Trump: Only ‘Stupid’ People Think Warm Ties With Russia Are Bad Thing

Seriously, will Trump look the other way with the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia...

I think Putin wants a man who he can stroke while going after his goals...

"US military chief General Raymond T Thomas said many former Eastern Bloc countries are “scared to death” of Russia and the vulnerable states are “desperate” for America’s leadership.

The US and its Nato allies will reportedly send battalions of up to 1,200 to each of the three Baltic states – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia – and Poland by spring 2017."

I do not think we should be treaty bound to fight Russia over fucking Estonia.

Estonia is not worth WWIII.

Who says we need to fight...? Don't put words in my mouth..

Putin is not trying to be friends with Trump because he wants to smoke a cigar with him. He is up to no good, with his own huge ego and sneaky reasons.

Look at how Trump trusted Ted Cruz , because Cruz was complementing Trump... and Cruz stab him in the back..

Trump doesn't know what the hell he is doing yet, he has a lot to learn like they all do.

You post an excerpt about NATO sending military forces into the Baltic states.

That is a statement of intent that we will fight to protect those states. That's what that is about.

If you are prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, you should be ok discussing that fact.

IN the COld War, we talked about fighting the Soviets over West Germany all the time. Because that is what their membership in NATO was all about.

If you are NOT prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, then we need to get the fuck out of that treaty yesterday.

NATO should be dismantled, it's a threat to peace, NATO given the chance will begin WWIII and use Estonia or Latvia or Lithuania as purely an excuse to begin WWIII which the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives who control NATO have wanted for at least 10 years, these vampires have been planning WWIII for at least 10 years.

They need to be stopped by any and all means.

Bill Clinton directly violated GHWB promise NOT to expand NATO bases to within inches of Russia's border.

As Bill Clinton did this, as Obama has been severely aggressive in putting that into insane overdrive, Russia is completely within it's rights to take whatever precautions and preparations it feels necessary in order to protect the Russian Federation, her peoples and their vital national interests.

I'm sure America would do the same thing if Russian bases were positioned in Mexico, Central America and across Canada.

If we had NOT expanded NATO, it could have been a valuable building block for future military alliances.

BUT, by expanding it, it has become a danger to US. We are treaty bound to fight possibly nuclear wars over issues of NO importance to US.

Especially with Turkey growing increasingly goofy,

I agree, NATO should be disbanded.

Well this is another possible situation. Turkey being in NATO, should Turkey do something completely insane, then all other NATO countries, regardless of whether they think Turkey has done something completely insane, they'd be under obligation because of Article 5 (casus fœderis) of the NATO Treaty to all go and assist Turkey if Turkey came under attack.

That also would become potentially a WWIII situation.

Erdogan twice has publicly stated that he wants to reclaim Jerusalem for the Islamic world, so if Turkey entered Israel to reclaim Jerusalem and Israel retaliated by bombing Turkey, then again under Article 5 of the NATO Treaty all other NATO countries would have to assist Turkey and they'd have to collectively bomb Israel for bombing Turkey.

That would become a WWIII situation.
I do not think we should be treaty bound to fight Russia over fucking Estonia.

Estonia is not worth WWIII.

Also this is a really stupid comment, you are so concerned with Jerusalem, yet you think its just fine to ignore Putin stealing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania..what a fucking joke...makes me laugh

"Putin stealing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania"

Putin isn't stealing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Get a grip.

This is bullshit...yes he is get a grip Lucy..

This is exactly what that fucking Putin is up to...and Trump is going to help him..

BRITAIN is sending the biggest troop deployment on the Russian border since the Cold War amid fears Russia is poised to attack.

Hundreds of UK troops plus tanks, jets and drones are being sent to Eastern Europe to combat the rise of Russia, it was confirmed yesterday.

Britain sends tanks, drones and 800 troops to Russian border amid fears of all-out nuclear war

Estonian Dad’s Army preparing for mother of all battles with Russia that could usher in World War Three

Estonian Dad’s Army preparing for mother of all battles with Russia that could usher in World War Three

The most troops on the russian border "since the COld War"?

At what point during the Cold War did we have British tanks on the Russian border?
Who says we need to fight...? Don't put words in my mouth..

Putin is not trying to be friends with Trump because he wants to smoke a cigar with him. He is up to no good, with his own huge ego and sneaky reasons.

Look at how Trump trusted Ted Cruz , because Cruz was complementing Trump... and Cruz stab him in the back..

Trump doesn't know what the hell he is doing yet, he has a lot to learn like they all do.

You post an excerpt about NATO sending military forces into the Baltic states.

That is a statement of intent that we will fight to protect those states. That's what that is about.

If you are prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, you should be ok discussing that fact.

IN the COld War, we talked about fighting the Soviets over West Germany all the time. Because that is what their membership in NATO was all about.

If you are NOT prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, then we need to get the fuck out of that treaty yesterday.

NATO should be dismantled, it's a threat to peace, NATO given the chance will begin WWIII and use Estonia or Latvia or Lithuania as purely an excuse to begin WWIII which the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives who control NATO have wanted for at least 10 years, these vampires have been planning WWIII for at least 10 years.

They need to be stopped by any and all means.

Bill Clinton directly violated GHWB promise NOT to expand NATO bases to within inches of Russia's border.

As Bill Clinton did this, as Obama has been severely aggressive in putting that into insane overdrive, Russia is completely within it's rights to take whatever precautions and preparations it feels necessary in order to protect the Russian Federation, her peoples and their vital national interests.

I'm sure America would do the same thing if Russian bases were positioned in Mexico, Central America and across Canada.

Estonia, Lithuanian, and Latvia are not Putins to take freely. What is the difference between Putin charging into those countries and Allowing the Muslims charge into Jerusalem?...

If you had asked me, or any American during the Cold War if we were prepared to fight WWIII over West Germany, we would have immediately answered YES.

Why do you hesitate to answer whether you are prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

It looks like it is already happening , what are you a Russian supporter or something..

Of coarse I don't want war, but I don't want those peaceful countries to be invaded by Putin.

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?
Who says we need to fight...? Don't put words in my mouth..

Putin is not trying to be friends with Trump because he wants to smoke a cigar with him. He is up to no good, with his own huge ego and sneaky reasons.

Look at how Trump trusted Ted Cruz , because Cruz was complementing Trump... and Cruz stab him in the back..

Trump doesn't know what the hell he is doing yet, he has a lot to learn like they all do.

You post an excerpt about NATO sending military forces into the Baltic states.

That is a statement of intent that we will fight to protect those states. That's what that is about.

If you are prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, you should be ok discussing that fact.

IN the COld War, we talked about fighting the Soviets over West Germany all the time. Because that is what their membership in NATO was all about.

If you are NOT prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia, then we need to get the fuck out of that treaty yesterday.

NATO should be dismantled, it's a threat to peace, NATO given the chance will begin WWIII and use Estonia or Latvia or Lithuania as purely an excuse to begin WWIII which the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives who control NATO have wanted for at least 10 years, these vampires have been planning WWIII for at least 10 years.

They need to be stopped by any and all means.

Bill Clinton directly violated GHWB promise NOT to expand NATO bases to within inches of Russia's border.

As Bill Clinton did this, as Obama has been severely aggressive in putting that into insane overdrive, Russia is completely within it's rights to take whatever precautions and preparations it feels necessary in order to protect the Russian Federation, her peoples and their vital national interests.

I'm sure America would do the same thing if Russian bases were positioned in Mexico, Central America and across Canada.

Estonia, Lithuanian, and Latvia are not Putins to take freely. What is the difference between Putin charging into those countries and Allowing the Muslims charge into Jerusalem?...

If you had asked me, or any American during the Cold War if we were prepared to fight WWIII over West Germany, we would have immediately answered YES.

Why do you hesitate to answer whether you are prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

It looks like it is already happening , what are you a Russian supporter or something..

Of coarse I don't want war, but I don't want those peaceful countries to be invaded by Putin.

"I don't want those peaceful countries to be invaded by Putin."

Putin isn't going to invade Estonia, Lithuania or Latvia, this is a hypothetical, so you'd be happy to have WWIII for something that is hypothetical?
I do not think we should be treaty bound to fight Russia over fucking Estonia.

Estonia is not worth WWIII.

Also this is a really stupid comment, you are so concerned with Jerusalem, yet you think its just fine to ignore Putin stealing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania..what a fucking joke...makes me laugh

"Putin stealing Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania"

Putin isn't stealing Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Get a grip.

This is bullshit...yes he is get a grip Lucy..

This is exactly what that fucking Putin is up to...and Trump is going to help him..

BRITAIN is sending the biggest troop deployment on the Russian border since the Cold War amid fears Russia is poised to attack.

Hundreds of UK troops plus tanks, jets and drones are being sent to Eastern Europe to combat the rise of Russia, it was confirmed yesterday.

Britain sends tanks, drones and 800 troops to Russian border amid fears of all-out nuclear war

Estonian Dad’s Army preparing for mother of all battles with Russia that could usher in World War Three

Estonian Dad’s Army preparing for mother of all battles with Russia that could usher in World War Three

I have friends who live in Lithuania, I add that Vilnius is a very beautiful capital city and the Presidential Palace is elegant and sumptuous.

Anyhow I have friends in Lithuania and Latvia, but not Estonia, so why haven't any of my friends told me and others that Russia are invading?

Oh, that's right, because Russia isn't invading. It's all hysterical Propaganda perpetrated by those who's wetdream is to begin WWIII with Russia ie. the psychopathic Neo-Conservatives and NATO warmongers.
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees


Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answered me ,what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..?
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...
So Trump is ok with the arming of our enemies by Russia??
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator , but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China, N Korea coming at us, while Putin goes after Europe..

It is becoming very clear..
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator , but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China, N Korea coming at us, while Putin goes after Europe..

It is becoming very clear..

"while Putin goes after Europe."

Well that would liberate my Continent from Traitor Bitch Merkel's vicious assault on my Continent, that being without asking the European peoples' is it okay for her to have opened the floodgates and allowed several million Kebabs and Sub-Saharan African savages to just walk in to demand welfare and do random terrorist attacks whenever they feel like.

Traitor Bitch Merkel is a threat to our stability and her vile policy aims to destroy OUR way of life.

Putin isn't a threat to us, most of us like Putin and consider Russia our friend, Merkel is our foe and the enemy of the majority of the European peoples, she will go down in the history books as very possibly the most hated European leader ever.
Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator , but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China, N Korea coming at us, while Putin goes after Europe..

It is becoming very clear..

"while Putin goes after Europe."

Well that would liberate my Continent from Traitor Bitch Merkel's vicious assault on my Continent, that being without asking the European peoples' is it okay for her to have opened the floodgates and allowed several million Kebabs and Sub-Saharan African savages to just walk in to demand welfare and do random terrorist attacks whenever they feel like.

Yes I would be angry about that too Lucy, but this topic has nothing to do with the Muslims.

Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator , but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China, N Korea coming at us, while Putin goes after Europe..

It is becoming very clear..

"while Putin goes after Europe."

Well that would liberate my Continent from Traitor Bitch Merkel's vicious assault on my Continent, that being without asking the European peoples' is it okay for her to have opened the floodgates and allowed several million Kebabs and Sub-Saharan African savages to just walk in to demand welfare and do random terrorist attacks whenever they feel like.

Yes I would be angry about that too Lucy, but this topic has nothing to do with the Muslims.

You stated:

"while Putin goes after Europe."

Like this was a bad thing, many of us think it would be a good thing for the reasons I stated which is why I mentioned them.
Only a melting snowflake would deny it:

PHILADELPHIA (CNN) — President-elect Donald Trump is continuing to resist conclusions reached by US intelligence agencies on Russian involvement in the 2016 election, and on Saturday defended his long-held belief that closer ties with Russia would be good for the US. Trump’s comments come one day after he received intelligence stating that the Russian government hacked Democratic Party groups and individuals during the election, and that Moscow acted to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign to benefit Trump. “Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only ‘stupid’ people, or fools, would think that it is...

Only stupid people don't know what Putin really is. Former KGB--and a great spy.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees



Who the hell are you calling people that... it is Putin who is doing calling for war.

You never answer me with what is the big deal with defending Israel, yet we shouldn't waste our time in Estonia..

Because he wants the US to get involved in a conflict for no good reason.

Your Israel comparison seems deeply flawed and unreasonable considering the far better analogy of the ACTUAL Cold War, which is m preferred comparison.

We had reasons to defend West Germany, we were prepared to defend West Germany.

We have no such reasons to defend Estonia, yet we are treaty bound to do so.

Trump is handing the Baltic's to a Russian dictator

Are you prepared to fight WWIII over Estonia?

, but crying about Israel. Of coarse there is a comparison, our men and women will be giving their life's to fight .

What are you talking about? Israel has been more than able to protect itself with only material assistance from US, for many wars.

Once Putin gets the Baltic's it is only a matter of time where he takes Poland, and onto the UK.. He is reaching for European control , and the Trump supporters are stupid enough not to see that.

You are completely ignorant of the Balance of Power in Europe. Putin could not do that if he wanted, and he knows it.

No one here wants a WWIII but Trump will have China,

Are you claiming that if China does not get 400 billion a year from US in trade surpluses, that they will launch a war against US? If so, where and how do you see that happening?

N Korea coming at us,

N Korea? REally? Expand of that, why don't you?

while Putin goes after Europe..
see above.

It is becoming very clear..

Yes, it is. You don't know what you are talking about.

With the loss of it's Empire, and with it's demographic freefall, Russia is in not position to take on a much larger and richer Europe.

The Europeans no longer need US to deter Russia.

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