked out. Russian diplomats admitting they had contact with the Trump campaign.

And your favorite is still on FOX NEWS doing everything he can to spin out of this mess.


So get your crayons and coloring books out.

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Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

China and North Korea are both a considerable greater threat than Russia is.

Russia wants to be friends with the Western nations, they also have suggested, correctly and sanely, that Russia and Western nations join forces to fight ISIS and Islamic Terrorism in general, Russia would be a great asset in such a combined fight.

China don't want to be friends, China want to economically take over the Western world, which would reduce the Western world essentially to being slaves and beholden to the Chinese Dragon.

North Korea are under the rule of a complete maniac, who has teams of nuclear physicists working like beavers to create a launchable nuclear weapon which the North Korean maniac has said on numerous occasions he'll launch on the American nation.

Both China and North Korea also are a direct threat to Japan and South Korea and thus the whole Pacific Rim.

The issue with China is to STOP their current lop sided trade imbalance.

If they do NOT get 300 billion a year in surpluses from US, that is going to dial down their economy fast.

Hell, It might even destabilize them.

Trump continues to insult China with his stupid ignorant calls and Tweets...that is not a professional way to deal with the Chinese, they are getting insulted and this point who cares about money.

So, you feel that China is going to launch a major war because their feelings are hurt? Jeez, sounds like US exporting our industry to them was a real bad idea and that policy should be reversed immediately.

If they are that prone to war, then they are the problem, not Trump.

And the Chinese care about our money. A lot.

N Korea is working its ass off to build a missile to make it to the states ( pay attention even Trump calls these threats concerning)

So let's build something to shoot it down. We are in no position to start a war on the Korean Peninsula.

I do not see your excuse of Israel even close, it is another hypocritical excuse from the right. War is War

War is not War. A war where Israel kicks some arab ass with a little help is far different from WWIII, where WE lose, at least tens of thousands of soldiers.

And you talk about Putin's power and Europe, take look at Hitler and how he came into power across Europe.

Sure. Has nothing to do with each other.
The same idiots that kept telling us obie getting raped in the nuke deal with Iran was the greatest thing ever get the vapors over Trump wanting to play nice with Russia. Figures.

Russia embarrassed Obama and the Democrats in Syria, Russia favored Trump in the election, now the cry babies are butthurt.

Putin owns Obama he's bested him in every exchange. The clown and his red lines are a laughing stock around the world. Obama stuck his nose in Libya FAIL. He stuck his nose in Egypt FAIL. He stuck his nose in Syria FAIL. Obama cut and ran in Iraq FAIL. ISIS FAIL. Terrorists attacks in America, UK, France, Germany, FAIL.

Are blacks embarrassed that the first black president was this nitwit?
then why for 8 years did the gop say obama was too easy on russia?

Two points.

1. There is a split in the GOP between people living in the Cold War, and new non interventionalists.

2. IF you are going to have a conflict, don't be an incompetent pussy about it.
So does America have to give up only Russia's right to hack our elections to be friends?
Maybe we should think this over?
So does America have to give up only Russia's right to hack our elections to be friends?
Maybe we should think this over?


The COld War is over. Why are we looking for trouble? Give Peace a chance.

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